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Everything posted by stillhere1900

  1. Makes me wonder if the entire "Boy shows interest in Jazz" is scripted ? Jazz is a beautiful young lady but teenagers can be cruel. Jazz did say that boys won't ask her out because they think that kids at school will think they're gay.
  2. What is the name of the episode about the women who was totally grossed out by obese people. Anyone know where the thread for that episode starts ? TIA
  3. I agree. My dh & I have been married 25 yrs and if I had to name his favorite food. I would name 3 because I don't really know which one of the 3 he likes best. What the eff difference does it make if your partner knows what your favorite food is ?
  4. Don't forget "had a smile that would light up the room" whenever they enter and "turned heads" whenever they entered the room
  5. Did I just hear Jessica say that her and Andrea have 10 kids each ?
  6. Jesus H. Christ!!!!! My eyes just rolled so far into the back of me head.
  7. I was wondering why the cop kept calling her "Miss Olivia" like it was the 1950"s in the South
  8. Admit it, who stood up and did the YMCA thing when he was preforming. LOL It was genius ;-)
  9. Deep Fried Masters: OMG!!!! This show is for real!. This is a cooking challenge show where the contestants have to deep fry food that could be sold at the carnival. My dh was like.... "you have got to see this show" Deep fried butter, alligator balls, mac & cheese, corn dogs, pizza, desserts, lasagna.... etc Deep fried butter ? for-the-love-of-GOD!!!! Why ?
  10. I miss it. What was said to her ? How does she "hide in the car eating ice cream" if there is a camera crew filming her ?
  11. No kidding!!!! he was lying everytime he opened his mouth. I live in Denver, so I know this story. He actually had the gall to say that wasn't him in that motel doing meth with those women from his rehab center, and had to be taken by ambulance to the ER. According to Chris Bathum "the rehab mogul" it was "someone who had stolen his identity"
  12. What facts do you have that Joe Kenda wears a toupee ?
  13. Snapped: Watching this episode titled "Laurie Jean Cone" Apparently Jack, the husband of Laurie Jean Cone was so pissed about his wife's habit of daily gambling away the family money, that he kicked her out of the house and changed the locks... Huh? He kicked her out of her own house ? The house that she has lived in for 29 yrs with her husband. The daughter said that the Laurie ended up "pretty much homeless" sleeping here and there on friends couches. I'm pretty sure that not legal. All Laurie had to do was get the cops and demand to be let back in. That make zero sense to me.
  14. The meaning of the post from "Butter Body" was not clear.
  15. She also didn't care the OJ was married and had 2-3 ? kids. She was only 18 so she was really too young to grasp all that. *OJ gains fame & fortune. Dumps Black wife for White girl* anyone surprised ? Anyone?
  16. How are the people suppose to access the public land if it runs through Joe's land ?
  17. Mr. Hockey.... Gordie Howe dies today at the age of 88. :-( Only Wayne Gretzky has more NHL goals.
  18. I think Lindsay's "boyfriend" was totally into friend. Haha 6"9 Katja and 5'2 Julie look ridiculous together.
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