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Everything posted by ReadMeLattice

  1. Additionally, personally I think it's also an issue with the health care system as a whole in this country and whose best interests they serve--aka insurance companies, not patients, and we do have the highest maternal death rate in the developed world--but anything more would I think be venturing too far into politics and derailing the thread so I'll stop there. All this to say, Jenelle could very well have been deemed high risk and told not to pick up her child. But there is nothing stopping her from taking him into the damn bedroom, shutting the door and playing a game with him to keep him occupied, or asking David to lift him into the car so you can go over to the new house. I can't figure out what she was trying to do there. Is she just that lazy or was she trying to keep an eye on David? Can she not be separated from him for an hour without wondering if he'll cheat?
  2. I guess she already had the baby! Looks like this show was on earlier in the UK.
  3. Megan is pregnant again. https://www.google.com/amp/www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-3960980/amp/Teen-Mom-UK-star-Megan-Salmon-Ferrari-pregnant-second-child.html
  4. They offer it at my hospital (in the U.S.) as an epidural alternative. It's catching on.
  5. Exactly. Kailyn and Chelsea are friends and I'm sure as a coworker, Leah is perfectly friendly. Jenelle is just a whole different ball game.
  6. She takes very odd photoshoots.
  7. I mean...so she's admitting there is an issue and still defending her behavior? It's one thing to acknowledge how your upbringing affects your parenting and try to do better or admit your flaws because of your bad habits and patterns. "I was raised in an anxious, chaotic home, so I have to be careful not to fall into a pattern of anxious parenting as I am wont to do" or something. But instead she admits her negative tendencies and history and her reaction is basically a shrug, like, that's just the way things are because of this? Makes no sense at all........
  8. Yeah, I agree re: the high risk clinics. It's usually not the patients' choice, though. Once you are deemed high risk for one random finding, it's hard to reverse. I guess it might be to avoid litigation? I would assume by thin cervix she perhaps means incompetent cervix, which would actually be an issue. She could of course be making the whole thing up because she is herself.
  9. He doesn't seem enormously bright, but neither does Chelsea. They seem pretty evenly matched in the intelligence department. "Slow" is rude.
  10. To be fair, I'm shocked at how medicalized and hypermonitored birth has become. I was deemed "high risk" because my amniotic fluid was at the high end of the *normal* range and had to go in for ENDLESS tests and ultrasound after ultrasound until they decided it was just incidental. They also convinced me the heart rate was off and it turned out she just wasn't as active that day, gave me a whole threatened miscarriage talk and told me to get progesterone shots and bedrest, and then it was up at the very next visit. I'm hearing that from a lot of others as well in my pregnancy support group, that they've terrified them and tested them to the nth degree. I don't know if it's the ultrasound technology improving and finding more incidental things, all the extra blood tests, or the threat of lawsuits or what, but at least at my hospital they're really great at freaking people out about every little thing about their birth and telling every last person they're "high risk" for one thing or another.
  11. I think in terms of pure book-smarts intelligence (as in, not common sense or life skills, because Chelsea would beat the others by many many light years there), Chelsea, Leah, and Jenelle would maybe all be about equal? Aka Not Very Bright? Kailyn isn't as smart as she thinks she is by far, but she's certainly a bit above the other three in that category. And I think Leah is especially dim, so perhaps a few points below Chelsea and Jenelle.
  12. There's nothing wrong with not being paternal/maternal/nurturing but why the hell are those always the people who seem to have kid after kid while people who long for kids sometimes have to work so hard for it? Watching ain't-shit Jenelle and her parade of ain't-shit fathers makes me want to revive forced sterilization.
  13. Do they know that those are far from uncommon diagnoses? I'm not trying to be insensitive to the realities of mental illness but it's not like 3 people in the world have BPD or bipolar disorder. Bipolar I and II are extremely common and BPD is a fairly common diagnosis among women abused in childhood. They are manageable disorders and everyone who has them definitely *does not act like Amber or Kail.* It's like they heard the word from one doctor and now they just get to say that's why they're being fucked up to everyone forever...sort of does a disservice to people who actually have it and are trying to stabilize and better themselves, hmm? (I have depression and I'm pretty bitter towards Catelynn, for example).
  14. Lolol!! I did finally look at Cole's Instagram and that dude definitely does have an addiction...to American flag outfits. There were a *lot.*
  15. Matt was accused of sexually assaulting/raping at least one other woman, so I don't think he's incapable of violence. However, I truly think he's manipulative enough that he would pick and choose his victims. He isn't a Nathan or David, a Neanderthal loose cannon unable to control his rage. He's a sociopath. He knows that hitting or assaulting someone might control someone else but with Amber it would only make him look bad if it got out. He'd do it if he thought it would let him gain more control.
  16. You're right. I looked up what I was referring to and all federal funding was cut for abstinence only programs under that administration, which enraged a lot of people. I only wish it was illegal!
  17. How they treat Kaiser reminds me of those poor abused dogs she and last baby daddy had...they were always talking about how bad the dogs were, yelling at them, etc. Because they are HUGE dogs trapped in uncomfortable wire cages with no food or attention for hours upon hours, assholes. Of course they're not going to behave!! That is basic logic. I feel bad for Marissa too. God knows what she's seen.
  18. I am not a slut shamer by any means but I personally can't imagine living this kind of existence on either side of the gender divide. And before I was married I was far from flaunting a purity ring, I had plenty of partners. But can you imagine these people getting tested for STDs regularly? If you're having unprotected sex it should be at least monthly; the actual mature adults I know with multiple partners get tested every 6 weeks, have fully protected sex and discuss their histories and current activities openly. Can you imagine Kailyn and Chris the Miracle Worker maturely discussing STD and pregnancy prevention? Past or current drug and alcohol use? Past sexual trauma that affects them now? Consent and what it means to them? Or what sex means to them so that they're on the same page (it's just fun, it's a little more, it means we're dating, it's a commitment...)? They literally just stick their parts into each other and maybe it makes a fucking human?!?! Sorry for the rant, it just blows my mind.
  19. What on Earth does Brianna add to this show beyond proving that some people will pretend until the end of time that they don't understand how condoms work?
  20. Drink every time someone eats fast food, hot dogs, pizza, chicken fingers or fries.
  21. There was a wave of abstinence only education in schools that was pushed by conservative religious groups. I believe that recently under the Obama administration, it was made illegal in public schools.
  22. Amber said a bunch of crap about how you can't believe everything you read and how the asker was deeply ignorant (does she think she sounds educated?), then complicated the story so much it became even less clear. Clearly she thought about doing porn but wasn't offered enough or Matt said no or something along those lines. Amber came off worse in that Ask the Moms special than she ever has. Which is saying something. She can't even have a neutral conversation, much less respond to what she perceives as the mildest of criticism. It *must* be only praise or victimization on her part or she threatens to kick someone's ass.
  23. Yeah...which makes me think he's even dumber, lol. It also makes him sound like he wanted a kid with her at some point. I don't know how these people do it! Are they just getting drunk and not having these conversations or, even worse, are they saying they want babies with each other?!?!
  24. If he screwed Kailyn without a condom and then called their pregnancy a miracle, I have a hard time believing he's intelligent or thinks long term. I do hope her claims about his lack of interest in the baby itself are just Kailyn crap and not true, because that would be really sad for the child.
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