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Everything posted by HalcyonDays

  1. Katrina touches her belly when she realizes she's in the past, so I think she's knocked up. And wanting to kill Ichabod won't help her get knocked up if she isn't already. Just saying. *grin* I think she'll not be killed off. Instead, she'll stay in the past, raise the kid, and they both live normal - not evil - lives. Abbie will somehow be "killed" and put in stasis to awake in the future, or Ichabod is the one who dies, and like a repeat, wakes in 2015. I still maintain if the show is offically not renewed (i.e. they already knew that, so this finale episode was written as a series finale), Ichabod will die in the 1780s and that's end. End of series. I'm just trying to figure out where that epic hug comes into play. Is it a reunion hug in 2015, or a goodbye hug in the 1700s.
  2. I think you guys should comment anyway. Yes, you may repeat some things others have said, but most people have a unique perspective or two that no one thought of. Post away and don't worry about repeating anything!!
  3. Well, we know that here are two major deaths this season. Henry was one. Now who is the other major death. I know we all want Katrina, but I think there is only one or two ways the season can end. There are two Ichabod's now. In 2015 and in the past. Only one Abbie and I guess only one Katrina. Also, if you remember, Katrina touched her belly, indicating at that time, she was pregnant with Jeremy. The show will not kill off someone pregnant. Katrina's story will simply be this. She will stay in that timeline and raise Jeremy. She lives a regular life, dies a normal death, as does Henry. Mention of them can be found in the history books, they both have grave stone. That's it. She's off the show, but not violently killed off. I say this solely because of her being pregnant. The second major death will not be Frank or Jenny. Frank is recovered, his storyline wrapped up and is no longer in danger. Same with Jenny. The risk to Jenny was Frank gunning for her. So she's fine. Headless is not a major character and you can't get rid of the Horseman, so he's fine. That leaves Abbie or Ichabod. One will have to "die" but are not really dead. There are only two ways Abbie can get back to 2015. Either Katrina casts the time travel spell from the Grande Grimoire or another Witch does it. But apparently Ben Franklin may help Abbie return. If the major character who dies is Abbie, she will be put into a "suspension" spell like Ichabod was, and awaken in 2015, just like he did. This would have to occur if no spell is cast to send her back. If the major character who "dies" is Ichabod, then he has to die in order to be buried for 250+ years in order to wake up in present day and join Abbie. If he doesn't the future Ichabod will not exist. Remember Abbie mentioned Back to the Future. Just like Marty McFly, the events of the past change the future to the point of erasing your existance. If the show will be renewed, then Ichabod has to pop up in 2015. If the show is not renewed, he will somehow actually DIE in the 1780s, and that's it. The Witnesses are no longer needed together and the show is done. Like I said, Abbie goes to Quantico and resumes a normal life.
  4. Hee. So true, so true. Honestly, it wasn't turning on a dime for me, it was more her finally embracing the dark side. She's been shady since day one, hiding information, failing to spy, killing Mary Wells, wanting to save Headless and Henry, even though they are murderers, plus undermining the Witnesses ever since she got back from Purgatory. She pretended to do things for the greater good, but we all know she didn't. As for why the bell didn't call Abbie or Jenny. I think it only called those close to the Bell. And I think it only called witched prone to dark magic. Yes, things moved fast but lets not complain. FOX and the show is seemingly fixing up the mess of a season. I really thought this was a good episode. Fast, crazy as usual, but things happened and Henry's done. Good. For anyone who hasn't watch it, definately do. ETA: phoenics, your post was absolute gold!!
  5. Don't be knocking those fingers....Those beautiful fingers and hands could do some serious damage to a woman....(*slaps self / sighs*) In all seriousness, it is a physical tick that Mison incorporates to convey Ichabod's distress or uncomfortableness with a situation. We also see him do it, when he needs to feel superior or at least learned, yet does not because he is the modern times and is not comfortable with the situation. It is a little gesture/tick that I've always loved...
  6. Brilliant recap, TV J: My comments re: Page 1: Why is the fact that a coven of witches to be raised is a bad thing? Because Henry's the one wanting to raise them. Therefore --> Evil. It's not like Katrina bothered to make a case to the Witnesses. Page 2: Katrina travelling back to 18th century to allow Ichabod to officially "die." and not be "preserved". Dammit! Called it somewhere here or on the other board. Knew it! Page 3: I've above posted my parallel of Abbie in the 18th century and Ichabod from the pilot. You were right though - excellent episode!!
  7. Irving was owned by Henry aka Horseman of War. When Abbie shot him, Henry died. Once he died, that influence that Henry had over Frank ceased. Frank `coughed`up the Horseman`s influence and control - aka the black smoke. Frank is now free from evil yet still alive!! YES! ETA: There is a site where someone has made some gifs illustrating the beautiful parallel of the end of this show, and the pilot. Ichabod wakes from his sleep, stumbles onto the road, touches the asphalt. Abbie wakes, stumbles onto a path, touched the tracks of a wagon on a well worn path. Ichabod is almost struck by a car. Abbie is almost stuck by horse and wagon. Ichabod looks on in shock at the strange vehicle. Abbie looks on in shock and the unfamiliar vehicle. The camera pulls back from Ichabod to show the sign ``Sleepy Hollow: population 144,000.`` The camera pulls back from Abbie to show a more rustic sigh. ``Sleepy Hollow. population: 1,400. Just amazing!
  8. Aww.. phoenics baby.... just rest and relax and log off this board. Sleep and drug yourself up. We'll be here when you wake!! ;') Uh, a Leviosa spell?? (see Harry Potter..)
  9. No, no no.....I totally disagree with some. This episode was AWESOME! Holy cow! Brilliant. For the first time in - forever - Katrina DID NOT BORE ME. See, it's like I always thought - she'd make a perfect evil witch. And for the first time, the actress/character showed actual passion, actual reaction to things that were happening. I don't even care how quick it seemed - the switch so fast I mean. I blame that on the last minute retooling of the show. But I'm cool with it. So cool with it. Not a problem. Honestly, Katia Winter should have been playing this role from about season 2, episode 2. She does the entitled evil bitchy very well. Now I feel bad for her, because THIS should have been her legacy. ABBIE KILLED HENRY! YES!! I love you, Abbie. You are totally the best! But loved that Crane finally came on board and did what needed to be done. His bullet didn't kill Henry, but he fired it without hesitation. Never forget that. Crane finally came around. Oh, and the Home Depot scene - just made me smile and made me happy. Mison is brilliant at comedy and Beharie and Mison are SOOOO good together. OMG!!! So the Ichabod of the past IS not the same from the future. Holy Cow. No wonder he remembers nothing. And Abbie, darling. What were you thinking, trying to save a useless witch. She needs to be defended though. If Abbie doesn't go back to the 1700's, Katrina WILL kill Ichabod, therefore future Ichabod will cease to exist. So she has to be there to save him. Awesome. Jenny! Frank! Orlando Jones, you are one sexy man!! Holy cow, you do evil well. Beautiful man! (and I love me some Mison) Loved their scenes and Irving is Free!! YES!! Mison totally brought it this episode (well, he always does). But his scenes with Henry and Katrina. Yeah, I don't blame him for wanting his wife to get one more chance, then another. But I loved his smackdown to Henry (I didn't know you existed). Honestly, one or two of the writers are reading this board. He always does brilliant, but damn boy, you were amazing Honestly, for me, this was a fabulous episode. It really was. One of the best of the SERIES. Yes I said it. It was fast, had action, emotion, baddies doing their thing and it was good. Cannot believe it was written by M. Raven Metzner. You've (almost) atoned yourself for your past behaviour, sir. I KNOW many will not be happy with Abbie being considered a slave in the past. For now, we know she has no papers. Also think of the Nazi regimes and how certain people needed papers. From watching TURN (and reading the book), apparently even the white guys needed papers during that time. It's discrimination, and discrimination has occured throughout millenia. It is a reflection of human failings, so I don't want to slam it yet, in the sense of not addressing it. It is a reality that people had to face and needs to be addressed, so let's give it a chance. Also (with apologies to John Noble.) Ding dong the Henry is dead. Wicked Henry, the Henry is dead. Ding dong the wicked Henry is dead......" ETA: Oh shit, totally forgot to mention --> The Marriage is DEAD!!! Hallalujah!! YES!!!! And this shows needs a 3rd season!! The potential was reflected in this episode. Season THREE please!!
  10. You should also not have said character faint at inappropriate times, shy away from rats and creatures of the like nor spend her days napping whilst your 'beloved' is off fighting the demons of hell. You should also NOT have a mere mortal or two (Abbie and Jenny) be capable of performing the exact same spells that you can perform, yet whom have no training, or experience nor any knowledge of the dark or magical arts. You should also not have a 5'1" Abbie Mills be forced to physically assist a 5'10" Katrina Crane to simply walk.....
  11. Shhh....Don't say that....!!!! If the writers come here and read this, you may give them ideas... I know what you are saying, re: CFD, but that was part of the problem. One week, Ichabod is all good and barely mentions the wife, or seems barely concerned. Next week, he's an idiot fool disrupting the misson and coming off as someone whose blood flow migrated to the wrong brain. I can see the show pulling a "Morales." i.e. he's gone, no one knows what happened to him (in this case, we would know), and Abbie doesn't waste her time mourning for him. Which is why I could see a simple comment or discussion and that's it. In the Media thread, there is a link to an EW article with a poll. The poll asks what you prefer. Good Katrina, Evil Katrina, or NO Katrina. Currently, 89% of the people want NO KATRINA (which one of you has been multi-voting!! Ha!) Point being - if the show gets a season 3 and wants to get decent ratings, there is only one answer. NO KATRINA.
  12. I'll fanwank that because dogs have a superior sense of smell, they can tell the difference between zombies and humans - and know to stay away from the zombies. That dead deer that Daryl found could have been attacked and eaten by dogs (though I though it was to show the drought's impact on everything). It's a good point though.
  13. Well, considering we've had Crane leaving his wife in the cabin while he goes gets drinks with Abbie, playing video games while the wifey is being "held" by Headless and Henry, and two separate individuals have commented that they didn't know Crane had a wife because he never mentioned her, I'm not worried. If she's killed off at the end of the season, and there is a season 2, he can do his mourning "during the break" then when season 3 resumes,have some comment that indicates that he's found closure and accepted her fate and that he can now move on. Done. That was always the funnt thing - both Jenny (in Mama) and Abbie (in two episodes) did magic. So why do we need Katrina? We don't. And I would LOVE it if Jenny has some latent witchy powers. Yes! Abbie too, but she already is a Witness, so Jenny's can be developed.
  14. I love you guys - I really do. You're comments are the best and so hilarious! /*wipes coffee off computer screen*/ I noticed too all of the focus on Ichabbie. What does that have to do with it? Okay, they have smoking chemstry and you don't with Mison. Not much she can do about it, so instead of whining about it, she could have taken this opportunity to endear herself to the fans and her coworkers and joke about it. She could have said something like "Ichabbie is amazing, isn't it? I mean, who wouldn't want to be with Nicole." or she could have joked something like "Katabbie should have happened." or whatever. Something self-depreciating but also not directly addressing the Ichabbie focus, while at the same time, like I said, coming off as nonchalant and nonpressed about it. Instead, she comes off as annoyed that people didn't fall onto the feet of Ichatrina. Is it possible that she drank the Ichatrina koolaid?? It's too bad - it was a lost opportunity. It shouldn't take 17 + 13 episodes to make me like her, when I was on board with Ichabod 2 minutes into the pilot and Abbie at about time 8 minutes into the pilot. Jenny, I was on board when she first met Ichabod at Tarrytown. Irving, I think when he had that shady looking face in the pilot. The thing is, Ichabbie is a barrier, but it is only a small factor. We wanted to see a character who didn't suck the life and kill the pace of every scene. When there was intimacy between her and Ichabod, cringing wasn't the reaction I should have had. Writing a character who was a complete damsel in distress, but also completely powerless doesn't help. Having her come across are incredibly selfish and self-centered didn't help either. When everyone in her vicinity gets dumbed down and makes poor decisions (Abbie excluded) - Ichabbie is not the problem. All of these K. Winter interviews are making me HOPE that they are 'exit' interviews. i.e. she's killed off in the finale, so this is her final interview rounds for the show. I know, know, I can dream, can't I?
  15. TV Guide's interview with Katia Winter. Well, she's definately salty...(is that the term for it?). I'm looking forward to everyone's responses to this one...(hoo boy...)
  16. I saw it and mmediately was waiting for them to notice it. That knife was contaminated with zombie guts. But then nothing came of it. Does the virus only spread if it's a very deep bite??
  17. Read My Lips. There will be NO COMIC Spoilers posted in this thread. If you want to post about the comics, go here. ---------------------------> NO -----------------------------------------------> COMICS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------>SPOILERS You may now return to your normal episode posting.
  18. I know! I mean, those dogs were obviously dangerous and feral but still. Also, I thought for a moment that the dogs were zombie dogs. I have to close my eyes too, then went to hug my GSD. Poor babies...
  19. Entertainment Weekly Fandom Friday: Good Katrina or Evil Katrina on 'Sleepy Hollow'? Comparison of the different "camps" who either prefer good Katrina, evil Katrina or no Katrina at all. It's a very good article which some really good points for all sides. Poll at the bottom speaks truths. And it makes me HOWL with laughter. 7 things to Know about Episode 2.17 - Awakening.
  20. I know they fake drama for these shows, but c'mon Parker - it makes you look bad. Tony Beets said the plain truth. Why did you sign that contract at the beginning of the season then? Did Parker not think that they would ever get to a point where he'd have to pay Beets the 20%. I was rolling my eyes when the kid was whining but really. Beets is doing the work too, but not to line your own pockets, Parker. He wants to line his own, not make you richer. Sheesh. What a brat.
  21. Sounds really good! Hmm...Well, I'm looking forward to Monday! Yes! As for them reading these boards - can you imagine?? They really should though. Everyone one of the threads here should be printed out and sent to them to read and understand, for them to right the ship, so to speak. Because everything written here reflects exactly what I've read "out there' in terms of what went wrong with the show. That guy on SpoilerTV just posted his advanced preview of the episode. Somewhat vague but also OMG!! I can tell that's he's a bit off in his writing because of Katrina and what he says...ah, poor baby. BTW, what he writes about her makes me happy, which is why he's not happy. Good. But damn, this is the episode with the: Again, good!!
  22. Ack!! Why do I have to wait....*whines....* So the question is....did YOU like it, TV J??? Question 2: from what you saw, if there is a season 3, would you be excited or at least back for it, based on what you viewed?? Inquiring minds want to know!
  23. As you wish. *grin* And I'll start throwing up the season 2 threads this weekend!! Thanks, joelene. Also, how long should each episode stay pinned up for? I asked this somewhere way back before but don't think anyone answered :'(
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