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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. Perfect description. With the housewives shows struggling to survive, the BD franchise is Bravo's money-maker.
  2. She really is. Too many scriptwriters and actors are settling for flavor-of-the-week catch phrases and acting choices, and Buteau does it differently, and better. She has the benefit of being intimately familiar with the show, which helps, but she never misses those funny little beats and comedic timing.
  3. I do remember Jon saying that, but I believe he had other ways to identify Collin's location. For starters, he could have made a lot of noise on social media, gotten the word out, just pushed it until he put Kate in the spotlight and got some answers. I'm assuming he still had parental rights, which are different than custody rights. Why didn't he petition a court, contact child social services? I would never stop were that my child.
  4. Kara Saun's was ill-fitting and messy. Rami was robbed.
  5. Yes. He agreed to give up custody in exchange for not paying child support. Then, he made no true efforts to find Collin. Father of the Year.
  6. I think she singled out Collin because he reminded her of Jon. The environment these parents provided was a Petri dish for growing mental illness in their children. Collin is simply the first to display it publicly (his anger and so on). He needs to process what has happened to him with a great therapist, then move on and create his own loving and supportive family/community, whatever that may be.
  7. I love filmmaking so I binged over several days. Despite Issa stating otherwise, this is a reality TV show, not a documentary. I was so excited, especially after the nasty last season of the original PG, but I'm very disappointed. It felt like an exercise in brand promotion for Issa and her two other "mentors." I don't see how the movie, now streaming on MAX, will generate any income other than whatever big salaries certain folks received (13 executive producers), and exposure for them. There was so much promotion about providing opportunity for the chosen director, Meko, yet several of the producers criticized her at length in most of the episodes. They handed her an impossible task (low budget, little time), then sniped at her difficulties on every talking head. I realized the sniping was to generate reality-TV drama. Eventually one of Issa's senior staff had to gather producers together and claim that all of the critical guidance given to Meko was not "for the show," meaning reality TV drama. Also, they spoke endlessly of the script's flaws and Meko's flawed performance, yet no one actually stepped in to help her in a meaningful way (that we saw). Just lots and lots of "notes." The exceptions were Gina Prince-Bythewood (director of The Woman King) and one of the other producers. Which do you want? A successful film or reality TV drama? Love the concept of providing opportunities for people of color, which they emphasized repeatedly. Hated the execution. All of the final director candidates were women of color except two White women who felt like tokens. One was an emotional mother of a newborn, and funny, who gave interesting comments. The other as TVBitch mentioned was a sloppy idiot. Why not just limit the search to women of color?
  8. I think Daisy's distress is 1) being called out by Glenn for poor performance on camera and 2) she thought the storyline would go one way and it went another. Also, she was drunk. I watched her knock back the wine non-stop. She sent mixed signals to Gary in order to support the triangle storyline. Now she feels blindsided by the Misogyny Trio; she thought they had a plan for the season and they turned on her and humiliated her. I think they will all return because the Bravo money, and other opportunities, are too good to turn down.
  9. She's meant to duplicate the previous Eastern European stew who was lazy and spent all of her time on the phone, then made excuses. Love this.
  10. During the season, there were several scenes where he was laughing and agreeing with Gary (and I think Colin) about Daisy. It's clear that Glenn and Gary have a deep friendship, and it interferes with Glenn's ability to be objective, despite his oily attempts at diplomacy.
  11. On my laptop, I put the cursor over the upper left corner of the quote box and a "+" appears. I click on that to select the quote box, then hit delete.
  12. Maybe they're dressing themselves. Like toddlers. The runway was fun. Fun for the models and designers, fun for the viewers. They were all relaxed and happy. I liked Anna's, Fabio's, and others', but Kayne's was dreadful.
  13. Based on the first episode, I'm all in. Love the thoughtful smart approach to comedy-writing. I'm already taken with Khalil as the best friend. Love that Garcelle escaped the nasty clutches of the Housewives series to do real acting.
  14. This is their answer to complaints about the rank misogyny portrayed in earlier seasons. Apparently the producers were hired off a middle school playground. (No offense to millions of middle school kids.) I think Glenn was attempting to ratchet up the drama for the cameras. I think the entire fight scenario was staged. Same here. In the age of streaming, I don't know how they analyze viewership. Production is watching viewers' reactions to these pairings to decide what their storylines will be next season, or even if someone will be invited back. I agree there's no chemistry between Colin and Daisy. I think some crews spend at least a night together in hotels, or even a few days, partying and winding down. In one season they pooled their pennies to pay for it. It's possible that Daisy is trying to drive viewers to the reunion episode. Many Bravo "celebrities" do that now, using social media to dangle intriguing tidbits before a new season or a reunion.
  15. The heavy hand of production was so obvious. Even the Mom was in on it, peeking at the camera and delivering her "lines." Not cute: the line about how they were making fun of a "gimp" earlier in their trip, followed by snark about large people wearing small clothing. No doubt that they were all drunk, but they were also performing (clumsily). That's his assigned role. He's a Bravo whore like the rest of them (including Glenn). A Salt Lake city housewife was on BD Adventure or whatever it's called, and Cynthia Bailey from RHoA was on one of the BD episodes. And for me, goodbye to the BD series. It's lost all of its charm, and it insults the viewers.
  16. Money troubles? Crystal is renting out her home. https://www.dirt.com/gallery/entertainers/reality-tv/crystal-kung-minkoff-rental-house-bel-air-1203649484/
  17. I wonder if Kyle will get a scolding from Andy C. Robyn Dixon of RHoP tried to hide her family's scandalous business from Bravo, and reveal it on her own (monetized) podcast/Instagram right after the season ended, and Andy called her out on WWHL.
  18. He was the classic scapegoat, which exists in many dysfunctional families. The parent(s) select the scapegoat child as a target for all their anger, frustration, depression, anxiety, insanity, etc. I hope Collin lands in a professional, functional military environment. The military is not always the answer for distressed people and can traumatize them further. A friend is a retired military psychiatrist. His words are "My job was to patch people up quickly and get them back into service."
  19. Since when did they ever go to church? I think the reconciliation is solely to get some paid TV time. They are so broke they need cash immediately. It's interesting that celebrities used to frantically hide their dirty laundry and closet skeletons, and now they monetize them.
  20. The judges seemed particularly stupid in their comments about Anna's work. They really struggled to justify their choice, clearly following some kind of production script to generate angry drama. Telling a draper not to drape is absurd. Korto is very direct, and I guess she's finding the production shenanigans intolerable. Some of the others agreed with her but limited themselves to grunts and rolled eyes. I hope Brittany will be OK. Presumably she is on blood thinners after a stroke, and hopefully she does not smoke. I loved her design and am glad she won. Of course Elaine could not resist saying the guest judge is her "good friend." Such a poser.
  21. I watch fashion collections on Youtube, and the platform served me up an old interview with Tim Gunn. Briefly, he shared that he thought the judges "were smoking crack" in Season 8 when they decided to name Gretchen the winner. He pitched a fit behind the scenes but of course did not prevail. He also provided details on Bravo's/Weinstein's greed in taking all proceeds over time from winning designers. (This policy is why Jay did not accept the prize after winning Season 1.) Tim said that one of the contracts said that Bravo/Weinstein would collect every earning a designer made, even through other means, after being pronounced a winner. Tim pitched another fit and refused to participate in the series. Bravo modified the contract language but then kept trying to sneak it in over the years. That profit angle is why so many of the individual challenge and season winners are puzzling. Bravo and its judges are looking for fast-fashion dollars. Here is the interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PgGmgc-mVA Anyone who has read Tim's first book knows he can dish and snipe with the best of them. There are other interviews on YouTube.
  22. Episode 3 dragged for me. I'd rather the show focus on the restaurant characters. Also, it seems odd that Carmy would disappear to make goo-goo eyes at Claire despite the intense pressure to open the restaurant in six weeks. It was so lovely. Lucky actor to work in Copenhagen.
  23. The rumors and leaks about Kyle and Mauricio are beginning to appear, and speculation is that some of them are from other housewives with grudges.
  24. Perhaps they will remain married for financial reasons only, and live separate lives.
  25. I kinda think Kyle is pulling an attention-seeking stunt. I feel the same about Crishelle. ETA: CallmeCray beat me to it. And RealHousewife nailed it - good scandalous gossip drives viewers to the show. I'm convinced Mauricio cheats. Since his family is from Mexico, I've wondered if he has a paramour down there, somewhat away from the cameras. And his on-camera behavior changed noticeably several seasons ago. He's got his own reality TV show with his daughters, which I found odd when it launched. Kyle may be in a difficult spot. She's very needy. All her kids but one are adults, she's alienated from close family members, and I don't know if she has any true, long-time supportive girlfriends. (IG "friends" and Teddi don't count.) Their financial arrangement will be interesting. Mauricio's legal shenanigans took a hit, and I don't know if Kyle has independent income outside of the show. The blind gossip sites hinted at trouble in this marriage for several years. They have also hinted at Dorit and PK living separate lives. There was a blind about a West Coast housewife's husband spending a lot of time flirting with someone in a production office, and I figured Mauricio or PK.
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