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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. She knew. She was in on it. She probably was planning on leaving Tom before the scandal broke and was grabbing cash in any way possible. From the LA times article: "I viewed their relationship as totally transactional…. She would be around if he still had tons of money.” Bizarrely, this scandal has increased her value to Bravo. How much did she demand to appear in the current season? The article states that normally a housewife of Erika's "caliber" gets paid up to $500k. The article speculates that 1M viewers will watch this season. I speculate she may have a secret benefactor who gives her money in untouchable accounts. I wonder why she hasn't fled the US. Does she really think she will get away with all of this?
  2. This. I suspect Travis didn't want to acknowledge that his male child had a learning disability. Worse was Stephanie making vapid excuses and crying for sympathy. Their child suffered mightily while they were busy being on TV. Also, the "best friends" had a falling out in season 2. Remember Brandi crying that Stephanie had ghosted her after season 1? Brandi accused her of social climbing.
  3. Immediately I thought: "cash for BJs" At eight years old your mom kills herself and you are immediately dumped into a stranger's home and sexually abused. Then your big sis - your mom substitute - goes halfway around the world. I never, ever would have left my beloved younger siblings behind in a situation like that. Dad didn't hold his bottom line. Maybe Elizabeth will get busted for selling drugs and that will be the start of her desire for recovery. Great interventionist.
  4. I agree about Stephanie. After her disastrous first season (day drinking, endless jokes about bodily functions), Travis brought the hammer down and reworked their image. I hooted when Stephanie swiped at Tiffany's bragging about her closet, because Stephanie bragged about her stuff - even naming the prices of multiple things - during her earlier seasons.
  5. Yeah, the Westcotts are assholes. Not very bright ones at that. All that ridiculous, tortuous ranting in a clumsy, transparent effort to turn the accusations around and point at non-Whites as being at fault. Brandi tried the same thing, but she thought she was being clever and sly about it. Dump Kam, Brandi and Caries.
  6. I wonder if Tiffany's cryptic posts about leaving/not leaving the show (how she calls herself former cast member, then changes it) were while she was negotiating how Bravo would handle the Westcotts.
  7. I didn't realize it was not part of the episode - half asleep. But not too sleepy to notice that LuAnn was stoned out of her gourd. Not a good look.
  8. Jeremy was a master sergeant; he gets about 60% of his USAF salary, which is not a lot. I think we heard he also gets disability pay, although they have really downplayed that. That income will not allow Jeremy to keep up with D'Andra's lifestyle. I wonder if he is now getting a housewives paycheck.
  9. That TikTok clip underscored how desperate Tiffany is to get into the entertainment biz. Problem is, Margaret Cho was ahead of her by 20 years (mimicking family members). And Margaret was funny. I'm waiting for another husband to fall by the wayside. I've thought all along that Jeremy would be long gone if not for the money. He's basically a kept man. His attempts to portray the loving, supportive husband are utterly transparent.
  10. Whatcha want to bet that Colette takes him back...eventually? She actively pursued an addict and chose to get pregnant. I got the impression she is objectifying him a bit - because he's handsome and charismatic she pursued him and is determined to have him. Hope I'm wrong.
  11. I initially thought Mare was stealing the drugs for herself. I thought Ecstasy, given the way she sucks down the vapes. Maybe the fiance did it.
  12. Yeah, my attention was riveted. So disappointed in the story's new direction. Anyone else hear the PA accent creep in everywhere in this episode? As if a vocal coach gave the actors a crash course. Phone, go...all those distinctive "O" sounds.
  13. I've seen the first episode. I was disappointed. Jam-packed with issues, characters, drama...the actors were shoehorned in and out of each scene. It didn't feel organic like earlier seasons, especially season 1. And I thought the scriptwriting was dreadful.
  14. The "nest egg" comment - did she say her equity was $400k? Sounds wonderful until one tries to downsize in the same hot-seller-market community. Where 1 BR condos cost more than $400K. One needs the equity nest egg, but the entire value doesn't buy a decent-sized property, never mind the need to pay for other stuff for 20 - 30 years. These hot markets favor prosperous two-income families. I loved the design in the latest episode. A nice change.
  15. "Dallas" as a cultural phenomenon: I lived in TX for several years and worked at a CBS affiliate. In those days we got the news and other programming feeds early (pre-digital). The engineer who received and viewed the feed (quality check) knew who shot JR ahead of the broadcast but was sworn to secrecy by the bosses. My point: the show was a huge cultural phenomenon. Bars all over the country held "who shot JR" events, department stores worked the theme into displays, there was betting. We received hundreds of calls at the station asking us to "please, please tell me who shot JR." There were bribes offered. Changing the subject: if the show would get rid of Brandi and Kary I would consider watching again. I love TX but loathe Brandi and only hate Kary. They will never get rid of Mama Dee so I would resort to FFing. This is Texas - can they not find anyone who is rich and outlandish, but who has a brain? And manners?
  16. Olivia enraged me. That idiot sits there, ignoring the theft and threat to her mother and children, thinking her curly blonde locks and teary blue eyes will let her get away with her despicable behavior. And I think several of them live for the drama. I wonder if Amber's pain is as bad as she claims. Maybe it's become an excuse. I recall a woman with RA who used pain meds, yet during her treatment the staff was able to help her treat the pain in a healthy way.
  17. I haven't watched the season much, but it appears to me that Brandi had to know she was pregnant. I assumed she was faking the drinking for the show, but it appears now she drank while knowing she was pregnant. That's what some alcoholics do, fetus be damned.
  18. I hate these religious couples who collect adopted kids, which they do to demonstrate their piety and show off (and possibly collect benefits), only to indoctrinate them while failing to take care of them. It happens a lot. Jake's adopted mother probably has severe mental illness, and I suspect she married because it was the thing to do in her religious community. She tried to follow the religious party line and then bailed, unable to handle that in the right way. (Not excusing her loathsome behavior, just pondering how it happened) And both parents ignored the bullying sibling. Jake is too sick to think coherently and want a better life. Maybe someone from his small circle of trust will convince him otherwise and he'll try again. Meanwhile, since he was evicted, I wonder if he's joined the Vegas homeless community. He may be tricking for income and at great physical risk.
  19. Excellent episode. The teenager interview montage saved it from misery porn. Very fine work by Kate in this episode. When Mare spoke with Frank about Erin, there was a moment when his eyes did a kind of shifty skitter, and I thought A Ha! I also wondered earlier about various religious guys. If Erin suspected Frank as the baby's father, why was she pestering Dylan about baby stuff? And Frank's fiance seems to know something. Some people have a certain distinct PA accent, which is similar to Baltimore, and I heard hints of it last night. I think it was Evan Peters and one other actor. Good job!
  20. The hot Seattle market is doing a lot of the work for them. I'm not impressed with either one of them professionally, although I like that they are not bimbos. They must have gotten that gawdawful sun ray tile on sale. Agree - get rid of the family stuff. As it is they both talk 90 miles an hour. Go back to the half-hour format; the show isn't interesting enough for a full hour.
  21. Definitively derivative, and the first episode began to lose me with too many characters and the relentless misery. But once a new murder occurred, the episode finally took off. The opening scenes made me think "The Deerhunter," and then we saw strong similarities to "Happy Valley," which is one of my all time favorite shows. So many people get slaughtered in movies and TV that it takes care to make those deaths memorable. Poor Erin trying for hope and happiness despite being a teenager with an infant, a depressed angry father, and an absolute asshole for a babydaddy. Long ago my high school boyfriend dumped me and I coincidentally ended up working with his new girlfriend, who taunted me about their relationship. I was devastated and never forgot it, so that horrible scene with the crowd of bullies, new girlfriend leading the way, resonated with me. It's heartbreaking to know that Erin experienced such misery and pain in her last moments. And I wondered if the actress was a Tilly. Apparently not. Guy Pearce's appearance is a bit of a trope. Long-haired, slightly seedy looking writer who now teaches. Would a detective be able to afford that big house? I'm not a huge fan of Kate, but I'm satisfied with seeing her in this. Love the natural appearances and locale. He was damn sexy in "The Killing."
  22. These two are seriously design-challenged.
  23. Those of us who painted our kitchen cabinets ourselves love them. That's because it was too much damn work to do something different. No, really, having stared at hulking ugly orangey-brown cabinets for 20 years, and not being able to afford new ones, I painted them creamy white and replaced the hardware. I adore them. And, I left the doors off of a small row just to display my antique tea tins and such. And I used one wall to hang art. I may be veering toward thrift shop territory, but I love my refreshed kitchen now. Wouldn't trade it for an HGTV kitchen. But what I wouldn't give for Ben and Erin to open up the back wall and fill it with big windows and French doors. Have they ever shown images of their own home?
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