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Everything posted by AntFTW

  1. Yup. Same challenges. Watch the UK version. At least watch the first season.
  2. The regular UK people play hard, much harder than the USA regular people for the one season we had them. The UK people are also good at creating drama as well as they are good at creative gameplay. Even though I spoiled the ending for myself on the UK show, I still find the people enjoyable to watch.
  3. I was looking up something about Season 1 of the UK show, and while looking that up, I absent-mindedly clicked on Season 2 of the UK show and saw how it ended... and I was pissed that I spoiled it for myself. After successfully avoiding spoilers for a while now, it was my own dumbass fault that it was spoiled. 😂
  4. I'm only just finding out this show was cancelled.
  5. He did something similar on Survivor. The opposing alliance on Survivor had caught a lot of fish and they were willing to share. Rob convinced his alliance that the fish was bad and they shouldn't eat it, and Rob's alliance didn't eat the fish. Rob was reveling in the fact that he has these people under control.
  6. Two birds, one stone: Tariq's expiration date and Michael Ealy all at the same time 😂
  7. If Trishelle had voted for MJ, I would believe that they planned it. That's a real risk to take if they didn't vote the same way.
  8. How exactly does someone win the game in the end? Once they're down to two or three people (or whatever the final number of people will be), how is the winner determined?
  9. Damn. Claudia was most of my entertainment on this show. The 3rd episode was hilarious!
  10. In addition to this, we are taking about Peppermint's perception of the events and all the emotions that it triggers within her and all of trauma that she may have experienced in her past because she was 'different.' Peppermint is talking about how she felt, and all of the things it reminded her of. People were grasping at straws and will take any little thing to single someone out. It's the nature of the game and the show. People will take one small and insignificant thing and blow it up. It doesn't even have to make sense. If the subject all of that negative attention can't make sense of why they are getting all of that negative attention, it doesn't seem like a leap for them to think 'it's like being in high school all over again when [XYZ] happened and/or I was bullied because I was different, and I recognize that it's happening again to me now in this game.'
  11. They left Sheree on the cutting room floor.
  12. Based on all the interviews I've listened to about the season, it seems like CT made the effort to be cool and have relationships with everyone, especially the ladies on the show. It's been said that he would greet each of them individually every morning, check on them, and always make sure they were all good. Watching the show, you wouldn't know any of that.
  13. So how much of this cast list is bullshit? This is a banger of cast list and seems too good to be true. 🤔 https://stopbeingpolite.com/2024/03/08/challenge-season-40-official-cast/
  14. I think the fear is reasonable. I didn't think his explanation made much sense when I first heard it. He says that he didn't see a path to winning with Phaedra in the game. My first thought upon hearing that is that there doesn't have to be only one winner. Two traitors can win the game. For Dan to win, it wasn't necessary for Phaedra to leave. I didn't quite understand why he thought that Phaedra needed to go for him to win. Also, considering that he had so much heat on him, he needed to focus on surviving for the day rather than the finish line. Step #1 is survive. Step #2 is win. His explanation seemed to be geared toward step #2 over step #1.
  15. From listening to all the interviews I've heard with the cast, it seemed like nearly everyone was a suspect at some point. The castmembers are allowed to have notebooks or journals, and a few people have said that they're list of "possibles" was an ever-revolving door of people early on in the game. I remember one interview from Sandra where she mentioned that for a split-second, she wrote down Sheree's name as a possible traitor. If that's the case, she saw something in Sheree that we didn't see in the show. Basically, she was saying that people were picking up on any random thing to catch a traitor, even "if a person sneezed the wrong way." I imagine everyone was in someone's "could be?" column at some point for any random reason, especially early in the show. For example, Janelle thought Larsa could have been a traitor because she proposed a toast for Marcus. They were grasping at straws, trying to create some rationale out of nothing.
  16. With regard to MJ, yes. It seems she was genuinely hunting for traitors. For CT and Trishelle, I think it was a mixed bag. I feel like CT went with the numbers when it was convenient. With Trishelle, I think her game may have been a little different if her alliance wasn’t getting wiped out everyday. I think once her entire alliance put themselves out there and decided to isolate themselves (with a minority of numbers), Trishelle didn’t have much of a choice but to actually try to get out people she thought were traitors because she was vulnerable every time. Trishelle couldn’t coast with numbers like the Bravo people. She had to try everything she could because she was at risk of being voted out or murdered every time. I think MJ had the best of both worlds. People believed she was a faithful and they considered her to be within the Bravo clique. People knew voting for MJ would have been a wasted banishment and she was within the Bravo clique so I believe she had some amount of protection from murder with Phaedra being a traitor. That allowed her to seemingly coast, be a little rogue and have no consequences for a stray vote. That makes sense. That was around the end of CT’s “meathead” era. His first win was season 24.
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