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TV Diva Queen

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Everything posted by TV Diva Queen

  1. So we can can see exactly what we saw in the previews. Production knew that ladies that could afford first class would go right ahead and upgrade themselves, and they knew that Leeanne and D'Andra would die trying.
  2. Joy owned the shit out of that costume! Go Joy! Abby probably only knows the Bob Mackie Cher and not 60's-70's hippie Cher (which is my favorite Cher) Notorious RBG for the win. I need to see the movie BTW.
  3. Aren't Kelly's her's. I thought she had a reduction or something last year. And if they're not 100% real, they a million times more natural looking that Tamra's hard rock things she's got going on there.
  4. In Chicago, our mayor and aldermen are elected February, if you don't get 50% of the vote, there's a run-off in March or April.
  5. The rush is that she loves to work. I got restructured out of a job about 3 years ago, I was all happy and thought that it would be an extended paid vacation, then after about 2 weeks, I was dying to get back to work, and thought in my head that everyone is DYING to hire me. Well, I had a rude awakening, it took me 2 years to find a job. You get a certain age, you get TOO much experience (a new boss, who's younger than you no doubt, doesn't want you showing them up). I got teary eyed when she was talking about her struggle, I lived it a couple years ago.
  6. signing on to this 100%. I truly believe they've got some serious bank.
  7. or an ambulance carting a dead kid away.... Peanuts can kill a kid quicker than heroine can. fun fact.
  8. I watched it in its first run and continue to watch pretty much daily. Did you ever hear John Mulaney's stand up of Law and Order (John also wrote for Stefon on SNL)? He has a couple of them and they're all gold, but the Ice T one is magical.
  9. exactly, in the early seasons of the original recipe, the opening crime RARELY had anything to do with the episode, it was simply a vehicle for a Briscoe quip.
  10. and perfect eyebrows too. dare I say microbladed?
  11. oohhh, I like the shopping bag in the garbage bin too, I'm going to copy that. Love that! and you're welcome for the Tamra find. LOL. As much as I love the NY gals, they really trashed that house in Cartanega (I spelled it wrong on purpose, because half of them weren't say in right anyway)
  12. The whole resort was one standard finish after another. Looks so cheap and cookie cutter. Also, I'm gonna hate myself for this one: It was actually nice to see Tamra cleaning up the dishes from breakfast and wiping down the table. I like to help out housekeeping as much as I can too.
  13. Ok - and mine is Polish. I'm still Italian.
  14. He has to be referring to Joy (who I know is Italian-American), or maybe he thinks Ms. Goldberg is Jewish.....
  15. I think you're right. In my book, Joy has legendary status with this show, with her trade and with NYC. Shes a gentle giant.
  16. I think it has to do more with Mary being Mary and not it being 1980. There weren't cavemen walking around bopping us in the head if we had an opinion. Or maybe 80's me has to do with me being me.
  17. I can't find it. I have the View's Youtube page up, but everything I see if from Friday :(
  18. I think its more of time issue. The star quality celeb will still get the accolades from the crowd when the walk out off air. I like when they're pre-seated, gets things moving along quicker :)
  19. I totally agree. Abby comes out smiling and dancing and waves to the audience, MM just marches out there like she's clocking in at the coal mine, she doesn't even LOOK at the audience.
  20. Today's View is on YouTube already? I didn't know that. thanks.
  21. I DVR it and will watch tonight, but IMO, MM will never get to Joy. Joy has street smarts, a quick wit, the book smarts and experience over poor little rich girl. Joy will school MM each and every time. I think the powers in charge, put a little leash on Joy and maybe Joy is sick of it. God I hope so.
  22. not at all, he's out on the street, maybe knows a few pawn shop owners. You can buy a used/pawned Rolex for cheaper than you think.
  23. self delete, because I really should read all the comments before posting. :) "dark time". He adorable.
  24. did this happen again today, or are you referring to Thursday's show. It must be today, because you mention the bomber. MM has been out of control lately....gurl needs a time out. She did the same thing to Joy yesterday. I know she doesn't it a lot, but, she's getting more blatant and rude with her interruptions. Can't mommy's money buy MM her own TV show somewhere?
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