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Everything posted by willpwr

  1. I actually like Rachel, so I think that's cool, sure I have to lower the volume when she's on but I like her. Okay, I'll see my way out.
  2. “There was such an overpowering reaction to the footage, you sort of feel like, ‘Oh, so we weren’t crazy for our reasons for loving this character, for loving this role.’ It’s interesting to see the power of the Internet. It’s awe-inspiring, actually,” Reynolds told the Niagara Falls Review (via ComicBook.com). “And it’s neat that Twitter and Facebook and Instagram can move mountains when used in the right way.” He said that yesterday, I think, not seeing the rumor that he's out. I sure hope he's Deadpool, I thought he was perfect for the role.
  3. I rewatched Riddick yesterday and while I appreciated Nable's IMO understated, nuanced performance especially when a lot of people were seriously overacting and found him believable as an authority figure I'm not sure if he has the charisma Ra's requires. I am open to being pleasantly surprised, though. As for whitewashing, I don't necessarily agree with it but I thought this article has an interesting perspective on it: http://comicsalliance.com/arrow-ras-al-ghul-matthew-nable/
  4. I know Celina Jade definitely mentioned he is very protective of his castmates and I've seen him stand up for KC before which is why I think this particular response has to have been triggered by something. He is usually very respectful. Fans definitely need to develop thicker skins and perspective, some of them seem to take it personally if their ship isn't promoted by an actor, if an actor retweets funny meme's they don't agree with, etc. Unfortunately, in this internet age, a lot of people seem to believe that only their opinions matter and they treat their opinions as fact and if people disagree then they take it as a personal slight. As fans, people need to realize that this is entertainment for us but it is very much an actor's real life and even if they interact with us that does not make them our friends, we do not know the better than they know themselves and it does not give us the right to go and tell them they suck, they need to be fired, etc.
  5. I think his reaction was triggered by something, first Bex Taylor-Klaus goes off about haters and she got called out for retweeting stuff from an account that posts negative things about Laurel, then KC posted her haters gonna hate comment, maybe they as a cast met and decided that they were going to go off on people, I don't know. I know it sucks to see castmates hurt because of what fans say but reacting to negativity in a negative way just adds fuel to the fire. I think they should all jut post messages to their fans saying something like, "I appreciate all of the support I have received from all of you, I always appreciate your positive messages and funny posts, they mean a lot to me. I would like to take the time, however, to address something, we as a cast are united against cyber bullying, we understand that as fans, you are not going to like every character on the show or every storyline but we ask that you please be respectful with your posts. It does not feel good to read messages designed to hurt others. I ask that my fans please not bash my coworkers/friends,, especially not in my name."
  6. I never claimed that Cody was a helpless bystander. My post was in regards to how I think the jury sees him, not me, therefore you misunderstood my post, I made a post earlier in the live feed thread as to why I believe Cody has been loyal to Derrick. You're right, I mixed up the HOH that Derrick threw to Frankie. As for the evictions of Bittany and Amber, Cody said he realized that that was not beneficial to his game but he let himself be talked into agreeing with them. Paola wanted to form an alliance with Cody when they met, she tried flirting with him to get him to work with her. In most evictions Cody has admitted that that's not who he really wanted out but that ties back to my other post as to why he's loyal to Derrick which I understand his perspective.
  7. If I was in the jury I woud see it like this, Derrick chose the jury, if Cody had actually had as much input as he claims then Paola, Amber and Brittany would definitely be there and Christine would be the last woman standing. Cody threw away guaranteed jury votes and none of them have any faith in Cody being able to do much of anything except cuddle. The jury knows that Derrick has been playing a stealth game and probably realizes that he threw POV competitions as well as HOH. If we're going solely by HOH wins, Derrick was sole HOH week 3, co-HOH week 8 which he very obviously threw to Frankie, sole HOH week 10 and week 12. Cody was HOH week 4 and week 9. Since a good portion of the jury was playing as a team and throwing competitions such as the "stay or fold" competition that was handed to Cody which I believe was a POV, I don't think they're going to take him seriously as a competition beast or as a strategist. Also as has been mentioned, the jury already figured out what Derrick has done.
  8. Didn't Diggle trick Oliver into going outside the list? If I recall correctly, Oliver went along with it because he felt that was another one of his father's wrongs that he had to correct. I'm referring to S1E6 Legacies. When he was the Hood, he only went outside of the list if it was something that directly affected him, Laurel, his family or Diggle. Felicity encouraged him to try to help everyone and she reinforced what Diggle had previously told him, that he needed to think outside of the list and try to do good things for the city.
  9. They had a meme on the CW tumbler right after SDCC that was hilarious but they took it down right away. I wish I had saved it because I never saw it after. The meme was of Felicity, Diggle and Oliver in the arrow cave looking at Laurel and Oliver was telling her she wasn't welcome in the arrow cave. One of the tags said #meangirls team arrow. Whoever is running that is definitely biased.
  10. I didn't find the "you'll always be my girl" scene patronizing because Felicity said it first: Oliver: You all right? Diggle had mentioned that maybe you were feeling…a little left out. Felicity: What? No. Felicity: I was just…use to being your girl. Felicity: I mean, not your girl-girl. Felicity: Your girl. Felicity: I know it sounds like the same word, but it means something different in my head. (Oliver cradles Felicity’s head) Felicity: Mmm. Oliver: Hey. Felicity: Hmm? Oliver: You will always be my girl, Felicity. I also didn't find Sara to be patronizing because honestly, loopy Felicity was pretty damn cute. There's certain people that just have that quality that make you smile and I see Felicity as having that quality and sometimes around those people, comments that might normally seem condescending are just people blurting something out without thinking. IMO sometimes "you're cute" means just that, with no qualifier.
  11. He looked guilty, he was smiling when he opened the door, stepped back in shock when his work wifey was there and instead of looking her in the eye, he looked down at the floor. He looked apologetic when he tried to explain which was interesting and then grimaced when she left which showed he knew he messed up. I couldn't find a gif except for this one of later which is funny IMO.
  12. The multi quote button works for me, I'm on a PC not sure if there is anything different on a Mac.
  13. Seriously, I forgot about Joey so hadn't even checked her twitter when I made my earlier post. To me the show that used to be the least about backstabbing was TAR but then people started making alliances which make no sense to me and it seems the show started promoting drama and then the stunt casting, it's still one of my favorite shows, though and the only one I would audition for if I ever decided to audition for anything. I don't believe Caleb, if that were true then he shouldn't have been dumb and included Derrick in his jury votes, especially not say that to Derrick. He told Victoria and Derrick he wanted to take Cody and he told Frankie he wanted to take him.
  14. The thing with Cody and why I think he's being loyal to Derrick, besides him and Derrick making a F2 deal since day 2 is that he probably feels like Derrick has been protecting him and they've formed a big brother/little brother bond and Derrick has done an excellent job of making him feel included in the decision making process. Derrick and Frankie were the main two that wanted Cody in the Bomb Squad, that helped him greatly otherwise he would have been targeted from the start especially after he pissed off Caleb with the Amber flirting. The only one that could have made Cody turn on Derrick was Donny and he used the completely wrong approach, Cody's used to being seen as a good looking dumb kid, Donny made fun of him being dumb and pretty much told him he was being used and too dumb to see it whereas Derrick made him feel smart. He probably felt like everyone kind of turned on him when they first began pointing out how horrible his relationship with Christine looked but Derrick, even though he also made fun of him was the first one to tell him that he wasn't to blame so while everyone was making him feel shitty, Derrick helped make him feel better. There are so many reasons why he's been loyal that while I've faulted him for playing Derrick's game, he probably sees it as there can only be two people in the F2 so even though he didn't want to, he would have to get rid of everyone else at some point either way, might as well be when big bro decided and listened to his input.
  15. Tim retweeted: Christine BB16 @ChristineBB16 · Sep 16 team Stine! I know there's only a few of us but if you want vote for her to win #AFP <3. http://www.cbs.com/shows/big_brother/favorite-houseguest-vote/ … Ariana had a picture of her a few days ago wearing a #TeamFrankie shirt but guess they got backlash after her mom's post about how she wasn't sorry and they were going to support Frankie and the picture is gone from her twitter but it's still on her mom's. While she may not be tweeting, she does interviews, so who knows if she's campaigning for him in that plus her fans still know her brother is on the show and Justin Bieber as well as Lance Bass and other have done posts in his favor throughout the season. Devin is supporting Donny and Zach for AFP. Honestly, most of the previously evicted HG's seem surprisingly self aware after they rejoined the real world and know they are not going to win so they've been campaigning all season for Donny or Zach, probably because they know those two have the best chance and Brittany posted #anyonebutFrankie.
  16. Before Frankie's eviction, he told them he would single-handedly decide who would win. Cody: "You are not jesus!"
  17. Exactly, they need to learn not to feed the trolls. I think the best thing they can do is to try to stay positive and not give attention to the hateful posts. I really don't understand the people that send hate tweets to actors, I don't care how much I think someone sucks as an actor, I have never felt the need to message them to be mean and put them down. It's one thing to have a polite discussion with other fans, but the other is just being hateful IMO.
  18. Wasn't she out 2 episodes due to something having to do with fashion?
  19. If the hope was crushed by Tommy and not Laurel then how is Tommy's scene irrelevant? The scene in the mansion showed me a relationship built on lies and ideas of what could be while he still hid his true self, I view it as a setback to his journey, not advancement. When Oliver is with Laurel, he's "Ollie". Ollie was a little boy and Oliver is a man. This show makes a great distinction on names and how they're important to signify the phase the person is in. In order for him to be Oliver, he needs to leave Ollie behind because that's no longer who he is. To me, Laurel represents who he was.
  20. I can only speak for myself but while I respect Frankie as a competitor, I don't respect the person he's shown himself to be. I've found a lot of what he's said and done to be disgusting and over the top. I'm referring to his groping the guys all season, him calling some of the women the c word, the rape joke, his mean girl hate sessions with Christine, his entitlement about not being a Have Not and yet eating their food, his view on lesbians and many other things. He just seems like a very selfish, arrogant, entitled person that thinks if he puts on a show it gives him free license to be as offensive as possible because, "hey, it's entertainment". There are a lot of other reasons why I dislike him but I'm not going to waste more time on him. He's off my screen, after this post I'm done giving him any thought and I'm glad of that. I'm way more entertained by Caleb and Cody when they're being goofy. Shit, Victoria's blank faces make me laugh more.
  21. Just out of curiosity, how did the scene in the mansion advance the story especially taking into consideration the status of their relationship in S2? How did that scene in the mansion help develop Oliver's journey? It feels to me like it was stuck there because of canon and no other real reason. I'm trying to be open minded and understand different perspectives.
  22. I agree about Derrick having a bit of an ego, anyone that goes on these shows has to have some kind of ego IMO. I phrased myself incorrectly, what I meant was it'd be stupid for him to let his ego get in the way, why not go out on top?
  23. It's true and exactly the reason why I don't sympathize with his game play, he knew what was going on and as demonstrated by JH footage knows how to get along with the cast when he wants to and be part of the in-crowd. He, like Derrick, was smart, could see what was going on but he waited to really talk to people until it was too late and chose to cry about things instead. They were all dealt the same hand, how they chose to play is up to them. I don't think Derrick needs to be on All Stars or prove anything to anyone, he doesn't seem like an actual famewhore and I think him being on All Stars would just be if he got a huge ego. I don't think he'd be the main one targeted because people are underestimating his season and saying how easy he had it so they won't think he's strong and there will be bigger, flashier targets. Also, a lot of previous players might want to align with him since a lot of them have posted positively about him.
  24. Thank you for letting me know, I should pay more attention :).
  25. I hope it's not cancer. She reminds me of one of my friends that after she went through chemo, wore wigs, added extension, etc because she was desperate to go back to how she used to look. If it's Alopecia, would she still have eyebrows? I don't know much about that disease.
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