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Everything posted by AntFTW

  1. When Peter and Parvati were talking about calling a truce, it just looked like Peter was gazing into Parvati's eyes and was about to give her a rose.
  2. Oh shit! John came in like a sniper at that round table! Shots fired! I really thought John was going to go along with the plan to keep Parvati. They got me good! Turns out that John is better actor than Parvati. I really didn't expect him to switch gears to Parvati the way he did. Haggis! Haggis! Any challenge with rodents will have a 100% success rate of me quitting. Sheree and Phaedra remind me of my aunties. At least we don't have to hear Kevin keep saying "poverty" instead of "Parvati."
  3. At first, that's what I thought. Then the question becomes did they technically finish if they got the wrong answer? If getting the wrong answer means they would have had to go back and get another box, to me that means Berna and Corey also timed out. They didn't really complete the checkpoint. To me, that puts Berna and Corey behind Nurys and Colleen. Nurys and Colleen got 1 box, and made it halfway with their second (correct) box. Berna and Corey got one box and their correct box is still sitting at the starting line. ETA: I completely misread your post. I agree with your thought. We're here! #TeamNurys
  4. I agree. I don't think they could have started placing the ropes until they have gotten all the ropes back to the symbol. Admittedly, I'm not sure either. I'm guessing. However, if Berna had quit, they just would have had to adapt, like they did when Ben was medically DQed on season 1 of USA. Someone always had to be left without a partner and had no chance to sabotaged. Someone always had to do double the work, and if not, they timed out. Justine timed out on her solo portion, while everyone else had partners and finished. I'm primarily relying on the fact that they didn't say it. On The Challenge USA, they explicitly said if your partner quits, you're also disqualified.
  5. I wouldn’t think so. My guess is that they would be timed out. Yes, but that was a part of the rules they explained in the beginning that if your partner quits before the end of a checkpoint, you’re both disqualified. They didn’t say that here. Did we know this was a thing? I didn’t know that was a thing? This episode was my first time hearing that. I’m torn between that too. I’m starting to lean toward the times being moot once they get to Conquest. That’s because TJ said the person with the fastest time wins power so I’m leaning towards the times only determining who wins power in this phase.
  6. 1) The first portion of the final could have been a daily challenge. It would have been a good daily. 2) I’m happy that Corey chooses Jay for the elimination. At first, the elimination game seems like a Survivor-style game and Jay may have an advantage but Jay didn’t win Survivor so maybe not. Bye Jay! 🎉🥳 Corey is welcomed back to my good graces. 3) Corey and Emanuel are dominating the final. They’re holding up better than the women. They are two very fit and athletic men and the checkpoints seem to be more geared towards that. It’s mostly been hauling heavy shit. They have an edge on that. 4) Corey and Berna got the wrong box on that trivia question checkpoint. I’m not sure how much of a detriment that was compared to Nurys and Colleen timing out, or if it meant anything at all because they were just looking for a first place finisher to win power. Was all the 5 checkpoints only meant to win power and safety at the end of that part? Or was that a total time for the final?
  7. A clip of TJ explaining the final to the Challengers.
  8. They're okay. I liked Cara's episode. Yup.
  9. I feel like that's a pretty huge clue to everyone that she's a faithful.
  10. I believe Janelle said they call themselves the Most Faithful of the Faithfuls, or just “the Faithfuls” for short, because they were all so certain that they were all faithfuls. Everyone else is a question mark. Sandra said the non-Peter group was “the Leftovers” because they were left out of the “Most Faithful” group. I believe Sandra came up with “Peter’s Pals” too.
  11. That's my first thought. If you watch The Challenge, CT is probably one of the best floaters. He shifts between people and avoids picking sides, unless it becomes absolutely necessary. I feel like that's what he's doing here. He's not really allied with Peter's group, but he's not really allied with the Leftover group. He goes whichever way the wind blows. He's in the billiards room with the Leftovers talking about everyone voting for Peter. Then, he lights John's torch. My first thought is that he's in the middle playing both sides. Separately, these alliance names crack me up. Peter's Pals, the Most Faithful of the Faithfuls, The Leftovers.
  12. It’s crazy! They’re making me listen to hours of podcasts to get the real tea that they didn’t show in the episodes. It’s things that would actually explain people’s actions. Watching the episodes, some things seem a little random. Then you listen to people in exit interviews and on podcasts and realize [X, Y and Z] wasn’t random. It was a thing that had been building up that culminated into what we saw in the episodes.
  13. But so are him and John. Even though Trishelle and CT are not in the same alliance, I fully believe that Trishelle would actually save CT if she had the choice. John and CT are not in the same alliance, and CT saves John. I’m not understanding how saving John makes more sense than saving Trishelle solely because Trishelle and CT are in different alliances.
  14. I don't watch Big Brother, but I imagine it's just as much of a numbers game as Survivor. The competition shows are usually just a game of numbers. In Survivor, if you have the numbers on your side for a vote, you're sitting in a good position. The same goes for The Challenge, which CT and Trishelle have played.
  15. I think that Sandra's tune may have changed a bit after the torch-lighting. It seems she thought Peter was a traitor until she saw his reaction to being saved by John lighting his torch. That would have been entertaining! I was ready for it. I don't understand it either, especially since they had this long conversation earlier in the season about how she left off on The Challenge and how they never worked together in all of their previous shows. This time they were going to change that and it seemed like their reality TV journey together was coming full circle... and then he chooses John instead of Trishelle... for reasons.
  16. This conquest elimination is more like the final than any other previous eliminations from other seasons that I can think of. You run, you do puzzle, and repeat.
  17. I thought it was pretty funny though. 😂 I think Sandra has, but Parvati hasn't. Sandra is less abrasive here than on Survivor. I didn't think Parvati was all that icy on Survivor though. However, that just may be the fact that Parvati's a traitor and she's trying very hard not to give herself away. Maybe she's overthinking it and trying to minimize her facial expressions. I'm just guessing but I feel like that has a lot to do with it.
  18. If Peter suddenly switched up, I think that would make people suspicious that Peter was recruited.
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