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Everything posted by BingeyKohan

  1. It kills me she posts all this as replies to comments from randos. I think it’s because she doesn’t know how to post text in an IG story. The denials don’t surprise me. I’m surprised they’re not more extreme, like her denying her husband even has a pen!s and that she never set foot in the kitchen during her whole stay.
  2. Yep and she’s married to an actor so she knows how to negotiate an appearance contract. I’d be shocked if anyone ever thought she was going to do a full two weeks, then just didn’t.
  3. I feel sure that Julie tried to rig this all as a backdoor pilot for her and her husband to get their own horny post Mormon reality show. I want to like Kelley, and do, but yes she was a bit extra this ep. I question the timing here. It seems like they’d want the come on be my baby thing and the Mardi Gras like parade to happen late in filming as a capper … so if that is all about to play out why leave with so little time left? Either she left earlier than it seems (and we’ve already seen stuff from after she left, without knowing it) or she always had to leave early for some other commitment and they asked her to turn it into self-care drama rather than … just leaving early for scheduling reasons. I think she thinks she is building a brand so I could see her agreeing to fake out a story about listening to yourself to mask a need to only give them a week.
  4. I am sure they felt a creative burden to make it super special and high concept because it was the long delayed wedding of their #1 star crossed supercouple but even as a preteen I thought antebellum looks were a weird choice for coastal California. i always wondered what the style of the wedding dress Eden lost when it blew off the cliff would have been. And i guess they felt they couldn't do something too similar to what Kelly and Jeffrey had had which sort of capitalized on Robin Wright's Princess Bride notoriety. So instead they made Eden an out-of-nowhere Southern Belle bride.
  5. This season has been a fail, I’m sorry to say.
  6. since we never actually see Cassie actually flight-attendanting a plane anymore it's actually kind of hilarious the lengths they have to go to to keep 'flights' in the narrative. I am really trying to imagine friends staying with me for a week or so and taking 3+ flights away during that same time frame! I guess for a flight attendant taking a flight is like taking the subway for a New Yorker but still.
  7. So, Kirby is going to have to go into 'the house', right? I can't imagine that will mean good things for her, metaphysically. And I'm guessing the woman in the tape that Kirby got from Leo is the woman whose shimmering outline was on the bed in that one scene with Harper? (I'm guessing the tape was filmed there.)
  8. I kind of agree ... and also wonder if it's just a made up story to create some drama for a BTS featurette. How would that scene have played out if she hadn't slapped her, just tender face strokes then she leaves and cries in the car? The crying wouldn't have made near as much sense without the slap because the face strokes would have already indicated she had some tenderness mixed with deep regret. Not sure I buy the surprise slap (it's very Dustin Hoffman and Meryl Streep filming Kramer v Kramer, and not in a good way). KC def acted like it was a surprise, tho I would expect that from her regardless - I enjoy her in this but she tends to go for the histrionic choice. Switching topics to the double: I'm a little confused with why it's so important for her to have such body accuracy that she has the back tattoo and everything, or why she needed to sleep with the guy in Berlin who got blown up. The only people who it seemed could even see the back tattoo were Cassie (who they couldn't have known would have a visual into the room) and the guy she actually slept with, who was killed anyway (unless milky-eye guy had visuals as well as audio, but I don't think that was indicated). Anyway I definitely don't understand what the Cassie impersonator is gaining by these kills - are they now one person of interest to the CIA and 2-3 actual CIA agents?
  9. Maybe the other part of the torn-in-half photo of Grace’s would reveal she had a twin who died, so her becoming Cassie’s double is a weird way of twinning again.
  10. @cleo amazingly helpful - thank you so much! I work from home now (and fortunate to do so with some downtime) so I had the idea of watching one episode in the afternoons like I used to when it was actually airing (and I'd rush home from school just in time - or not quite, but enough to keep up). I am going to try that starting in sequence, possibly, though it was probably not til '86 that I really started watching as a kid.
  11. I'd love to do as methodical a rewatch as some others do and talk about here - what is the best way to do that? A particular YT channel? Many thanks in advance. 🙏
  12. Omg I hope not, it’s so complicated already I can barely track what the central mystery even is.
  13. I think she could understand Konstantin following orders more than she could Konstantin doing it just to save his own skin. So she plowed forward with her mission even thought it was pointless. After reading the letter she mentions loyalty being overrated unless it's to her; Konstantin should have been loyal enough to her that he wouldn't have gone after Kenny, especially of his own accord. Maybe killing V and for all she knew Eve was her ultimate rejection of loyalty since loyalty got her nowhere in terms of keeping Kenny. (I still don't like that ending but I can conceptualize it, a bit...)
  14. Well she sprung her to kill Carolyn which she didn’t do, so I’m not sure Helene sees a lot of ROI there…
  15. Her Dad's homosexuality was revealed as early as season 2 I think so I appreciated the continuity (I assumed Villanelle's Truth or Dare question was just a callback to that, not realizing it was a setup for the blackmail story that was another echo for Carolyn of her own hand in blackmailing a colleague who committed suicide.) I also liked that the gun she pointed at K in the flashback seemed to be the same one she pointed at him in the S3 finale (ultimately shooting Paul with it instead)! Given the antiquated style (even for the Cold War era) I assume it too was her father's.
  16. I vaguely remember that -- but even that is a weird choice. The Jennifers were more integral/integrated characters vs Indigo and they didn't get that kind of treatment.
  17. My end-of-season question: Did they intend more with the Indigo character but cut her material?
  18. It was that sculpture upstairs (looks like a guy) that she and others always touch for luck as they're passing it. I gathered some former boyfriend of his had (maybe making amends as a recovering addict) bought ad space for a public apology in a newspaper, and he felt it was a message to him that they could re-ignite things, which Sam had certain feelings about? I loved her neck doily line (in terms of her own propensity to judge, Judy style) but yeah I think it was one of those elliptical moments that Pamela Adlon tends to favor... more about her recognizing and pulling back her own judginess vs the circumstances being important.
  19. I'm ride or die for Pamela Adlon. It will be a little heartbreaking to see her settle into empty nestdom (although she still has Duke around - and I guess Frankie too if she's working at a grocery store ... so maybe not as empty as they made it out) I am hugely impressed that she re-created Phil's living room on a set in England so they could have her in the final season. Couldn't imagine it without her. I think it's going to be an emotional ride (tho at least since Adlon's real mum is still alive, close by, hopefully we won't have to watch Sam and the girls go through THAT life stage.)
  20. It was very breezed-through, the defection part. She was in Mallorca, yes, but then from Vlad on she's in Russia (he greets her with 'hello, traitor') I don't think I would have picked up on the actual defection part (voiced by Vlad) if I hadn't turned on my captions, tho her needing a new passport was another clue, I guess.
  21. I'm cautiously optimistic but I think Carolyn's comedown is one of the aspects that is hardest for me to watch. For the creative team, including Fiona Shaw, I'm sure it's more interesting to explore than a Carolyn who's always chic and cool and calm and collected. But to see her defected to Russia, selling her soul to Vlad, cut off from her pig's-placenta face cream and even her passport. Heartbreaking! I hope she comes back 10x more powerful ... if that's what she wants. Another source of frustration for me is the broadcast schedule - it's going to throw off viewer commentary because there are so many different episode drop-times now. And I know a show in its 4th season, especially one losing steam creatively, doesn't get recapped as much but I can't tell if or when these episodes will ever get recapped anywhere.
  22. I'm the sucker who signed up for AMC+ just to watch ASAP. I liked the premiere! Some minor quibbles but good far outweighed the meh to me.
  23. Wait, who is this? It looks like the woman who works for the Russells who finagled that ladies'-maid role for Glady's new helper (and who is also kindly all up in Michael Cerveris's business).
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