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Everything posted by BingeyKohan

  1. If Pete had been the one to break in Perry’s apartment and set up the train set and burning cigarette, why’s he going back? To build a model airplane? It’s possible the attempted Pete break-in to Perry’s house we saw this episode was his first attempt at breaking in anywhere - the previous house and apartment break-ins were other people, maybe not even the same person. Different MOs, assembling a train set and cracking a safe. (Unless Pete did the office break-in, he’d possibly already know about the safe but if that’s the case he’s more likely to have switched gun out than to have merely found one, left it, and tipped off the prosecution.)
  2. I will say I found the second episode a little more engaging than the first. But it’s odd some are so established already.
  3. Lol at zero discussion. Such a boring show. I feel like people hate on Work of Art but I feel like it was more entertaining.
  4. I am probably revealing myself as a dumb*ss (which I accept) but I found this both unsatisfying and kind of hard to follow.
  5. So true. Billie Lourd’s character didn’t really *need* to be a woman let alone pregnant, I guess they just wanted a unique way for her to have become infected?
  6. In this interview with Beth Ditto I thought these were very telling quotes: (I believe she was talking specifically about a confrontation with her wife on the show but feels like general side eye at the production): "For the record, we didn’t know this was a soap opera while we were making it; maybe it would’ve played differently had we known that. Like, in your mind, you’re making a drama. ... If we’d done it as a soap opera, maybe I would’ve flown off the handle and cleared a table and crashed through a window. But we wanted to play it lovingly and real.
  7. In the opening scene when Daphne talks to those new guests on the beach she says ‘we’ are leaving soon but I’m starting to wonder if the other person in her ‘we’ is even Cam.
  8. The only timestamp the episode needed was the 1979 one to clarify when Patrick first went to Fire Island. All the 1981 one did was make viewers question when exactly the show is *actually* set. Are there actual fleas or that was just Gino’s explanation for the itchy rash-like spots that are a symptom?
  9. I don’t understand why this episode starts with the year as if it’s different than the normal timeline of the show. That opening scene on the beach (discovering the body) happens concurrently with the main timeline right?
  10. Agree with others here this was very lackluster - it doesn't seem to have any particular 'tone' it's going for. I've liked Anna Friel a lot in other things but I don't buy her as a country artist who's been around the business all her life. and this may be an unpopular opinion but I feel like Susan Sarandon has been phoning it in for YEARS. (except for Feud, which I actually did like)
  11. Did Nina mention where her SO during all of this? I did not care for Marv’s part in the proceedings. Felt shoehorned in. I am concerned about the possibility of a satisfying conclusion at this point but I have mostly enjoyed the ride.
  12. And did we even see Bunny leading a class as Sheila's sub? We didn't, right? We just take it for granted it happened?
  13. Hm. In retrospect I think it was telling what kind of overall season this was that 2 of the most powerful moments from the series trailer happened in the last five minutes of the season finale. (Danny saying 'actually it's half my business' and Sheila answering 'annihilation" to the question of what do you want) Normally shows wouldn't even use anything from the last few episodes in a trailer - let alone literally the last words spoken from the season.
  14. Imagine Promising Young Woman with zero talent (and PYW was not even that good)
  15. I kind of hope there isn’t a time travel element but I feel like CM won’t commit to a show without some kind of extra gimmick.
  16. I just watched the season 2 trailer again to see what was teased that hasn't happened yet - the only thing I could spot was Sheila mentioning 'her' business and Danny countering with 'actually, it's half my business.' I don't think that happened? But I'm not sure what else can happen, other than reconciling with Greta, given where things are currently. I remember having a similar lack of clarity at this point last season, being unsure of what they've been building to.
  17. If Murray Bartlett’s character is based on Richard Simmons, then is the controlling wife actually based on the housekeeper who allegedly controls Simmons? Strange episode in a fairly strange season. I think they meant the part where Vinnie angrily throws the merch at the supplier as a callback of sorts to the flash forward where Sheila throws her Walkman at an underling before the cameras roll.
  18. I think Marv is the person Lucy saw in the passageways bundled up and wearing booties over his feet for his mold removal work but was not the killer - though you'd think he'd speak up more about what he's seen in the passageways knowing that podcasters devoted to the mysteries of the building would find that useful. A commenter on Vulture's recap says that if you pause in the right place you can see Oliver's sleight of hand that gives Alice the SoS card and when Alice nabs the phony blonde one. so they were each playing each other in a way. Maybe this is dense but I'm not sure how to take opening voice-overs like the one from Oliver's son who seems to tease out the big secret that his Dad didn't know to look for. Is that podcast audio? And it's from the future, looking back, since the paternity discovery wasn't made until the end of the episode (and even then was only implied rather than stated outright)? So Oliver's son agrees to go on the podcast and discuss the sort of delicate matter of his paternity surprise? Not super important, just trying to understand the 'rules' of v/o. I think Jan could be throwing Charles off the scent with her talk of someone suddenly getting close to you because she hopes he'll eventually think of Lucy coming back into the picture and she'll make him mistrust her (especially since she is withholding information, which will probably come up again). We're meant to think it's Alice she means but that's too obvious since they cut right to her after Jan first said it so it's someone else Jan is trying to cast suspicion on.
  19. Actually I said Jessica Hahn because I was thinking of the wrong scandal but Fawn Hall is who I was thinking of...
  20. Hm I actually assumed she stole the bag since it was the same episode where Danny read that bulimia could lead to kleptomania (??)
  21. It feels like a sudden plot contrivance Maya would even have a college fund — Sheila being so secretive and shame driven she would have already dipped into it for her hotel charges etc.
  22. I like the plot development of Sheila sabotaging herself to get out of a bad contract but it makes me wonder why they introduced this business deal in the first place since they haven’t done much with it narratively anyway. Everything she’s done with them still seems like stuff she could have done on her own. I’m also a little torn because it will push her more into the orbit of Murray Bartlett’s character, who I’m not enjoying. Probably all moot because I seriously doubt this will get a third season.
  23. I am struggling with this season a bit. They have badly diminished Bunny (which I'm assuming they will eventually rectify but it's hard to wait it out - and her wig is so much worse this season!) and as others have noted whatever competitive landscape Sheila finds herself in doesn't make a lot of sense, especially in relation to the flash-forward to her ultimate empire, which will seem sort of late in the game by then. Also - the anachronisms bug me! People did not throw around the terms "level up" and "lifestyle brand" back then.
  24. I’m liking it … though I don’t think I would ever in a million years watch the show within a show they’re filming.
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