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Everything posted by HalcyonDays

  1. Why one more! Share share share!! Always share *grin* Some people just have that high metabolism (naturally or those that have hyperthyroid, for example). Also, it all depends. My mother (originally from Eastern Europe) cooks everything with lard. Like, orginally because of WWII, she was used to cooking meat and save the rendered fat to be reused. She would sometimes simply spread the spreadable but somewhat solid drippings onto plain bread and eat that on its own. She also said that growing up, they only are meat once or twice a week, and mostly ate fruit and veg. They also did lots of manual works. She taller and thinner than I am now, and my reasons are purely diet, alcohol and laziness. However, she eats very little in terms of portion size, but lots of fatty dairy or fruits. So here is an example of someone eating what we may consider bad (lard, high fat cheeses, homogenized milk) yet I guarentee you, she's healthier than me. So basically one person's "bad eating" maybe isn't so bad after all, and that "healthy" 100% juice isn't a good choice either. That's why this thread will be awesome for sharing!!
  2. As everyone said, logic aside, it's a really fun and entertainining show to watch. The hour flew by. Why the British brothers are trying ti kill everyone, who knows. Maybe the less people in the world, the more they can dominate it, I guess? If too many people survive via the vaccine, then they go back to being nobodies, I guess. I'm impressed some lowly sub operator now knows exactly how the command the sub. Quick learner, that one. What I didn't get was why the guy with the flash drive inside him was bleeding out so badly. I would figure the body would react by considering it an infection and attach it, but the massive bleeding didn't make an sense, unless they did such a sloppy job that they cut through some arteries or something, tried to stitch is back up and screwed up. Or the flashdrive cut something inside him. Maybe that was it. Otherwise, it didn't make sense. I tell you - the Russian Patient 0 (forget his name) is going to be taking out the British Brothers very soon. The Brits seem too hotheaded. Overall, a lot of fun!
  3. Alright guys. Let's try not to get snippy with each other. The intent of the shame-free thread - I thought - was a place that people could discuss the issues those portrayed on the show deal with, without the typical blanket statements of "omg, why don't they go on a diet and exercise more" and accusing them of making their own problems. Yeah, because if diets actually always worked for everyone, then everyone would be thin in the world. We all have our issues that we are dealing with but one person's method won't work for everyone. It also looks like many posters here are struggling with weight (or other problems) so here, let's share our stories and personal experiences and maybe we can learn from each other. Thanks.
  4. Honestly, I think that I would just put a note at the top of the FTWD thread, and link it directly to this thread, if anyone wants clarification of terminology and nicknames. That's the easiest to do. With the spinoff though, I not sure we are going to be getting a big amount of cross-discussion, except to talk about how the virus started and spread and maybe when Rick was in the hospital. The events of FTWD take place in the past technically, where CDB hasn't even met up yet but there will be cross-talk. But good point about the spoilers. Inevitably, someone will mention Walking Dead, but any mention will most likely be about past episodes, which has aired already and no longer are considered spoilers. So basically read at your own risk, I guess. I'm open to suggestions though.
  5. Well, it's nice to say "hey, just start eating better" or "stop smoking that cig" or "yeah, you know what, heroin is a bitch, you can just stop shooting up without any repercussions" or tell the alcoholic to just stop at one drink. Yeah....no. That's not going to happen. Doesn't work that way. Food is their addiction and it makes them feel better. It's not about nutrition at all, it's about feeding (sorry) their addictions and a way for them to cope with whatever personal, emotional and mental issues they have. I would say that in some cases, some of them don't know about healthy eating. I mean, commercials and media brain wash us to think one way. So that yeah, whole wheat is supposed to be better for you. Organics are better for you (it's a marketing term, and meaningless), don't eat so much fat (but you need some fat to be healthy), processed foods are bad (yes, but who can afford the fresh produce at Whole Foods), etc etc. Also, when was the last time you guys went out to dinner somewhere? I'm not talking about fast food. Like, at a nice sit down restaurant and ordered maybe an appetizer, entree and maybe even dessert? Every wonder about how much calories are in there. There is a reason restaurant food tastes fabulous. Fat, fat and more fat. You may think that the steak and salad you ordered was low calorie, but I guarentee it was more calories and fat than a McDonalds Big Mac. Also, there is the issue with cost of food. Meat today is incredibly expensive. If one is low income (these guys are) they are not going to be able to afford that healthy fresh food because it's way too costly. Ramen noodles, Kraft Dinner and canned veggies at just around a dollar a package is what they can do, not $4.00 a bunch of veggies and $10 for a pack of two chicken breasts. Fast food is cheaper in many cases and how they can stretch the dollar.
  6. I am sure this has been mentioned before, but something discontinued that I miss - the actual 11 herbs and spices in the breading from KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken). There was a time in the past that KFC actually used 11 different herbs and spices. I think in the early 90's (later maybe - not sure) that they decided to do like everyone other company in the world does nowadays - find a way to be cheap as hell and still make a profit. KFC when I was a kid (in the 80s) was great. But then suddenly the recipe changed. It didn't taste the same. It was more salty (which is fine) but not as flavourful. Turns out KFC tried to go cheap, and the breading became only salt, pepper and MSG. If you search, you can find the original recipe (but not the amounts) of the 11 herbs and spices. Apparently, someone found the hand-written recipe by Colonal Sanders in an old book, or behind an old painting (I forget now) they bought at a garage sale. MSG laden KFC is not good. And where I am, here comes Popeyes, which is amazing. There is no comparison and reading that KFC is experiencing sagging sales (due to Popeye's) does not surprise me one bit.
  7. I'm really interested to see how they will explain, or at least hint about how the virus came to be. I expect it to be similar to other shows/movies - the US Military trying to create a bio-weapon and there is an unexpected mutation or mistake made and boom - zombies. But yeah - seeing how people are caught off guard and taking time to learn how to deal and properly respond is going to be amazing. I mean, today, what do we do? We call the authorities and they deal and nothing more to think about. Sometimes there are riots and looting, but it goes away after a day or two. In this case, that won't happen.
  8. Whoa. Just Keanu!Whoa. That Comic Con trailer looks absolutely amazing. Thanks for the link, AimingforYoko and morgankobi. Very excited about this.
  9. *gasp!* Sacrilege, Kromm and millenium, sacrilege!! *grin* More shows I hate....anything about couples have huge numbers of babies or many numbers of wives. I do not get the appeal of the Jon/Kate + Eight, the Duggars and I want to slap the guy with the many wives. And how come there is no My Five Husbands, dammit! Confession though - I get a kick out of reading about the behind-the-scenes drama, messed up lives and the terrible/arrogant/dickish behaviour of these people (hello Kate Gosselin and Duggars). I know a lot of people like these kind of shows (evidence, active forums and many seasons) but I just revolt at the idea behind them. *shrug*
  10. Wow - I am surprised at how the trailer seems like it will pit Rick and Morgan against each other. But as we have seen time and time again, there is no room for weakness in the zombie apocalypse. If it is true (Rick vs. Morgan) then I guarentee you that Morgan is going to regret it. But Rick once again is coming off slightly unhinged but he knows what needs to be done. And they also seem to be hinting that parts of Rick's group are going to splinter off also. After so many years (seasons - ha!) of being so loyal to each other, this is really going to be an issue. Is it October yet??
  11. I think this is exactly what it is, tbh. Eating food (especially crap food) tends to release endorphines that make one feel better. This people are most likely addicted to food because it makes them feel better. It's comforting. No different than an alcoholic or someone into hard drugs. Food is the vice that these guys use to deal with their problems or depression or personal demons. Some down a mickey of vodka to dull the pain, some eat too much. It's sad but human reality. Humans easily fall into addiction. I've done my fair share of downing some booze to deal with my anxieties and depression and stress in life. And before I start work today, I'm going to be puffing on a smoke to mellow my nerves. I KNOW it's bad for me, I KNOW it makes me feel like shit, but then that one part of your brain takes over and you succumb to your vice.
  12. Just watched the trailer. Damn...damn season 6 is going to be good. Just. Wow.
  13. This thread is a great idea, MaryHedwig. Thanks for creating it. I would like to see some good intelligent and - as you said - shame free discussion on the various individuals profiled on the show. Remember the old adage - to truly understand a situation, walk a mile in their shoes.
  14. Love JD's character, and don't blame him for being like, "the hell you talking about?" However, he kept saying over and over again that Molly needed to take her meds, and something about that she was a "crazy drooling patient" or something. Um, dude. She's sitting next to you (in the car) articulating quite clearly and without a drip of drool. That lost me a bit, his insistance that Molly was a "crazy" person, because she surely didn't act like it. So the government/military's response to alien invasion is a blanket drone strike. That's so going to work *sarcasm* And please tell me Molly didn't sleep with her "son" in the bar, when she was having those dreams/visions. Because I sure thought that her adult son was there, and she found him and they had sex. Yeah... So Julie wants to protect Ethan. I get that. She loves him. But assisting on allowing that shady corporation to develop an army of Humanics. Not good. Hopefully someone is smart enough (Hi Charlie) to program in a failsafe into the Humanic's neural net. You know, like a automatic shutdown that no one else knows about except Charlie and Julie. It might come in handy some day..... Overall, episode kept me entertained. And I will say this - I am not missing the fact that in season 1, every other word out of Molly's mouth was "My baby! My baby!"
  15. Any reality show, especially Survivor, Real Housewives, Bachelor/Bachelorette, Karsashians. I can't tolerate the shallow stupidity of the people who appear on this show. I watched the first season of Survivor, but bailed on the second simply because the opening episode for season 2, had the contestants told to bring what they thought they needed, and only the clothes they were weraing and half of the woman wore bikinis only. Seriously? Yeah, because it won't get cold at night, and there are no bugs on the tropical island. Jesus. Wear proper clothes. I bailed right at that point (10 minutes I think into the episode), realizing it was just about objectifying and BS challenges and plain stupidity. Seinfeld - stupid sellfish people acting stupid and selfish. Outlander - I don't want to watch what has been dubbed torture porn. I have no interest in seeing people suffer like this. Mad Men - I am sure it was a good show, but no interest in again, seeing women being treated like crap.
  16. There was a joke made in season 1 (second last episode). When they where opening the Reverands gave (the guy in episode one - I forget his name). He said something like they "dated" but she was very "aggressive" and had to hid in closets from her. I don't like this, to be honest. It should have been left as a joke. This is why she should have been left as a joke. Because of a repeat of Pittura Infamate and also more K-wife-type mess. I would like flashbacks to Crane's family (father/mother, does he have siblings?) and to some of the dealings he had back them with regular folk. You don't always need a known name to have a flashback, but this shows seems to think so. I would also love to see evidence of Crane's existance in the 18th century stumbled upon by Abbie, Jenny and Crane. Anyone remember a movie called Kate & Leopold. Similar in that Huge Jackman's Leopold ended up 100 years in the future, but there was a portrait of him, his old house, and some old trinkets and jewelry he kept that he found in the modern time. I would love to see something like this, him remembering, flashback, then some contemplation. Not Action!BetsyRoss!Barbie.
  17. Yeah, I read that a couple days ago. I would love to know what the justification was? Too much trolling over how season 2 was a mess? Goffman still has some underhanded influence and knows people, and took some revenge before he left or even after he left? Or it's very possible they decided that there was nothing else to explore with Irving. No idea. We really, really need a tell all book, I tell you. Orlando, get on it!! Tweet from Metzner: Damn...I really thought they started filming in May. I wonder if this is actually true. If so, it might explain why they pulled out of SDCC 2015. Time and also nothing to show. Didn't they say that they were going to show a preview of season 3. But if they are only writing episode 2 now, and episode 1 is still being tweaked/in pre-production or whatever, then they've got nothing. Hmmm...The panel then would just be complaints about season 2 pretty much. Also the season premiere push back by one week. What the hell were they doing for two months? The writers started back up about two months ago. Hopefully they were world-building and hammering out the entire season's path. This does bode for good. Don't disappoint me, Clifton! Is there a bit comic con coming up in September. Is it possible that SH will have a presence there and we'll see some good stuff?
  18. Yeah that was great! And Ross loved it too, the taste. That's why he said something like "well, lets not rush Prudie's return."
  19. Stumbled onto this show by accident, when I happened to scroll past the PBS channel and saw it was going to be air. Yes! Love this show and loved this episode. Comments here are true about how some things are not too clear. I agree. It took me a bit to realize that in this episode, a lot of time passes but you really don't know. Usually shows so changing season or something but not here. Instead, it was the pregnancies. The entire episode was probably about 9 months. Elizabeth is seen right at the beginning of the episode flat stomach. Next thing you know, she's huge, then pops out the kid. Same with the wife of the poaching kid (Carter?). When she first asked Demelza to talk to her hubby to get him to stop poaching, she had no belly. Then he's caught, sentenced and she's in labour at the same time. I liked the comparision scenes of Elizabeth and Verity doing needlepoint as befits a lady (and seemingly bored), and the "lower classes" partying it up with the dancing, and you see Roos having fun, laughing, etc. Later, you see him at the little family gathering for the latest Poldark, and he's morose and everyone him, all they can do is make some comment to slight him. I liked the contrast. I totally love the characters of Ross and Demelza and their scenes together - whilst not soft porn ala Outlander - were romantic with a nice heat. I think both actors do a fantastic job and are really good actors. Ross can be an ass and has flaws, but I still like him as a person. I did too hear and thought that the father was coming back the next night to take Demelza away, but looking back and thinking about the time jumps, I wonder if he actually said a fortnight, which is two weeks. Shallow comment of the day #1: First, Demelza looked stunning when lying in the field with Garrick, basking in the afterglow. Elizabeth is beautiful, yes, but conventially and in a traditional and common way. Demelza (especially with the red hair) and pale skin, etc looked ethereal in that scene. And yes, she should have been burned to a crisp working all day in the sun. Shallow comment of the day #2: Dear god, Aidan Turner is gorgeous. That scene with him in the field scything away...*drops dead on floor*. Wow, that is a hot beautiful man, and it helps that I love his hair to death. Can we clone him please and deliver him to my house. Permanently. I
  20. Interesting. And I agree yes. But I think some people hated him because he was an ass to everyone around him. But to be honest, he spoke truths without any concern or self-censoring to those around him (and the viewing public) that I totally thought was dead-on the majority of the time. House was basically a mouth-piece for the things that we all wanted desperately to say to the idiots around us, but never did because you know, consequences and wanting to not be a dick. I remember this. So many people hated Thirteen, but I had no problem with her. I thought her interesting, but from the things I remember reading or hearing, yeah people did not like her. I did.
  21. You are right, but isn't that insane? I mean, shows in the 70s were more risque and edgy than now? It's supposed to go the other way. We're supposed to be more progressive now. UO: I hate sitcoms that take a dumb situation that the person could have easily avoided, and try to make it funny. By this, I mean shows like Seinfeld or King of Queens, where all of the "humour" is based on the character pretty much being too stupid to just say no to something, stop doing something or anything else like that. Prime example is a show like Seinfeld. A specific example would be the famous Soup Nazi episode. Okay, the "no soup for you" was funny - the first time. But honestly, no soup is that good. Here is a concept - instead of stepping on pins and needles to get this food, just don't go. Don't go, and you don't have to get upset over not getting the food, you don't have to get angry over the whole situation. No one is forcing you. Just DON'T. I just don't find it funny at all. Another example is a show called King of Queens. The main character Doug doesn't want to go to the opera with his wife, and instead comes off with this convoluted song and dance just to get out of it. Again, here is a concept. Why don't you stop being a dick and do something your wife wants. If not, then just say no. That's it. I find this with a lot of shows - they make their own misery and put themselves into stupid situations by making stupid decisions. It is not funny at all.
  22. I know, eh? When I created the thread, that's the first thing I thought - that the show changed it's entire scenario and plot and purpose completely. Appropriate title. No one mentioned this yet, but there was a brief mention of Sam, and Molly saying something like she couldn't be trusted or had betrayed Molly or something. Again, total retcon - Sam was helping Molly as much as she could last season, even though she was threatened by the powers that be. I doubt we'll be seeing Cameron Manheim back either.
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