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Everything posted by magicdog

  1. The Red Button. technically they're not so much a band as a pair of singer songwriters who had a mutual love of 60s pop. They've released two albums so far and I found them by accident. One of their tunes was playing on satellite radio; after finding their site and downloading their albums, I play them regularly. My faves of theirs are "Can't Stop Thinking About Her", "Gonna Make You Mine", and "Caught In The Middle". When I listen to these songs with my eyes closed, I feel like it's 1966, and these guys are sharing the stage with bands like The Byrds or The Critters (a VERY unappreciated band from that era). If The Wonders (From "That Thing You Do!") had been a real band, they probably would have graduated to this.
  2. Yeah it was. Don't forget Loverboy's "Queen of The Broken Hearts", Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers' "You Got Lucky" and Kiss' "Lick It Up". I think it had to do with the popularity of the Mad Max films.
  3. I thought he said, "..... a pack of Tophs in the woods"! Now that is a funny image!
  4. Don't you hate it when people try to be avant guard? I give you, Patty Smyth's The Warrior. I remember Smyth said in an interview that she hated everything about the video even then. She mentioned a French "stylist" was brought in to do her wardrobe and makeup (she complained how her costume made her look shorter than she really was), and the whole "storyline" seemed to be some strange post apocalyptic theme - I think. I still love the song, but the video is all kinds of wrong!
  5. magicdog

    Musical Pet Peeves

    I always had a pet peeve of titles of songs that don't appear in the song lyrics unless the song is recorded as an instrumental.
  6. I always had a pet peeve of titles of songs that don't appear in the song lyrics (unless the song is recorded as an instrumental). Sometimes however, they can be thought provoking to the point of grabbing a dictionary. I refer to the obscure Monkees tune, "Propinquity" (written and sung by Mike Nesmith) . He rerecorded it on a solo album later on.
  7. Bow Wow Wow's version of "I Want Candy" is a definite improvement over the original by The Strangeloves. It's a fun song in either version, but I think the 80s version just really rocks it. I'm also partial to Frente!'s version of "Let The Sunshine In" (which was recorded by numerous musical acts) over previous versions. The most commonly heard version for many was used in "The Flintstones" episode, "No Biz Like Show Biz" (1965). There's also the various versions of "Silver Threads and Golden Needles". It's been done mostly by folk groups (and the Queen of Rockabilly, Wanda Jackson), but The Cowsills rock version is quite the standout! Then comes a real toughie: The Phil Ochs song, "Changes". He did a great version, but I also enjoy the version done by Crispin St. Peters (who's best known for his 1966 hit, "Pied Piper"). I'm going to go out on a limb and go for the St. Peters' version.
  8. I was disappointed to see it was a clip show, but at least Bryan explained things and it makes sense. It was better than the average clip show, and as previously posted, Varrick's version of events was hilarious! Perhaps HIS segment would have been better still in chibi form! Interesting that we didn't get Bolin's initial romancing of Korra (they seemed like kindred spirits on their only date) or his heartbreak when he saw Korra kissing Mako! Imagine what Wu and Grandmother would have had to say about THAT! I hate that a clip show was forced on the producers since every episode counts to get the story told rather than watch retreads of what every viewer has already seen. I second the motion that Nick can suck it!
  9. Based on what Ive read here, hell no! I've never seen either the films nor the series so I cannot confirm.
  10. Another trope I'm tired of: The TV movie (or series) in which an adult child (usually the daughter) and parent(s) are estranged due to the choice of the adult child's spouse (usually a husband the family didn't approve of). I'm especially tired of the variant in which the parent(s) howl that their child could have had their pick of better spouses and a better lives while adult child insists they loved the person they married and didn't regret it. Of course, by the end, the spouse comes though and the parent (s) have to admit they were wrong about him/her. For once I want to hear: "I'm sorry Mom & Dad. You were right about [John] . The more you warned me against seeing him, the more I wanted to rebel and stay with him. I thought he was a romantic bad boy and that we were soul mates. After we got married I thought he'd settle down. In the end he cheated on me, gambled our money away and was just a jerk. I apologize for being such a self centered brat. My life could have been much better and had a lot less heartache. Please take me and the grandchildren back home with you."
  11. We should at least get a TV movie or miniseries to finish the ciffhanger they left us.
  12. Definitely didn't see Big Blue actually being Bobby Fischer coming. Or the head of the company being a robot. I give the ep props for having Yung Lee lose the match. So many situations like this often have them winning.
  13. Never mentioned - only that one like it is carved into the lunar surface. Or did you mean IRL? He claimed it was an African warrior tattoo.
  14. There's plenty of comparisons/mockery to go around: A "team" that goes around solving mysteries of one sort or other (Mystery Inc., et al) A celebrity turned into a cartoon and voicing their own character ("The New Scooby Doo Movies") A team "logo" or "uniform" (the question mark on Tyson's and Yung Hee's clothes) The smart one (Yung Hee, although Marquess qualifies to an extent) For all intents and purposes she's Velma. The ghost/unique member of the team (Marquess is essentially "The Funky Phantom" ). "Pigeon" is the team pet (Scooby, Elmo, Elvis, Chu-Chu, Dozer, et al). No explanations (as of yet) how this group came together (all we know is that Tyson's daughter was left on his doorstep). That also is typical of most of HB's teams. A customized vehicle of some sort (Mystery Machine, Looney Duney, Speed Buggy, Wonder Wheels). Rocking theme song and opening credits showing the team in action (Jonny Quest). All we're missing is the gang being a band and a laugh track.
  15. I've noticed something that has yet to be addressed in this series. Since we're back at the swamp, no mention was made of the Swampy Water Tribe (the water benders who we first met in ATLA). Are they still there? Did they die off/move on? Did they get pants?
  16. I'm guessing she wants him as a hostage to show that the Earth Kingdom is officially gone and will likely kill him in front of his former subjects. I couldn't believe Kuvira was near the Swamp! Toph's going to put a hurtin' on her! "Wu down!" "I'm in laundry!" Verrick's rant to the checkpoint soldiers! Damn they were so close! Very impressed with the EMP on the fly. Verrick truly is a genius, if a major weakling! Zhu-Li is one tough chick if what he said about her carrying him on a sprained ankle is true!
  17. That Grumpy Cat movie looks like it's going to be all sorts of pain! Even the voice is all wrong for her! "A Carol Christmas" wasn't bad. I'm not a Tori Spelling fan, but the movie is very watchable. "Eve's Christmas" also not bad - although I had a problem with the character NEVER having kept in contact with her family when she left to go to NY. It's not like they disowned her. I love the modern Christmas classic, "Mrs. Santa Claus" with Angela Lansbury as the titular character. The late, great Charles Durning made a great Santa Claus as well!
  18. The only thing I'm missing due to the dispute is TCM. Otherwise, Turner is doing me a favor by not having me see CNN, or some towing reality show on TruTV. Good job guys! Just wait until we can dish a la carte! You'll be history when you find out how many channels of yours I can live without!!
  19. I blame it on lazy writing. When you write a character into a situation that is so life changing, you should stick with it. It's too easy to just have a character win the lottery only to lose the ticket somehow. That's why I was impressed with that storyline in "Roseanne". Sure they ended up making it a dream, but at the time, I was impressed that the storyline continued and they stayed rich until Roseanne Barr decided to give the proverbial finger in the final episode.
  20. One trope I have always been weary of was the "a great opportunity comes up and the character chooses to abandon it for no discernible reason". This is a cousin to the "bettering yourself equates to snobbery" trope. A person inherits/wins millions of dollars, a grand palace, offered a scholarship to an exclusive school/college, or a dream job. They often end up abandoning all that because it would take them away from their friends . Dang it! Take it! I would have!
  21. I'm another Dish subscriber whose only lament is the loss of her TCM! I couldn't care less about CNN, TruTV, et al. The fact that silent movies are getting the focus makes me all the madder! If I may, perhaps I could discuss one of the last movies I caught on TCM before it was lost: "The Very Idea" (1929). This early talkie deals with the subject of eugenics and it made for some rather uncomfortable viewing. Of course the subject would bite its fans in the ass when Hitler (among others) would take it to the next level years later. Uggh! Do I have to even say it? It's a safe bet the Code would have put the kibosh on this one at the start!
  22. This was my first clue that she's not really with Kuvira. I can see her being frustrated with Varrick after all those years together but she wasn't as gung ho about Kuvira's victory as the rest of the spectators. It was a golf clap. I am certain she will help the good guys soon. What annoyed me about this episode was seeing Sue Yin and her sons kept in metal constraints. I kept thinking they should be trying to bend themselves out of them! Or are they made of platinum? Ditto. I'm hoping for them (and Asamai & Mako) to make another appearance soon. For some reason I kept picturing Toph appearing on the battlefield and bitch slapping Su Yin for letting her city get taken over! It made perfect sense. Not just Junior's attitude but you can sense how there wasn't anything else he could say to his son - a traitor. Junior's madder that his father couldn't be bothered to scream at him! Maybe he was hoping to get R-E-S-P-E-C-T from dear old dad ("look at me! I helped conquer the old Earth Kingdom and I'm engaged to its leader!"). Whether or not it's due to Junior's lack of bending abilities is unclear. It could be since the only other non bender in the family was Opal and felt he could identify with her - until 3 years ago. I wouldn't be surprised if Kuvira turned on him eventually. After all, he could be just another useful idiot, which would fit into the communist theme of Kuvira's empire building.
  23. Caught an older ep in which one of the subplots involved a Polish immigrant girl who wants to marry a [Middle Eastern] man. The whole time they claim they're in love but her father (a traditional Polish Patriarch) not only doesn't believe in the man's true intentions (comparing his zoftig daughter to a pierogi and therefore unattractive to men) he thinks he's looking for a green card. Eventually the daughter rebels against her father by demanding her citizenship papers (which her father chose to hide to prevent the union) and orders Jaime to arrest him since it's considered theft. The father relents but then tells his daughter that she's dead to him and can find someplace else to go. We eventually learn she does marry the guy but she admits it was for him to stay in the country because he was gay (he was afraid to go back to his home country where he'd face certain death). They're still planning on living together and all works out, we're happy, let's have some champagne with the nice supportive cops, etc. I was pissed at this for many reasons! Bad enough marrying under false circumstances. It was also unnecessary. The guy could have asked for asylum due to being part of a protected class. Second, she lost her only known family for a guy who cannot love her like a real husband and whom she will not likely have children with. Not to mention that eventually, being married to a gay guy is going to get complicated since he'll want to go his way and she hers. Plus they'd have to deal with follow up interviews to make sure they are living as husband and wife. If their arrangement is found out, he'll get deported and she risks imprisonment. As jerky as the father was, it was not worth it, yet we're supposed to root for this ridiculous arrangement!
  24. Under normal conditions you'd be right. But I've had family that lived in nearby Sullivan County and they tell me paying off inspectors is very common . They look the other way since they're getting extra income and everything else be damned! If someone else gets hurt from the badly maintained properties, the bureaucrats circle the wagons. Everyone knows (or is related to) everyone there.
  25. Looks like a lawsuit is in the works. The Pombos are looking to sue the Travel Channel for making them look bad. My guess is the Pombos got away with the deteriorating conditions because they've paid off some bureaucrat. Otherwise they would have been shut down long ago!
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