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Everything posted by kittle1974

  1. I won't be surprised if he throws pee on that tv out of spite
  2. Ah yes. Justin's true love (other than food).... monopoly!!!!
  3. Here we go! He'll only consider rehab if they have wifi?!? I'm surprised he didn't ask about pizza delivery!
  4. So two hours into this hot mess and virtually no weight lost (even though we had two of these people this week)? Jeez! I don't know if I can handle another two hours of this shit.
  5. All of this talk about pizza reminds me of this classic tune...
  6. He didn't bathe on the entire trip??? That van must have reeked! ?? And what the fuck is that thing on his ankle?
  7. Whoa! I'm shocked that they've already found someone more vile than James. Also, that pie scene is the stuff nightmares are made of!
  8. It's on HBO. You can watch it on demand or on the HBOGO app. It may also be available somewhere else, but that's the only place I've seen it.
  9. I figured out what he was reading when the nutritionist was there. I was able to read some of the text on the back of the book cover and it's a book on how to make yarn animal crafts, LOL. It appears to have come from a crafting/knitting kit that he had by his bedside at one point. Mystery solved.
  10. So, am I the only one who is convinced that the return of Bradley is an elaborate blackout?
  11. By popular demand, here is a screen shot of googly eyes taking in the parvo puppy that wasn't case from today. Where is Austin Powers when you need someone to rip off a wig... because that's a man baby, yeah!!!
  12. <br /><br />The fact that they put those stupid glasses on him during that scene to show us how smart he is outwitting Marks and company was just ridiculous. He's an idiot. He deserves to die. Just like the rest of them. And it can't happen soon enough.
  13. I really enjoyed the 60 minutes flashback, because I had never seen it before. But, I must say those cases were nothing special. Except for the censors letting the words "bitch" and "whore" hit the airwaves, they were no different than any other run of the mill JJ cases. After seeing cases like the "he broke my grandmother's dishes!!!" lady during the normal episode airing times recently, I was really hoping they would pull out all of the stops and show some over the top cases (and litigents) for the primetime show. I was a little disappointed that the cases they chose to air were so lame.
  14. I love the NW crew, and it's good to see them take a few minutes to actually enjoy themselves (and be reminded that Norman exists... and can talk), but it pissed me off to watch them literally throw trash in the ocean during their shooting contest. Ugh! I know it's *just* a couple of cans or paper plates, but it still pisses me off to no end to see that kind of disrepect for something that supports their entire livelihood. /end rant. With respect to Keith finishing in "record time"... he seems to have far less quota than he ususally has. Isn't the Wizard usually much higher than the other boats on the crab count? I've noticed they have not been at the top, so they must have had less to catch overall than in previous years (hence being able to finish the season so quickly). Still, making $35k in 11 days sounds pretty sweet to me! And I agree about the tweeting. It is obnoxious and needs to go immediately, if not sooner!
  15. I thought for sure Dylan would be a goner when he had his little moment with Norma after finding out she bought him a ticket. Happy that it didn't turn out that way... at least for the time being.
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