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TV Diva Queen

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Everything posted by TV Diva Queen

  1. Ha, I didn't even recognize him from that. I recognized him the I'm Dying Up Here.
  2. Its a poor country who's economy relies heavily on tourism, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do...
  3. not for nothing, but they sell them in Jamaica, like EVERYWHERE in Jamaica.
  4. OMG - I wanted to read through all the comment before I posted pretty much exactly what you've said. It was disgusting. Tamra needs to learn how to read a room.....as in know who the viewers are. I assume that the vast majority of RH demographic has NO INTEREST whatsoever in seeing boobs, either we have our own or its just not our thing. Emily's body is banging shes tone and fit and own it, and I'm just LOVING Kelly this year. Who would have thunk it.?
  5. totally makes sense that this was supposed to be episode one. At the end of last season, weren't they sitting at the bar at the parent's wedding? As a throwback to the end of the real Will and Grace bar scene? If not, then it should have been. LOL
  6. That phone called from Whoopi's daughter was odd. yesterday's show wasn't live, they probably taped in an hour or so earlier, so with the daughter calling right when the show was over tells me something is going on with the daughter. I can't stand Raven, my kids are of the age when That's so Raven was new, I would leave the room when they were watching it. I hated Olivia too. I hate percosius (I hate it so much I can't even spell it, no suggestions either. LOL) .
  7. I think he just found out that his step father's ancestors founded Harvard and in the founding documents, it says that all descendants can attend for free. I'm thinking he didn't know his stepfather when he went to college and it taking advantage of a perk. me to. I thinks its on the up and up.
  8. OMG - I didn't even consider that. She can't handle herself, let alone a baby, let alone 3!!! God I hope they don't do that
  9. But if they had plans to fire her while she was doing the proposal and they use the proposal and if Beth can prove it, it's her property. (FTW on the run on sentence)
  10. Isn't Kanye coming to help us with that? Assuming you're from Chicago that is...
  11. or baking him cakes.....Sunny's a little batshit, maybe she always was, but now I'm really noticing it.
  12. Let me fix that for you...."I don't believe for one minute that he makes any money, other than what Vicki gifts him".
  13. Gaga won me over on a Howard Stern interview about two years ago. In that one, she actually talked in depth about the sexual assault she was referring to on Colbert.
  14. yeah, and when Tamra was calling Gretchen out on it, she kept screeching "you went to Bass Lake"
  15. Right? I don't know why I cringed when he said to the trespasser, "get off our property". but I did. Yes they're in a relationship, but I just feel that his name isn't on it and its not his. Very 1950's of me, but maybe its just because I don't like him much.
  16. wait - Garlin wasn't in the episode? I watched last week's and this week's in a row last night so I can't remember. I remember him behind the newspaper last night, which was cute if he was unavailable for taping.
  17. I read it, and I concur....good job.
  18. awwww, you remembered. :) Yes it was I.
  19. Never said she was always a bravo hire, I simply said "just like Jenny" Jenny is currently a Bravo hire. Her suing him had something to do with him not wanting her around. Bravo sweetened the pot for them and that's why Jenny is there.
  20. I think Frankie is another Bravo hire, just like Jenny.
  21. I thought Joy did a good job, there is a limited amount of time in the program and the way Illeana was telling the story, we would have never got to the point. She knew going in that this wasn't a one hour 60 minutes piece, she had like 2 minutes and if she wanted to get her point across, she needs to work on her delivery.
  22. I don't think someone who's two years away from retirement wakes up and says, "I want to retire to California" without having researched it. If they're in Long Island, I'm sure they can afford to move to CA.
  23. the sixth borough, Boca Raton (rim shot). I should find my post for RHoDallas, copy and paste and substitute Leanne for Vicki. Vicki is vile and there's nothing redeeming about her.
  24. I don't think so.....I think they're switching it up on us now. Lou said first how Danny's house immediately lit up, and then he said something like and the helicopter went down quick...
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