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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. And as a villain in the fantastic series Slough House. It's a bit distracting that Alicent still looks like she's in her 20s, even after birthing all those babies.
  2. She looked oddly like a Dr. Seuss character. I assume she's talking about the adult child of an alcoholic syndrome. A big part of that can be codependency and a desperate urge to please people and be the peacemaker or adult. Yet never feel you are getting there no matter how hard you try. Anxiety-inducing.
  3. I'm struggling with this also. They are trying to show everyone's day-in-the-life, but it's a bit of a pretty mess (pretty because it's still so much better than what else is on offer). With Carmy being such a significant lead character, it's weird when the camera bops around the restaurant and we barely see him. Maybe due to his heavy production schedule with other opportunities? Maybe the writers are fatigued and struggling to keep it great. Tasty sandwiches are cheaper and faster than fine dining, so they are attractive to consumers.
  4. Victoria's "year off" - anyone else remember the other show stating that she was working as a dancer on a cruise line? Wonder if she quit after a few days and returned home and began her year off.
  5. We finished the three seasons. Despite his ability to lay on the charm, it's clear Clarkson and his gang are immensely entitled. He was determined to pretend he is a guileless new farmer, blundering along innocently, but he was performing for the show. Some of the latter scenes were clearly staged. He chose to dirty up the area with porta-potties and the traffic and noise and crowds and muddy car parks. His massive machines - 15 to 20 of them? - don't help. I absolutely agree with the planning commission that he built the "lamb barn" with the intention of turning it into a restaurant. His spoiled partner defiantly jamming the farm shop with unauthorized products is loathsome. Neither of them needs the income; they could have approached this in a way that's better for that beautiful community. Let's hope this fool and his money are eventually parted.
  6. Annoyed the hello out of me. I had to FF for the first time. It seemed like a different show and interrupted the storyline.
  7. The DailyMail has an article about behind-the-scenes toxicity at DCC. Anonymous comments from supposed former DCCs. Wonder if one of them is Victoria. I hope she recovers from this latest DCC experience. There was definite hostility coming from Kelli and Judy, perhaps because Victoria kept pushing for a commitment for a 5th season. Other DCCs did the same thing on the other show and there were on-camera comments from cheerleaders who were upset with DCC.
  8. One can do that with deep pockets. I suppose the farm is generating income in that Clarkson gets paid handsomely to do the show. I hope the other characters are getting paid. I just discovered this and started watching Season 1. Never heard of Clarkson but am enjoying it. It is very relaxing.
  9. Shame on Charlotte for that entitled speech about how the cheerleaders don't want a salary because "being a DCC is a calling." Not enough focus on practices and performances. Very slick PR show. Reece would drive me crazy. But boy she can perform. Victoria has internalized all of the focus on looks, plus her mother's DCC obsession. She's a prisoner of her mother's expectations and her own body issues. She may have never learned how to be a friend, because she grew up viewing other girls as competition. I suspect her mother annoys lots of people. I assume the organization pays for those hotel rooms.
  10. I assume Kristen received lots of coaching from production on how to behave on camera.
  11. I enjoy her very much. We needed something different from Padma - who tended to drone on in a monotone. I love Kristen's outfits.
  12. Disappointed several episodes in. Too much emphasis on sex, boyfriend drama and snippy arguments. Not enough on the story of how Lagerfeld built his brand. The dubbed dialogue is odd. I don't like the emphasis on YSL's mental illness, which was very real, not just drunken hysterics.
  13. McKinley Belcher III (LeDroit) is fantastic.
  14. I'm with you. It's one thing to catch a criminal in the act, it's another to insert yourself into someone's personal business and post it for the world to see. There are those who will cluster around someone in need, more focused on recording than offering to help. There are people who go through checkout lanes and fast food drive throughs, making a scene in order to post drama on their "channels."
  15. I really needed that change, because at times the show veers towards formula. I understand Deborah here. She has struggled and suffered, and lost the gig twice, and she's aging, and she's desperate. She knows someone could yank it away from her again. So she was jumping through hoops. On the other hand, insisting on Ava as head writer shows Deborah is finally in a power position (at least as long as the ratings are good). ABMS. Anybody But Meryl Streep. I love that any aging female actor continues to get work. But I like seeing younger talent get their breaks. I love writers so I'm looking forward to next season.
  16. And predictable. The storyline would have worked better for me if it had been subtler. So maybe NOT the town hall.
  17. Initially she served a purpose I guess, but it could not be sustained in an entertaining way. It became jarring and annoying.
  18. Same here. The locations and costumes are gorgeous, but the acting is mediocre. The script and scenarios are predictable and this season seems formulaic. I feel like I know exactly what will happen in each episode. I can't stand Penelope's self-loathing pity party, which is written into practically every scene she's in. What a drip. Also, there are too many gasps and heavings-of-bosom instead of acting. And what's with the Rita Hayworth hair-do? And the heavy makeup. Not period appropriate and looks awful.
  19. Freddie King is my favorite blues artist ("Going Down"). I guess there are lots of those huge golf-ball hitting places. The character Gregory in Abbott Elementary spent his Mothers Day at one. I wondered if they would do a fake-out on the show host pick, but I'm glad they kept it real. I figured lol. I need to look for this interview. She's my least favorite thing about the series. Slight improvement since Season One. Great script this episode. I hate the fact that men still make important deals while playing golf because women have been excluded historically. It was fun to see a different take on it.
  20. I waited until the series is almost over to renew my monthly Starz subscription. I activate it and suspend it depending on the historical programming. Watched the first episode and it's good if only for Julianne and the gorgeous visuals. There's a scene where George, along with dozens of other strangers, tries to catch the eye of the king as his carriage passes, and George is propositioned by a regular guy in a tunic and cloth cap. It's hilarious.
  21. Starting with accepting the gift of significant plastic surgery. Given her original appearance, she'd never have made it into the mansion and then onto other entertainment projects without that surgery.
  22. And in more modern times the government food that was provided to them was crap - white bread, cheap processed "American" cheese, etc. Even today many who want to eat well of healthy foods can't run to the grocery store because the stores are nonexistent or far away (from reservations). All the more reason to cultivate local, traditional food sources. There is a burgeoning native food-sovereignty movement, including community gardens. I think they are signaling current and correct awareness that recognized tribes are sovereign nations that are in a formal relationship with the US government, and that some of them are in WI. Those Native judges are renowned and I would expect them to be included in this challenge, no matter where they are from. (Also, up to 70% of enrolled tribal members live in US cities these days, not on reservations, due in part to the fact that as late as the 1970s the federal government pressured families to move to cities for jobs and housing, which generally were not available when they got there.) I believe the judge recognized her nation's rice. There are subtle differences in the wild rice grown in the northern US, including my dad's home town. I'm pleased for Savannah, and I will miss Amanda.
  23. This might be interesting because I suspect she will handle her role carefully - no boring drunken tirades, no endless tiresome blatherings about petty squabbles, no desperate grabs for attention, no ruthless mean girl cliques. Probably she, Garcelle and Sutton will hold some Crafty Strategic Planning Sessions.
  24. I think I've seen too many shows recently that have similar themes, and I'm unable to get into this one. Plus, physics was my Waterloo in college.
  25. The thing is a wretched mess. 56 score on Rotten Tomatoes' Tomatometer. And you know they spent a fortune on actor fees. With this talent, the scores should have been very high.
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