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Everything posted by hyacinth

  1. Strange but enjoyable episode. Initially, I thought Rachel was leading Eric on - but Eric is nothing if not perceptive. I think he knows he's not the choice but he's enjoying his time on the show and life. I think Peter's tired of the watch-wearing Bryan and Rachel show and he's backed out of the room. (And the relationship.) Peter would be a toy wooden soldier Bachelor, explaining seriously that although they had all signed on for the chance to get engaged quickly, he was too good for that concept. He almost looked like a disproving Dad when Rachel explained her definition of an engagement. She should have given him the same type of stern lecture she gave DeMario after meeting his ex girlfriend. I am starting to see what Rachel is doing as an audition for a broadcasting job. She's always on, and she enjoys the short intro pieces more than anyone I've seen. Rachel's mother was such a wonderful combination of being loving and supportive but asking needed questions. I would have LOVED to hear her Dad grill the men.
  2. If memory serves me correctly it was Bach's Suite No 3 in D major.
  3. haha, I was drinking my favorite boxed Pinot Grigio while I watched the show and I didn't even notice Eric's grammar. I grew up with a strict mother who taught english and I always lived in affluent suburbs, but my grandparents on one side were dirt poor tenant farmers and had some bad grammar. They were in their 40s (!) when I was born and we spent a lot of very merry time with them. I still say "ain't" every once and awhile, surprising everyone. To me, it still seems normal. It's not easy getting rid of childhood vernacular!
  4. I just love this show. Not as much as Bachelor in Paradise or Southern Charm, but I love it. I cannot wait to see the families next week. Sometimes I wonder what I'd do if one of my sons went on and I was a mom on a hometown visit. I wouldn't be sincere and nice and give my blessing, but I wouldn't grill the girl either, I mean, what if they marry and then I'd always be the evil mother in law, not just to the new wife but to the nation. I think I would try to get in a snarky comment or two. I'm always surprised the families don't see it as a big party on camera, or something to enjoy and joke about.
  5. All the men seem really taken with Rachel. My theory is that her forehead has mesmerized the men.
  6. I remember reading that Michael Buble fell in love with his model-actress wife when he spotted her across the room. He even told the person he was talking to that she was going to be his wife. Instead of feeling entranced by the story, I remember thinking "Men!"
  7. If Peter had leaned back any further in his chair when Rachel again told him how fascinated she was with him, his chair would have fallen over. Read the room, Rachel.
  8. I'm not feeling Bryan. If he were my chiropractor I wouldn't even bother putting on mascara before I went.
  9. Since when did people who watch reality TV shows have standards? :-) One of my favorite reality TV moments was on the Surreal Life in 2005 when Verne Troyer (Mini-Me) got so drunk that he got on his little scooter naked and then jumped off and laboriously peed in a corner of a room. A high cheek-boned male Swedish model said "You're... naked" and then a door curtain rod fell on Peter Brady's head. I personally have no reality TV standards at all.
  10. I am ridiculously happy about this, partly because Wells is going to give advice as a bartender, and partly because Daniel from Canada implied in an interview that he might be joining the merry cast at some point. I hope DeMario can come back, too. I think that would help repair his reputation.
  11. I'd like to see Rachel on Good Morning America as an anchor someday. She seems a natural on TV and has charisma. I'm not feeling any of the men on the show. But as my mother used to say to me after my divorce, you only need one! (I still haven't found that one, haha.) Don't move to Florida after a divorce is all I have to say about that. Bachelorette producers - how about a summer show with older Bachelors and Bachelorettes? Trust me, it would be hilarious enough for any age group to watch.
  12. I kept waiting for Nick to entertain me. And then last night - finally! - he did. He wore a ski cap with no hair showing except for a carefully chosen inch or two of curly bangs RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF HIS FOREHEAD, as if he thought it looked hot. (It was not.)
  13. I don't think he likes Vanessa anymore. In his defense, who could? I figured out what he and Vanessa initially had in common. Humorless parents! I missed Corinne's Dad.
  14. Haha, never knew what YMMV meant either, but here goes! YMMV, but if you drank enough wine while watching the show, you wouldn't have noticed or cared whether Nick and Liz understood each other.
  15. Quite brilliant writing, Rainsong! Love this, too. At this point, I enjoy reading the message boards more than watching the show!
  16. I would enjoy watching a real romance unfold. That's something I've enjoyed on BIP. I probably would have enjoyed Nick more if they'd just shown more of his wry wit. And he IS empathetic towards the women's feelings, I agree. I haven't given him enough credit for that. Maybe some of my boredom with this season has been the editing.
  17. You're right, Nowhere, I think I was unfair to Nick! I've read that Jade and Tanner have made a cool million this year from Instagram ads! Clearly, Instagram and or other entrepreneurial forays could make Nick very financially successful. I will definitely call in to support him on DWTS, especially since I think some of the other contestants have extensive dancing backgrounds. I have unfortunately watched every Bachelor, and have the dead brain cells to prove it. I think perhaps with some of the past Bachelors it was more clear what job they would do at the end of the taping, since some were in established professions they were clearly going back to, or they owned (or their families owned) a business. I think Chris Soules was perhaps the best catch financially of all the Bachelors, and of course the farm was clearly his employment. (I always wondered if Andi or Becca the receptionist had done the math for the Iowa farmland his family owned.) Whatever Nick chooses to do in the future, I will say that he behaved like a gentleman throughout this process. (Which is maybe why I'm bored. :-))
  18. Well, it's gotta be romantic, or entertaining. Now it's neither. I like BIP better at this point.
  19. Most posts about Nick bemoan the way he talks and how utterly bored we are this season. (And the crying. Good God, the crying.) I don't care who Nick bounces with in the bounce house or what he does in the fantasy suites. I'm just bored SHITLESS. I was looking forward to an entertaining season with someone who knew the ropes, who knew (I thought) what it took to entertain the wine-drinking Bachelor Nation. The editors clearly decided to substitute a larger personality (Corinne's) for Nick's.
  20. We don't think he's sleazy and classless. We think he's boring. And unemployed.
  21. Word. (Do people still say that? I don't care. Word.)
  22. I'd pay $29.99 for this! Hell, I'd have a viewing party, complete with party favors and required tequila shots for every orgasm. (Two if it was a first for the woman.)
  23. Corrinne (still can't spell it) declaring she was falling asleep right after declaring she wasn't sucking up to men anymore was pretty funny. The girl's a survivor. I couldn't decide if Nick looked horrified or fascinated at Raven's lack of orgasms with her one and only sexual partner. I'll have some deliciously chilled pinot grigio in a box ready for next week's big reveal.
  24. When my kids were young, one of my son's friends told me, with the cutest serious face, that I could use a full-time housekeeper. (They had one.) I wish I hadn't told the mom because she was really mad at the poor kid. I still laugh thinking about it.
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