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Everything posted by ReadMeLattice

  1. I agree on why he has to appease Kail and I totally get it. If I were Vee, though, I couldn't help being annoyed sometimes. I'm sure he backs her up more in private and she knows the deal, but from a selfish standpoint I'd personally be irritated at him not supporting me more on camera and enabling Kail's bullshit. I'm sure she just takes whatever check MTV gives them and laughs about it with Jo in private...but still.
  2. @Calm81, I agree. She obviously had fun at the arcade once she was actually with her mom, it's not like she's miserable around her. She perked up as soon as she got in the car and saw her sisters. Jeremy very much seems like a "come around when he can" kind of dad, and that's of course part of the nature of his job, but I suspect that whenever he gets a gf/his latest future wife he isn't as reliable with the calls and visits and expects it to be fine because he's the dad, not the mom.
  3. I think Vee is pretty but not stunning, def above average. Jo to me is very very unattractive. He and Kail were more evenly matched in terms of looks. I find Javi pretty attractive actually.
  4. I will say that Aubree actually expressed herself pretty well and very clearly on *why* she was upset. She wasn't just throwing screaming fits. She was sad that Watson didn't smile at her and only smiled at her mom and Cole, so it's not only jealousy of her brother...she feels left out of the family. Then she pretty clearly stated that it hurts her that Chelsea and Cole sleep with Watson and she's by herself at night for bedtime, which absolutely must make her feel like a loner, all compounded by the fact that her bio dad doesn't live with them and this has made that extra "out there" and painful. It was all pretty transparent. I hope Chelsea got it together later or offscreen and empathized, because you can't get much more obvious than that.
  5. He was at the hospital with her, you go to labor and delivery for a D&C in my experience.
  6. Oh my god YES especially at the Chelsea and Leah portions. I don't think Javi would still be hiding an abortion for Kailyn's benefit. He talked about being at the D&C.
  7. Yeah, I'm not willing to blame the coven on this one. He is one sketchy pos. What does he expect them to do, drive Nova to a playground and watch from a distance for hours because he can't drive her back?
  8. Definitely agree. I get that he works and it was their arrangement but if he has such a problem with Leah's parenting he shouldn't be complaining unless he can start doing more caregiving. Another reason to not maybe get pregnant/get someone pregnant after a month of dating. They both act like they never had any idea who the other person was. Jeremy is very much a "that's woman's work, I'm the man and I'll be at the pipeline and call you when I damn well feel like it" kind of guy and Leah should have known that. Leah is irresponsible, needy and all over the place and Jeremy should have known that.
  9. Leah and Corey have never followed the doctor's orders regarding the wheelchair. But yes she should still be in it, nothing has changed. Vee FTW. Holy shit she says what everyone is thinking. I hope Jo treats her well because she is awesome and no nonsense. He was good with Isaac, aka the sweetest child of all time, in this episode. I'm sure he and Vee are even more "wtf is happening with this bitch" off camera. I have little to say for Kailyn herself because, well, ew. I'm a bit torn on Aubree/Chelsea. Aubree is a bit bratty, yes, and has been for a while. But her emotions are completely understandable and I felt for her. She's not 2, she's 7 or something. She knows that Chelsea/Cole are a unit with Watson, that she doesn't have a bio dad who will always be there for her like Watson does, that Chelsea is very into her "familyyyy" with Cole, and that she is somewhat excluded. Chelsea had also just given birth and was likely overwhelmed and surprised by the behavior, so I get it, but it does seem like she is so into her little unit she's got going with Cole that she just wants Aubree to fit into the scenario seamlessly as if she is Watson's full bio older sister. She's not, no matter how much Cole loves her as his own, and she's feeling that difference. Sometimes it seems like Chelsea just wants to pretend Adammmmm never happened, but he did. I'm sure she *did* just want to spend some time actually enjoying the first days with her baby with a supportive partner, as an adult, without major drama and turmoil. She never had that before. But that's not Aubree's fault and I'm sure she senses some hint of that, that her early childhood was not what her brother's will be. Jeremy was being ridiculous. She's not upset at having to go back to her mom because she gets abused there, she's upset at not seeing you for weeks or months at a time and having those times be unpredictable. Another completely normal emotional reaction from a child. I don't know if he was trying to play it up for the cameras or if he just assumes the mom is the primary caretaker and that's the "natural place" for a child or what, but any kid in her position would likely react the way she does. For Jenelle and her faux macho monster of a boyfriend I have no fucks to give.
  10. That's true, he does seem like his brain is very very fried on drugs. In the permanent neurological sense.
  11. Well @Scarlett45 that was a reasonable and practical solution to a logistical problem. So obviously, um, THAT IS NOT OK. It does not serve Kailyn's needs and her needs only. The thing I don't get is the level of sheer hatred and the treatment of people as less than human. Like look, I know Jo was a dick at times and Javi was too. I'm not saying they were perfect. I'm sure things went on we didn't see, yada yada. They weren't angelic beings. And if you spend long enough in a relationship that ends up going off the rails and failing, you'll have things to be angry about. I'm sure if my husband wanted a divorce tomorrow there are things both of us could be bitter about or whatever from the past. But if we broke up and had to co parent, I wouldn't WANT him to not see our child on holidays or fight with him every time we saw each other or refuse to have a vaguely pleasant conversation. Would I think he was the greatest guy on earth and act like a sweet angel to him, probably not. We'd, you know, be divorced. But come on! Just be a freaking reasonable person. No one is asking her to be snuggly or even not to be snippy. Just literally to have a decent, not awful, practical conversation about your kids. It could be terse and formal or even through a mediator. But don't treat the person like they're barely worthy of human consciousness. Jesus, nobody has time for that much conflict. Even if I thought my ex truly sucked, I'd eventually have too much shit to do to care that much. Like...too bad, so sad, move on, it's not that interesting to anyone.
  12. One whole side of my family is from NE Texas!! Hey there! Yeah I'm a Yankee and y'all isn't totally out of my conversational vocabulary occasionally. But how much you want to bet she never said it until David told her what her new personality had to be? All the sudden she was into "fishin'" and "huntin'." With Nathan she was a gym rat, with Kieffer a club kid stoner, with Courtland a strung out junkie, with Gary a military supporter/enthusiast...
  13. I don't know, I really don't think Adam has much capacity for empathy, we just haven't seen as much of him interacting with others. He & Jenelle would really be a good match, they seem highly similar.
  14. Yeah, I haven't enjoyed pregnancy in the least. Hyperemesis gravidarum for 6 months, then monitored constantly because of extra fluid, worked the whole time and always in pain. Never got the mysterious "glow." I'm happy for people who do well with pregnancy but I'm definitely not one of them! I'm doing a lot of squats and praying to meet her soon.
  15. Ensley is very cute. What a miserable life she's been born into. Also...Y'ALL AGAIN. I know lots of people say y'all, not just rednecks, but she is just trying soooo hard. With Courtland/Kieffer/Gary/Nathan she mysteriously had no redneck tendencies.
  16. I tend to agree. Kailyn's faces!!! I was rewatching one of her clips yesterday and she goes from 0 to 100 and her yelling face is as funny as Farrah crying. I'm bad at making/finding visual snark but I'm sure somebody will oblige.
  17. Agree with all. Kailyn's diagnosis is, I think, very accurate. I don't think it's why she's an asshole but I think it makes her negative feelings more difficult for her to manage and express. And certainly her upbringing didn't help. Adam seems to really have some kind of deep seated problem, he cares about nothing and no one but doesn't seem to have a chaotic upbringing that would even begin to explain it, which is frightening. Weirdly I think Kieffer had actual empathy and kindness in him, unlike Jenelle's later dudes? Not saying he wasn't trash because yeah he was trash, but Courtland, Nathan and David are a whole different ball game.
  18. They're not supposed to, but it's pretty rare that they don't if someone is visibly disabled unless they're pretty well trained about the ADA. The asking is sometimes helpful, sometimes harmful. Especially now that people fake it so often. It used to happen more often with invisible disabilities only and then people actually started faking being wheelchair users. Pretty ballsy *eyeroll*. So annoying. That said, the shorter waits, when they exist, are really perks for everybody, so it's a shame. They make the lines shorter for everyone in case someone needs assistance and ensure something slightly closer to equal treatment given that a lot of rides still aren't going to be accessible to Ali, so the ones that are she can board separately. For her sake I hope they did take any available accommodations instead of pushing her to get up and out of the chair like her sister (grumble grumble), which I can TOTALLY see them doing. I'm glad they brought the wheelchair if only because she likely can't get around the park quickly and it makes me sick to watch her be pushed to do so against doctor's orders. I'm always hopeful that the Messer clan will get it together re: Ali. *Sigh* don't kill the dream! They're going to go to classes for parents of disabled children and read extensively about her condition and how to empower her, don'tcha know.
  19. Isn't she fake redneck now? Why are her invitations like that?
  20. It's after two babies because David and Jenelle each have kids from other people so two kids make their relationship "special." *Throws up*
  21. They should learn to use those more...
  22. Wait. She got STICKERS for her college kid's grades?!?!?! Reading that recap makes me hate Roxanne a little more and feel for Brittany a lot more.
  23. In the sneak peek, David is saying they can't get married until Jenelle has two of his babies. She responds by saying that she's been sending him photos of diamond rings. .......
  24. It is meant to be for things that require it, such as being a wheelchair user, which takes extra time to board, so being in a separate line makes sense for everyone. It would also apply to those who are demonstrably too physically vulnerable to wait outside or stand for that long or for particular developmental disabilities that make waiting extremely difficult or impossible, not only for them but also those around them. It would not be "any" disability (though people try to lie a lot like they do with disabled parking). Under the ADA you would need to describe the accommodations needed and why. Disney now requires notification from a doctor because people were even faking needing mobility devices. Ali would not qualify at Disney as she has only a mobility issue, not a cognitive one or an illness. Navigating Disney and other parks with a wheelchair is definitely not a "perk" or any special treatment even at the front of the line; having done it several times recently it is exceedingly difficult even with accommodations that are meant to make things equal, and often park employees aren't actually trained to deal with then well. Also, not everyone in your party gets to use the pass, it's limited, so it could potentially make the whole thing a lot harder for the whole group or they would have to separate. I think it's safe to say they perhaps just had her use the wheelchair this time because she needed it or gets tired, which is great if true.
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