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Everything posted by BingeyKohan

  1. Ohhhhh I bet you're right, I bet that's why Lori didn't have the 'feeling' that John was cheating again, because he wasn't. She caught her husband and son talking about covering up Ryan killing Erin and John (and Ryan) played it off like it was about him cheating because that was easier to handle than letting their son be revealed as a killer. And John is evidently ok with scapegoating Billy. (but if that's the case then Mare sure is rolling up to their house in the preview with a whole squadron just to get a pre-teen boy so at that point she must be after John.)
  2. So, there is only one trailer left to analyze - the one for the finale. I'd already seen an image of Mare wrestling a dark haired suspect in or near a river (and assumed that was truly at the end/big reveal) but it seems like that will happen in the start of the episode (and will probably be Billy) but -- the preview has Mare calling for backup, then heading toward some neighborhood looking destination with other officers with her, which must be the actual, ultimate perp arrest. (John?) I'm wondering what that service revolver has to do with anything - it's clearly not the gun that was in the tacklebox (or even similar). It seems like it would be the way Mare would preserve her father's gun, potentially, so I wonder if Erin's killer somehow had access to it. (I am definitely not indicating it was Siobhan, though!)
  3. Were Mare and Beth both vaping in Freddie's house or did they still not turn his heat back on?? (It's hard to tell what season it's supposed to be - Mare wears that giant neck cowl indoors and I feel like she must get so hot!)
  4. I mean this as a high compliment but I actually care fairly little about who killed Erin and still care a lot for the show itself. I think they could make more of it and I wouldn't roll my eyes like I did with Big Little Lies (rhyme unintentional).
  5. It's impossible to overstate how little I care about seeing Liza 'rescue' Charles from Quinn's clutches. They bring up Charles' book SO much that part of me thinks Quinn will find it, read it, laugh at it and tease him about it, and that will be the thing that makes him really see her. Or maybe I just HOPE that happens because it prevents a Liza intervention which makes her look pathetic (imho).
  6. My take on this is that it's sort of like that hint that Kate's mom said something really bad to her the last time she saw her before the disappearance. I thought we were going to find that out quickly but we actually still haven't. So I think they will eventually show us the actual dissolution of the marriage.
  7. Oy this season. The Inkubator business makes literally no sense but you know it’s going to turn into Kelsey’s happy ending so I guess we just go with it. What is Liza’s happy ending going to be? Having to edit Charles’ godawful sounding memoir or roman a clef or whatever it is? I just had the sinking recollection that we’re supposed to see Pauline again for a pep talk, ugh.
  8. surely there is no way we're going to see a trial this season. They could spend an entire episode just on jury selection (asking and either accepting or rejecting them based on what they know about the case or perceive about young women like Jeanette and Kate in general, to play with more of the perception vs reality theme) I guess it could go to mediation or only before a judge to speed things along but I hope we don't waste time inside a courtroom.
  9. Here’s what kind of bugs me about the Tenille’s Mom subplot: all the time Kate was missing it never occurred to her, hmm, a single man with a giant house where I once randomly found a teenage girl in the closet — she never casually mentioned this oddity to anyone where they might suspect Martin? I know she had her own secret to fear getting out but she also loved attention. She could have solved the whole thing just with gossip. At the least I would think she would want to know from Jeanette what the hell was going on knowing that her own daughter was around Martin at school. In her case putting 2 and 2 together wouldn’t have added up to ‘if Jeanette had been there once she was probably there again’ — it would have added up to ‘Martin is a creep and they were probably involved, gross.’
  10. Here is my current fear for a S2: Zabel’s mother will bring a lawsuit against the department because she already doesn’t like Mare and will realize Mare was not sufficient backup for her son. I would not enjoy a civil trial dominated second season a la Big Little Lies.
  11. I will get all I need of this show here vs watching so keep it coming. Oh and maybe from Whitney’s IG (I enjoy how weirdly disassociated she is from it, like when she does post it seems like a contractual obligation - though I guess she does those YouTube watches with her husband) And then scrolling Heidi’s occasionally mortifying feed as well. I’m not proud of this assumption but I feel like if they really wanted another child they would have had one by now and they are just engineering storyline out of it.
  12. The assistant is Meg Stalter whose Instagram bits got me through the pandemic.
  13. Larraine Newman’s daughter is going to have to grow on me but I love a showbiz BTS show and I love Jean Smart. I laughed at the show but not at any of the “comedy.”
  14. I can't get fully on the Mallory train. (part of it my bias against her vocal cadence, but that's petty of me) But then part of me also thinks she saw Jeanette swipe Kate's scrunchy and said hold my beer, I'm going to start going to the same therapist as her!
  15. I had to admire the subtle shade of Quinn telling Liza's ex that her VC head could 'smooth out his learning curve.'
  16. yes but the episode's director and editor would know all the different options they needed so I'm sure they had her play a variety of tones and they just chose what worked best for the ultimate story. (meaning what we saw was not the only thing the actress performed)
  17. Others here have talked about Jeanette's reaction when she first heard that Kate had been found - how she seemed nervous versus surprised or startled - that's sort of true, but also, her gut assumption was that Kate had been found dead, and she had to be corrected. Now imagine that she HAD seen Kate in Martin's basement, told no one in order to preserve her social status, heard Kate had been found, assumed she'd been found dead and THAT was her reaction, even for a split second. Not being freaked out at the extremity of a peer being murdered partially because of her own silence and complicity but more 'oh she's dead? I knew she would be eventually given how I last saw her." I don't think Jeannette is that much of a socio- or psychopath. Which leads me to believe she actually didn't know about Kate in the basement. I admit this is not totally germane to this particular episode thread except for the ominous nature of her dad's "never hurt a fly ... that I know of" caveat.
  18. I don’t think that we are supposed to believe Lauren is actually good at her job but I do think we are supposed to believe Kelsey only wants to work with people who are. No way would she give Lauren a pass for that whole reality show thing. The Maggie drama is much more the kind of thing that would wind up in New York magazine - not what looked like a 3-paragraph ‘chapter’ of an unpublished (and unsold?) book. From here there are 4 episodes left, correct? I don't see how they can make Josh viable again - we're still spending so much time with Charles and the fallout from their breakup, with no real hint that Josh could come back into the picture. That bums me out a little partially because if she chose anyone I liked him best (and he feels like he's just going to sort of fade away, either his business will take off or Caitlin will come back into the picture, neither feeling that exciting to me). I hope Liza just chooses Inkubator at this point.
  19. This episode made me like Quinn? And also they gave her a few Diana like lines. But mostly I came here to say WHAT IN THE HELL DID THEY DRESS LIZA’S DAUGHTER IN FOR THAT DINNER? It looked like a frumpy Queen frock from The Crown.
  20. Ha! It will be at a pub in England during Christmas and he's been describing the entire plot ad nauseam to Cameron Diaz who is so bored she wishes she could trade places with Mare.
  21. eek! if I did I blocked that out, though I do remember a reviewer making an offhand comment about feeling relief that a subplot that seems to be about child abuse turns out to be adultery. Not sure if those two pieces of evidence can be tied together. I'm not sure what's going to happen with that family in general - though in the rest-of-the-season preview they did seem to indicate something is brewing. I'm also not sure there's enough time left to develop their story but we shall see.
  22. I'm glad someone else is (almost) as obsessive as me - I could go on and on in this vein, to the level of having read on IMDB which cast members get stunt doubles in which episodes. what is wrong with me
  23. is it possible that Erin didn't actually know she'd been given a 'Side Door' profile under the name Jasmine? Her friend seemed supportive with Erin when they were together but for all we know she could be a meaner mean girl than Brianna and had been in on the catfishing. (Erin could have taken pics in a pink wig without intending them to go on side door.) Or maybe the locket just marks the date she joined Side Door and it's a sweet and affirmative company like Mary Kay where Erin/Jasmine was just working her way up to a pink cadillac!
  24. This is a good point. I suspect Mare shielded Siobhan from some of what her brother became because of his addiction, so she holds onto this noble idea of him that her documentary celebrates and that makes her think Mare was cold and unfeeling to him, but Mare would rather take the brunt of that than destroy Siobhan's idea of him. (I could be wrong but surely Siobhan doesn't know about the theft and how ugly he was to his mother.)
  25. I've read that, about a moment that made reviewers gasp. I think it might be the interrogation of the suspect who smokes those cigarettes as seen in the preview (though the preview was for the rest of the season not necessarily the next episode so I could be wrong) It looks like Mare hurts her hand at some point but still has work to do afterward, so it's not in the 'final battle' so to speak.
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