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Everything posted by hyacinth

  1. Tayshia's father!! Best questions ever.
  2. What exactly does Colton think "I'm falling in love with you" means?
  3. I'm not crazy about any of the remaining contestants or the earnest Colton. But my favorite show every year is when the bewildered well-intentioned families struggle to understand why their child/sibling is seriously considering getting engaged to someone still dating three other people. That's full on reality TV. Jojo's mom drinking straight from a wine bottle still seems like the optimum way to handle the situation.
  4. That's the question of the hour! Why didn't he ask them who they were talking about? He said he assumed it was Demi and promptly dumped her, though the media-conscious Colton was never going to choose her. I must say, for a nice guy, he drops them very coolly. I hope Demi finds someone who appreciates her on BIP and makes some Instagram bucks.
  5. All right, I read Cole-ton's tweets and he does have a self-deprecating sense of humor and seems pretty easy-going. Very easy-going, in fact, sort of a beta guy. Apparently the ratings are up from last week and from last year. I guess it can't hurt to watch an entire season of a Bachelor who seems like a good guy.
  6. Cole-ton says he first looks at eyes, and then teeth. Is that... normal for a guy? I don't think I've ever really focussed on the teeth of a guy whom I was dating. (And I've dated a few.) One of my best friends died in her sleep last week and I promptly went off Dry January but even through my wine fog I was like, "Who's Nina?" when she got voted out of the tribe. Cole-ton seems like a nice guy but I managed to see a red flag. Miss Alabama seemed stumped about a toast idea and was clearly uncomfortable and Cole-ton just kept pressing for a toast. Then he tipped his big head to look accusingly at Hannah B or G (evil wine) until she finally toasted her own birthday, which I thought was a good toast, all things considered.
  7. Colton seems well-intentioned and sweet. So far I don't have the heart to make much fun of him, but this could change quickly. He does have a buffalo head. (Is that mean? I can't decide.) I would just drag a mattress down to the bar area and sleep there.
  8. To me, glorifying folding one's sweatshirts sideways and anthropomorphizing one's possessions is a fad, like pet rocks. (haha, that aged me. Okay, like Elf on a Shelf.) But the show is fun to watch.
  9. I agree. This is something that is not acknowledged enough in the shows and articles about discarding possessions. You might not use a particular item often but when you need it you need it. If your weight changes, it makes no sense to throw away the jeans that may fit again. I think if you're on the fence about an item it should probably be kept not thrown, especially if budgeting is a priority. And I also agree that I love some of my parents' stuff.
  10. When did organizing one's household in common sense ways become a new and life changing concept? I was raised by two organized parents and my kids always seemed to have organized rooms without me saying much and I guess what I'm trying to say is that being organized is not that rare and I'm not quite sure how Marie K turned this all into a movement. But all kudos to her. But having said that, I'm not sure Marie would much approve of me. I just dumped the pink knit pom hat my sister gave me for Christmas in the trash and that did give me a little spark of joy, unlike bringing unused or older belongings or errant purchases to Goodwill or to the local consignment store which just seems like another normal chore on a normal day.
  11. Solid gold fun already! Trista and Ryan's son says, with a puzzled look on his face: "I thought they met in college."
  12. I'm doing Dry January, which makes watching this shit-fest somewhat of a challenge, but I think I'm up for it. And there's always February to look forward to.
  13. I saw Colton just standing there in a suit looking uneasy twice on TV ads yesterday. I felt nauseous or maybe I felt nauseated, I can never remember which one means I want to throw up in my mouth a little.
  14. This show would be better if it had a snide hilarious commentator like Ian on Britain's Love Island. The whole earnest journey drama has gotten old.
  15. Katie Sagal is way too hot for an overweight sad sack widower like Dan. I cringed when they had her say she couldn't keep her eyes off him. She was well paired with Ron Perlman on Sons of Anarchy.
  16. Joe looked surprisingly good tonight. Did Jenna finally decide to teach him some steps? She seems irritated with him, which is odd considering his voting base and his surprising longevity on the show. I liked John Schneider's confusion about his Henry VIII role. He is kind of adorable. Evanna seems to expect great scores. Her acting success may have gone to her head. I like Bobby. I couldn't dance with that little sleep. Milo is an enthused and talented dancer. I think he could win, though I always forget to vote for him since he seems like a shoo-in.
  17. I liked Joe and Jordan's dance and it kept me entertained. That's all I want from this show.
  18. I used to live in Florida and always got sweaty getting ready to go out after a shower. It drove me crazy. I'd have bought the Ta-ta towel but wasn't it only for C cups and above? Why none for smaller women? We sweat, too!
  19. I still think she's cute and I'm currently wine-less! Always interesting to see who thinks who is attractive or not. :-) I don't like that cheek implant, overly-filled facial look, usually complete with fish lips, so I guess I prefer the ML look.
  20. I still think Mary Lou looks really cute! I was going to vote for her last night but I must have been pouring myself more pinot grigio or reading about the upcoming hearings (more reality TV!) and I missed the tiny, nano-sized voting window.
  21. I'm not voting for Grocery Store Joe so I don't have to see Kendall in the audience again. (If you'd watched BIP, you'd understand.) I voted for Nikki G. because I thought Len and Bruno were unfairly harsh on her. What was with that? Do they not like her comedy routines? Nancy McKeon had great facial expressions and I join Carrie Ann in being peeved that Bruno made fun of her. John Schneider was a surprisingly smooth mover across the dance floor. I hope Bobby Bones keeps it up because it looks like the season's going to be a bit dull otherwise.
  22. Then why torture yourself? Why do comedians 'torture' themselves ridiculing celebrities and politicians? Because it's fun! And funny. I don't need to like all the wanna-be celebrities on reality TV to enjoy watching the shows. I have enjoyed watching contestants I heartily don't like interact with contestants I do like on all the Bachelor iterations, Top Chef, Survivor, Big Brother, etc etc etc .
  23. Better use of my time than watching Bachelor in Paradise reunion: Banzai parachute jumping: throw parachute out of airplane, jump out after it.
  24. Seeing Joe and Kendall together makes me want to switch the channel to America's Got Talent.
  25. Oh, my gosh! She did seem a bit off at times with him, but I thought it was the edit. I hope Jordan can parlay his fame and good will into something fun or lucrative or both.
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