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TV Diva Queen

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Everything posted by TV Diva Queen

  1. After she spoke the first time I could swear George was doing his very best to not give a HUGE eyeroll. It was almost a true SNL skit. He was like "yeah, whatever, on to the next true pundint (ha)".
  2. I heard that too. There's a member of Howard Stern's Wack Pack (his name escape me now) that says he too lost someone on 9/11. However it was in California and of cancer. When MM said that "we don't know the story" I was LIVID. If you're going to reseach Pete Davidson for your blue card...the tidbit of his father being a first responder has to come up in her google search.
  3. I think how they did it was perfect and very respectful.
  4. I don't think that "tomorrow" meant in 24 hours from now, its means like soon, because didn't she tell the photog she's getting married in three months.
  5. Ugh - I'm from Chicago and I was LIVID at that accent.
  6. So how successful is this Original Hot Dog Factory - for those that know both, can it be compared to The Portillo's empire?
  7. When the hubby doesn't something bad, I just say "cool it George Bailey" with a twinkle in my eye.....
  8. If the researcher is funded by the grant - its 100% OK to get the stand up desk through that grant. I manage grants and totally acceptable expense. I wouldn't bat an eye approving it. OMG - that's so illegal I can't even stand it. LOL Like Federal time illegal....
  9. Mine worked like a charm - maybe you didn't have a strong enough bulb in there. I had the easy bake oven and the Pizza Hut version of the easy bake oven. Man - my playhouse would have ROCKED.
  10. Hudson U isn't just a L&O thing, granted we hear it more on L&O because there's so many episodes, but take a look at HU's wiki page, it lists the shows that use it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hudson_University
  11. I didn't say what you quote.....I hate when that happens. You win my internet today. Did Eva's man run for mayor of ATL? let me fix that for you......"tell her to go live in another one of my houses that I own outright and allow my mother to live in".
  12. That car is a classic - it didn't look beat up to me. Just old.
  13. Poshsa's man looked like two different people from the jewelry store to the awkward car ride. What shade did Eva throw at Cynthia? Something like "what are mine at Cynthia's differences in modeling style......about 20 years" Really? Eva is NO Cynthia Bailey, I'm sorry, not even close, take a seat Eva.
  14. I think it was Grande Dame - and yes, Momma D's face was everything!
  15. I believe she signs on as a co-chairs, shares her contacts with the event organizers, in return, she gets a free tickets. I love her!! Like really, love her.
  16. I wish we would have had more of the game at the bar. (My brain is failing me now on many levels, I can't remember the name of the game with the spinning wheel or the name of the bar either)>
  17. I hope Joy will be be the Friday moderator. She does a good job and moving things along, unlike the M-Th trainwrecks.
  18. What's the Vegas spread on how long until Meghan and Abby are no longer BFF's? The last couple days, I've seen Abby throwing some shady looks at MM. MM is gonna get pissed because "we" like Abby better, and Abby is gonna be like "WTF kind of person is she??? and why haven't I realized this before?"
  19. They were on the Lake Worth side, which is similar to a lagoon. The property is on land that has the ocean in front (with A1A between in) and then the "back" is on Lake Worth. I don't see how they can stop people from using the water, how else are people going to get their boats and get out to sea? But then again, when he is in town, they shut down A1A completely, and the locals DO NOT LIKE THIS AT ALL. Its a barrier island, one way in, one way out, and its a huge inconvenience to have it closed. Since he wasn't even there, it probably wasn't an issue. Also, how you gonna give Ana Navarro a short segment like that? Did we really need all that Florida Man dribble?
  20. I read that she needs to settle her current contract first, hope NBC's gets rid of the non compete clause and then she said she"d be interested in a seat at the table should one come available.
  21. I like watching Joy when Whoppi is doing that. Its sets the tone for day. LOL
  22. I think that was also D'Andra's coy way of asking for a free upgrade.
  23. last week was a reported 11:06 too, I guess that's her limit.
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