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Everything posted by burghgal

  1. Ok - I'll admit Ben D. wasn't that bad on this show. He was really quiet, and I wonder if its because it was a shortened panel, with nothing they couldn't agree on to some degree (its been that kind of week). Some of Ben's stuff is a little hateful and he doesn't really own it - so that's my issue I think.
  2. I travel a lot for work and Howard does great interviews with people on his show, which helps me pass the travel time, so I do like him. Howard always challenges the hosts/interviewers when he goes on their shows, and I thought it was funny that he did that to Bill (who hated every moment of it). Funny Amy Klobuchar was on the same night as him. Howard often says that Hillary Clinton should've gone on his show, and I do agree with him -- the long unfiltered interview format he uses - has me (and others) genuinely get to like people I really have no interest or fondness for. He is able to get to who they are as a genuine person -- and I think he could've done the same thing with Hillary. I almost wish he had interviewed Amy K, because I (personally) am a moderate so I like her policies/legislation, but I can see her being too "Midwest" to win, as she really has no flair for political dramatics, and thus is not firing up a base. An interview with Howard may be the ticket. I finally got to see Megan McCain's husband and I can see why they are together -- nothing real in that head. (I occasionally watch The View and she is unbearable on that show). Oh well, just my thoughts on the show.
  3. I am now so mad at myself for watching this show. Ugh - they have done a complete and total character assassination on every character, even Ms. Lawrence. I am rooting for no one now - except maybe Emily and Rita. When spy guy handed Serena the paper - I was like "Please just let us see the headlines" -- the only reason I am invested in the show right now is because of the world building that isn't happening at all. I don't think the writers know what to do with Gilead/world so they do close ups of June instead. I feel like I am in a dysfunctional relationship with this show - I need to quit it but I keep thinking it will get better again.
  4. OK - I had a lot of issues with this first episode-- mainly because it seemed cliché and a far departure from the movie. But I was unable to sleep and watched on -- the series did get better. I have to say I think that the actors in the show are pulling it off and made me care about them. Just thought I'd throw in a "give it a chance" because I definitely was ready to call it quits early on.
  5. I was on that border as well, I stayed at a ranch in MT where they actually housed horses for the Canadian Mounties. The border was a little fence and very easy to cross -- but you are right, there is "something" there. My guess is that the Canadian government has an underground railroad type scheme going in the VT, NH area and thus they removed the signage and kept landmarks (aka bridge made with tree trunks) instead. The area is very sparsely populated now, and the real barriers/checkpoints appear to be by population centers...Who knows the family the Waterfords visited, may have been part of the network-- didn't get a real good look at those "parents" to see if they looked like the rest of the family.
  6. Gah -- Blast this show and Kate Bush for sucking me in during this last episode. I've been cleaning whenever possible today, with that dang song in my head and thinking to myself "I am a bada$$ Martha --I got this". They need to write a book with Martha Stewart, as their editor on how to keep things tidy during a dystopic regime !
  7. Didn't Mark tell Sabrina when she was visiting Nichole that they were looking for information on the hierarchy of Gilead political power? If so, do you think he helped her pull data/information during her trip to D.C. in exchange for immunity - or- will she be a marketing tool for the new American government to promote their cause? I do think Sabrina knew what she was doing/and made a plea for immunity on herself, she's evil but she is smart.
  8. A few little details here: On the drive to/capture in Canada, I noticed that the stop signs were "hands" at one point (aka Gilead), but than it seems they went on a dirt road and crossed a very makeshift bridge over a small river. Now I could have my geography wrong but until you get into Vermont/New Hampshire/Maine - the border with Canada is either via a lake or a larger river (St. Lawrence) correct? So they must've hit that area. .
  9. Ok --- massive plotholes aside, I actually liked this episode because we are finally moving forward..... somewhere, I hope. I also liked the music in the episode :-). I still want a Commander Lawrence, or rather Mrs. Lawrence backstory, and would like a "Martha's tale" episode. Good lord those ladies have perfected cleaning to an art -- guess those PhDs do help in their new roles after all.
  10. What was going on with Rosie's neighborhood and in what way was her son involved? I just couldn't catch why where she was living in was being "locked in" -- something about crime? My dogs must've been barking during the scene it was explained and I deleted the episode on DVR but am now curious. TIA
  11. I watched last night as I couldn't sleep. This episode did the trick in allowing me to get a few zzz's in. If it had been a one off, it wouldn't have been as awful -- but we've had enough of the June looking scorned, torture scenes. We get it -- this regime is awful, with pockets of decent people in it just trying to survive, June is a rebel/fighter. This show needs to move forward somehow -- ASAP. My biggest investment in this show right now is going through all the scenarios that can be made to save it from ruin. That being said -- Janine calling June out on her BS was a good scene. I also liked how the Doctor basically told June what we've all been thinking -- "you are about to end up on the wall doing no one any good-- get your $%^* together and rise above your emotional baggage".
  12. So when they were talking about whether an older gentleman who hadn't been in a serious relationship issue should raise a red flag, I thought it was interesting that Megan said that there are guys who are not up front about what they want. I am not the world's best dater, but I truly believe that within 3-4 dates the guy will find a way to tell you what they are thinking. When they say "I'm not in a place to date seriously right now, and just want to have fun" -- they mean it, and it is up to you to take that as you will. The issue is whether you want to hear them. To be fair, as a female I've said similar things to guys (or my friends have) and they didn't get the hint either. I think Megan has an issue listening to others -- which color me shocked, lends me to believe she thinks everyone has to do what she wants and agree with her -- otherwise they are being mean/unfair.
  13. I am terrible at quoting/using this forum -- but I so want to agree with all of the above posters who pointed out ---- Why the *bleep* aren't Emily, Holly/Nichole, Luke and Moira headed to Alaska at this point"? I mean, I would be ready to Ice Truck/Tim Horton my way through the Yukon at this point to get to Fairbanks ASAP. They are US citizens and can't be extradited from there. I am hoping they get new directors/writers at this point for S4. I always thought this book was haunting and thought they did a good job in S1, but now its gotta move forward with some real spies, world building and intrigue -- there is no way this society is that complacent -- even the Nazis/Soviets/GDR had a resistance with intelligent people in charge. June, Fred and Serena are too stupid - move them over for the real game makers. Sorry -- June's stares are not enough and Elizabeth Moss isn't that good of an actress to pull off much more.
  14. If I were Sunny, I would start quizzing Megster on basics civics. I got the sense during the Julian Castro interview that Meggie doesn't understand the difference between Civil and Criminal court/law. Whether you agree or disagree with him, I thought Castro was pretty clear on what he was for and why regarding updating the immigration criminalization law.
  15. I think I may be done with this show. Its too much of June "being fierce" when she really is just being stupid. I almost like the show the less June is in it -- in fact any non-June scene is what I was fast forwarding too. I wondered why but it seems to me that is where the plot development is. With her its getting dull and I felt the same way in Season 2.
  16. I am now watching Monday's episode (will get to Tuesday soon). It made me realize something as a very mid-life career changer who decided to give up corporate America and go into teaching. Watching Joy's face as Meghan spat at her, made me realize that at least when my students make snooty "superiority" comments like Meghan did (which isn't too often, to be fair) they at least have the excuse of being 16-18 years of age...… and if Joy can not go off on her, I too, can and should hold my shit together. I just had a student act like that to me, that day - in fact, and it was for no reason whatsoever.... I now must see that something else is going on in their life and I did the right thing to act like the adult and calmly diffuse their insane remark. Even if I secretly don't like that student. So it was a cathartic episode for me, one I sadly needed today :-0
  17. OK I am still watching this show. But as a teacher, the opening scenes where both teachers ask the students something of value only to be replied with "Can I go to the bathroom?" --- I needed that after a tough day --- lol kids are the same all over the world, as that was me at least 25 times today. Will watch as it looks like it all comes back around.... sigh.
  18. I really liked having Alex back and am curious where they go with the character/story.. I am not sure about the rest of what I have seen so far. I like that they are in Southern Africa as in 1986 it was a source of so much conflict in the West/world and one I like to learn about. I think they are trying to make Aunt Lenore out to be the "sexy ingénue" which, while the actress is good, it doesn't fully fit her character -- she should be more of the plotter/planner she was in the first season - its more fitting. I like the Berlin scenes a little better right now, and wish I could get more into the African conflict/storyline, but I can't.
  19. I think agree maybe a little more @sistermagpie with what you are saying than originally came across in my post. I am only on S1 and in this season, she seems slightly more independent and less reliant on her folks.... in later seasons she seems more reliant and more seeking of their approval (esp. Elizabeth/Mom). I guess that is my problem, and when it lost me - they could have gone a different arc with her that I wish they had- showing things through her eyes/going to school as an American Teenager (in all their *cough -lol* independent glory) rather than as the blind follower/spy in training. In that way, they could've contrasted and provided a mirror to hold P & E up too, as a big source of conflict. I should add that I teach high school students and while I am by no means an expert, I agree @Umbelina that these years are when students at least try to "find themselves". In what I hear from the chatter - they seem to want to either "break away" from their parents way (even if they love them) and live the life they were meant/want to live - or they live their parents life and sadly regret their parents/choices (aka be "one of those" as Umbelina pointed out). For this series, I wish they went the former route rather than later -- as it would've meant a stronger (maybe more likeable) Paige, and (even with less scenes with the actress) an insight to P and E on why Americans are the way we well, are. I think it would've been an interesting perspective --- life at school, life at home, life in the neighborhood, life watching news events unfold - through an 80s American teen girl. I should add I was an American 80s teen girl so hence the bias :-).
  20. On rewatch of S1 now - I still love the show. Throughout the series, my biggest issue (as with many people) was with the Paige storyline begun in S2. In S1 you get a peak that the kids were meant to chart their own course, separate from their parents (which came full circle in S6). In a sense, the kids represented P and E's American lives and by betraying America -- P/E were, in fact, betraying them. The children were their conscience in a way. I wish they had explored that more without the Paige/Pastor Tim/spy in training storyline - which just seemed unrealistic. It seems in S1 that Paige is ready to call out/fight with her parents (like teens did/do) rather than blindly let them manipulate her. When she finds out the truth in S3, she doesn't put up much anger - just defeat and depression. I just think as a teen who was pretty much raising herself, I would've been so much angrier and more distrustful than Paige was, especially if I found out my parents were literally "the enemy". I don't know -- it still seems like the "big miss" to me in the series, in that we could have Paige doing more digging on her folks, having issues at school (hello volleyball team !), eliciting Henry's help, and in a sense worked in a way for the kids to be "The Americans". I know this is a rehash of what many have complained about -- but I guess on rewatch, S1 Paige doesn't annoy me at all, in fact I liked her - by S4 I was done with it and will fast forward her parts. I think it was just a missed opportunity to make the kids, not bratty per se, - but realistically oppositional in that kid versus adult conflict that exists in all families, let alone one with diametrically different viewpoints.
  21. So I kinda get what Abby was saying this morning, though I am not sure she is right. There is a chance that Collins, Merkowski, Corker, Flake, etc. say "No" to Kavanaugh outright and thus all this won't (and really needn't) go farther. She has a little more faith in the old guard GOP than I have at this point, but its a possibility. As for Burt/Ernie - they are puppets and I do think Sesame Street wants the "children" of the show to be puppets and the adults the "actors" on the show. On Mr. Rogers I used to think Lady Elaine was a mean old lush, but that's about as far as my opinion will go on puppets having adult characteristics on children tv shows.
  22. Norm MacDonald seemed very out of sorts on the show today. I think he is going through something (other than his recent statements). I want to listen to the Stern interview now as you could tell in that interview if there is a problem. I like Norm, but this whole interview seemed odd.
  23. Back in the 90s when I was in my mid-twenties, I had a job where I was required to travel often to small towns in the deep south to do IT implementations/audits at sites/plants for larger clients. As a "Yankee" female from the city, I used to feel way out of place and creeped out in some (not all !) of the towns I would work in. Between the leering men, the dark nights with foggy skies/roads, the OTT car/motorcycle backfires at all hours of the night, and the fake niceness of the "key" townspeople, I was often uncomfortable. This episode made the hair rise on my neck/arm like it used to back than-- so much so, that I wonder if there isn't a basis for this town somewhere in the author/showrunners past with their own town's "Calhoun Day" because it was kinda specific in its imagery . I remember needing to eat dinner one night, and the only place open in town was a bar eerily similar to the place in this series, and I was wearing a skirt suit from work (so a little noticeable I guess). While I waited for my meal to go, I was approached by 3 drunk "boys" who basically acted like wolves circling - one grabbing my butt and pulling me into him to force me to dance, and people at the crowded bar just started laughing. I ran out and ended up at a vending machine for a Snickers dinner - it was probably the best choice of food in town honestly. Anyway, hope I get to sleep tonight, because I used to have trouble back in those days.
  24. Oh - I didn't think about John Spencer's passing as a reason for the/a twist and having a Santos win. I did love Leo :-). I am trying to avoid reality-- its just too bizarre and recently, scary. That's why I've been binging "The West Wing" this Summer. Of all the weeks to finish it, I got this one. I'm now looking for another show that's fun, snarky, and thoughtful, but not "reality" tv. I was thinking of trying to find "Murphy Brown" on reruns. Another unpopular opinion I seem to have is.... I didn't think Mandy was all that bad in S1.
  25. Unpopular opinion, I think: I liked S7 (which I just watch for the first time) -- though I am just not a fan of Teri Polo, or her first lady character, not sure why it/she bugged me. I don't like the "Meet the Parents" series ( a very unpopular opinion) so that may be it. What also bugged me about S7 is that it should have been more realistic in the election and had Vinick (sp?) win. The plant meltdown storyline was a convenient contrivance and they should've found some other way to make it a close race, but one that ultimately went to the Republican. Most of the big swings OH, VA, etc. at the time (circa 2004/2005) would've gone for the GOP moderate, especially after having had a Dem as president for 8 years. Other than Regan/Bush (recently) it is rare to have a party stay in the Executive branch for more than 8 years (and especially without the ticket being the current VP) and that should've been reflected in a Vinick win. I get that they didn't want to see the show's end to look like a "failure" with our heroes on the Bartlett team, but it was the more realistic political outcome that should've been shown.
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