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Everything posted by Roslyn

  1. I wonder what the timing was between Meri's snap with "the boys" and Kody's tweet about being "lonely" while half his wives were having fun withOUT him
  2. I remember Kody talking about when he was converting he and Meri's Dad had lots of "livin the principle" talks and he mentions Meri's Dad having 5 wives. When Meri talks about her mother and siblings she only really talks about her bio mum and her bio siblings. That may be due to the fact that the others do not want to be mentioned on the show. We see Janelle's mum off and on in the very background on the show and I think there was a hint that she either lives with Janelle or has extended stays with her in the winter. I'm sure Vegas winters are better than Wyoming. I wonder if that will continue now that they have a colder climate in Flagstaff. When Robyn talks about her parents (bio mum and stepdad) she only really talks about them as a couple, not as a sister wife kind of relationship. Again that may be because the other doesn't want mentioned in any way on the show. What I find most interesting is that they have talked on the show about the wives relationships as if they are just an old lady wives girl club after the kids are gone, but yet in all of the extended families this doesn't seem to be the norm. Meri's mum is now at the B&B, not living in a love commune with the 4 other wives, the other wives' mothers aren't discussed much but they all seem to devote their older years to their own children, not the extended brood. Honestly I can see Janelle following Maddie where ever she goes vs. living in Kody's giant house once it's empty. They sure aren't selling this great and wonderful lifestyle the way they think they are.
  3. It looks like colored shaped beads, maybe a Chakra necklace?
  4. Some random Meri thoughts... Meri should charge money to take a photo with her...cause you know, she's famous. Is Robyn totally over the top jealous because she came up with "my sister wives closet" that was supposed to be adoring fans flocking to the site to get a piece of overpriced junk from famous people, and her and Meri were close back then, but now Meri is obviously working hard core and traveling tons to schlep her crazy leggings...and Robyn is left with her website by herself. Meri really should have gotten a little downtown Flagstaff shop with an apartment over the top for personalized LuLaNo consults ($$) and then she could have called herself "Downtown Meri Brown striving to earn that LuLaRoe crown"!!
  5. Is this the internet version of walking into a room and forgetting why you are there?
  6. Roslyn


    I'm quit happy for her!
  7. I honestly don't think Janelle has a clue about what modern homesteading is. I grew up in an agricultural rural area (Pennsylvania) and I live rural now. I live a scaled down version of homesteading, although not that long ago I wanted a full on, off grid lifestyle. I have spent years learning the various skills and gaining the knowledge to live in my area. I have a lifetime of animal husbandry and 15 years of chicken keeping and know my growing area to expert level. I really don't know what her limitations will be in their area, but from seeing it on the show everything is very sparse. It looks like the plant life isn't very diverse and with nothing really lush and green I suspect the soil isn't very hospitable to a variety of garden vegetables, so raised beds and constant soil amendments are going to be the only way to get vegetables that she recognizes to grow. Constant winds will suck moisture out of plants and sudden temperature changes within the growing season is going to be very limiting. I honestly don't have a clue if altitude affects garden plants, but looking at houses etc, gardens don't look lush and diverse. There are plenty of things to be planting now, but it comes down to how big of a temperature difference you can have, small cold frames and greenhouse/polytunnel structures can even this out but have to be monitored constantly every day to keep from overheating when it's sunny/warm. Gardening on a "feeding your family consistent level" is way more than buying a tomato plant from Home Depot and sticking it in some dirt from a bag.
  8. Oh my...I even have a celebrity meeting! It was ages and ages ago (mid 80s). I'll add that I grew up in rural Western Pennsylvania and we only had one television channel and even that was scratchy and sketchy at times. Needless to say when I went to college in another state I was quite naive to the big world. I was an Equestrian major and a major celebrity famous person was coming to speak at the college. Everyone was buzzing with it. Included in his visit was a tour of the college and a tour was scheduled to be given by our head of the program of the stables and facility. I will add that at the time I had NO clue who the person was (the great famous celebrity), but everyone was just so excited. I was a student and all of us spent so much time cleaning the stable and tidying the grounds etc. His group had a late afternoon time to do the tour and I was up there all afternoon picking stalls and making sure everything was ready to go. I was completely alone at the time, the head of the program and her favorite students were gone, but she was due back to give the tour (and I was supposed to disappear when that happened). One horse in particular had messed up his stall pretty good and his feet needed cleaned, so I pulled him out and put him in cross ties while I cleaned up his stall and then set on giving him a good clean. I was dressed in barn clothes, and was pretty sure I smelled like I had been cleaning a barn as well. So, there I was, bent over cleaning hooves and legs with my butt to the door when I heard people enter the barn. It was the tour group with the famous person and they were early. I welcomed them and was nice and told them the Director had stepped out and should be back soon, and they all started asking questions so I answered them. I took them around and talked about the program and talked about the horses, told little stories and they seemed happy and very interested. I honestly had no idea who the famous person was, even after meeting them. Tho I had a vague recognition that I thought he had done a commercial or something. The director never showed while they were there and then they left. I finished what I was doing and right as I was walking back to campus to clean up for dinner the director arrived and needless to say was fuming pissed that she had missed them and they had arrived early etc. At dinner I told my friend group that I had given the tour to the famous person and they were all amazed and jealous and had to explain over and over who he was, I just didn't know who Sugar Ray Leonard was at the time.
  9. How fascinating that this article is dated 1997
  10. ""The neighbors are sympathetic to plural families, which is extremely nice."" I think I find it most interesting that the Lehi house has three kitchens (Janelle's is 800 sq. ft!!!!) and yet is still listed as a single family home. In most areas that I have lived in there are guidelines and ordinances within the building codes and zoning laws as to what defines a "single family home". So if they are so against livin' the Principle I would think that the powers that be would have written it into the laws and codes to prevent homes like this from being built. And...wow...the neighbors don't seem fussed by polygamists. I guess you don't need a conservative state with a liberal town to settle a bunch of polygamists after all!!
  11. Well. I certainly wouldn't mind a rental that came ready with those raised beds. They are really sweet! If she put real study time into it she would learn that she can be planting LOTS of things long before her estimated last frost date.
  12. Hmmm...Is Meri getting inspiration from Wicca now?
  13. Way to be empathetic Janelle. What happened to fired up Janelle from the presentation? ""I'm NOT moving Gabe"" and all of that?? Now she sits and does her side eye/eye roll mentioning about how "high school is nothing". Well. I would think to a settled, academically successful with a wide group of friends and success in sports child it just might be a teensey weensey bit important. ""OH...you play games with them on the weekends..."" So. No issues there darlin. Sorry producers...we deserve that talking head with Janelle explaining herself. Now SHE is the sulking teenager dark cloud in the corner "whatever, just pick a damn property and get it the hell over with" attitude.
  14. That's not a bagel. That's a biscuit with a hole cut in the middle. Geez.
  15. Roslyn


    Yes. I think Christine stated on camera at one point that Mykelti was the child that made her worry and pull her hair out the most. Mykelti always had the attitude of "I'll do what I damn well please" about her. Yet, once Tony entered her life she did a complete flip to "Oh Tony, I'll do what ever you want me to" There has always been a vibe about him that unsettles me. It has been mentioned off and on about how she always had her hair in cute updos (I think that is what they are called) and the second he said that he wants her hair down...bam....I don't think we have really seen her hair up very much. Christine stated that Mykelti was "baby hungry" or something like that, yet it's Tony saying "NO" to babies. Why on earth would he want Mykelti's attention to be taken away from him?
  16. The issue with Mariah when she was young being the only child to flat out say that yes, she would definitely be living polygamy in the future etc was kind of covered, but in a wide number of episodes and interviews. There are too many individuals to really quote from... From the beginning Mariah was the only child who really embraced their religion and was vocal about it. Even at a young age she made statements that she was going to be a doctor AND a polygamist because she was in the modern age and could be anything she wanted. She was the one child who flat out refused to attend public school and stayed in the church school while the others went to public. She was also the child that when they announced the move she wanted to stay behind with family to stay in her school. Stating that she was wanting to stay within the bubble of their leg of the religion. After moving to LV there was a mention that Mariah was active within an LDS study group, something about she got up for school very early to attend a church group before school started, which is pretty dedicated for a teenager. My son needed a train wreck to get him out of bed... However...that was years ago. When Mariah was flat out refusing to even look at any college except for the very expensive Westminster she used "returning to Utah to be back in the bubble of their religion" as her driving force. I'm sure she wanted that school, but dedication to religion seems to be a strong trump card with Kody. HOW can he deny the one and only child who is very strongly stating that what she wants is because of her strong pull of spirituality!!?? We all know that Mariah got exactly what she wanted in the end. Yet...after Mariah came out all of these strong ties to the polygamous religion melted away. At some point there was a statement (I don't remember if it was on the show or in an interview) she made about how she had the inkling of being gay, but her religion trained her to be repulsed by that thought, so throwing herself into the religion and being the MOST righteous child of the whole bunch was her defense against admitting to herself that she was, in fact, gay. By embracing every aspect of the religion she was trying to cover up inside herself. Once she finally admitted it to herself, and being surrounded by a more open thinking peer group at university, she was able to come out and accept herself and realize the religion was just a cover, after that it all just melted away. I also think it is the sole reason that she was such an unlikable teen (also...Meri's stubborn and cranky genes don't help) and now she seems more settled within herself (as well as having the SM audience to take her above and beyond into the "influencer" of women and leader of social justice and all that other stuff....which she most likely gets from her Moses complex father...genes are complicated) If you read stories about young people within the LDS religion who are gay, heck, any young person pretty much. The church is over the top controlling with sexuality in all forms and outright condemning to homosexuality. There are heartbreaking stories of people getting out of that religious bubble, just like with any cult/religion that's goal is to leach you of money as well as your soul.
  17. Roslyn


    Yep. The kids were riding horses and Mykelti was specifically told to NOT ride one particular horse. NO ONE was allowed to ride that horse, because it was either green or known to be unsafe. But...Mykelti then did the opposite, got herself thrown and landed very badly. They had to gather her up and I think they took her to the hospital, but chiropractor stands out in my head. I mean...even very experienced riders have been maimed/killed. If someone tells you a horse is unsafe, listen.
  18. I know that I've untangled necklaces over the years, not sure how many all tangled at once tho. However the one that sticks out in my mind was when my daughter bought a spool of fine necklace chain to make her own jewelry and all the chain fell off the spool in a box ending up in a giant lump. It took the better part of a day, a bright light and my fine tip tweezers to set it right and put it back on the spool. I've done lots of Christmas lights. My mother never put them away with any kind of thought as to taking them back out of the storage box again. Every year was started by sitting down and untangling them. My lights are stored wrapped around thick cardboard and in a tub. Kind of like how the part of a hive that bees make their honeycombs on. It's where I got the idea... I'll never forget when I watched Kody pull out his cables to put up those "strung from each house" lights and they were a tangled mess. I had a very loud laugh and wished that I could hear how he truly reacted without cameras following him around. Colorful metaphors shouted to the heavens I suspect.
  19. I am a Master Label Remover. My husband told me once, years ago, that I should add under "special skills" on my resume.... Exceptionally Tenacious Creative and Skilled with the removal of any form of commercial adhesives from a wide variety of surfaces. ...I also have never been beaten by any kind of entangled yarn...
  20. So many others have already touched upon my opinions/observations and I'm not going to do quotes and stuff, I've loved, liked and laughed along the way. It took two cups of tea to get here... I do love to play the "loud things that they don't say" game...this week is no different. Several others have touched on their thoughts that Robyn is behind the move AND the location and I'm 100% at that table. I have hot tea and cookies for anyone who wants to join!! It's pretty darn obvious that we are only shown a wee watered down snip of what is actually going on. I think that Robyn's need to be close to Dayton is the true driving force. Yes, I appreciate the needs of an autistic child and the very different family structure that follows those issues. Robyn has mentioned here and there that Dayton is a good student and doing well in school etc. I don't think for one hot minute that he would have spent his entire Junior and more than half of his Senior year in high school with zero college education thoughts or plans being laid out. My daughter started looking at career options when she was in 8th grade and when she was entering 9th grade she laid out what specific courses she needed to get her there. Her end decisions changed several times, but she had a clear knowledge that she needed to pump up her Math/Sciences as she worked her way through high school to get her into an engineering program. Now...my daughter is a very tenacious child so she probably started before what would be "normal". But I'm sure Dayton was at minimum looking at possible college choices by the time he was a Junior. The wives were discussing the move and saying that Aspyn's wedding was coming up and so you can look at the timeline of that being filmed at roughly Spring 2018. We know that Dayton started school in August 2018. Others up thread have stated that any kind of financial aid and accepting due dates etc are usually quite a few months BEFORE school starts. With my daughter everything was signed and written in stone several months before she graduated from high school. I can't see Dayton making these kinds of decisions as last minute as this move was. So...for those wondering why people believe Robyn was behind all of it...this is the reason that stands out the most to me. I think Robyn and Kody had Flagstaff as a chosen area long before Kody and his nonsense "presentation". BUT...it's up to Kody to "sell it" to the other wives. He sits there bragging about how he has to sell the idea to each wife...ooops. all the dances he used before about "saving money" are out the window now...because it's going to be MORE expensive. And huh...the cameras just happen to be at the house for Mariah's big cover up announcement while Kody. Robyn. Robyn's two oldest daughters. All are on a "birthday trip" to Flagstaff. A place they are thinking about looking at that is kinda what they might want to look more closely at as a possible move while not mentioning that they were talking about Utah but they aren't talking about Utah anymore because Kody was kinda looking at and researching about this other place in Arizona and then he stumbled upon the idea that Arizona is kinda great instead of Utah and maybe kinda thinking about Flagstaff now...TREES!!! Yes. I wrote that horrible sentence on purpose because THAT's what it's like listening to these people justify their made up storyline when the real reason is completely something different!! Remember that old movie with Sam Kinison screaming "...say it. Say It. SAY IT!!!!" That is honestly how I want to scream at the screen with these people. Kody with his tap shoes on trying to make as much noise while juggling invisible balls to draw attention away that Robyn needs to be near Dayton and they are prepared to sacrifice Gabe's future college scholarships by moving four entire households to an out of state town that is MORE expensive than where they are all living to begin with. If you are moving teenage children to a new area you do NOT take those kids to an area that you are casually thinking about looking at. Kody even kinda slipped when he said they wanted to "sell" Flagstaff to Robyn's daughters because they were nervous about moving. Yet, a second before he is saying they are kinda thinking about... which is it? Starting to look at or Closing the Deal? And wouldn't you include Dayton on that same trip because he needs to be comfortable with the area if they are going to move?? Why wasn't Dayton with them? And Mariah gave the best cover so Kody and Robyn could speak openly without any cameras. Yet Christine's trip to Flagstaff was filmed and Kody has his tap shoes on so he can use his expert manipulations with each wife individually to guide them to agree with exactly what Robyn wants. He knows what Robyn wants because she went first to tell him. Sorry producers, but I think we need at minimum a talking head from Janelle to explain her very fast braking and u-turn on her attitude to moving her son who is doing well in his wrestling team (I always thought wrestling was rilly rilly important to Kody, or was that only with Logan and Hunter?) If they were truly, honestly one big happy family they could have just split in two for the two bloody years for the sake of the kids who wanted to stay. Robyn and Meri pack it up and put their houses on the market. Christine and Janelle stay with the high school kids and the two "love their stuff" wives use the giant garages and every extra nook to store their stuff while moving to Flagstaff. Property is purchased, Families drive back and forth for get togethers. Robyn settles with her kids and then move her stuff out of Christine's house and Christine then works to be the next to move. Taking it more slow because her kids need access to doctors as well as school (oh...that's right...Kody just happened to have decided to completely cut off Ysabel from her doctor...)...so... Janelle the greatest Realtor ever is right there to work on selling the first two houses as well as working to get hers and Christine's ready when they decide to go. There ya go. Sometimes families split the difference. Sometimes Dads go off to work and Moms make it work at home (or the other way round...). Sometimes you sacrifice for a year or two for the good of the collective future, yet respecting the needs of the individuals. They spew ad nauseam about they are all the moms and they are one family and then show with actions that they are four separate "sisters" living four separate lives with occasional big get togethers. Just like lowly monogamous families do every damn day.
  21. ...thought bubble over Janelle while staring into space...wishing she had not shared her cookies and had kept them for herself...
  22. While Christine and Janelle were saying that their kids were thriving in LV, Robyn stated that her kids were being exposed to things that she didn't want them exposed to, so she is more than happy to get hers out of there regardless of their age. Her priority seems to be to Dayton.
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