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Everything posted by HalcyonDays

  1. Counter top in kitchen. Abbie perched up on the counter top, wine glass in hand, watching as Crane does his cooking thing, and then....:')
  2. Heck, just have an intern create a spreadsheet or word document, and be responsible for spending 30 minutes a day hitting a few of the most popular celebrity sites every day.(and our PTV thread here!) Then just copy and paste the names into the document and boom - by year end, a substantial list.
  3. Sleepy Hollow used Sympathy for the Devil in the beginning and end of their Pilot episode. However, both are FOX shows, so FOX paid for the rights to air it at least ONCE (well in one episode) already, so who knows? Maybe they'll get a volume discount?
  4. Ah, sorry for telling you that! But yeah. And I think you can figure out WHY it put me off. Maybe ask someone in the Elementary forums if he's actually a good addition to the show, and if the season is any good. But I just couldn't.
  5. Pretty decent finale. Was not expecting Thompson to be shot - the scene before that seemed the proper 'Hollywood ending' and closure for a show that isn't quite sure it'll come back, but damn, poor Jack. If season 3 happens, then obviously he'll survive and we'll also find out what that pin/KEY opens!! Peggy and Jarvis for the win. Hell, Jarvis for the win. James D'Arcy totally made that character the best evah and could go from gleeful goofiness to downright vengeful anger. Nicely done. I think he was my favourite, but the banter between Peggy, Howard and Jarvis was awesome. Aww...felt bad for Wilkes but at least he and Peggy had amicable closure, and I loved that Wilkes is now going to head up some research for Howard. Didn't really feel Sousa/Peggy though. Ana though is awesome too. Lovely lady. Speaking of which, I have to say, Howard is such a hilarious creature in this show. So scatter-brained but at the same time, a genius. Did think it was a little too easy to dispatch Whitney, but what an amazing villain! Wynn Everett did such a fantastic job. I actually felt bad that she was in the mental ward and whispering to Cal. And poor Manfredi - he just wanted his love Whitney back - only this show can make me feel sad about a mobster! Definitely missed Dottie though - would have loved to have seen her, but again, if there is a season 3, she'll be back! Can you imagine those two are partners in crime!!
  6. Quantico. It just got odd and stopped holding my interest. Blindspot - possibly. I'm gonna have to see how yesterday's episode was but I haven't made an effort to watch ASAP, which is the first indicator to me, that I'll probably drop it soon. Elementary - Gave it a few episodes, but I think the introduction of John Noble put me off too much. Fear the Walking Dead - third episode and I just wasn't interested at all, yet it's been Must See TV for all six years of The Walking Dead. The Big Bang Theory - apparently this season is good, but I just don't care about selfish Sheldon and Leonard anymore. They grate on my nerves. Chopped/Chopped Canada - I'll watch it ONLY if it's DVRed, so I can fast-forward through the sob stories, the idiot judging and the tears. I just want to see the baskets and what the contestants make with the end product.
  7. That's what I was thinking too, but I was pondering if Lucifer "lost control" like that, would it be possible for him to momentarily reveal himself, without meaning to. Like, in his anger, he accidently drops the physical facade. He obviously ensures that he reveals himself when rightfully punishing those who deserve it. I'm enjoying that more and more the progress we are seeing at the therapy sessions - that Lucifer willingly attends and hasn't gotten bored with it yet - and each time, it gets more and more intense. Also I'm getting a real kick out of him starting to undo his belt, but then Dr. Linda is like "let's talk" or continues delving into issues. Takes lots of willpower, I tell ya! I'm liking that Lucifer never lies and is actually a decent moral person (in his own way, but yes), yet Amenadiel is the one deceiving and lying to the humans around him. It's a nice twist. Still blown away by those final two scenes in the show - that conversation with Dr. Linda was amazing, and both actors did such a good job with it. One can't help but be understanding, on his side. At least, I am. Don't blame him for being angry at all.
  8. Me too. Very much. What I found interesting also was that even though Lucifer is incredibly angry and resentful, he never revealed his "Devil" face to her. When he wants to punish someone - deservedly - he reveals his "true" face but he never did with Dr. Linda, though he got angry enough to punch a wall. Plot convenience or deliberate, I don't know, but interesting nonetheless. Totally agree. And he's doing it more and more as the show goes on, so it's a really nice thing to see, that almost Jekyll and Hydeness of the character. He's not just a pretty charming face - there are some real demons (yeah, I said it!) and issues that are messing him up, and have been messing him up for millenia.
  9. This is your Pre-Air and Speculation thread for S06.E12: Not Tomorrow Yet. This thread will open Friday March 4th at 5:00 pm. Once it closes at 10:00 pm, you can head on over to the episode thread S06.E12: Not Tomorrow Yet to continue discussion. Remember: ------------> Post NO Spoilers (Comics, Talking Dead or Otherwise). Take it to the Comics thread or the Talking Dead thread. ----------> Have Respect for each others' opinions, Always Be Civil and Enjoy Yourselves! <----------
  10. Hey GCPD - I know you have to take in Nora for questioning, but maybe realize that there are oxygen tanks and tons of pills there, and maybe grab (or get in a doctor) for poor Nora. We just saw earlier her needing drugs and an O2 mask - yet they take her to the precinct without any of that. What would happen if she had an attack and died during interrogation!! I feel back for Penguin too - especially what Dr. Strange is gonna do with him. He had words and thugs - not strength. It's gonna be a rough ride, unless he can outsmart the doctors/etc. Oh and BD Wong's Hugo Strange - creeps me out and scares me. Excellent casting. Loved seeing Ed's confidence and unwillingness to tolerate people putting him down. Honestly, I thought when Jim wanted to speak with him, he wanted to see how he was doing personally - Ed has had one hell of a personality shift. Penguin's definately wanted to keep that info to himself, but it's going to get him into jail for murder (or as we saw, Arkham) for a while - how will that help Penguin when he cannot even use the info because he's locked up. I assume Jim will help him out.
  11. I think we will, in true SH twistory fashion. Info on the actual rune shape.
  12. I think she looked like she was excited to seem to start getting through to Lucifer. No smarmy charm, no smiles, just intensity, and I think she thought she was making a major breakthrough. But then scared yes. For sure. Who wouldn't be. I agree. It's why he reacted really standoffish and closed off (with some anger) when Chloe saw his wing scars. It's a very sensitive issue for Lucifer. I had to think back to what Amenadiel's looked like on the show - they were black, like raven's wings, right? Lucifer's would probably have been red, right, to match his skin tone? So the pristine 'angelic" white wings, represent the ones he had before he "fell" or rebelled. Interesting. Still want to know how he'll "reattach" them. Oh, and I put money on Mazikeen (in cahoots with Amenadiel) being the ones who stole the wings. She knew that the shipping container wih "it' was stolen. Yes, she is the person who takes care of the logistics of things, but only ONE container was stolen out of all of the contraband in there and she brought it up to Lucifer immediately...shady. Unless another character has yet to be introduced, which is possible too. Just speculating.
  13. Someone elsewhere posted that in the opening scene, when Abbie walks in with her journal and Crane hands her the wineglass, the journal actually lights up for a second, and Crane notices, but doesn't say anything. I'll have to watch it again, but I think you are right, Miss Dee. Well, maybe he's got some shady government minions that'll help clean up/hide the mess. Or it's not his own car, and they can just ditch the car somewhere and stage it, to make it look like a suicide of something. *shrug*
  14. Wow - I really loved the two final scenes - first, the conversation with Dr. Linda. The way she took what Amendiel said and basically used it in a way to "convince" him to return to hell (but not realize that was the ultimate goal) was really good. And loved Lucifer's reasoning why he is angry at his father (he's totally right, IMO) and how he's pissed off that he can't ascend any more! When Tom Ellis wants to, he can be incredibly intimidating. But Dr Linda calling him Samael (sp?) over and over, and he getting more and more agitated was really well done. Great scene and interactions. And I loved Lucifer being like "I'm not the one telling people to do evil!" Loved that and what can I say - I totally get why he's pissed at his father, and how this special task for the beloved son was really a punishment. Then the final shot of him being pissed, then the show of the wings. Very cool. Though I'd like to know HOW he would reattach the wings. Shows getting more interesting, but like many, it's the Lucifer/Maze/Amendiel and Dr. Linda that hold my interest. The COTW isn't really that interesting, though Maze messing with Dan was awesome! I do have one question - Dr. Linda calls him Samael, and said it means "God's Beloved", but a quick internet search says that the name (in Jewish) means "Venom or Poison of God." Maybe I'm spelling it wrong?
  15. Ridiculous, but fantastic. Nicely done, baileythedog. Brilliant! But credit to all who embraced this idea and this thread!!!
  16. I love you, sabre5055, Seriously, this post rules!
  17. I actually was thinking, "Mison, watch your fingers man!! Holy shit, you're gonna cut those digits badly..." No seriously, that is what I thought. Love the man to death, but how he didn't chop some skin off his fingers, I have no clue...
  18. Yeah, she is. When she put her arms in that form, I was like, "Oh, THAT'S what the symbol is supposed to represent."
  19. Loved Atticus Nevins. Dude was really an ass and self-serving but the actor nailed it big time, Too bad he met his demise as he did. Oh, hello shady government politician man - Mulder and Scully say hi!!! :') Sorry to see Randall meet this end that way - too bad, I liked him. So Daniel's flowery words of love were more about keeping Abbie around and following Evil Politician's plans? Interesting. Pandora - kick your useless (but hot) husband to the curb. He's not worth it. If all he can do is whine about his loss of powers and be completely selfish and self-serving, then he doesn't deserve you. #PandoraDeservesBetter. In fact, go have a talk with Ichabod Crane. He can give you advice and share his experiences with selfish spouses who lie in bed all day, crying and whining about their lost powers. Abbie darling? When your sweetheart of a roommate cooks you dinner from scratch, complete with candlelight, flowers and wine, the polite thing to do is graciously say thanks, sit down and enjoy his culinary efforts. It's not to turn him down immediately and go to the gun range. I get that you are suffering, but politeness and manners do count, even in this modern era. Whoa - Abbie's declaring allegiance to some symbol, and scribbling it obsessively in her "journal". Hopefully Crane reads it and figures it out. I wonder who/what the symbol means - Hidden One? Pandora? Something else?
  20. Ahem,....shapeshifter, you think you won't be getting a warning?? For being a nuisance, and a miscreant.. click here...
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