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Everything posted by Thumper82003

  1. I feel Danny was playing to the cameras, at least some of the time. However, his attitudes were demoralizing the crew. That is not just playing to the camera. I think Danny has pulled some of these tricks before, but kept his rep intact by blackmailing or threatening blackmail about such things as the 1-2 crabs left in the pot. While he was filming it, not doing his job by removing it. He got kicked off the boat early, he mouthed more than work, yet he'll get his full cut. He cost the TB in lower productivity, possibly made conditions more likely to a deadly accident, bullied the greenhorns way more than "usual or necessary". But he walks away with time off, his pay and air tickets home, while the others have to pick up and do 1/3 more work, at least. It would be interesting to see what his previous captains have to say about him. Probably "doesn't play well with others" but an experienced crabber. The first over rides the second, but he probably threatened his previous crews with blackmail to keep his resume positive. But the TB's cameras documented his behavior like the others did or could not. Bottom line: crazy, but also crazy like a fox. Crews talk so I hope they will warn Jake against hiring him for the Saga. Wasn't one of the others from the Saga? Jake is going to have bigger problems. He's a new captain who has trouble with being respected in the past. This crew went through hell with Elliot's tirades, they are not going to be respectful of anyone. I bet Jake wasn't Elliot's first call for captain. I hope Elliot's father is on board to help Jake.
  2. I second that! That image is way over the line, lol!
  3. Flay had a St. Patrick's Day special where he toured Ireland with his daughter several years ago. She seemed to be around 13-14 them. If she is now college age, I could see her not wanting her father to comment on her.Again, recently on Beat Bobby Flay, there was a segment where he had experience his opponent didn't expect. He said that he cooked it for his wife for their first day and frequently since. I think it was biscuits or brunch. He spoke lovingly of her. Then about a month after that showed, there was the announcement that March filed for divorce. I think the final straw was Bobby returning to FL for shooting for FN while she was in the hospital with appendicitis. He then sent his assistant to pick her up from the hospital. Bobby started out being arrogant. I've watched him grow over the different shows. I felt he could be a great teacher. However, IF the reports are true, he's going through a mid life crisis where he's an ass.
  4. Regarding the American show:If I remember right, only "glass" glasses will start fire in the right sunlight. Most glasses (at least inexpensive ones) use a safety glass which is more like plastic and doesn't start fire easily. They may also have an "anti glare" treatment that makes fire starting difficult. Reading glasses can be thicker than bifocal or distance glasses. I think the doctor is the busiest one out there. Three medevaced with serious problems... IIRC, one of the cameramen mentioned filming Deadliest Catch in the past. He may be more experienced on tough situations. I felt the trash on the beach was "supplemented" by the producers, lol.
  5. I hate they are destroying a chance at some public health teaching. So men (those of you who only think with their..., not all men, lol) will think all that comes with treatment of prostate cancer is impotence. Men avoid doctors enough without this bs. With decent doctors, early treatment, things can be fine. Trick is finding the right doctor/treatment for you. Not this self pitying bull crap. I've said the same about bipolar treatment. I wish they wouldn't trash people with mental illness like this. Or at least have someone call Victor a sociopath for having Jack tortured/raped/kidnapped, setting up others for murder, protecting murderers etc.
  6. Did anyone get the feeling that the "ship" that Jack was on was a toy in a bathtub they set on fire? Those sky shots of the boat exploding and all... Not a realistic effect at all.
  7. Regarding the landline phone: You can hit redial to get the last number called. However, IMO the writers didn't know this, just did whatever that would lead to Sharon as usual...
  8. Yes, I thought Kate's nose looked worse. The swelling may not have completely resolved, but I still say she did it for the medical reasons but with cosmetics in mind. Her decision to go into the designer angle instead of modeling seems soon. Maybe it was because of the nose not making much difference?I thought that Mary's illness may be related to being in that house. Coming attractions mention a "haunted" house or some such thing. I got the feeling it will turn out to be being in that house, an environmental reason. Yes I noticed the wallpaper. I was surprised that they just painted it. I was also surprised that they painted the exterior without cleaning off the mold/mildew.
  9. I thought it was Michael who raped Cricket? Or was it both? There were years I didn't watch, so it may have happened then.
  10. From what I understand, having the business (B&B) without the OK of the bishop, as well as having shunned family working there, are all reasons for Mary staying in trouble. Chapel was right (or was it Rebecca?) when she said Mary was like Andrew. She is a rebel, non conforming. On one hand, I cheer her on, but knowing that these actions will make her shunned I wish she would do what her community wants of her. I think Rebecca has been growing as English. Between a previous (probably abusive) marriage, a harsh childhood, her marriage to (CRS) seems to be the best thing in her life. When they showed the letter from her cousin un inviting her to her wedding, I could see her hurt, but she didn't let it undo her. I suspect Jerimiah of bad intentions. He was married, I think I heard he had unpaid child support in the past. Yet he seems to be flirting with unsuspecting Amish girls. Mary better watch out for Kate. But I think Mary sees Jerimiah as another wayward son that she is trying to save. Chapel, if she is stage 4 cancer doesn't have 22 months. She really needs someone. I like that Kate seems to care for her, but I see Chapel will be blamed when Kate's eventual leaving the Amish happens. But advances in cancer treatment may help give her time. Maybe Andrews lawyer can get an early release for him to help his sick wife and shunned mother. I hope so... Anyone hear what happened to Mary?
  11. I guess I'm biased as I have a deviated septum. It truly does interfer with breathing. I had a procedure to try to open it without the major surgery and it failed. I'm now on CPAP to get enough air in during sleep. Kate's procedure may have been cosmetic but I suspect more due to breathing difficulties.Rebecca's oldest was with her grandparents during the first shows. Her Amish ex didn't have her. That tells me she's Abe's. However that's my guess, and at present she is with her mother and her father/stepfather. It is Rebecca's business, not ours. For the child's sake, it is better if she is just considered theirs. No matter whose child she is, she is loved.
  12. Family & the Amish Church are so intertwined that I can see why Mary doesn't quit the Amish. I think there are other adult children not shown in the series.The first man from a Breaking Amish type show had a documentary type series a few years ago. He explained the different churches among the Amish but the minute you quit, you were going to hell. He also explained how breaking away from family hurt. Those who left are really alone, with a high percentage with psych problems. Most were not allowed to read the Bible themselves, with the Bishops explaining their version of it. He also said that psych help was very discouraged. If Mary were to join another church, she would be forever shunned from all family. At least now, she has a chance of being allowed back into the church, and back in the family. Regarding Kate: I would doubt her deviated septum story until the doctor went on camera explaining why she had the procedure. He would not get on camera unless it was true. There may have been cosmetic reasons for it, but I believe the deviated septum repair story. That level of nasal obstruction can really interfere with breathing, especially during sleep.
  13. Not just visit a psych hospital but be admitted, to see how those with mental illness are treated. Walk in their shoes. Then let him use those problems as a joke.Better yet, have them forget he's there, he's sentenced to stay there until someone remembers...
  14. I bet that party crater turns out to be related to Farco. Remember, the DNA was only a"partial match" so it could be a sibling or child of Farco. And Farco could be cleaning up after the crashes to protect his identity.
  15. "Harper Valley PTA " style! But it will never happen, this crew is too stupid to realize anything but "Sharon is EVIL" BS.(As to the song, younguns, look it up on Google. Yes I'm a bit older.. It's from the '70s.) The idiots will take Sharon's list of their sins as her mental illness rather than looking in the mirror.
  16. A number of thoughts: A drug lord may not be interested in the Scoobies, but wasn't the DNA a partial match? If so, it could be a family member such as the Victor geek who did the Scoobies murders. But I'd love Victor to be arrested not only for forgery, theft of the company, accessory to the crimes against the real jack but for the Scoobies murders accessory. I want at least a year of real prison time. But I don't see that happening. Oh, charges against Victoria since she "should have known" as second in command, with her jailed for at least 3 months... Let her know what false charges an do to a mother, especially if she loses custody like Sharon. Good for the goose, good for the other goose. I'm still cringing at the cheap illiterate writing of Michael & Sharon's medical situation. Ok for 1950's soaps but not in this day and age. Billy: when Farco was in the hospital, he called Billy "Billyboy", and I thought I saw a look on Billy's face. Anyone else see that? Can't Dickolaus find someone who wasn't a family members' wife? Does he have to soil them all? Can he be so flawed then ignore his own hypocrisy? Sage, I can see as the "real" killer of Delia. But I can also see her as Dickolaus' victim, after years in a wheel chair and PT who moved in with Constance after her own parents died. Speculation. But I see Gabe/ Dickolaus fighting over the baby with switched DNA. (I see why Victor took the hairbrush to Switzerland for DNA testing...) The rich get away with a lot. I can see car wrecks, etc but murder and bringing in murderers is over the line. I want prison for Victor and all his whiners. But most of all, I want decent writers allowed to do a decent job by decent producers. F this mess.
  17. I said the same thing to my husband when I heard Avery call bipolar a "psychosis". I'm getting angry how shows and specifically this show perpetuate misinformation on mental illness. It is hard enough to have a mental illness without crappy writers mangle the writing. Missing one dose doesn't make you go wild, unless your dose (& blood levels) were too low to begin with. The bipolar diagnosis explained a lot of Sharon's past behavior. But instead of using this show to educate people they decided to use it to pile more shit on Sharon. Shame on the writers! And producers! Same goes for the prostate storyline. Way to get men to get checked for cancer, a good PSA to educate men. But they blow it by implying all you'll get is death & a limp dick. Yes it is a possible side effect of treatment, especially if it is in an advanced state. But instead of having a doctor talk about it and discuss it, they give us this shit. Instead they should show how a loving couple gets through it, with or without a woody. Get the real facts out, don't make it a reason men don't or won't get checked until it's too late. I wish they would have and USE a medical professional to ensure some credibility. I understand some creative license is necessary but only so much!
  18. I see the paternity as the way Gabe/Adam is exposed. The DNA will be a "mistake" when it says Dickolas isn't the father. But somebody with a close family relationship is. I see Dickolas "stealing" Adam's baby by saying he/she is his, repeating a hidden paternity cycle. Faith, Summer, little herb....
  19. Are we sure Sharon didn't take her meds, or did Victor have someone switch them as he did in the past? His rage and venom towards her is irrational. Why gaslight her, frame her for murder (twice!!!) and expend all that energy hating her? I really hope when all this is done Victor will be found responsible and get real punishment!
  20. I'd love for them to pin all this on either Sage or Joe. Or both, then we can get rid of 2 of my least favorites....They keep blaming Sharon and other scapegoats. But the killer has to have better computer skills than Kevin. That's not Sharon or Dylan or Stitch. Weird how Fen just disappeared after spiking the punch. It may be Joe since he blew off Austen after A. did that work for him, telling him he didn't need it, stiffing him on payment. There's a possible motive. We don't know enough about Sage's skills or abilities. I doubt it is one of the Newmans, although Victor may have hired someone who "went too far" especially since V is never responsible for anything.
  21. IMO, they are using Maya's " honesty" as an out for Rick. He won't dump her because of transgender, but because she lied, even if by omission. But he will freak out. If he shot at his ex when they were already separated, what will he do with Maya? They'll use that history to say he is unstable when he finds out and freaks out.
  22. Has Courtney been murdered yet? Whenever the Scoobies are together huddled over the laptop, she's not there. Have they even mentioned her? I know Abby is with Stitch, Kyle & Abby rich do nothing's while Kevin is supposed to be working for the police, Mariah's & Noah's bar fell down. Most of them are rich trust fund babies, except for Kevin & Mariah. How are they supporting themselves now?
  23. Genetics versus Enviroment. Living examples of how to get away with murder, or at least very bad behavior...
  24. Are you sure Kyle is an Abbot, gas lighting (lite) Sharon? Oh yes, Victor did steal him away from Jack for a bit after Diane was killed by Victor's wife. So the Newman gas lighting company could continue with him!I'm so glad Sharon told Nick off. I hate they'll railroad her for Austin's death. Blah blah blah lets kick Sharon round 100. I want it to come out publicly that Victor gas lighted Sharon, bought off Kelly, staged her "death", like he did with whatshername who died in the volcano in HI, framed Sharon for it to be tried in WI ( because HI &WI are sooooo close) and left her in prison "for life". Better yet, I want the documentary airing Newman dirty laundry to come out in court. All of it. Then count Victor as top of the charts for killing him except that he was buried under the Underground. But Nick was out running about.... Or Phyllis even, I don't think she's too innocent to do it. Maybe Phyllis was filmed poisoning Kelly. (Yes, not true, but I can hope!) But the Abbott dirty laundry, well, let Kyle & Phyllis' come out, such as when she seduced him to come between Summer and Kyle. (So Phyllis had doubts, why wasn't she blamed for 18 years of hiding that, like Nick hid it. But only Sharon is at fault, old old news repeat.) So much for my rant...
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