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Everything posted by stillhere1900

  1. I wouldn't knowing eat in a restaurant that had an obese chef. 'eat the food, look like that'
  2. The granddaughters are his biological daughters.
  3. What was Ruthann more "broken/distraught" about.....the fact that her 12 yr old daughter was being molested by her 'boyfriend that she had been dating for 10 yrs or that Ruthann's boyfriend married her daughter and not her ? I would really like to know how Ruthann's grandkids cope with knowing their father was dating their grandmother and molesting her daughter (their mother0 at the sametime ?
  4. I have a feeling that Tony asking about a home equality loan was scripted.
  5. I thought Tony was a female. Janelle......wow!
  6. What has the "daughter" been in before ? I can't place her.
  7. hahahaa. The entire game was payed a field that said "CHEFS" ?
  8. And clearly only a psychopath would actually do that with other people watching him.
  9. So.... I guess you won't be watching anymore ?
  10. Ya know, since there is a camera crew following his every more for this *TV SHOW*, I'm wondering how of this is really true ?
  11. Thank you. Right now he is beyond livid because they told him that their appts to see a Urologist are 6 weeks out, and there is nothing they (Kaiser) can do about it. They said he can get more pain meds or go to the ER if the pains gets too bad. It's "too bad" right now
  12. No, he's now into 'week 3' and he still has it. He went in for a CT Scan yesterday and they said it'll take the dr about 3 days to read it. His dr gave him meds to open his urethra to allow the stone to pass though but nothing to actually break the stone up. I feel so sorry for him......... Update: The Dr read his CT Scan today and just told dh that the stone is 5mm. now we know why it won't pass. Damn!
  13. hahahahahahahahaha. OMG! hahahahahaha "See what he's missing" hahahahahahaha
  14. I only watch this show every now & then, so I'm completely confused about Mohamed & Danielle. Is she really trying to blackmail him into staying with her by telling Mohamed that she's going to file for an annulment instead of a divorce ? In one of her th's she said that she wanted to "work on the marriage" Not only is he young enough to be her son, she's completely gross !!!!! She is 47 yrs old but imo she she looks older. She has done 'nothing' to take care of herself except color her hair. How could she possibility think any man especially a 28 yr old one would be attracted to her ?
  15. Bonnie was actually driving the Frances' SUV
  16. What was up with that pose Bonnie was always doing with her lips/mouth ?
  17. Did he ever say why he shot his siblings ?
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