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Everything posted by HalcyonDays

  1. Looks like TPTB got Orlando to shill the company line. Orlando Jones promises exciting things ahead for his 'Sleepy Hollow' character I don't believe it, solely because last year, OJ would tweet stuff about the exciting stuff happening in the latter part of the season, etc. After the whole #AbbieMillsDeservesBetter hashtag/Deliverance Kurfuffle, he acknowledged the concerns of the fans, but never once tweeted about the "exciting things" that are coming. All he said was be patient. He of all people would have rambled on about the "good stuff" happening. Also, he's reiterating the awesomeness of the redemption storyline and Katrina and all of that. He is much more muted lately. And I'm cynical. ETA: OJ interview in the Toronto Star. Thought this was...interesting...
  2. First off, I have to say that most bands that I hear on the radio and immediately love, are either English or Canadian bands. Don't know why it is, to be honest....something about their sound catches me. But one Canadian band that feel has been severely neglected/ignored is the Tea Party. Please note that their name was chosen far in advance of the idiot politicians in the US now. Anyway, their music is phenonomal and as someone who has seen them live....The rumour is that Jeff Martin (lead singer extraodinaire) can play any instrument. Yes he can. Dear god, can he ever! We are talking about eleven different instruments. A lot of bands cannot sound good when live. This DOES NOT apply to the Tea Party. They sound amazing when live, and I love that, because I am of that generation that does not value singers and bands who autotune or otherwise fake their abilities. The bands members in the Tea Party were/are pure and amazing!
  3. A thread devoted to the awesome singers and bands that hail from the Great White North!
  4. Oh, they are quite interesting in their mentality. Even if I didn't ship Ichabbie, I can completely understand how Katrina's character is being underminded, loses her agency, is mistreated. I want to see a kick-ass witch. Instead, I get a weak-ass faint. Here is a subset of comments I have read about Katrina (not here): Small faction? Really dude? (underlining mine) Soul-mates? yeah, I can totally see that Katrina is the soul mate, not Abbie (platonic or otherwise). It's clear as mud. Yes, and I am sure it was painful for her to LIE to her husband over and over and over again, to assist in killing off Mary Wells and LIE to your husband about it, and not show any remorse AND never reveal anything once he was awake again, unless it was the right timing. Oh, I bet the lying was painful - painful to hide. *eyeroll* Her husband rises up 200+ years in the future and has a moderate amount of issue acclimating to the modern era. HE is the one who convinces Abbie of the supernatural and HE is the one who accepts the crazy immediately. But the wife cannot trust the husband with the secret that she is a witch? Please. Um, everytime time he appeared in Purgatory? Their entire marriage in the 18th century? And giving him the truth...no, she turned on the tears, tried to be weak and cried her way out of confessing the truth every fucking time. "There's no time. This is not the place. Blah blah." Oh dear god...seriously. Heartbreaking resolve??? The above quotes, my friends, are how Ichatrina shippers think. Also, to all Arrow fans, many of these posters love Laurel Lance on Arrow. Make of that what you will.
  5. fantique, you win all of the awards for this ^^. ALL the awards.... I'm going to disagree with this, only because that's exactly what the show is doing. Teasing Ichabbie, then having him wax poetic. Actions speak louder than words, and Crane's actions with Abbie have shown an amazing amount of chemistry, than Ichabod spouting his flowery language while at the same time sitting there stiff as a board next to the wife. It's something I got annoyed with last year and this - like the yoga scene trying to play it as sex (I thought torture, some thought hot and heavy sex), or the car driving scene, or the hugs or the looks or wiping of foam from mouth and everything. They put these little scenes in to appease Ichabbie, then try to tell us Ickatrina matters. IF the roles were reversed - if Katia Winter played Abbie, and Nicole Beharie played Katrina, THEN I would totally get the epic romance. Because you could see it, can see the chemistry. But the way it is now - the exquisite pairing of the Crane's falls dead on the floor. There is nothing there at all. *DIES* This is the best comment ever. Tweet this to the show runners, fantique. SOMEONE tweet this to them please!!!! And here is the fundamental difference between the two ships and very telling of the mentalities of people. I ship Ichabbie, but last year I was hoping for shady/evil Katrina, because that would have been a really cool story to tell, and Katia Winter would've had a fun time playing that character. How cool would it have been for Katrina to be doing all sorts of crazy-ass magic, all dark and creepy-like. Regardless of my shipper status, *I* can totally see how the character of Katrina has totally been given the short shaft, has been written poorly and turned into a veritable sea of female TV tropes. I'm appalled at the demon pregnancies, her being shown as weak, being stupid, being only an object passed around etc. I can see this, and Ichabbie shippers see this and understand the poor treatment of the character. However, the pro-Katrina group think this is perfectly FINE. They think that it's all the journey of true love, that Henry can be redeemed, that she isn't being marginalized, and that the demon pregnancy is nothing to be concerned about. THAT to me is completely telling. The writers that are pushing this Katrina/Henry story think the same way as those Ichkatrina shippers. And it is very scary how these people think. The lies that Katrina told are easily dismissed (like in the show), and her shady behaviour is perfectly fine, because she loves Ichabod. You tell me how you would feel if your wife/husband lied about some significant stuff you and you found out? In their view, she is apparently an effective spy who had provided a lot of info. The fact that she is weak is completely overlooked, and her fainting is simply because she is a powerful witch who has over-exerted herself. It's quite a scary mentality, to be honest. And apparently the couple has tons of chemistry. *sideeye Oh, and Abbie is high and mighty for daring to voice her opinion against Henry. /majorsideeye.
  6. After discussing with stacey, we've decided to narrow down the choices and you guys get to vote again. FOUR of the subtitles all received a high number of votes but it was almost evenly spread out, so those have been chosen as the finalists. The poll will stay open until Friday the 21st and that will be the subtitle chosen. Because #AbbieMillsDeservesBetter.
  7. These idiot writers. That's why they believe that Katrina is someone who should be put front and centre, to the detriment to every other character on the show, AND why they subsequently destroyed and/or sidelined every other character on this show (including Ichabod). Katrina/Katia is Goffman's and Albert Kim's muse (IMO), and the direction of the show clearly shows that. Their twitter responses totally indicate how out of touch with the fan base and what made the show work. *sigh* I'm supposed to sympathize with a swooning, weak, smug, delusional, manipulative, pathological lying witch? I'm supposed to feel sympathy for a woman who would rather let other people die, then to take out her old man son - the one she GAVE UP in the first place? I'm supposed to care for a woman who turns her husband into a simpering idiot? I'm supposed to care about a woman who says "It is what I believe, and all that matters?" Who died and made you queen, when the end of the world is at risk? Bitch, please. I wonder if there is this division in the writers room. Pro-Katrina/Henry story line, and others who are like *shrug*. Philip Iscove - whom I actually like - retweeted this, which is nice to see. Can we make him showrunner? (he is the creator of SH (idea was his), along with Orci and Kurtzman).
  8. ^^ Told you the writers are delusional and out of touch AND up their own asses. Go figure. Ratings and multiple repetitive critiques don't lie. What an idiot. The lot of them. Time to slowly divest myself of this show...
  9. The thoughts in my mind totally didn't translate into written text, dammit! I think what I was trying to say was that Abbie has had to be by Ichabod's side, and has had to deal with the Crane family drama over and over again. I wanted Ichabod to now be the one to be by Abbie's side, and help her deal with the Mills family drama and be supportive for once. AND I wanted more Jenny and Ichabod scenes. But these writers... You are right though - we will see how Hawley interacts with the sisters - hopefully no triangles to be seen! *grin* I love the way you think. I will say this - I want a scene with Hawley and Ichabod getting totally plastered in a bar. Pretty please! Those two could do some good comedy!
  10. Got my PM! Woohoo! Happy Game, everyone...
  11. Apparently there are some "internatonal" and "Hindu" influences coming up, which out of everything they could write, this is kinda odd. I really don't like this reviewer at all. He can't get the names spelled correctly (in this one, he spells Irving - Irvin) and moons over Katrina (yeah, yeah I'm reversed biased). Also, I don't like him because he writes things like this: Dude, no it doesn't, as 90% of the fandom and 90% of the media has already complained about for the last two - three weeks. He is completely apologetic to the Crane drama, thinks Katrina is the greatest thing since sliced bread, and thought that demon babies were an awesome idea. And of course he thinks it's great that Hawley is with the Mills sisters. I really resent that, actually, because here was an episode where Ichabod could bond with Abbie and Jenny, learn about their past, and all work together to find out their past, but now he is the one pushed to the side. Not happy about that. I really like that trio working together. A bottle of 200-year old Scotch?
  12. Or how internet media influences televison today...Way back when, the only media to supplement one's television show were magazines, Johnny Carson/Letterman et all late night talk shows and maybe the radio. Now we've got twitter hashtags, twitter and tumblr campaigns, gifs of everything rewriting intentions, and the writers and show creators accessible via a mere tweet. It's such a different landscape now. The show is more open to criticism, praise and the fandom in general. In this thread, I was already commenting earlier on how this whole kerfuffle over season 2 SH could be a seminar on how internet media can impact television - because it really can. The voices are loud and clear - are the SH writing masses willing to listen?
  13. And what I do not understand is how none of them seemed to read any of the reviews and articles concerning the show. All they had to do was hire an intern to gather the articles and summarize them. Most of the summaries would include these four pieces of information: - Abbie/Beharie and Ichabod/Mison have undeniable chemistry and without them, the show would fail. - We want to see more Jenny Mills and Frank Irving. - Katrina is shady. - She has no chemistry with her husband and slows down the show. She is not needed. That is what everything I read last year said. So why did they think boosting up the only character that brought down point #1. It's the exact opposite of what you want to do. IF she were shady, that would be another matter and would be interesting, but she is not. Instead, she has been reduced to a fainting damsel in distress who couldn't do magic for the life of her, is delusional and apparently is only good for spawning evil beings. They had such potential, such potential yet wasted it just to promote this version of Katrina and Henry for that matter. And I do remember them saying that the second season would give us more background on Abbie's family, etc. I guess (so far) that means only one episode. *sad*
  14. Aww...bears looking before crossing the road...Smart mommy bears! I love that. Yeah, I live in the Great White North (but not so North), but in the proper north areas, if a moose hits your car, forget about the car. It will be totalled. But as far as I know, we don't have moose-catchers! When someone this episode mentioned using bicycles, I was like "YES!" Get some bikes. You could put in 20-30 kilometers a day, and it's around 1000 kilometers Atlanta to Washington. If you find a car along the way, great, but they could still make good time by moving faster than walking, AND they don't need fuel AND they could outbike the Walkers. Just saying.
  15. Apparently it's very difficult for the writers...Very difficult. Episode 2.11 - The Akeda Extended Synopsis *sigh* So do they simply copy and paste this line for every episode synopsis? The rest actually sounds somewhat interesting...It all depends on how they do it. This episode is the mid-season finale, I believe.
  16. Cow catchers?? Where on earth do you live?? (I didn't know cars have this!) But yeah, same theory as with snow removers - they are big heavy plates of metal that can push anything heavy out of the way - i.e. Walkers. Chain-link fencing? Wow - but you know what, smart. Alright kikismom, when it happens you know exactly what type of vehicle to drive! It reminds me of the movie Independence Day, where after the cities were attacked, the ones living in the country and lived in mobile homes were the ones who survived, not the ones in the metropolitian areas with their suits driving their Mercedes!
  17. When the bus rolled over in this episode, I couldn't help by roll my eyes! I'm thinking here we go again, they cannot drive a car for one kilometer if their lives depended on it (and it does). I've never seen such poor drivers unable to navigate terrain in my life. BUT then Eugene admitted to putting glass in the gastank, so that made sense. But what a waste of a perfectly functional bus. I hate it when they waste resources all to support their own drama. What also annoys me is that no surviving mechanic has managed to cobble together a really good off-road truck - with spare tires and gas and protected windows, and head to safety (that we've seen). I realize no one in CDB can do that. I guess I am thinking of Zombieland and the big Ford F350's they had. That, and having a truck with a snow plow in the front would be very useful, but you are not going to get that in the south.
  18. No worries, Angela Hunter! You did us a public service, TBH. I mean we all probably already know this, but if not, it's a heads up to everyone looking for TWD fanfiction. Be careful what you actually search for because there is some dicey stuff out there. Yeah...let's mosey on back to discussing the episode --> and Abe's unusually red hair! :') And the fact that he can maintain a handle mustache?
  19. Because it's so easy to shade Katrina!! Nicole Beharie is apparently going to appear next week on the Nerdist SleepyCast podcast, after the episode 2.09 "Mama". Beharie has been popping up ALOT more in since the mess of Deliverance - Jeez...I wonder why..Could it be...damage control?? *grin*
  20. Okay, that is fucking vile. Some fanfic can be good, but when these people write the ACTORS doing certain things, I get so skeeved out it's not even funny. I've seen fanfic for another show I watch where they have the ACTORS having raunchy sex. No, no, NO! What the hell is wrong with people!! WHY is this appealing? And the above...my god... And AngelaHunter, that Site Admin should lose his/her "job." Please, can we move on from this topic... (This is not being said in my Mod voice, just being totally grossed out here...*shudder*) This is my thing about the Apocalypse, the pregnancy aspect. Before "modern medicine", woman dying in childbirth, and the baby itself surviving was very low odds. Those same conditions now exist again. No easily accessible drugs for infections, little help during childbirth complications, and access to food is scarce. So that scene with Rosita and Abe, the first thought in my head was I hope they are using some protection, because the consequences always end up hurting the woman. I get that life is short for these people, and they have little joys, but damn, life might be a bit shorter if a woman gets pregnant. That said, in times is distress, humans do not stop procreating and in fact, birth rates may increase.
  21. WThyF - Oh my gawd, your whole scenario is awesome, JayKay!! I totally LOVE that, and the WthyF!! Priceless! Don't forget Abbie saying the word 'Damn' and her classic eye-roll!! And Crane responds " We shall be united together in this task. Lieutenant, I will endeavour to determine the true coveted food of the Horseman of Death's steed! He shall not prevail!...wait, was that Katrina....?" <wanders off...> Okay, I think some of us on this board need to get together and write for the show! What Thy Fuck...God I love that!
  22. I think for Henry, it's become that after living for so long, and losing so many people, he has learned to live alone, to be alone, to not hurt others and himself. He is not allowing himself to savour life, because he knows those bonds he creates will only last for so long. For him, it's not even decades of time he can spend with people, because the people will age, but he does not. He gets maybe a decade, maybe a bit more with them. After a while, people would start to wonder why he isn't aging, so he has no choice but to have short term relationships, and it obviously hurts him and makes him turn inward. Easier to shut out everyone then to repeatedly get your heart broken. I really like this show - it's really fallen into it's own. It's nice fluffy TV, but I enjoyed the characters and stories immensely. And I love the back and forth between Henry and Jo. Again, Alana de la Garza is so Beckett to me - her voice, her look - but in this case, Henry is not a goofball like Richard Castle. I like his personal angst and the flashbacks and everything. Ioan Gruffuld is awesome, as is Alana de la Garza. They have great banter, etc.
  23. Ha! And because Orlando has no shame, is awesome but totally gets what's happening, he posted this little ditty on his tumblr, complete with accompanying album cover. (to the tune of Tom Jones' It's not Unusual, of course) It’s not unusual to love/hate your favorite show It’s not unusual to say “tropes, you gotta go” But when you see weekly ratings at an all time low It’s not unusual to wanna cry And throw legit side-eye ETA: Salon article. Why Genre shows go off the rails. Talks about SH and Reign.
  24. I think I was trying to say that the head tilt is something that Abbie does a lot, therefore could indicate her, like Crane with the twitchy fingers. Anyone can do wide teary eyes too, but I've only ever seen it on Katrina - over and over again. I don't think so anymore (re the tilt). Nice one on the Abraham, though. Hee.
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