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Everything posted by Ohiopirate02

  1. While I know women who have pulled away or even ended friendships when then get married, this still doesn't feel right in the show. Jack gets Miguel and Rebecca doesn't' have anyone? Friends do come and go over the years, but I would expect Rebecca to have at least one close friend. This just screams lazy writing to me. Rebecca only has friends when it suits the story and then they just disappear.
  2. I know a few weeks ago we were all sharing stories about our brushes with the supernatural, and something happened last night that I have to share. My sister facetimed my mom to show off my niece and nephews Halloween costumes. The kids were playing and talking and my sister asked my almost 2 year old nephew to sing to grandma. Out of all the songs he knows he decides on happy birthday. He keeps on singing it. Now today would have been my dads 65th birthday and he passed away before either one was born. He was singing to his grandpa that he never met in person. My dads spirit was in Texas last night and he is probably always hanging out near those kids.
  3. I do the same. You can't beat 17 bucks for a year supply of generic zyrtec. I also have to take it daily for dust and mold allergies.
  4. Wawa is the best convenience store of all time. I hate that they stop in Virginia and do not continue on into NC.
  5. I agree. I want to know how Rebecca remade her life after losing Jack and then the kids moving out. What kind of job did she have since there is no way that Jack left her enough money to never work again. Did she go back to school? What made her decide to move across the state besides Randall? Did she consider moving to California to be near her other two kids? There is a lot of story there for the writers to mine.
  6. I have seen somewhere on the internet a super confusing timeline of the "true" Christian church that fundy's can believe in. It includes pretty much every subgroup of christians like the Lollards or Albigensians that were considered heretical by the Roman Catholic Church. Their reasoning seemed to be that the RCC was always the work of satan trying to stop "true" Christians from practicing their faith. The amount of mental gymnastic it takes to believe this is astounding.
  7. I laughed with the "grace" Michael said before eating dinner. Nice way of reworking the old Catholic standby. But, I wonder if we will be seeing the flip side to the son of Lucifer, a fallen angel, and the concept of a Christian hell. As much as I wanted to see Liz Taylor in the Hotel Cortez scenes, I believe that my TV would have had an overload of fabulous with Myrtle Snow and Billy Porter's Chablis.
  8. I do have to say that Rebecca may have had other friends that were also mothers with kids around the same age, but death does something to friendships. Some people seem to think that death is somehow catching and start to pull back from the widow. I have seen this with my mother after my dad passed away. She has a different group of friends now than she did when my dad was still alive. Some of the people you thought would be there for you start to pull back, but hopefully new people fill in the void.
  9. Maybe because I am not a mother, but I did not interpret Rebecca's silence as worry or concern. Her silence reminded me too much of my mother when she is holding in her opinion. The silence only makes it worse because it increases the tension and makes you the daughter feel like you did/are doing something wrong. I am probably projecting my own feelings onto Kate in this situation. While it was not the time nor the place for a conversation, Rebecca could have handled herself better in the car. As to the teenage stuff, I probably should clarify what I mean by incapable. I don't fault her for not picking up on teenage Kate's signals because of her own overwhelming grief. Everyone in the family was hurting and it is easy not to see the pain others are feeling when you are dealing with the same grief. I have been that low before and I don't know how anyone could function as a mother at the same time. Randall was trying to clue Rebecca in on what was happening, but she really was not capable at the moment to do anything about it.
  10. It would be interesting if Kate was able to get pregnant, build up her fantasy about how she is going to have Jack Jr. and then have a girl who takes after Toby. I would much rather see that story line then the one we are stuck with right now. I am not really invested into the current one, since I can't see the showrunners killing off Kate in the first 5 episodes of season 3. I would rather them give Kate what she wants with a twist that deepens her character and drives the narrative further.
  11. One thing that bothered me with Rebecca in this episode is her research into IVF. I don't buy that she read up on it because of her friend's daughter. Unless the other woman was also obese like Kate, why would Rebecca know about the risks for Kate? To me, her knowledge of the risks of IVF made it seem like Rebecca researches Kate's health on her own. This is not normal behavior. Does she do this with Kevin's addiction or Randall's anxiety? How long has she been researching Kate's health?
  12. Reading this, I am reminded that this purity culture was not only found in evangelical churches. I had to sit through many lectures in my Catholic youth group about saving myself for marriage, but at least my leaders did not blame us girls for what we were wearing. We were just forced to listen to the story of Saint Maria Goretti all the time. Nothing like telling teenage girls that it is better to be stabbed to death than to survive a rape. To this day, I judge Catholics on how they view her.
  13. But Kate insisted that Rebecca get it out because of the change in Rebecca after she found out. It reminded me of my mother. Rebecca and Kate seemed to be able to casually converse before the IVF revelation, and then Rebecca is silently judging Kate. I wonder how long they were silently in the car before Kate prompted Rebecca. I think that Kate would have been more receptive to Rebecca back when she told her mom about the initial weight gain. It seemed to me that it was a cry for help that Rebecca was not capable of hearing at the time. That might have been the only time that Kate let her defenses down. It is really sad that none of the Pearsons had another adult that could help them through those months.
  14. Kate's reasoning for wanting a biological child rings very true to me. The lock-screen for my phone is set to a picture of my nephew where he is the spitting image of my late father. While the comment is insensitive and easy to take out of context, I knew exactly what she meant when she said it. While my dad will live on because he helped to shape me, my sister, and my brothers, I completely understand why Kate would want to see her father in a future child.
  15. Yes the church that invited the preacher would pay transportation costs and find a way to house and feed the preacher while there. It would depend on the size of the church and the fame of the preacher if he would receive a speaking fee in addition to that. Catholics do have visiting priests that help to fill in depending on the diocese. My church will get one to help cover for my priest's vacations and retreats. Usually my parish on pays for transportation in these cases. The priest would stay in the rectory and parishioners would take the priest out to dinner. Then the second collection is for whatever order or charity the priest works for.
  16. The donuts available here in eastern NC do not compare to Biagios. Most of our baked goods in fact.
  17. I can see the UofA law school reconsidering this guest policy at some point if Derick continues to bring Jill. Probably after he flunks out gets a new calling from Jesus.
  18. I was thinking during the episode that the writers would do the adopt a baby and then get pregnant plot for Kate and Toby.
  19. I spend a good amount of my workweek helping people apply for jobs online. Most employers have gone to an online application and this usually includes filtering software. This filtering software can be the devil for both the applicant and the hiring manager. People now have to carefully fill out numerous forms and if they make one too many mistakes, then the application will never make it to the hiring manager. Now you have to rework your resume for each job to reflect the exact language used in the position announcement or again your application never makes it out of limbo. Hiring managers can have open positions with no applicants to call for an interview because of this software. It would be very easy for a company to filter out all homeschool graduates because the software does not know how to address it. Applicants now have to game the software just to be able to get an interview. And this is not even taking into account the ways that companies will filter out applicants that would be illegal in most states if anyone could prove it like age discrimination.
  20. I'm surprised that Lauren is still wearing the monogram of her maiden name. I would have expected her to get rid of all of those and have new shirts, etc with her new monogram.
  21. For small businesses especially if the owner is of the same religious bent as the Duggars, one of them probably would be able to get a job. Now for larger corporations that use online applications with filtering software, none of the Duggars without a GED would make it through the first filter. Of course, with none of the Duggar kids except Josh having a real work history their education probably does not matter. Who would hire a person over the age of 22 who has never held a job in their life? The amount of time that it would take for an employer to train a Duggar to understand basic work etiquette not including the actual job skills would be so immense that it would not be cost effective for any employer to undertake this. JB and Michelle have really done a disservice to their children in this regard. Work history is important, and JB should have been able to hire out his kids to like minded small business owners for the kids to pick up some skills.
  22. I wonder if they had some kind of speaking engagement in the area that was not advertised. Maybe a trial run for the Josh rehabilitation tour. Why else would JB travel with just Josh's whole family? Josh and Anna will have to practice the speeches before they officially go on tour.
  23. That would make sense, since they seem to have spices, vegetables and potatoes available whenever they get a fresh source of protein like Stu or the snakes. If they only had the nutritional cubes, then it would have been very obvious that they were chowing down on steaks of Stu,
  24. I took a small little trip to the beach this weekend and I could feel myself relaxing just driving there. It was only one night a little over 2 hours away, but that was enough to recharge for the rest of the workweek.
  25. I've been to that Sheetz. Out of all the bathrooms to appear in I would not have picked that one.
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