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Everything posted by magicdog

  1. I was looking forward to seeing, "Sunday in the Afternoon" on Thursday. The guide read it was the 1933 version with Gary Cooper. I later found out there were no fewer than three versions of this film, as the one made in 1948 was the one that aired. I was disappointed since a pre-code version seemed like it would be interesting.
  2. I cut Su Yin a bit of slack here. The Metal City was her baby, her dream of a better community and culture. Her eldest child and one of her trusted guards likely conquered it and made it the beginning of their Earth Kingdom alliance. To her it's definitely a betrayal on many fronts. Plus, she despised royalty (she had no love for the Earth Queen or most royalty in general) and was all about finding one's own path. By having the old Earth Kingdom united in what appears to be a military junta/dictatorship in the making is definitely against her ideals. Much of Kuvira's actions remind me of both Fire Lord Sozin's plans to conquer the world, and Chin the Conqueror's earlier attempts to dominate the Earth Kingdom. She's trying to force a bunch of diverse, formerly independent [city states] into one cohesive nation and expects them to submit to her. As for Korra, not only does she suffer from PTSD, but she's also feeling like she doesn't have a purpose in this world anymore. She took away her former duty of balancing the physical and spiritual worlds, she was poisoned and nearly killed in her battle with Zaheer and is likely full of doubt about herself and her future.
  3. This. They mentioned the name yet other than he was the spirit of a psychopath who keeps killing every woman that remind him of his sister, we don't know why there is a connection. Had the spirit been a nameless demon, perhaps it would have been more palatable. That's the infamous paradox. If Joanna came for the box once before, then what happened to it? Does this mean she has to beat her previous time traveling self to get it from her 1840s self? Wonder how they're going to save Killian since he's taken the soul cleansing potion. An odd thought came over me about this scenario; The family Grimoire was purported to be the most complete magical tomes - a spell for all sorts of things not otherwise found. Wouldn't a solution to Killian's star crossed love curse have been there rather than developed by Lil' Eva and her friend at the shop? One would think soul cleansing potions would be better known. I was taken by surprise that Joanna was a dope smoker, then again, the tragedy of separating from Victor and the girls' curse finally sent her looking for something to numb the pain.
  4. All that seemed to matter in this episode is that Darius pulled off his plan to "kill the king", and Kyle got Elvis back. I was bummed when the May Two that was with him got killed; I wanted him to get the daughter he said he wanted to parent. I thought Kyle was her twu wuv. After all, they left together and she fertilized another egg with his sperm - and didn't bother to ask his permission either. That kid would be Elvis' half sibling after all. How is she going to get it in her uterus... a turkey baster? Who'd have thought Malthusians are taken so seriously in the future! Turns out I was half right in how the infertility got started. I figured it was elitists who wanted to pare down the population. Regarding the lottery winners: It seems stupid that NONE of them thought they'd be kept by the government or their kids property of thereof? That was the first place my mind went when the lottery idea came along. They're so trigger happy I wouldn't be surprised if the government decided to get rid of the gals permanently once the kids are out of diapers.
  5. Didn't we already go through the civil war theme with the Water Tribes in season 2? Still, it's be interesting to see how things go with The Earth Queen gone, BSS ravaged, and a bunch of wannabe warlords looking to take over. ETA: After seeing the trailer, it makes me that much more impatient to see the premiere! I wasn't expecting a three year time jump! Tenzin's kids look almost grown and Jinora looks as I predicted in the speculation thread! I was surprised by the flying squirrel outfits on the Airbenders. They look too modern for the 20s look of the series - but they seem more practical than the staffs. The mechas are back and I do believe we got a glimpse of Zuko's daughter, who was seated next to him. She looks younger than I imagined. I figured she'd have been in her 50s to early 60s.
  6. I hate the trope in which a person tries to better themselves in some fashion and are accused to "trying to be something they're not". I came across an episode of Fantasy Island in which a woman has a "fantasy" of being a "lady". Her daughter is marrying a rich guy from a richer family and the wedding was being held at the island. The woman was a nice earthy type who wanted to learn a little more of the social graces so she wouldn't appear to be an idiot at a party filled with more sophisticated folk. The rich boy's aunt exposes the woman's past in front of all the party guests (she was in roller derby and put her daughter through [finishing] school after losing her husband and having no other way to make a living). Future father in law is cool with the woman not being "a lady" and future son is law is cool too, so as all's well that ends well, I hear the, "I was wrong for trying to be something I'm not". Sorry, I saw it as a woman just trying to learn how to act with a crowd she doesn't spend much time with and not seem embarrassing to her daughter (although said daughter never acted embarrassed). No different than trying to learn which fork to use at a fancy dinner party. I've seen this trope in so many films and TV shows - except the character is going to college or looking to make new friends/contacts/relationships. The person's old group always accuses them of trying to be "better than they are". I call it self improvement!
  7. Just got through watching pre-code film, "Heroes For Sale" (1933). Dang if this film isn't a bunch of BS posing as drama! First it begins with The second half of this film could have been ended in no time flat and it makes no sense for the character to act as he did. Had The Code been in force, this film would have ended on a much happier (and perhaps more sensible) note.
  8. That target must be getting rather large because I'm in agreement. Then again, the Thomasons' political views don't jive with mine but I let it slide due to the original cast's chemistry (once Charlene was gone, so was I). I happened to catch this episode a few months ago in syndication. By the end of it I was saying, "What the hell????"!! What was the damn point? That none of it really happened or that his daughters WOULD end up as they did? My picks: An episode of Charmed called, "Once In a Blue Moon". From season 7, this episode featured the witchy sisters turning into CGI mad dogs and killing or maiming whitelighters (good magical guardians) due to their having their periods during a full moon. For anyone who watched this, it made no sense since there was a long magical history in the family and if something like this had happened before, someone would have made mention of it. If not, it was an insult to women in general. Another gem from that season was "The Bare Witch Project" in which witch sister Phoebe decides to do something for womens' rights by protesting a café which didn't allow public breastfeeding. How? She goes bareback riding (emphasis on the bare!) in front of the place as Lady Godiva! Yeah, that always works. Most of Season 8 deserves the thread title, but I do make an exception for the series finale. The episode of Happy Days (which coincidentally, was an "almost backdoor pilot" due to the appearance of a character that got a short lived series) in which Chachi dreams he sold his soul to the devil. It wasn't funny and was just plain unsavory. Whenever the ep would turn up in reruns, I grabbed the remote. Oddly enough, I feel the exact same way about a similar themed episode of Laverne & Shirley, in which the two find themselves in Heaven & Hell. The girls come into money due to a glitch and Shirley wants to return it, while Laverne wants to keep it. Shirley dreams they all go to Heaven because they gave the money back, while Laverne dreams everyone went to Hell for keeping it. Hilarity did NOT ensue.
  9. I've been catching it on Family Net at 230pm EST/1130am PST. On weekends there's a one hour block at 7pm EST/4pm PST. ETA: For some dish carriers, this can be Rural or RFD-TV.
  10. Which bugs me because so many episodes took place in the summertime (a Fourth of July picnic for a reference) and yet I notice how often the fireplace is roaring! I grew up on LI and know how the summers roll - no one would have the fireplace going until October. I saw the clip and I have to say the editors/producers blew it big time!! That scene NEEDED to stay in the episode! Now it has me wondering about I could have done without seeing Dash boinking the slutty Fed if this scene had been left in. It was definitely more relevant. I'm going to speculate that Grandpa Beauchamp is sick and needs the souls or powers of the rest of the family in order to regain his strength and continue his rule. If he weren't ill, he wouldn't have needed to enter this world the way he did right? .
  11. I happened to find the shows in TVG channel by accident and it's about as frothy as I remembered it! Strange coincidence: the day Joan Rivers was announced to be on life support after her endoscopy, the channel was airing one of her appearances... as a cancer survivor and recovering from a mastectomy. I know she wasn't primarily an actress, but she did very well in that episode. Just yesterday, I caught the episode the crew weent to Alaska. I remember the writers were busy tryingto get the crew to start sailing further away from Cabo San Lucas so they ended up on cruises to Europe and Asia, and of course, Alaska. Julie got her heart broken (yet again!) when the man of her dreams married someone else while she was still hemming and hawing if he WAS Mr. Right! She was in such a tizzie she nearly had rebound sex with Ralph Malph!
  12. It's not fair to call McGinley the show killer - Love Boat was already running on fumes by the time he was cast. Shows like this should never have a Season 8, 9 and 10! The Mermaids deserve the title more than he does!
  13. I got to see one of those films - "Night Nurse", with Barbara Stanwick & and VERY young Clark Gable! No mustasche! My dad told me my grandmother had it bad for Gable.. and despite his role in this film, I can see why. Weirder still is the ending, which would never have passed the production code,
  14. The clip looks good. I'm guessing Korra went to the SWT not only for family support, but perhaps for some additional healing from Katara. Her hair looks shoulder length, so it's not a bob. Here are examples of 20s bob cuts. I'm curious as to why it was trimmed back. Speaking of tonsorial artistry, it seems Jinora is still bald as Aang so her hair hasn't grown back in yet.
  15. http://bryankonietzko.tumblr.com/post/97302394302/korranation-korra-is-heading-to-new-york-comic Somebody has a new 'do! This means there will be a time skip when the show premieres next month. I'm curious as to why Korra (and possibly other members of the Krew) is getting new a new look.
  16. I just knew it was going to happen sooner or later. I'm curious if Dash is going to have to kill the cops if the body ends up being traced back to him. I do hope he doesn't become Archibald 2.0. I prefer he and his brother break their cycle as the Beauchamps hope to break theirs. I agree with an earlier post about this ep having elements normally reserved for season finales. Seeing Eva trying to prolong her life due to a spell makes her a bit of a tragic figure. She devoted her love to a warlock who granted her powers, and all she had to do to remain alive was to get pregnant by another warlock before the previous child died. Seems almost anticlimactic now. It's obvious Freya and Ingrid will be resurrected somehow - unless the show really wants to go into an unusual direction by having Joanna get pregnant again in the season finale and fast forward about 25 years in the premiere. It's be a great way to change the settings and people if they wanted to go there. Regarding the languages of spells; I'm a bit confused by it since they have been read in Latin and Spanish as well as English. I used to think it would be recited in the language of the spell caster, but since we've seen characters who've only spoke English their entire lives recite Latin spells, this could be moot.
  17. I was beginning to wonder... I just caught the latest episode and the stupid still reigns. Darius' daughter makes her super secret phone call... by pulling out her cell, where her father can see her from across the room. It looked like an SNL sketch or something as she didn't do anything to hide herself. Yeah, go hide behind a clear glass panel in full sight of the one person you DON'T want to see you calling. Apparently Daddy Dearest would kill his little girl to be dictator in chief. One of the lottery contestants is freaking out about her virginity (or lack therof). Why? People aren't all that concerned about it now, why should America care more than a decade into the future? Was being a virgin a requirement for the contest? Is that why every contestant is dressed in white all the time? Did the girl really OD on the pills or was she poisoned? How could no one at the center not know what was going on - there are camera everywhere (as been previously established) to watch the women's every move - so wouldn't they have known about the OD without Blondie's panicked cries for help? More bodies are piling up with the son of the fertility expert is gunned down and now James is in ICU. The government just doesn't know when to quit!
  18. Yes. That was one of the many missteps this show took post season 4. Paige was in a great position to help innocents and supply what could have been the source of great B plots. Then the writers decided to have her quit so she could "concentrate on magic". Then the temp jobs followed - which were magically related but still time wasters. Then she's meant to pull double duty as a Charmed One AND a Whitelighter! Like being one or the other wasn't enough to deal with! If the writers had any sense of humor, they would have had a joking reference that Aviva's aunt was a twin sister to Elise. Only the viewers would have known this since only Prue met the aunt in "The Fourth Sister".
  19. Kuvira is Chekov's Metal Bender. She wasn't introduced by name for nothing. She'll be playing a bigger role in the upcoming book, but I don't know if she'll be a villain or not.
  20. I definitely agree on the Fire Nation related guesses. It follows the pattern of which nation gets the focus. Fire Nation is due for the upcoming book. Not only do I expect to see the current Fire Lord, I hope to find out abolut Azula and her father (the latter could have died in prison), find out what happened to the rest of the original Gaang (Suki & Sokka in particular). I'm certain Toph's name dropping towards the end of this season wasn't in vain; perhaps we'll also find out at least one of her daughters' baby daddies during her appearance! Just a spec, but I think Sokka is Su Yin's father and if this comes out, we'll Katara one more time as well. I think we'll see more of Bolin's lava bending and more developments with him and Opal. I think Mako's and Bolin's family from BSS will settle in The Metal City. Su Yin is all about furthering one's potential, and since the rigid class structure of BSS didn't allow for that, they'll take her up on the offer. I don't think so. I think her hair will start growing back in, although I wouldn't be surprised if she shaved the front portion of her head to keep the arrow exposed, like Avatar Yang Chen did. Since the book is called, "Balance", the biggest speculation is what ultimately is balanced throughout the season. Perhaps Korra finally comes into her own as Avatar, the nations are finally balanced for the first time in 200 years, and everyone else finds balance in their individual lives.
  21. That also bugs me! Almost every cop/investigator has a dysfunctional family. There is such a thing as a loving family life. Bluebloods is the only show I've seen in recent years to show a loving, solid, normal family.
  22. This. One of the greatest acts of betrayal is when a family member messes around with the SO, finance or spouse of that relative - especially if that relative is a sibling. Killian was wrong to mess with Dash's lovers and there has been no remorse; Dash is right to be pissed at him; if it had happened to me, it would be unforgivable. I'm curious how they are going to deal with the "star crossed" love issue with Killian and Freya. Maybe he IS the one who will destroy her after all, and not Dash. Otherwise there would have to be a way to "make it work" this time. I'm also curious about Ingrid and Dash. She went down a dark road when her past self was messing around with his grandfather back in 1906. Who's to say that won't be happening again?
  23. In the first season when Jinora and her siblings fought off Ammon's invaders on Avatar Island. Even Lin commented how well Tenzin trained them. Bumi is supposed to have been this great military leader and strategist yet I have no evidence of that in anything he does. He rose to a high rank in the United Forces, but luck can only take you so far. He doesn't even seem to have any military style discipline. Mai didn't look all that ugly! Or is it that there's someone else Zuko may have married in the intervening years?
  24. I've been watching FNC almost from the beginning (way back when I had C-band satellite reception) and the channel I see today barely resembles the one I knew way back when! It's much more boring now and the news stories repeat far too often. I keep seeing the same three stories circulate throughout the day. Even Bill O'Reilly, love him or hate him, has been defanged. His show was much more enjoyable back in the day. Now, the only highlight is the Watter's World segments. ITA! Back in the old days of TV news, the words "Special Report" or "Breaking News" were reserved for HUGE news breaks like political assassinations and the like. These days they drop the "news alert" graphic for stuff that has been discussed all morning and isn't earth shattering as far as info goes. I agree that it was out of line. It's not the first time Shep's mouth was running without putting his brain into gear first.
  25. Brutal is definitely the word! I was worried for Tenzin when he said to Zaheer that as long as he could breathe, it wasn't over. I kept expecting Zaheer to do to him what he did to the Earth Queen - and that would truly sadden me if we lose him. So far, it seems the suspicions about Su Yin were a red herring. I have a hunch Mako's and Bolin's family will end up living with the Metal clan, if anything because they have the possibility to make the most of themselves there, something they didn't have in BSS. Another cameo from Iroh! It's always good to see him.
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