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Everything posted by stillhere1900

  1. I wonder why they aren't given robes when they are picked at the extraction site ? Why not have robes on the boat for them ?
  2. I live in Denver. I have been following along with the News. After it was revealed that the family had a history of suicides. I couldn't have convicted him. What I don't agree with or understand why it's allowed is, the fact that he can be sued in a Civil Court even though he was acquitted of murder. The Court said that he is "NOT GUILTY" but a Civil Court can say that he is guilty of causing her death ?
  3. Ye, I also thought the other daughter was very unfortunate looking.
  4. Guys, they never once said that they never left the apt. They said they were "not allowed to go outside without the father". They did say their dad took them on many outings. Maybe some of those places were to the dr & dentist. ?
  5. That is one of the reasons why I think the kids are coached on some of the things to say.
  6. Does Ariel remind you of someone ? I just can't put my finger on it.
  7. CROATIA: Lee & Stacey. Admit it, when Stacey pulled that knife out of her bag, how many of you wanted 'Aussie Lee to say.......... "That's not a knife...........This is a knife" ;-p
  8. You know the answer to this question, right? It's so when you search for it, you might find something else you 'want or forgot that you needed' Easy.
  9. I will join your "hate to cook" club lol. I've never brought buttermilk. My GG (great Grandmother) used to drink it in a glass like one would drink water. She loved to cook and she would get us girls together and try to teach us. I couldn't care less about cooking.Still don't
  10. I'm a vegetarian, so I'm always trying to find ways to make my fruits & veggies interesting. lol
  11. I bought a spiralizer and I love this thing. I have been making 'zoodles like crazy .This morning was the first time i've tried to spiralize egg plant. It just wouldn't work. :-( Anyone else here use one ?
  12. There isn't a 'small talk thread Have you guys ever noticed that ID uses some of the same actors in the different crime shows ? Like the guy who plays a younger Joe Kendra in, Homicide Hunter: LT Joe Kendra ? Ive seem the actor who plays Joe and he's playing a cop in the different crime shows.
  13. The gay son is a total sitcom cliche. It's like he's trying too hard to be gay. Do male gay teens really act so over the top like that ?
  14. I totally believe there should be a limit on how many times an individual can be tried for the same crime. If the DA doesn't get a conviction after two tries, or the verdict is overturned after a couple of times. Then the DA is S-O-L
  15. I wish that the thread were broken up into individual episodes.
  16. I want Cici to come live with me. I'm a 100 percent clean freak. She will love her very clean bedroom and private bathroom. ;-p
  17. Frank is a United States Marine, so no, he's not a terrible team player.
  18. What Nationality are those guys ? I've seen this docu before. I have a lot of questions about the mother who allowed this happen, like how was the rent paid on a 4 bdrm apt in NY ? There were 8 people living there with only one parent working. Why didnt she ever call her family ? Did she agree with her husband ? Was she abused ? One scene showed her outside jogging. She never told anyone about her life ?
  19. SONIC commercial: They finally got those two morons out of that car. They are in a gym with Kevan Durant.
  20. Good Grief!!! The girl had ashes from a cigarette dumped oh her. People are acting like she was knifed or something.
  21. "bottom-feeder exotic dancing companies" true dat. because DAMN!!! $800 ?
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