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Everything posted by BingeyKohan

  1. Oh man you must have missed the post credits scene where they fast forwarded to when texting was a thing and Blanca got a text saying he went bankrupt and lost his studios. Poor Damon, such an offscreen roller coaster for him!
  2. Right? Or just her actually doing it at all -- filming and editing all that is a lot of leg work!
  3. Remind me, did they *show* us Mallory filming Martin with her video camera, or just the footage she actually captured (in the tape itself, while we were 'watching' it the same time the school was)? I only ask because... (hiding it because it's speculation based on something I'm not sure was in an episode yet but might be in a future one)
  4. That semi-spoiler above about what Annabelle is or isn’t is such a relief to me! Although I still can’t figure how she is going to come into the picture in a believable way. maybe she’s Annabelle Bronstein from Sex and the City canon.
  5. I couldn’t for the life of me figure out why they put Janeane Garofalo in the previously-on. The episode didn’t contain an ounce of her character or drama.
  6. I think he sent it to one person then that person forwarded it then that person forwarded it etc -- but regardless I do think this episode was supposed to make him seem a little shady? i doubt he makes it to the finish line with Kelsey.
  7. I guess we’re just supposed to believe the Chicago syndicate of old white guys in suits that Charles has to go begging to loved Inkubator at first sight? I feel like he would have gotten a lot of “for that reason I’m out”s in that room. (And why wouldn’t Liza and Kelsey pitch then anyway, not Charles?)
  8. I totally think the warning is because of the previously-on punch which is so ironic to me because they don't have to keep showing the punch! We remember it! "Warning: This recap of what happened on an earlier episode that we don't HAVE to show you might trigger you but it's more important to be triggered and up to date than it is to be untriggered and confused about a plot point."
  9. I admire y'all for watching Younger at the crack of dawn (is that what you're doing?) Anyway you have my gratitude for giving me something to read to distract myself from work. Spoilers be damned! Last episode Liza had a throwaway line about having a podcast 'in beta' or something. So dumb. Where would they find the time and resources to get a podcast 'in beta,' on their own? I guess they are doing a lot of 5-9 hustlin' like in the Dolly Parton Super Bowl commercial and they just weren't showing us that.
  10. I really can't imagine how they're going to tie up Annabelle. (not literally tie her up, unless... just kidding.) Is she an alter? Is she somehow Mallory or Jeanette in disguise, creating a fake identity to rescue Kate without revealing her real identity so she won't get in trouble for knowing Kate was there and doing nothing? Didn't Kate indicate she never met her until the day she got rescued? Maybe somehow Mallory puts it together that the girl Martin previously groomed was named Annabelle (she realizes this from the yearbook) and she realizes she can somehow get access to Martin's house (thereby freeing Kate) if she masquerades as Annabelle wanting to reconnect with him. It's sort of weird that Mallory is the keeper of the yearbook AND the snowglobe, both of which are sure to have some significance -- though they haven't revisited the yearbook in a while so who knows.
  11. I actually kind of liked Jeanette this episode. I sort of think she'll get a fast redemption arc in the final episode where she makes a courtroom speech rescinding the lawsuit -- so ultimately her lawyer is the only one who gets screwed (though presumably she still gets paid for her time but not the cut of the Wallis settlement she might have gotten). I also liked Mallory's look during the video prank thing in 93. If I could somehow gift my high school self (gay and closeted in the south in the early 90s) a Vince that would have been such a game-changer. he's the best. We would have moved to Austin, gotten really into the South x Southwest scene, made some money at Dell, then settled out on some land in Marfa when it was still off the radar and we could be the town's middle aged eccentrics. This concludes my fan fiction.
  12. ITA! That’s how I felt about Tanya the Thirst Trap Mom as well! It never occurred to her the creepy principal she felt up on the couch could have targeted her own daughter at school? I think a problem with how little we’ve seen of the immediate aftermath of Kate’s rescue was town reaction to Martin, but they could have indicated that better in Jeanette’s 94 TL. I also have to add, speaking of Tanya, that I just didn’t buy her daughter would sit at a school lunch table in front of friends and use ‘speaking of LOVERS...’ as an awkward segue into asking a guy out. Even if she did learn to be forward from her Mom.
  13. Surely one of the final two episodes is not going to be set on 3 different Christmas Eves, right? Because by 1995 Christmas Eve surely the drama of the legal case would have already played out. But now Christmas Eve of 1993 seems so important they will have to show something from it, which would mean ... flashback within a flashback. Or maybe they are going to surprise with a Season One Part II called Cruel Winter (kidding).
  14. One final bit of praise I’ll give this show: the makeup job on Jean Smart. She was very believably flushed in the scene where she and the priest are drinking Manhattans. And even in the pizza parlor scene you can see she has some red spotting on her face that is part of her complexion that probably intensifies with alcohol.
  15. Between this and trying to return her creepy incest locket for cash, Erin was a world-class errand runner! Back to my locket nitpicking one last time - the show would have been better off keeping it so the receipt only said Ross, to keep the ambiguity they obviously wanted. Part of me thinks it was a production mistake to include Billy’s name in the far corner of the frame. Finally (I promise I did love this show) while I certainly didn’t expect Mare’s former basketball glory to be relevant to the mystery it got so much attention at the start that in retrospect I’m just like ... why? I’m surprised it didn’t stand for Daddy=John.
  16. Something else I’m confused about: one of the things that makes Mare rethink the John scenario is Frank talking about how normal he seemed all night, even at the end of it when he drove them home. But in the flashbacks it looked like Ryan called him at the house party, not even the bar afterward, so he still knew all night (certainly by the time he drove F&F home) that his son had killed Erin, right?
  17. I enjoyed this a lot so I’m sorry to quibble at all but in addition to sharing everyone’s confusion about Dylan and the ominous seeming pact the teens had, I also don’t get the locket. The receipt showed Billy bought it but why would he? John bought it but gave Billy’s name at the store?
  18. The finale preview shows Lori opening her front door ... to a woman who is definitely not Mare (i.e. a misdirect.) Also, I feel like Mare looks unusually ‘fancy’ when she’s going to (?) arrest the final suspect. More spring-like styling, showing more of her neck and chest. That is meaningless I’m sure except that perhaps some time has passed and it’s no longer winter. But it almost seems like it could even be a police parade rather than something as grave as a murder arrest where she needs tons of backup. No idea what I’m saying here really.
  19. I feel like I could qualify everything I say, online or IRL, with this.
  20. We haven't discussed much the implications of the gun in the finale trailer belonging to Glenn Carroll (Betty's widower). Some far better freeze-framers than I have taken convincing shots showing that's who it belongs to. I'm trying to puzzle out how that could work without feeling like the finale has way too many info dumps. 1. It's super doubtful Glenn Carroll would be the shooter himself. 2. Ergo, someone stole his gun, used it on Erin, then presumably returned it. 3. The stealing part would have had to happen during the time the security camera was inoperational or when it was operational but then Mare erased the footage. 4. But perhaps it was operational again by the time the gun was returned, so they could access footage of that. 5. OR Mare has to do another mea culpa and admit to deleting the files but maybe there's a way to retrieve them if they've been backed up somewhere. 6. Regardless, I feel they should have established by now Glenn had been a cop in the first place. They've had a few opportunities to do that and never did (at least I don't think so - I rewatched some scenes last night to be sure). 7. This is still a LOT to do in the finale in addition to other stuff we know is going to happen. And who would have snuck into the Carrolls anyway, a Ross? 8. Maybe the gun in the finale preview is not even relevant and my wheel spinning was for naught!
  21. I’ll just say it: Maggie’s art looked like a bad ad campaign. please don’t tell me they are setting up a finale where both Liza and Maggie end up with people who very recently treated them like sh*t.
  22. This episode was one of the weaker ones, especially for a Kate episode. We established she went to Martin’s willingly, but most of us suspected that anyway. Though wasn’t there a flashback where she was in a red dress and heels seeming like she had just been locked in the basement? Surely she didn’t pack that so maybe he has it already and makes her wear it for a special night? Sick. I mostly like Kate’s Dad but him drinking the Joy Kool-Aid and being excited about Kate going on Fauxprah Winfrey makes me lose some respect for him (or think it’s just inconsistent writing.) He seems level headed enough to know that national attention that could go very wrong is not what Kate needs.
  23. I teared up at this episode - maybe the previous one too, since they release in pairs I just watch them like an hour. The wax figure trick made me howl. (Did I read that was actually Jean Smart standing really still?) I went from really disliking Ava to almost loving her quickly, I have to give credit to Hannah Einbinder for that.
  24. if you rewatch the scene where his dad tells him about finding billy with blood on him the night of Frank's bachelor party - before he knows it's about Billy -- when he just learns that his father knows something hinky about that night, the actor makes the skin on his face jump back, like this weird physical reaction that seems to originate behind his ears. I feel like that was the giveaway, because at that point his father could have been about to confront him with the truth that Billy told him rather than the thing his father saw out of context and didn't understand. So then he sort of seems relieved when he learns the dad doesn't know anything and he can still spin the story so it looks bad for Billy.
  25. Ha, same. Also I have never been right, not even once. I wonder what it would feel like to be right. I probably wouldn’t even enjoy it but I will probably never know!
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