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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. She said something about God speaking to her. I suspect God's only comment to Erika will be a stern rebuke at the pearly gates. And an endless supply of benefactors. Yeah, I suspect Garcelle is not a true friend. She's a work friend, and she will turn on a dime about Sutton in order to keep production happy. It's hilarious that Dorit snarked to Garcelle about still complaining about how the jackals treated her son - "It's been a year!" even as Dorit keeps hoisting the "burglary trauma" flag. Also hilarious that Kyle accuses anyone of making a scene. If we played "Name 'Em" with Kyle we would run out of time. She plays the victim in every episode, every season. Dorit says "I know some billionaires and..." Rumor is she's chasing a third-rate Rothschild. Next season will be Dorit's divorce season. Erika is just a big pile of smug I Got Away With It. They all hate Sutton especially, due to her wealth and Southern mannerisms, and she is paying for it this season. After so much misery in the world the past five years - and it continues - it's not fun to watch this group wear diamond cowboy hats and moan about rich people's problems.
  2. Their middle is a line of scrimmage. They absolutely are trying to get Bravo to give the family their own show. She's right at home with every talking avatar on every two-bit corporate training video made the past 10 years. It's ironic that the real Mormon (who criticized the church) is less accepted than the fake Mormon. Heather was punished after a lifetime of being dutiful, and Lisa swans in with her tequila and strapless dresses and crowns herself Mormon. I imagine these scenarios are common in that community. It was traumatic for Heather, but she has to move on from being the traumatized jerk. Traveling WigMary. (Apologies to the Traveling Wilburys)
  3. This family is an arrest waiting to happen. Probably why she's on the show.
  4. I wonder if Candiace's label failed to renew her contract. That's the usual reason for no longer being with a label, at least in the early stages of a singing career. She was thrilled when they initially picked her up, and now she's disdainful. She better keep earning that Bravo money. And show some thanks for anyone who teamed up with her mediocre ass.
  5. You know, I tried to research Ashley's property value. I couldn't find one listed at $2.5M that matches hers. There are multiple $2.5M houses close to me, and they are much grander than hers. 6 beds, 7 baths, that kind of thing. However, she may be on a large plot of land - land is the most valuable commodity. I have wondered if she is exaggerating the value on TV. Because you know Ashley.
  6. She brags so much about her education and "serious jobs," but appears to be throwing all of those accomplishments away in pursuit of these harebrained ideas. Add her love of significant cosmetic surgery, and the ongoing display of said assets, and she's just another idiot housewife. If I didn't know better, I would think her driving motivation is to fit in with the others, whereas she could have used her brains to stand out from the crowd in a more compelling way and still be entertaining. She blew it.
  7. Being close to DC and the former port in Rosslyn (Arlington river-front was once notorious), there was lots of bootlegging. I've heard of Arlington speakeasy houses but your sister's story is an actual confirmation.
  8. Yes, the county is entirely urban-ish, with the exception of national memorials and buildings - Iwo Jima, Arlington Cemetery, Pentagon. In fact there's a huge policy fight ongoing over the fact that there's no more un-used space for development, so the county board approved zoning changes to allow multi-unit buildings to replace some single-family homes. All to add even more density. Ashley lives in a neighborhood that is still charming - old trees, gracious homes (although hers is new), kids playing in yards. She's about a half to 3/4 mile from Michael's condo (which the county property database still lists as her being on the deed). But she's a few blocks from an extremely urban corridor jammed with restaurants, Starbucks, bars, Metro stop...and the weekend young drinkers staggering around the streets. Ashley's house is valued at at least $1.5M, probably more, because it's in an extremely desirable neighborhood (in terms of real estate and close to Metro stops).
  9. I was under the impression from earlier seasons that Robyn's parents adored and even worshipped Juan. I agree that the parents helped foster that relationship, not simply react or adapt to it.
  10. *Waves at Tom Holmberg." Yes, we cannot forget all the brave men who rose to the challenge - fighters and their escorts ("little friends"), British Lancasters, and of course the ground crews who worked tirelessly to keep these warbirds in the air.
  11. Reminiscent of flan, a dessert that I can't even look at. The drips balance the show-offs. I doubt Tasha would turn off her hearing device, but those devices aren't perfect and can malfunction, including needing adustment for audio volume. My family member can feel a bit disoriented when this happens.
  12. My dad's B-17 unit is the primary one the book and this series are based on. Bombing missions out of Thorpe-Abbots in England and horrific loss of life. The American heroism was astounding. My dad climbed into a B-17 in England and faced death 35 times (35 missions = "Lucky Bastards Club") I met the book author at a bomb group reunion 10 years ago, and at that time he expected Spielberg/Hanks to produce a quality major motion picture. Over the years the concept devolved into a series with lots of computer-generated graphics. I hope they do it justice. An earlier production "12 O'Clock High" merged B-17 stories from multiple bomb groups into one script.
  13. I can't stand CN's acting these days. As Ada she speaks in a high-pitched old lady voice and bleats out inanities. Her sister's snark in response saves us. ("You're not a rector. It's not your place to bless anybody.") Why is Peggy wearing expensive fussy silks to a grubby newspaper office? In real life her character would be wearing sensible plain cotton that is easily cleaned. And of course continued into the mid-20th century. Felowes, who loves to misrepresent American history, will have a field day with all the tropes. Prediction: Peggy will be endangered and handsome publisher will save her.
  14. I recommend it. I watched the first episode of what I believe is the latest season (the show just appeared on FUBO). The one where there was no profit and the sisters repeatedly talked about a soft market. I think the designing sister is the worst designer of all the HGTV shows. This latest project looked like she pulled random ideas from Pinterest and threw them up on the walls. The hat rack is an IKEA hack I've seen. That horrid crafty black-with-wood-strips basement ceiling looked like a demented runway. The tan chevron tile next to the black Moroccan tile - pulled from leftover stock somewhere. The neon yellow door - the sister has no concept of color theory. Add to this their embarrassing flinging of arms - in tandem at one point - and dancing and mugging and "joking" with their new worker...just horrid. Even FFing through 90% of the episode to get to the reveal doesn't help this wretched show. Why is it still on the air?
  15. There was a photo of Karen and a guy several years ago. It was in a restaurant. I think I remember Ashley saying that Karen and the guy had come into Oz and were all flirty and lovey-dovey. It was kind of a weird story, because why would Karen show up there? Or maybe it was a different restaurant. I think a few media also posted the photo.
  16. Mark Ruffalo and the adult Marie. Like a bad school play. I almost didn't watch past the first episode because of the sing-song script and line readings. The novel was exquisite but trying to replicate its prose-style in scripted conversation was a mistake. I thought Eidinger was good. Lots of physical bits to try to do something with a trope character. Hofmann good in stretching his character from child to young man. Laurie - always good. The action sequences helped move the story along and four episodes were enough.
  17. I believe this was confirmed during sworn court testimony that was covered by local media.
  18. Yeah, the game wardens in the conservation TV shows are always ticketing and lecturing children and teenagers for bombing around on ATVs, scooters, etc. Not to mention no safety gear. I guess Bobbie's parents were more checked out than usual when they made this decision.
  19. I stopped watching about two years ago, but I've been slowly watching the latest "regular" season, one or two episodes a night. It's clear this show has become a vehicle for the Napiers to promote their empire. The scent library episode was a full-on commercial. Erin is very articulate, occasionally saying something interesting, but 90% of her time she's babbling brightly about something inane and gushing and exclaiming. She's smug. Ben is becoming a caricature of himself. They are performing (badly). Ben's Band of Silly Men and Erin's and Mallory's craft projects are annoying in the extreme. I watch for their contractors and craftspeople. The husband/wife project managers, the tile guy, the guy who is the expert on that vintage building tile (scent library building), and the occasional chance to see old buildings. Wonder what happened to the floor guy they used to use? Regarding respite care, in my community it's offered to people who are caretakers for family members with dementia, terminal illness, etc. The respite is only one or two nights. There's a community network with contact information, or a respite provider will reach out to a caregiver in need.
  20. She's not the only one who is "altered" on camera. I'm pretty sure one of them is abusing an amphetamine such as Adderall. Mood swings and rages.
  21. Heather has a severe case of arrested development. I'm not kidding. She's not just projecting, she is suffocating her children with her immature neediness. I hope her children have absorbed smarter lessons than what Heather is signaling. When I was a kid, we would mix sodas and call them "suicides." It was quite the fad and apparently has endured.
  22. That savage fight caused me to FF. I hate this kind of ugliness in any reality show. It ruins my ability to relax and enjoy what I'm watching. Primetimer posters provide more news and insight than the shows do. Random observations: Bobbie is the spitting image of her father. My rural southern family would say "she's his guts." Whitney has always seemed oddly disconnected from her children. She acts like a nanny or auntie. Lisa is losing her mind. Must be because Jack's leaving the family. Mary left the restaurant because she realized production had set her up to be ambushed by Whitney. She assumed it would happen, but figured she'd get free food as compensation. It's interesting that production is allowing some of the housewives to skip certain events and distance themselves from some of the nasty drama.
  23. Yes, I'm no longer familiar with the laws/regulations, but generally news media cannot impose a monopoly. In the 80s there were conglomerates that owned all TV, radio and newspapers in one market, and they were forced to sell some of those off. Billy Crudup is MVP of the season. Margulies also displays this effect. It's like bumpy orange peel. Aniston wore some distracting hair this season, including one episode where she had thick wavy hair one moment (a new look for her), followed by smoothly tousled curls, all in one long scene. My actress friend says aging actresses wear the casually messy hair to help hide their faces and necks. Add to that Aniston's limited range of acting choices: big eyes, quivery lips, tight lips, flopping around in bed, making exclamations to herself. Witherspoon is just as bad. Baharie is also not believable. Greatly reduced the quality of the production. I've enjoyed them in other productions, but they are laughable TV news characters in this series (except for the realistic narcissism, which most TV news people have. One reason I left the business.). I've enjoyed the supporting cast, especially Duplass and Pittman. The 24-hour merger of two powerful networks is a joke.
  24. Kyle and Mauricio may loathe each other, but they are conspiring together to spin the real story - with a schedule and assigned roles to family and friends - to draw viewers to their TV shows and social media. Bravo is a PR mechanism, serving up info according to plan. Reality TV is learning how to integrate prerecorded events (the edited show whose footage is ancient) with current real-time events (e.g., crafty comments issued at Bravocon, Instagram, etc.). Living together is probably for Portia's sake while their attorneys wrangle out a settlement agreement, which goes to assets, custody and child support. I know many divorcing couples who lived under one roof for financial reasons and legal strategy.
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