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Everything posted by UnknownK

  1. You can digest them better once a week (assuming you are watching other shows as well). I binged 15 seasons of Supernatural over a few months and I can barely remember that much about them.
  2. She was expecting to get killed so I can see her adrenaline going nuts plus she has FBI combat training. The hired thugs were not in a life or death struggle and I assume were told to take her alive and unharmed.
  3. Wasn't he out with the police trying to capture the oldest thug at the time?
  4. I guess with water levels rising in Florida (salting the ground so much that fruit will not grow) and the lack of water in California we are going to be eating less fruit and nuts grown in the US and Mexico. He keeps harping about climate change and most people don't care until WW3 starts over the lack of water in Asia.
  5. The guy asked if there was any hope for him and she just laid out the crimes he had to pay for. She pretty much did him a favor letting him kill himself, his life was over anyway.
  6. Science fiction shows like this take a while to become popular. X-Files was ranked 105 out of 128 shows its first season and didn't peak until season 5 on its first run. There are just too many shows on network TV these days fighting for less and less live viewers who have other things to do. I kind of wonder when the whole thing will collapse because the numbers won't justify the cost of making new shows anymore. Anyway I think the show would have been more interesting showing the beginning of the alien artifacts crashing down and how all the groups came into being and their motivation. We basically got dumped into the middle of things with little explanation and the characters were just not that interesting. I liked the show but I would suspect season 2 would have been worse not better the way they were going.
  7. I am sure that would be illegal in a dozen ways, plus the possibility that the bombs go off anyway and a major building gets demolished and civilian people die.
  8. The show will eventually end up on DVD if you do rentals or you could just pay for 1 month of paramount+ a year and binge all the shows you normally would watch instead of paying for the whole year. Some shows will thrive on streamers and some won't, but they will know for sure how many people watch them over time. I look at how Lucifer wasn't a huge money maker for FOX (advertising age group, delayed viewing issues) but did absolutely great on NETFLIX where paying eyeballs is all that matters.
  9. It helps that you never actually seen him enjoy killing anybody. Its one thing to talk about him killing so many people and another to actually see him do it that would sour people to the character.
  10. He isn't even the main character so his screen time is limited except for the last couple episodes.
  11. Then you miss out on good shows that only last a season or two,
  12. I am sure the FBI is busy finding people who make the underage porn and host it then some guy who received one picture on his computer and promptly deleted it. Intent is a key piece of most laws.
  13. I figured that is how they found out about the distance thing. The original guy would not have left the device out of his sight and also would not have left his wife out of his sight either so both would be fine. Once he started transforming other people those people would not need to stick around and eventually you might find out they died. So either it was an accident or an experiment to see how far they can go before the affect wears off. He did say he needed more people to make the distance between the device work farther away.
  14. I assumed they were fake pizza so the toppings would not fall off and get the actors dirty for the next take.
  15. They put those people in suspended animation so that sometime down the road after they examine the dead people who mutated they can change the people back to air breathers and release them. I am sure those people are going to be carted to some secret basement lab and forgotten about for the next 100 years. People these days have a very short memory. There are so many missing people that the population just gets used to it.
  16. Unless original Harry was a serial killer or something else that would make us hate him. I mean why hide out in a cabin like that at his age? Alien harry also tried to kill a kid so its not like he is the most likable guy in the universe. If original Harry was a bad guy and alien harry decides not to kill all humans when he has the chance that would probably redeem him.
  17. A society with that kind of tech has probably mined out every planet they can get to for resources and finding our planet still full of resources inhabited by low tech cave dwellers would be tempting for plunder. An alien would look at us like a whale if we are lucky (enough of a brain to be intelligent so don't eat them all) or a chicken if we weren't (grow them in cages and invent some tasty sauce to go with them). I never found shows like Star Trek where everybody has all their needs met with no money needed and they just hop into a starship and explore for the fun of it realistic. We will never get rid of money and inequality because that is what success in our culture values. Everything in our society is geared toward upgrading whatever you have and being called basic is a huge insult.
  18. Most shows take half a season to get their act together so I stick with something for a whole season and then decide if I want to continue or watch something better. Manifest kind of lost me after season 1 and I hate watched the first season of Avenue 5 for some reason ( I liked the main actor in House so I gave it a try).
  19. I never could see a reason for aliens with the tech to jump through light years of space to come here other then to take over out planet and kill us all. Some of those alien parts must have ended up in deep ocean (it does cover most of the earth), massive deserts, hit the moon, or just kept going through the solar system.
  20. To get on the lost you have to be a current dangerous member of society so some kid on a killing spree would make the cut no matter the motives. I find that criminal masterminds are few in number and take longer then one episode to figure out and catch. Plus those types tend to involved in financial crimes.
  21. Time pretty much stands still for those people, which is the only way they could still exist with no food or water.
  22. A piece fell off which he was finding and putting back together so you he could restore the craft and get off the planet (once he found the bomb).
  23. If the insulin was filled with poison wouldn't it still be in the cabinet being used by other people at the facility (more deaths)? I would expect married people to have had enough sex that they would instantly notice when their partner is 100% different in the sack. Oh and since the Harry isn't really human but just projects that illusion only the one kid can see wouldn't he have feel different and smell different up close and personal? That must be one hell of a Polaroid picture to look that sharp from the time the kid took it in the 50's or 60's till she turned into a General in 2020. Most covert teams have one partner being the brains and the other being the brawn (killer). Having them be male and female just gives the writers some will they won't they action as well. I have to admit I liked how they are keeping the alien as being super strong where the pulled that doctors arm out of his socket in 1 second of arm wrestling.
  24. Even well paid people get greedy. Reminds me of the people who set up the McDonalds Monopoly game who gave their relatives and friends the big money pieces to cash in and got busted. She was going to turn them in once her accomplice started killing people. Its one thing to pocket some illegal cash that is hurting nobody (I mean somebody was eventually going to get that ticket and get paid) and another thing to kill people (a line she didn't want to cross). The stripper gave him $25K in cash. Cashing in 3 $20K tickets would look suspicious as hell especially when she wasn't shown buying them plus you have to pay taxes on that money so you don't keep it all (25% to the feds before you see a dime). Even if the stripper got the $50K ticket she would not get double her investment back. People who win the Powerball or other big lottery have the option of forming some kind of trust and having that trust cash the ticket so nobody knows who you are. The whole point of the listing the winners is to show that the money advertised was actually paid out. There are only so many winning tickets and customers need to know there are actually the amount of winners the lottery commision says there are. Didn't Flora (the real actor) also play the wife on Big Sky that bashed in her husbands (Montana State Troopers) head with a hammer? Don't underestimate her.
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