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Everything posted by stillhere1900

  1. ^^ "Burning Love" Her ex-husband is a true psycho maniac. Thank GOD her co-workers knew how to use a fire extinguisher. He walked into her work and threw some sort of chemical all over her. When she ran out of the building, trying to get into her car. He stomped her and then threw a lit book of matches on her, Her co-workers were able to put the fire out before she was burned to terribly bad. THEN HE STOOD THERE AND WATCHED HER BURN!!!!!!! When he was trying to get her back, she told him that she just wanted to move on with her life and take care of her. He said "your daughter is the problem, don't you know that ?" Some scenes later they show the daughter (8 yrs old) walking don't the street by herself. After all the psych things this guy did and even telling her the thought the daughter was a problem, she let the daughter walk by herself. I find that really hard to believe.
  2. Last night PBS showed a Docu titled 'POOR KIDS" It didn't end for me because there was no 'update' on how the families featured were doing ? Did I miss it ? Did PBS pay the families to tell their stories. I wonder what kind of compensation the families got.?
  3. Why are all the female 'News Anchors, blond ? My dh said "they have a cloning room full of them in the back: lol
  4. Do they live in the "Laverne & Shirley House ?
  5. I just saw Cindy Williams (Laverne & Shirley) in a commercial for 'Visiting Angels' OMG!! she has on so much makeup that it it looks like a paint gun sprayer was set to "Baby Jane"
  6. I'm torn: I have a serious problem with Ricky only getting a yr in jail because he could have saved Venus' life TWICE!!! This isn't just a moral issue where if he had told the cops, she might have been saved. He was an active participant. He did all that stuff for Doug to help him cover his tracks. When the first attempt was aborted because Dough got pulled over by the cops in Venus' area, and then [planned a second attempt. Ricky could have told the cops but he didn't Ricky knew 'twice' that woman was going to be murdered but he didn't say a word. In the end, he did help the DA convict Doug with his testimony.
  7. Dh and i bought a house with a huge oval tub, 11 yrs later, and it has never been used When we were first looking at the house, my first thought was 'damn! how much water would it take to fill that tub ?
  8. Of course, Papa John himself is an evil asshole who doesn't actually care about humans, so of course nobody should take these ads as an implication he's some kind of caring, ethical person. But that is what he's trying to convince us of by having such a policy. Why do you say this ?
  9. We always see that criminals get caught by their cells phone because of them 'pinging' off of cell towers. The criminal will say..... "I was home all nigh or " I wasn't in that area at the time of the murder" So here is my PSA" If you are going out to do something illegal ..... take the battery out of your cell phone or JUST LEAVE IT AT HOME!!!!! Do these people watch Crime shows ? lol
  10. I laughed so loud when I read "Cletus the slack-jawed Yokel" that my cat jumped off the bed and ran under it. lol I wonder if the stepmother offered to let Cheryl and the baby live with her but not the psycho maniac
  11. Dude! i just watched this episode. The son (Joseph) is clearly a psycho maniac. I wonder what happened with Cheryl and the baby ? I really really hope that she came to her senses and left there. When the therapist was going down into the basement, I had a horror movie running through my head. DON'T GO INTO THE BASEMENT!!!!! lol
  12. His mouth drives me crazy. His lips looks like he has on lipstick.
  13. Have you guys seen the ad for the Domino's Pizza car ?
  14. Well, it looks like the drama is with Paul Hebert "Wicked Pissah" not paying his crew, and being a total DICK about it. I think he got around $12,000 for the last 2-3 fish but didn't pay his crew of 2
  15. Thank you. I'll have to pay closer attention next time. lol
  16. I'm guessing it's because Elmira was trying to keep her man (stepdaughter's father) He cheated on and left her for another woman anyway. Ha!
  17. I don't understand the KFC commercial with the Colonel in bed with his wife. Is he having a bad dream ? What is the meaning of him looking at the wedding picture of his wife and himself ?
  18. When did the Racers stop carrying cash to pay the taxis ? I'm guessing that the show does it off camera. I noticed that the cabs actually had Amazing Race flag decals on their windshields.
  19. It was very strange to me that after driving 5 hours AND using the garage door opener, that they didn't go inside.
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