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Everything posted by kittle1974

  1. I’m sorry, but all I can see when Anthony’s (I think that’s his name - the one with the HR rep who dresses like a hooker) mom is on screen is Urkel in drag!!! 😂😂😂
  2. So this guy has literally wrapped himself in a red flag, yet lips (aka Jocelyn Wildenstein) is too stupid to see it. And what normal 40 year olds fight about social media? Jesus Christ. She’s worried about her insta content, but not the fact that he’s banged thousands. 🤮🤮🤮 These two deserve each other I spoke too soon. She just said he was dressed in a red flag. Maybe there’s a chance for Jocelyn to see the light after all
  3. I don't know what it is about these couples, but I am finding this season to be really tedious and boring (and we are getting introduced to even more losers next week???). I don't know about anyone else, but I am getting much more enjoyment from the episode titles than the episodes themselves. Tales From the Crypto!?!? That's gold, Jerry! 😂 At least we are down to an hour per episode now, but it still feels like a slog to get through it.
  4. Oh, it’s tacky as hell. That’s why you need all those smiley face balloons to really class it up and get those juices flowing!
  5. That wedding was ridiculous. Could they not find a park or place a little more scenic than the sidewalk right outside the bus station? “We are gathered today, in front of family and friends (who are oblivious to this joyous occasion and are rolling joints in the car) and this 7-11” 😂😂😂 Chris has a unique look, to put it nicely. He reminds me of Flavor Flav. Perhaps a nice clock necklace would have elevated his wedding look. Also, that bathroom bj… 🤮🤮🤮 That may be even more disgusting than the vag session. I think the white SUV is another woman meeting what’s his face. Maybe Monique will get into a brawl over him a la Kaveman Kevin. Ashley is batshit crazy and I’m here for it. Fine jewelry purveyor? Hmmm… I am not really into jewelry, but the stuff she wears looks pretty junky to me. I’m thinking there is nothing worth robbing up in there. Also…. Way to tell everyone that your priceless jewels are always in your car! That’s how you know it’s a bunch of crap!
  6. I agree! Just when you think the show could not get any trashier, we have to sit through Gabby's vag rejuvenation and asshole bleaching. 🤮🤮🤮 That said, I'm pumped for the new season (pun intended). I actually know one of the convicts (worlds are colliding up in here)!!!
  7. I have a feeling we will be seeing Matt again… on an episode of Dateline. Colleen is nuts for hitching her wagon to that star. If I were her, I’d be sleeping with one eye open.
  8. Did anyone else notice that old coke(meth?)-head Charlie can't keep his lips still when he isn't talking? It creeped me out more than him pimping out his wife's disgusting (and dirty!) feet on the internet.
  9. I’m pretty sure Jenny is getting her brows done by Destinee these days 😂
  10. I don't know what's worse... those lashes or Chazz's plugs (which, along with the plug scar I noticed for the first time this week), Both are trainwrecks that I cannot stop looking at when they are on screen!
  11. So... nobody has anything to say about Patrick's... um... dancing?!? What the hell was that? I guess you have to give him props for trying, but that was absolutely horrendous. I hope Thais didn't waste too much of his money on that Sparky Polastri choreographed abomination. 😂
  12. LOL! That certainly looks like her. Her excuse is dumb as shit, also on par for Lindsey.
  13. Mine wasn’t set up to record either. I think they officially changed the name to life after lockup this season. Fortunately I stumbled across it on the guide 30 minutes before it aired so I had time to set my DVR. This season looks to be a juicy, over the top, and of course scripted, train wreck. And I’m here for it.
  14. Mine has a dryer on it, but if you are pressed for time, you can always dry off with a little TP. I HIGHLY recommend it. It will change your life. On another note, I love how everyone is referring to Yve's man as Egyptian Tim. That is the first thing I thought of when he showed up. 😂
  15. I've only seen the first two episodes, and so far he just seems like a totally self-absorbed douche-nozzle who thinks WAY too highly of himself (and can't complete a sentence without overuse of the word 'like'). I feel bad for Natalie - she seems pretty normal, yet for some reason has decided to hitch her wagon to his star.
  16. Did anyone else catch that Tai totally parked in a handicapped spot to go on her big date? It's her world and everyone else is just living in it. Also, Stan's new woman is named Peggy... PEGgy... that has to be a joke, right? 😂😂😂
  17. Ok, so the scene at the end with Jenny, Sumit, and his parents (who had some great one-liners) was amazing, but I thought the previews from last week also showed an epic Jenny meltdown. I hope she didn't end up on the cutting room floor and we will get to see it next week. But, seeing as how they showed her walk out of the room at the end, I'm worried that we are being dealt a horrible blow and won't get to see it.
  18. I don't understand why they are manufacturing all of this drama, trying to make it look like Deavan is going right back to the US with her bitch mom. Did they forget that the first scene they showed of her was four months in the 'future'... still in South Korea and worrying about the coronavirus? And if they turn Kenny or Armando into an asshole, I will be so bitter!
  19. I'm pretty sure the sign on the side of the bus said "BEACH" on it. 😅
  20. I guess you are going to have to be mindful of that.
  21. ...then constantly wiping the runny mascara from under her eyes!!! Oh, how that drives me crazy!
  22. For some reason, I was thinking (hoping) that the bear was going to be Kaitlyn Jenner. What a disappointment!
  23. I agree. I've watched enough Rock of Love and Rock of Love Bus to know that's exactly who that is. I can tell it's Bert by the way he talks and the words he chooses. I think he used the word "awesome" several times last night and he kept talking about just wanting to have fun. Plus, since he can't dress up like his signature bandana, naturally a banana costume is the next best thing. On another note, the song choices this season have been absolutely horrendous. Just terrible.
  24. I thought the same thing about Bandana = Bret (aka Bert 😂). Like that dumbass white tiger/Gronk, I could immediately tell who it was by the way he was moving. Of course, I am usually wrong with my guesses, so who the hell knows.
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