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Everything posted by burghgal

  1. I mean, I am glad Emily and the baby got out. I just am not sure I can take a 3rd season especially if June goes back to the Waterfords. I am cool with her trying to be part of the resistance as the majority of the next season -- that I will watch. Maybe she can meetup with Cmd. Lawrence and start to work for him taking this place with no salaries down. They need to figure out an end game with this show (2-3 more seasons) --- and if we go back to the same "tale" again (June, Waterfords, angry glares, etc) the next season I am out.
  2. I am so hopeful that Josh Lyman is part of the resistance because right now we need some power there (okay, its been years since WW, but to me Josh is who he will always be). Total creepy vibe from him though so maybe they are going with a sadistic tormentor - I hope not, we have enough of these on this show. He obviously doesn't buy into the whole "Gilead" premise and its faith gaslighting techniques, but yet he did help to architect this society. I wonder if he's similar to those socially awkward economic philosophers (like a K. Marx) who want to see a certain type of functioning society (i.e., efficient government ! energy independence !) and didn't consider the cost of human suffering and loss of rights to get to that "utopia". Now he sees the human consequence, and I am not sure how he is responding to that. He obviously values intelligence and knowledge as he married a professor. I am interested in this development because Josh may give us insight to what's going on within "the powers that be" with this f'd up society as he is blunt and, well, at least straightforward in his thinking. I could use a little more "fight the power" going on and less torture/killing/rape - I need some hope in this show so I can root for something !
  3. LOL - Upon looking at last night's guests, someone mentioned to me that "George Will will find some way to blame Trump on the Democrats". He sure did, going all the way back to progressive Woodrow Wilson expanding the power of the president. What is sad is that I kinda agree with him that the power is a little too much right now (but not that its "all Democrats" fault). Seemed like a bit of a rushed show last night, guess Bill was late for his Vegas gig.
  4. I guess as a moderate Dem - I agree with the statement proposed by Stephens that the slogan should be "Sanity Now" for the Democrats in 2018. I am in Connor Lamb's district and there is no way a Bernie progressive would've won in this district. I think the Democrats need an overarching "sanity" message at the Federal Level and, but run elections at a local/state level that specifically target the candidate (whether moderate or progressive) that CAN WIN and get us, as a nation, out of crazy town. Focusing on the issues like Lamb did, that impact the district seems to make sense to me. I don't understand why Bill continues to blast on the moderates in the Democratic party - we are still out there, and we are okay with a Big Tent party that includes progressives -- why isn't Bill?. I liked the panel tonight, good subjects with humor
  5. Best quote today... Sunny "I have a journalism degree" (and a law degree to boot), one up on the Art History degree there for you Megan - so sorry there isn't a degree for "whiny, privileged daughter".
  6. So not that I am huge fans of either of them, but both Stormy and Comey came off very well on the show. Way to be a gotcha girl MM! You should learn from this - you are no "badass" chick, go do what is right (for yourself too) and be with your father.
  7. Meghan pretending she is such a bad a$$ and a "poker face" player today was such a joke. Bless your heart girl, unless you are actually a really nice decent human being playing a "gotcha" role of some sort --- you are really easily played and a fool. Everyone is being nice to you only because they have to be. No one likes you.
  8. The problem with Megan is that she is riding the coattails of her parents, and is essentially amateur hour IMHO. I don't always disagree with her "views", but she acts like a spoiled brat in every conversation.... having to hog the spotlight, talk but not listen, not get sarcasm (or any joke), and is just generally an unpleasant person on a show where it is fun to have "pleasant" conversations. You need to prove yourself now, by being good at your job, and you aren't. You are a trust fund, no talent baby, with no experience, knowledge, or aptitude to be on this panel.
  9. OMG - Joy is giving it back to Elsa today. MM needs to reign it in, she is being such a brat. Let Ana bring up her point of view, which is that there really is a battle for the soul of the Republican party. Ana is a pretty vocal fiscal Republican so she has a viewpoint to consider (really consider). Calm down Elsa and you can than get a decent thought/point across.
  10. I apologize if this was noted upthread, but when Luke was in the Embassy - there were two US flags, one where only two stars were complete (that I saw). I am presuming that was Alaska and Hawaii? I wonder if they pick up some of the refugees and revamp an armed forces of some sort? I gotta look for some hope in this dystopic storyline :-).
  11. Between Stephen, Spicey, and Alec, they've really been egging Trump on for a tweet. I wonder if we will get a convfefe moment tonight.
  12. I was hoping Titus would win, but figured it would be Alec. Next year.
  13. In regards to Paige, I thought she was going to hang herself as well. In a way, I wonder if the authors were trying to lead us to that conclusion, so that they could then come back and say "No, she wants to fight". I am a little over her storyline as its seems to be one big circle, if we are going to concentrate on Paige than I want to see her "typical day". I'd like to see her away from the family/Pastor Tim/neighbor boy dynamic, and see her interact with teachers/friends/brother, or even research the Soviet Union some more. It seems like once her parents told her the secret, she shut down her "investigative" and suspicious ways and stayed more in the house/to herself -- which doesn't seem to further the storyline. Then again, maybe the writers have something up their sleeve :-). I do hope there is a good payoff next week. I think some of this season has been interesting mainly as it relates to the Soviet system (i.e., Oleg/Misha/grain plotline) and how it was heading into Peristroika. I'd like the Henry, Martha, Misha, and Stan storylines to go somewhere.
  14. I liked this episode, and found it as haunting as the other episodes. Luke seemed to wise up a great deal at the end. I do think its hard to grasp "just how bad can it get really?" and he obviously didn't see just how bad, until the church scene, which is when he lost his hope of surviving in the former US. I read this book about 20 years ago, and it haunted me so much that I replayed/thought out my own escape should something like this ever happen, and thought about what would be my breaking point to put the plan into action. It was interesting to compare June/Luke's scenario, with what I had thought out. I do think the mute girl had her tongue cut out because in Little America she did seem to communicate in other ways to Luke --so I don't think it was a fear thing to keep silent anymore. Well, loving the series, as scary as it is.
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