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Everything posted by UnknownK

  1. If the insulin was filled with poison wouldn't it still be in the cabinet being used by other people at the facility (more deaths)? I would expect married people to have had enough sex that they would instantly notice when their partner is 100% different in the sack. Oh and since the Harry isn't really human but just projects that illusion only the one kid can see wouldn't he have feel different and smell different up close and personal? That must be one hell of a Polaroid picture to look that sharp from the time the kid took it in the 50's or 60's till she turned into a General in 2020. Most covert teams have one partner being the brains and the other being the brawn (killer). Having them be male and female just gives the writers some will they won't they action as well. I have to admit I liked how they are keeping the alien as being super strong where the pulled that doctors arm out of his socket in 1 second of arm wrestling.
  2. Even well paid people get greedy. Reminds me of the people who set up the McDonalds Monopoly game who gave their relatives and friends the big money pieces to cash in and got busted. She was going to turn them in once her accomplice started killing people. Its one thing to pocket some illegal cash that is hurting nobody (I mean somebody was eventually going to get that ticket and get paid) and another thing to kill people (a line she didn't want to cross). The stripper gave him $25K in cash. Cashing in 3 $20K tickets would look suspicious as hell especially when she wasn't shown buying them plus you have to pay taxes on that money so you don't keep it all (25% to the feds before you see a dime). Even if the stripper got the $50K ticket she would not get double her investment back. People who win the Powerball or other big lottery have the option of forming some kind of trust and having that trust cash the ticket so nobody knows who you are. The whole point of the listing the winners is to show that the money advertised was actually paid out. There are only so many winning tickets and customers need to know there are actually the amount of winners the lottery commision says there are. Didn't Flora (the real actor) also play the wife on Big Sky that bashed in her husbands (Montana State Troopers) head with a hammer? Don't underestimate her.
  3. I assume that was Marilyn Manson getting written off the show. 😉
  4. I figured they get dressed up for any guests even their kids (who don't live there anymore). Nobody wears expensive designer dresses and puts on slippers.
  5. I just figured it was something simple as he got stuck in a Chimney during a rescue (he is very skinny)
  6. The intro video shows his craft hit by lightening and a piece falling off. He is digging for his craft using a search pattern (he is not sure where it is) and finding pieces so it isn't in one piece. I assume the piece falling off was a escape pod with him in it that landed safely and in one piece somewhere far away from the main craft which he needs to find since it is berried under snow when he got to it a few weeks later.
  7. Ainsley didn't go out looking for a cheap thrill/kill like he father did (over and over again). Forgetting a murder that was only done to save her brother sounds more like a coping mechanism for somebody who would otherwise not hurt a fly. She was into the case because she wanted to know WHY the murderer did what they did to understand he father more. I don't think she is cold blooded, more like she wants to climb the corporate ladder like most people do and doesn't care as much for other people who are not family because other people will turn on her.
  8. Did she want to get fired? I don't understand why actors or anyone else in a high profile job posts anything like that on social media.
  9. Nothing like telling the viewers that racism is here forever since nobody will do anything about it when they have the chance.
  10. No sleep since bodies kept coming in that needed work.
  11. ‘Wynonna Earp’ To End With Season 4 On Syfy – Deadline
  12. It can't be that easy to snap an old ladies neck is it? A few days in a hot tub will make soup out of you, a hot sulfer spring for a few days should have turned that dead fisherman into a bloated mess.
  13. So the martians used the proto molecule on that planet they got and it turned on the old buildings which in turn took out the martian ship?
  14. I could be wrong but wasn't she scraping ice off a valve and bringing it in to warm up and drink?
  15. So the guy who was fake nice to the normal girl so he could get with the hot one turned into soup then?
  16. UnknownK

    S1 Discussion

    Wasn't it supposed to be 10 parts?
  17. I could be wrong but the water we drink today (city water) either comes from a river, spring, or lake and while it is treated and filtered before it gets to us I would not call it waste water. The waste from processing plants is just dumped into rivers that end up watering farms or goes down rivers to the sea where it evaporates and comes back to the land as rain or snow. Our water is billions of years old (except what gets created when things burn) so it has seen millions of dead animals and animal waste over the years. We don't drink pure water, it would kill you. The purified water you get in a bottle has either been distilled or run through reverse osmosis and then minerals are added for taste or it would taste like nothing but plastic. There would have to be more then just crap used in a replicator because there are little to no nutrients left in human waste to live off of. The food we eat is not just the atoms that make it up, you have the smell, textures, and taste that make us want to eat it and enjoy it. If you can fake those 3 then the material we are actually eating could just be textured tofu with flavoring and the appropriate smell at the correct temperatures. It would be very hard to actually make food instantly with the correct atoms and at the correct temperature. Also good luck replicating feta cheese because I never had the real thing taste the same every time I get it.
  18. It knows its purpose but needed to understand the local "building blocks" to get it made. Things get iffy with the kids getting injected and the doctor trying to control the PM. Eros was the first time the PM was released into the wild. Since the PM tends to magically converse with other PM in the universe the sample the belters got was from after Eros and should be able to communicate with the rings. The rings themselves are made of PM and nobody is shitting their pants when they travel around it or worried about it migrating.
  19. Not sure why they would threaten the inner planets with the proto-molecule since it's only function was to create the gates and they are already up. Where did the poor belters get money to buy stealth tech and ships from anyway? Now that Mars was also attacked good luck getting spare parts for those ships if they survive long enough to need them. I assume Chrisjen will end up being in charge of earth again now they the last cabinet got nuked, or will some department of education office holder take over? Naomi used to be fun and intelligent now her arc bores me because of stupidity. I assume Amos breaks Peaches out of lockup sooner later then later.
  20. ‘A.P. Bio’ Renewed for Season 4 at Peacock — Glenn Howerton | TVLine
  21. The data core interfaces with those handheld future iPhones and Ashford was recording with his when he went out the airlock.
  22. Rich people hold onto fossil fuel stock because we will be using fossil fuel forever. Coal will probably be a thing of the past because it is so dirty and other fuel is cheaper, but you have to look at oil for what it is and this is and that is energy on demand. Solar and wind cannot be stored because battery density for long term storage does not exist and won't for a very very long time. Nuclear power is in decline because of the costs to build a facility not because it isn't the best way to get energy on demand. Anyway the people on Mars have spent every dime they had to make a navy to defend against earth and to terraform a planet so their kids can live in it tomorrow. The navy which was the pride of mars seems to be getting dismantled while the terraforming is DOA. People who have to pay for the air they breath (same goes with belters) would jump for the chance to visit a paradise that they can own a chunk of land with no money down (you basically mark off some land and own it just by showing up). Anyone with skills or who are young and strong enough to build are gone as soon as a ship can take them (assuming they can sell enough of their current stuff to afford the price for the trip). Sure the rich can send underlings to grab some land for them but those underlings don't really need to follow orders anymore once they get there and build something, they will just form their own government and keep it all so the rich have to go NOW and make sure THEY are the new government. It reminds me of the Europeans rushing to control the new world and how that ended up (the locals all kicked them out in time). Instead of 100's of years to create a new empire with the tech available it would take a decade since those planets seem untouched and not mined out. From all the going out of business signs and advertising for techs it seems like most of the mars locals have left. I would expect a large exodus from earth as well to lighten the load and to claim as many planets or parts of planets as possible. Mars reminds me of Russia but without oil, the only thing worth stealing and selling would be the cutting edge military tech before it gets obsolete.
  23. Well off people are not wage slaves, they buy capital and hold onto it while its prices rise. So rich people on mars know their land holdings are going to be basically worthless as everybody leaves so they would be the first ones to cash out and go to a new planet taking with them skilled people to build a new home (paying their way and expecting much in return). The people on mars put in a ton of work to make a non inhabited planet livable because that is all they had. Now that you can quickly go to a new planet that doesn't need much work to fix up they would have left in a second if they could afford the trip.
  24. A quick search shows that Ferari tires are something like $2K each so $8000 a set. His fathers watch was a Rolex and not the gold flashy kind and pretty old so probably worth a lot today in good condition. Average pawn sale of a Rolex is $2200, there are other places that will give you top dollar since Rolex are easy to sell. A Rolex purchased for $345.97 in 1974 by a veteran is now worth $700K. http://www.military.com/off-duty/history/antiques-roadshow-vietnam-veteran
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