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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. Add to that her children grown and husband with one foot out the door, and Kyle may be trying to create a replacement family. I know people who were raised in dysfunctional families and who form instant, intense attachments to others. It lasts for a while, then ends pretty abruptly. If there was an Olympic competition for Personal Trauma and Suffering, Kyle would hold the Gold Medal.
  2. Absolutely. This child will be a reality TV ATM for June if she's allowed custody.
  3. That was a typo, which I've corrected. Presumably Chickadee paid social security taxes on her income, including any earned via reality TV. There are other possible benefits. I do not for one minute believe June has a benevolent reason for immediately seeking custody.
  4. June wants the financial support - possibly SSI SSA - that sometimes comes with a grandparent taking care of a child whose parents are deceased or not around.
  5. I wonder if PK used "public school" in the British way, which refers to what Americans think of as private school. But agree home-schooling could be a guise for "can't afford private school."
  6. That scene was hilarious due to Fox's acting. He was kind of comic relief after all of the violence, tense conversations, kidnapping and so on.
  7. It's fabulous and entertaining because it requires a brain and style.
  8. It's easy when one subscribes to data-sharing services. Also, some of the info is accessible to anyone, such as bankruptcies or SEC reprimands. For example, when someone (Meredith?) claimed last season that Lisa's and John's business applied for a loan or whatever that accusation was, it took me a few minutes to find that information. I think many of the housewives try to find dirt on each other, or get others to do it for them. Kind of like business competitors do. Meredith has made some very specific accusations that seem to be fact-based.
  9. I worked in TV news in the 80s, and things were still very bad for women. My female colleagues and I were ordered to go to charm school at the local Sears; we refused. The hostility and sexual harassment from our male colleagues was persistent and scary. WGBH is being presented as fairly precious, when in fact local public television is/was often drab, full of disappointed folks who couldn't get into the major networks, and very DIY. Their budgets were indeed impossible to execute well. (But, I'm a fan.) My good friend still has his tapes from his public television days and he plays them for our (loving) amusement. Anyway, I do think the show tried to show how everyone reacted to a smart, female director - a mixed bag - and it didn't work. The character needed more time to tell that story; severe hair and frumpy clothes aren't enough. I guess they were afraid to show how nasty it might have been. I noticed Paul's big honkin' turquoise ring throughout the series because I wear a lot of turquoise. The scene with the professor and John Updike was priceless and the highlight of the episode. I'm a fan of Julia if for no other reason than she made it and was apparently a kind person who held onto her dignity and common sense while being wildly successful.
  10. Except Dorit did it on camera, knowing millions of people would see it. They are all aware their every movement and sound are captured during production. That's Dorit being passive-aggressive, pretending to be kind while making fun. Dorit's party trick is to challenge another housewife while appearing to be thoughtful and rational, which she did with Sutton and Garcelle recently. The fake posh accent aids in the deception. She's also good at twisting people's words, or as another poster pointed out, cherry-picking only a portion of a conversation to focus on and thereby misdirecting the viewers. I think she practices before each shoot. She's a master and it's gonna bite her in the butt one day. Sutton is learning how to calmly respond and Garcelle is getting better at it. The only thing protecting Dorit is the agreement among the housewives not to reveal too many real-life secrets about each other (and the husbands). I believe Dorit and PK are hiding some big humdingers.
  11. Whitney said that Meredith took two "sleeping pills" and drank champagne on the flight to Bermuda. I'm pretty sure her "illness" was either a severe hangover, or withdrawal, or both. Based on other episodes we've seen, she clearly is ingesting too much. The others aren't even pretending to cover for her. I think her bathtub ruminations are fueled by medication - she thinks she's promoting a cute storyline but is coming off as an addled idiot. Did she get B-12 in her IV? That would explain her sudden resurrection. Her druggy lying in bed while a poor glam guy tried to do her makeup reminded me of when Paula Abdul's large glam squad would do her hair and makeup while Paula was passed out cold in the chair. I remember when other housewives mixed Xanax and booze for lengthy flights. Brandi and others tittered and thought they were being cute and bragged about being so out of it. Kinda like college girls squeaking "I'm so drunk!" If you're gonna abuse medication, have the decency to keep quiet about it. Not a good look. On a lighter note, with their spray tans and neon orange dresses, two of them looked like oompa loompas. Whitney's face looked bizarre, especially as she talked with a mouth full of food. I think her spray tan and makeup contour had a fight. ETA: Meredith is an attorney and has access to data others do not. Is she abusing those resources in order to dig up dirt, or the suggestion of dirt, on the other housewives?
  12. She's losing the narrative battle, and the editors have a hand in this. Because the franchise has been steadily losing viewers and money over the years, Bravo is turning on its rag tag queen bees and promoting new shiny queen bees to try to save it. Re-creating classic scenes from older episodes, and bringing in old faves like Denise. Kyle is aghast that she's lost control of her marriage and her Housewives position. I'm disappointed Denise was so out of it, because she had a chance to make a triumphant return and she blew it. She gave the others fresh fuel to make fun of her - raised eyebrows and meaningful looks, loaded comments. Also, I'm wondering if she's headed down a slippery slope...over-medicating, marriage to a controlling weirdo, joining OnlyFans to make money. She may not have the money she once had. I think Aaron is essentially a freeloader. Several years ago I read a discussion she and Sheen had about how - because child support is monitored by the government - they did not enter into a formal child support agreement. Denise to the media multiple times: "I do not receive child support." I presume that instead he gave her loads of money, perhaps in amounts meant to reduce or avoid taxes and scrutiny (i.e., gift taxes). After her marriage she moved to LA (she's now divorced). I always assumed she was angling for RHoBH or RHoOC. The dinner was an audition of sorts for Cynthia, Denise and Camille. Kind of like a focus group (those pesky falling ratings). ETA: I see Baltimore Betty posted the same thing about Cynthia in LA. Yes, we've had litigation and also requests for municipal rules about pickle ball, as some of its players are quite, um, enthusiastic about their rights to the municipal playing fields.
  13. Maybe she can't even afford Shein's any more. The quality of home-schooling varies. Some of my southern family do it for religious reasons (they are former public school teachers so they are good at it), and I've heard them talk about other parents who don't care whether it's done well. Each situation is supposed to be monitored, with at least annual reports, to prove that the kids are learning at a mandated level, but that's a hit-or-miss situation too.
  14. Well, there's this: https://www.intouchweekly.com/posts/rhobhs-dorit-kemsley-and-pk-kemsley-living-separate-lives/
  15. Exactly. During the recession, when people suddenly lost their jobs, they walked away from their homes and expensive mortgages. I remember the media showing images of neighborhoods with well-kept homes next to abandoned ones.
  16. The brunette sister did her typical hodgepodge design. Vintage-modern sounds stupid. Her choices were wrong for the building's age. I thought I saw them remove linoleum with mastic without safety protection. Maybe they tested it for asbestos. Also, did they actually say they "just realized" they owned that space, after owning another portion of the building for a while? How is that possible? I just watched the two septic-house episodes. What a disaster. The sisters seemed furious and I wonder if harsh words were aimed at that elderly owner, who seemed very upset at the restaurant meeting to decide which of three options to go forward with. I wonder if she lost money on the deal, which is sad for a retiree. Based on their years of bragging about being the most successful realtors in the northwest, I assume the sisters are wealthy so I don't think they were terribly hurt by the loss. It's shocks me how badly they handle color. That red door with the brick clashed horribly, and the blue siding didn't work. And the editing continuity was all over the place. She may have re-financed to pay medical bills or another catastrophic need, taken out a home equity line of credit (when I got one it was recorded as a "mortgage"), or like millions of people refinanced back when it was cheap and easy to do so. She may have had lots of equity at one time, and it's tempting to tap into that. Did they say her family once owned the property that the school is now on?
  17. They all understand the process. They dutifully go through the motions of plant/discover/surprise/outrage/confrontation for camera time. It's laughable that Bravo even bothers with new locations, because the housewives don't do anything more than wait for a producer's cue, find their mark, and open their mouths. I guess the locations appreciate the free publicity in exchange for providing a production "set." It's annoying and boring. Bravo is too stupid and jaded to do something more clever and interesting.
  18. Such truth to this. Bravo's Housewives casting ad: "Must love to flaunt ill-gotten gains." ETA: "CAUTION: Said flaunting may end you up in the slammer."
  19. That session was a barrage of useless therapy-speak designed to deflect attention from what's really going on. The only reason Mia would want Gordon working less would be so he could help out with the kids and the home. I assume they no longer can afford nannies and cleaning folks. I did note Mia hurriedly mumbling something about Gordon pressuring the family members - I think this was her elaboration on "working too hard" - and that being what got Gordon in trouble and ousted. Was he demanding more money or a larger share of this family business? Maybe he wanted to open more branches that he and Mia would "manage." Also, Robyn pointed out to Mia that the suicidal attorney had presumably defrauded lots of people, so his suicide was not Mia's and Gordon's fault. But way to make it about you, Mia. I couldn't find any online reports of a Maryland attorney who committed suicide.
  20. It's politically incorrect to say so, but it's possible Kyle's angry simmering and 0 to bitch behavior is made worse by hormonal changes. I know several women whose behavior changed notably during menopause. Lots of irritation and outbursts, even at business meetings. Lasted a couple of years then smoothed out.
  21. Here's an article that provides more details and indicates they have closed the chateau to business (not sold it). https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/tv/news/escape-to-the-chateau-castle-close-strawbridge-b2372637.html I'm a repeat home renovator, and I think they easily spent at least a million on their renovations. They may have overextended themselves, not knowing we would have a pandemic that would kill many businesses. I assume the traveling shows and book are to generate some much needed income.
  22. Anyone can attempt to change a custody agreement. In US legal circles it's understood that parents do not try to change custody unless there has been a significant change in circumstance, which a move to another country would be. Many parents panic when one of them decides to move, because it can open up expensive, stressful custody negotiations again. It appears Sutton was uncertain as to whether Christian would try this.
  23. This is brilliant and sums up why I find his work so obnoxious. Why can't Peggy be a smart young Black journalist making her way? That story would be very compelling. Why does she have to have a secret love child and now possibly another scandalous entanglement with a married man who's her boss?
  24. I am thrilled about Wes Studi. A great Native American actor and a nice guy.
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