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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. Those "leaks" sound like PR to drum up interest in the next season.
  2. Peters' relationship with Pam Anderson was a messy disaster. They claimed they married after reuniting for only a few weeks (he was with Pam when she was younger), and then it was revealed that they didn't actually marry. Rumors were that they could not agree on financial terms. Take that as you will. Oh, and I believe Peters was engaged to another woman at the time. And I believe she took him back.
  3. It's possible Tom's family are paying for his new residence. Also, he may have long-term care insurance.
  4. This. She reflects her roots and her upbringing. Lipstick on a pig and all that. She's common trash. My friend's baby sister died when their mother was turned away from two southern hospitals because she was Black (1970s). Top that, Ramona. I wonder if the interns are paid sober coaches/watchdogs.
  5. For all their desperate pretentious posturing, the Westcotts are common trash.
  6. I wonder if Erika confided details, or even just referenced, her financial difficulties to Rinna. The timing of that conversation(s) and those details could be damning. Although he didn't say it, I assume this scenario is what the bankruptcy attorney is referring to. Otherwise he sounds like a bit of a bully. (And no, I don't have sympathy for Rinna.) Wow, Sutton really knows her stuff. ETA: would the attorney also subpoena Garcelle and Crystal because of the private convo Erika had with them about Tom communicating with her?
  7. If they go on lengthy hiatus, Eboni will probably have to find another gig. That solves their problem of not having her back. The few snippets I've seen of Dorinda - she is clearly campaigning to be invited back. Andy is stringing her along to see if she behaves.
  8. I used to operate my business as a sole proprietor, and my attorney hounded me until I set up an LLC for exactly the reasons amarante explains. My attorney drilled into me the warnings about mixing assets, separate accounts, separate loan resources, all that jazz. (I knew someone who owned a successful gift shop. She just threw cash and checks in and out of her cash register. The IRS went nuts on her.) About two months ago social media reported that Erika is being sued for nonpayment of some of her glam squad, and that they had all quit. She had an ad for free glam squad in exchange for recognition/experience. ETA: Seems as if the obligations to the wronged parties (the burn and airline victims) supersede Erika's right to hold onto her ill-gotten gains, even if she is innocent or unknowing about the transactions. That first obligation trumps her own needs.
  9. All the hangers-on took one look at Erika and Tom and thought "easy mark." I suppose some of the dancer/choreographer funds were for travel.
  10. I was curious about Sutton's background and found this: https://www.bravotv.com/the-daily-dish/sutton-stracke-photos-younger-years-career-before-rhobh' She is a former dancer, and she's a brunette. She's had interesting jobs. She has three teenagers and her former husband was a childhood friend. She may have a boyfriend - last name Maloney or Mahoney. Other sites have listed her wealth as "only" $2M. Surely it is much more, given her propensity for luxury. Her Augusta GA home is appraised at $7M (maybe acquired via the divorce settlement), and she is building a home in Bel Air.
  11. I do think it's the business manager connection, but I also think Rinna calculates that her obnoxious behavior inserts her in front of the camera and, up to a point, draws in lots of hate-viewers. Time will tell if she's gone too far this season. Kyle didn't exploit Kim regarding the house. She exploited Kim by vomiting the details in a limo, on-camera, knowing it would be used. That was very trashy, common behavior. Erika, Erika, Eri-KAH (as Funky Dineva would say): you know that lots of money was dumped into your LLC. You know that the LLC paid for lots of stuff. You spent it as fast as it came in. Being a crafty gold-digger, you know how much stuff costs. I mean, the $20M loan is verified and a matter of public fact. Did you sign the loan, or did "they" forge your signature? Erika can hurt Kyle, Dorit and Rinna by blurting out their scandals in a fit of on-camera rage and retaliation. That's what they are trying to avoid.
  12. I wonder if the federal raid a while back was due to suspicions of money laundering? Interesting that no one said to Erika that everyone has seen where a lot of the money went (luxurious lifestyle, her business, etc.). No one on the show has brought that up - why not? It's such a simple concept. Her Bravo storyline has been all of the money she spends. Erika looked like the dog's dinner at Kyle's party. Her face looked like one of those drawings that show you where to put makeup. Clearly she's doing her own glam now. Except for Sutton (and Rinna), they all went from pretty strong statements against Erika at Dorit's house to meek declarations of support at Kyle's dinner. Even Garcelle pulled her punches. Kyle's meal was clearly catered, and it appears that the caterers arrived kind of late. Kyle flapped around pretending that she was more involved.
  13. Ramona's reaction to the race discussions may be partly because she suspects the other housewives are trying to get her removed from the show. She smells a set-up. Ramona's life will be meaningless without this how.
  14. Lu once wore beautiful, tasteful, expensive fashion. Many of us noticed that around the time of her drunken downfall she began to appear in regular clothes. She repeats wearing some items (the horror). I've assumed that she no longer has the income. Luckily she looks fabulous in anything.
  15. I can understand how someone might convince themselves that a Ponzi-style scheme and lifestyle is OK. But in this case Erika had to have known that her proceeds from that scheme were keeping people in dire straits from receiving critical funds. Ponzi-style schemers are everywhere (I worked for one early in my career), suffering windows and orphans and burn victims are not. She did all of this knowing who was being deprived of lifesaving income.
  16. If Erika shrugs her shoulders when ordered to return the money ("I don't have it"), will she face garnished income forever? I'm suspecting some of her online "fans" are bought and paid for, like Chrissy Teigen does.
  17. I've suspected it for a long time, but now I feel confident that Ramona is a true racist, not to mention raging narcissist and elitist. The signs have been there all along. That protracted, insistent display at the dinner table was chilling. I'd love to see her gone. Stop rewarding her racist behavior.
  18. The heavy hand of scripting was unusually apparent as they all pretended to just be learning about the LA Times article. In actuality, I think they had time to collect their thoughts ("The assholes are guilty!") before taking their places on set and then mouth their supposed dawning realizations. They are in cahoots with production to carefully advance the story to achieve maximum viewership. Erika thought she could count on them, with production, to support her efforts to lie and protect herself. When production told Garcelle to poke the bear, Erika realized they were starting to try to poke holes in her on-camera lies. I agree with the suggestion that Rinna is supporting Erika because they have the same business manager. Rinna is all about the coins. It's clear to me that Erika and her attorneys/managers are trying to use the show to build a case that she can keep whatever assets she has and that she knew nothing about the fraud. That's one reason why a blind gossip site posited that the date she claimed the divorce/separation was filed is not the real date it happened. Those dates matter.
  19. A blind gossip site says that Crystal's luxurious lifestyle is paid for by her brother, who is/was a major pop star in China. The site speculates that rumors of her husband's wealth exaggerate that wealth, saying that he could not have made the claimed figure ($10m) from The Lion King.
  20. She is now shilling her $77-per-month "spiritual academy." I think she is trying to avoid treating this fraudulent racket as income (IRS).
  21. So disappointed. Hated NY Andrea's garish chrome yellow, and the other Andrea's collection was straight out of Cache.
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