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Everything posted by Thumper82003

  1. Sharon has very good reasons for talking to Austin, such as Victor setting up first Adam, then Sharon for murder, Sharon being sent to prison for "life" in a bs trial, the Turd gas lighting her and sabotaging her psychiatric care. She doesn't even know about him trying to get someone to switch her meds. She has even more reasons to "hate" VicTurd than Jack. But saying anything, however true, would only inflict her with his wrath, he'd make her life hell. I just wish everything he has done would be revealed. He brought Paul's sister (CRS her name) back to town when she sounded like she was doing so well where ever she was. (Psychiatrist who she impersonated was treating her etc.) He has been behind much of the craziness around GC. He never faced consequences for them. He's the first to blame others, the fake Jack being the 3rd or 4th doppelgänger in recent years. One thing about Austin: Austin did a project for Joe that Joe turned around and said he didn't need it, wouldn't pay for it. I would imagine this documentary is what Joe ordered. Something like this would take a long time to do. I don't see Austin doing 2 documentaries and working as his f-i-l bartender. So maybe Joe is the killer??? Dimmer: (sorry, spell check changed D's name and I like this better) As other's pointed out, she needs to be told again she's the product of cheating. Her mother went after Dickolaus when he was married to Sharon. Again & again her father has cheated with every spouse or girlfriend. So shut up already. I think this storyline will kill the show, as if the producers haven't already. If the show is ever cancelled, I'd love the actors just blast each other with held back truths, such as Sharon just telling each one to F off, her excuse is mental illness but what's yours? But she never mentions the gas lighting, the set up for murder etc.
  2. But does Victor know about it's date rape properties? Or will he reproduce it, then when lawsuits start rolling in throw his daughter under the bus.
  3. I'm glad he put his money where his mouth was. I could see him saying he'd give the money then not doing so.On a side note, the Circle Line and all the boats/ships in the area did respond post 911, with the largest water evacuation in history, replacing the WWII Dunkirk evacuation. Private boats, ships all sizes ferried people off Manhattan, then some acted as relief centers for emergency personnel, IIRC. There was a video on you tube/Facebook narrated by Tom Hanks , I think, about it. It will have you crying. Found the YouTube video, it's called "Boatlift- An Untold Tale of 9/11 Resilience" It is narrated by Tom Hanks. But despite all this history, this was not what the task was about. This was about selling a fun cruise, for a diverse crowd. They don't need Geraldo spewing his spiel making them uncomfortable. Geraldo should have been the one to go, but he is Trump's pet and untouchable.
  4. Geraldo saying he's going to give another $40k to the CG is because he knows he should be the one to go. He's the reason they lost. Yes, it was a weak theme, but without Geraldo's preaching it may have been bearable. At least it would have beat Brandi's "song & dance"! But Trump won't fire his mini me just yet.I'd love to know if gr actually give the money. Just saw the question about the CG being government. My guess it is for families of or injured/killed CG. It is a dangerous job, my guess it's like the CG's Wounded Warrior charity. Just a guess...
  5. I grew up in NY. I remember CFON, the jingle etc. I don't remember my parents drinking it though, they may have at times, but it is not something I remember.My husband grew up in the South. He never heard of CFON. Yet when we went to the store yesterday, there were at least 3 shelves of CFON in a variety of packages, k-cups to cans to bricks. That was here in the South. I don't remember seeing that before yesterday. So CA did do something for the brand... Now whether it sells or keeps selling is another story.
  6. Willowbrook was a long time ago. He did start a very needed revolution in care of the mentally disabled. He took that cause and made a career for himself. However, he now reminds me of Betty Davis in Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte. He's an egotistical idiot that rivals Trump's ego. His Al Capone's vault, the map in the sand and selfies at a funeral all tell me what he's become. Sad...
  7. An argument for Mike Rowe over Geraldo is that Rowe is known for "Dirty Jobs" etc. Dirty being sort of an opposite of Neat. So the company would go for Rowe over Geraldo since it ties in with their concept. MR would also be the demographic over Geraldo, the middle age to older working class computer-illiterate. Add in that Geraldo is an alienating personality, versus MR being either unknown or positive.
  8. I remember looking at the percentage of the money that actually went to the intended recipients that season, and IIRC, for HRP it was 30-50% or some such ridiculous amount. The rest went to "fundraising" expenses and administrative expenses. It really opened my eyes. I agree, I wish the producers (or Trump's minions) would screen the charities better, demanding a minimum of 90% to the charity. All others, to the end of the line. If 2 celebs have the same charity, ok, many of the sums raised are small enough that they can use all the donations they can get. (I'm thinking of Wounded Warrior, etc) Insuring that the money is well spent by a charity is just good business. You'd think a "businessman" like Trump would vet them beforehand. Donors know or would need to be told that their donation may go to the other team, to a charity they don't know enough about to donate to. Personally, I think the $20-25k Trump gives is chicken feed. IMO, Trump should open his wallet a little more, give the winning team an extra $50k plus whatever the client gives and what the team raised. The losing team should keep only what they raised for their charity. Trump could still brag he gave millions to charity...
  9. I think they are setting up the next murder trial. Either Kelly did Phyllis, Phyllis did Kelly, or one of the others who hate Phyllis did her and let Kelly take the fall. Who knows? Depends on how popular each is at the time or unpopular in the producers small minds.If Phyllis did do something, an excuse is the demon coma juice did it, made me a zombie....
  10. As much as I'd love to have her suffer side effects from Victor's dangerous pressuring the use of a higher dose of the coma juice, and Victor suffering the consequences, I think it will turn out to be Abby gas lighting her. She is her father's daughter, they've shown her sneaking in the lab, I could see her setting up the hotel rooms, the gowns, draining (or getting someone to drain) the gas tank at NY Eve and so on.But I like the live mice idea as well!
  11. A couple of thoughts: Did anyone else think Shawn looked pale? If so, it may not have been just bitching about a few cramps. Some may have excessive bleeding to the point of anemia. There are a million of other reasons, none of our business, nor Trumps, and that bitch should not have brought it up. I loved Geraldo when he was a crusading lawyer who exposed the cesspool of Willowbrook State Hospital 40+ years ago. But that was then. He's this years less lovable Gary Bussey. (Spelling?) Now he's a conceited has been. He sabotaged others with his conceit. I can't wait for him to be fired, which means he'll last to the end. He's trumps mini me. The others have learned that those who have targeted him get fired, so they won't even try. He'll get a pass.
  12. Can Victor be prosecuted for the gas lighting? If so, when he's deposed, taking the 5th will not look good for Newman custody. Victor knew that Sharon was innocent of whatshername's murder in the volcano, but he let her be prosecuted and sent to prison. And he's the one "protecting his family"!!!What ever happened to the office assistant (male) that Victurd wanted to switch out Sharon's meds? Has he disappeared or was he un memorable? Or both? I know the custody is between Nick & Sharon, but with Victor's deliberate sabotage of Sharon's mental health multiple times, Nickie's secret drinking, these are the "stable family" members Nick wants to brag about. Add in that Dickolaus has jumped from Sharon/Phyllis/Sharon/ Avery/Sharon/whoever is available for a one night stand, and that's without the excuse of mental illness that has been sabotaged by your father. And that bed hopping is only the last 5 years, there may be more. Yes, I want Sharon to give Nick everything, from the fact he hid his doubt about Summer's paternity for 20 years to his screwing around. If he tries to throw her history in her face, then "I was sick, I was being sabotaged deliberately by your loving family, what's your excuse for sleeping around on everyone?" I want her to grow a pair! I want her to (verbally) kick Victurd & Dickolaus in the nuts! Same for Billy. He is a whining brat. He is sleeping with the wife of the man he deliberately planned on killing. No matter the reason. He kidnapped Adam at gunpoint, he shot him and he left the scene of the crime. Because of that Gabriel rescued Adam and he died in his place. So Billy is responsible for Gabriel's death. It happened in the commission of a crime, a preplanned crime by Billy. I don't know if I want Adam back with Chelsea or even Sharon, or just start fresh with Sage, but I don't want Billy with Chelsea. It just doesn't feel right.
  13. My guess that the unexpected help comes from Gabriel aka Adam. Adam was always protective of Sharon, even when he was in love with Chelsea. He was the one who got her decent psych help that diagnosed her as bipolar. It would be just the first way to go against the Newmans while protecting Sharon. I can also see everyone hired by Victor to gaslight her, switch her meds, bribe her doctor etc testifying against Nick. Dylan might help her, but I don't think he has the heavy ammo/will to fight Nick/Victor.
  14. Was there any mention of his father last night? I don't remember any reference to him. Was he really dying or was it a "Johnny FairPlay"?
  15. Milz, I love Morse, but he can be a dick because he's a depressed alcoholic. I always seem to think that no murders would be solved if they gave all the detectives Prosac. All of the TV detectives seem to be clinically depressed.
  16. I somehow get the feeling they are setting us up for a "who shot JR" with Phyllis. She's knowingly barreling through people, purposely hurting them, such as Kelly. Before you know it someone will try to kill her, and another travesty of a trial with the witch of the moment, Sharon. Another thing is the "coma juice" that could have "side effects". I think the previous writers left that as an out if she didn't work out. All this is speculation, just reading into what I've seen. Just once, if there is a trial for custody of Faith, I want everything to come out, how "stable" Nick slept around, between sisters Phyllis, Avery, Sharon's "friend" Grace, and promising to stay with Sharon no matter what. I want everyone in GC to know that his father had someone gaslight Sharon, switch her meds so they didn't work and sabotage her mental health relationship with her doctor. All the dirty Newman laundry, see who is the "crazy" one. And poor "victim" Phyllis, I want her history of intentionally breaking up Sharon & Nick multiple times, her history including hit & run, dumpster sex etc. Let it all out if Nick takes her to court. Oh well, not going to happen. They keep dumping on Sharon as if she intentionally did all she did, when she was ill. Then when she tried to get well, Victor tried his utmost to make sure she didn't.
  17. Based on Kelly's statement about her mother worrying about getting Ben out of jail, I predict that it will turn out that Stitch took the rap for his mother, since he was a juvenile. Of course these writers don't do the obvious or logical so who knows? Kevin should have wiped fingerprints off the badge, then drop it on the floor on the hospital. He'd never bring it back to the station! I still want Billy arrested for Adam's "murder". He kidnapped Adam at gunpoint, then Adam "died" because of that abduction. All this "he's a murderer" about Stitch, but Billy is too. Billy more so, since it was premeditated. Billy killed Victorias brother, and she doesn't care? But Stitch killed his abusive father as a teenager and it's a major crime? Selective memory, and they don't even have the excuse of ECT!
  18. I would love Stitch to say " I accidentally killed my abusive father when I was a kid, but Billy planned, kidnapped at gunpoint and killed your brother! I took responsibility and paid for my crime but he never has. Who is worse?" But never going to happen, too rational.
  19. Victoria is so horrified that Stitch killed his abusive father but not worried about Billy killing (abducting at gunpoint....) HER BROTHER ! Stitch did time in Juvie, turned his life around except for his loser sister who keeps messing up his life. I hate how all the GC "first families" have forgotten what sins they have committed and NOT done time for. But most of all I hate how the writers and producer are murdering this show.
  20. Just happened on this thread: My best memories of the original series are the bloopers. Baranabas enters a room, slams a door shut, supposedly locking it, it bounces open, he slams it again, it bounces open, he slams it a third time, it bounces open and a hand reach in to pull the door closed. Or, Barnabas, about to bite someone (?Angelique), mouth open, his hand reaches up to feel his fangs are not in place. Then puts them in place as if they were vampire dentures. Without the bloopers I would not have been allowed to watch the show, as I would have had nightmares. But the bloopers made it a satire, therefore not scarey.
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