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Everything posted by Thumper82003

  1. I'm surprised that there were 2 "winners" as well. This was so skewed to give the "hunters" the advantage. Between the limited funds allowed, the unfair phone taps and interrogations of everyone, including children, I don't see how there could be one winner, but two. I agree that this type of chase would be only for a mass murderer or extreme terrorist. Even though the mass media (social media, local newspaper) wanted ads said that it was for a tv show, some people don't read everything. I could see some Barney Fife type doing damage to the teams accidentally. Same with the teams' reputation in the future. I think that in the future, fewer advantages should be given to the hunters. NO interrogation of children. More money available to the teams. Any ads have to have "This is a TV Show" in as big letters as the pictures. And so on. I suspected that the Chapel Hill couple won this past week. The UNC student newspaper, The Daily Tarheel, had an article about English & her husband. (She works at UNC.) No mention of winning but the writer included the fact that there was a new car in the drive, lol. IF there is a second season I would watch IF they leveled the playing field just a little bit. Maybe a day lead instead of an hour. More money. Same criteria that a judge would need to grant a wiretap, not just because the hunters say so. And so on.
  2. Unfortunately (or fortunately) I don't drink anymore except in virtual reality.
  3. Booze is the way we coped with show for a good long time. If we played a drinking game about how many times Turd says he did something reprehensible "formyfambly..." we'd all be alcoholics. So my vote is it's on topic...
  4. The problem that I have with Dylan being killed off is that it's a tool to send Sharon over the edge, into the arms of God knows who. Sharon needs to be allowed to be single and strong. Turd needs to lay off his sabotaging her, Nick needs to back off his slaying her character for something he did for 18 years. At least she had the excuse of overly medicated & illness. What's his? I want Nick to find out Sully/Can isn't his. Then hear him rage against the all perfect Sage. She'll be a tramp, but him, he's perfect. <tic> For once, start a little realism. I don't want Turd made into a loving PaPa. He did vile things. Yes Sharon did so too, but they "explained" her overly sexual behavior and shop lifting by her bipolar diagnosis. Even burning down the ranch, with Turd sabotaging her meds. Turd & Nick don't have this explanation. Just rewriting history. I want Sharon to live without a man. Make her stronger, able to survive another tragedy. Make her get the treatment she needs, the medication mix right for her. Make her a beautiful strong woman. This will partly undo the destruction of strong women in the show. Nick jumping the nanny should show that he isn't a "fit" father, if they go by the standards they hold for women. Make him lose custody of both Faith & Sully/Can. Give them to Sharon to raise. Nick went through months & months of saying he'd love Sharon despite her "secret". Then he proceeds to go against this the minute the "secret" is out. After he hid the question of Summer's paternity for 18 years. He is always unfaithful then blames the woman. Make his faithlessness an open secret. Make him accountable for his behavior. I don't care if Dylan comes back ala Adam. I don't care if he's recast. I just don't want them to use his death to trash Sharon again. Rant over.
  5. The bar bothered/botheres me because I think it is in poor taste with an alcoholic in the house. You don't have to be dry, you just need to be more sensitive to the alcoholic. Don't rub her face in it.
  6. I'm with you Pearlite. That's why I moved to NC 35 years ago. Here, if we get snow it will melt away in about a day. Ice is more common and more dangerous, especially with transplants trying to drive on ice. I have memories of walking to school in the snow 4 feet deep. Of course, it was 3 blocks away, then found out school was closed. (No TV, my father called it the boob tube...) Then there was the time I took a short cut over the ice on the flooded basement of the convent building site. Ice broke, fell in icy water 6 feet deep. My older sister took delight in holding my head above water by pulling my hair, until a couple of teenage boys pulled me out. Thank you Steven Wall wherever you are. They sent me home while they went on to church where the nuns took attendance. I changed in time for the next Mass. So I hate cold and snow. As I write this the temperature is in the 20s (F) and the birds are frantic on the grass, a sure sign of the S word. Let it pass, please. I'm satisfied with the memories...
  7. My thoughts: I would never ever marry Jerimiah! He seems to be an abusive man. At the very least, an emotionally abusive person. It wouldn't take much for him to be physically abusive. Carmela was in tears before the wedding, he removed the license then blamed her. I don't think the marriage will last 5 years, if that. He makes mean hearted comments to everyone, then says it was a joke. No it wasn't, it was intentially hurtful. How can he expect Kate to come to his wedding after he tore into her in PA? She seemed on the verge of tears when he tore into her. I think she did what was right for her. I am disappointed that the rest, especially Mary didn't see that, especially after all Kate did for her. At least Sabrina had faint praise for Kate. I wish Kate well, she needs to cut ties to the past, protect herself. Mary returning to Chester may not work if he wants to stay Amish. I think he will chose the Amish over Mary. I wish her well, but I think she will be hurt again. I think she is English at heart but wants her marriage back.
  8. Just my opinion, but I think if she could keep her husband and family and turn English she would. As others said she wants her cake & eat it too.
  9. I loved Crossing Jordan. But in recent years, anything I liked has been cancelled. So I knew that show was toast.
  10. I had a hard time determining if Adam was alive or dead. I had to put closed captioning on to see what was said. I only knew for sure once Karl was reading in Adam's room. I almost expected to see Adam in a coma there.
  11. I think Karl was only the icing on top of his psychosis. It was also the politicians who stopped the investigations as well as the the French who considered him too unstable and so on. Karl was the last straw for his killing spree.
  12. Regarding the cast's arrest history: Kate was arrested for DWI before the first season. It was in the gossip rags at that time. However, it seems that she has done well coming back from that. She really seems to have put herself together. The original show that spawned all these show was of 5 Amish leaving for rumspringa. (forgive my spelling) One of the original did a real documentary going around different Amish communities, talking with experts/wannabe experts. He began a real support community for ex Amish, addressing education, dental, technology and drug/alcohol abuse. He stressed how difficult it could be for someone to leave the Amish. They had to leave all family, even some who might support them. Finances & education were critical. Add to it, if someone was killed the Amish regarded those who leave as going to hell. Of course, this was before Amish Mafia and all these Breaking Amish & Return to Amish etc. The state of PA has a law that prevents "exploitation" of the Amish, so that's why many of these shows are filmed elsewhere. (To protect the tourist industry rather than protecting the Amish...)
  13. First, I think this whole fiasco is BS. But I think with Alford Pleas you give up the right to appeal or sue for wrongful imprisonment. You take the deal acknowledging that the state has enough to convict while not pleading guilty. This whole storyline has no or very little reality to it, even for a soap opera. I wish some para legal was on the writers' list of resources. They could do just a little research to improve the storyline. Although Pratt's storylines would be hard to write out of!
  14. I don't know if CTM uses them, but there is a doll maker who makes very realistic dolls for tv shows like soap operas. They are very expensive, but the ones I saw are realistic. However, on CTM, they seem to have real babies more than other shows.
  15. As I mentioned in a previous post, I took Thalidomide for 1 year. Each month I had to swear I was post menopausal or used 2 forms of birth control, any unused pills would be returned to the company etc. It cost $15000/month for my dose. (TG my insurance covered it!) The doctor and pharmacy had to be certified. There was monthly blood work. In the end, it did not make enough of an improvement to justify continuing. It has become one of those "orphan" drugs that should be inexpensive since it is so old, but since it has new uses they can justify such a huge price, keeping out of reach for those without insurance or finances.
  16. RedRockRosie: Re: Phelps & Pratt need to be gone: i don't know if it's true, but the rumor in one of the soap magazine is that at least Phelps will be fired because of viewer complaints and lower ratings. Lets all pray it is true!
  17. You know, with both Billy & Phyllis as closed head injury survivors, they could have an informative PSA on the behavioral problems & after effects of head trauma. They could partially write themselves out of this failed story about Billy & Phyllis. But that would take researching head trauma, accurately writing about it etc. Prattfail doesn't have it in him. It wasn't mentioned today but the Gabe/Adam /Constance murder storyline has so many legal flaws that even one who's only legal degree comes from Forensic Files can see them! Once Dickoless brought the diary to the police demanding his brother be arrested, Sage was public property. Once the police exhumed Constance to arrest Adam, he has equal rights to forensic evidence. And who was the creep following Gabe & Sage when they were "married"? Wasn't he the executor, not Sage or Nick? Nick wouldn't have anything to do with it. And if the diary was true, Sage was at least an accessory to the murder.
  18. What medications were you on? Many can cause discharge. If you remember what you were on, look them up. That may give you your answer.
  19. Anyone want Hilliary to be murdered & Phyllis blamed? But Pratt only blames things on Sharon or Adam, so somehow it would be them on trial. pure speculation...
  20. Again speculation, but could Sage have written about the real Gabe, the one she was married to? Not Gadam. Of course, that would mean she was a "bad person" who completed his plan.
  21. Re: squirrels. When I was a child in NYC, going to a cemetery, my father was concerned that the overly friendly squirrels were rabid. Although I think the cemetery squirrels were just used to being fed, my father was raised in the country where a squirrel coming close to humans were usually rabid. He then passed on his fears to me. Then the convent's attic was overrun with squirrels and they found out that squirrels were a protected species in NYC, could only be trapped & released, not killed, lol.
  22. I love that it was Sister Monica who was able to get through to the nun who was attacked. (Sorry, CRS names...)
  23. I think the mother/ son team said something like that last show. The son was talking about being last or next to last so often, said that the last one is the only one that matters.
  24. Every time I see "GC" for Genoa City, I think gonorrhea...
  25. After watching today's US show, I can add in my own speculation: Both Sage & Sharon have been looking into psycho nurse, aka Angel of death. I could see the psycho nurse to be the one who kills Sage to cover things up. I can even see them retro writing psycho doc's death as by psycho nurse then framing Patti for it. Again, just speculating.
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