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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. Marissa's pseudo-girlish behavior during the shoot was annoying. "Oh is that a bullet? Did the gun go off? Did I shoot it? Is it dead? Help me!" Caroline S. seems obsessed with herself. And also useless. The show leaves me with the impression that she married for money, her husband married for beauty (and British citizenship?), she dutifully pumped out children, and now she spends her days getting her hair and makeup done. There's just nothing there. Caroline A.'s not smart enough to fool the cameras into portraying her fake image. She's trying for aristocratic beautiful earth goddess, but spoiled, grumpy and manipulative are peeking out. If she carries on too much about how tragic her life has been, Ima have to smack her.
  2. I know, right? Not only is he kind of dim, but he's quite self-absorbed. And he said that he and Leon have the same philosophies - I suspect they are both misogynists. I'm gonna give Leon a break on Rabbitgate. I think the primary's girlfriend was simply relaying a story, not specifically telling Leon not to serve rabbit. It's like a ticking emotional time bomb on the yacht, waiting for production to decide to send Leon home. He knows it's coming, thus the amped up attitude. I have the feeling someone else is writing the captain's blog. It just doesn't sound like him. Was Amy's conversation with her brother an audience test to see reaction to him returning to the show? He said something about coming back to yacht with her again. And her dog's big ol' googly eyes made me laugh.
  3. It occurs to me that the film has already been done - Another Period.
  4. All through the recent broadcasts of old Masterpiece productions - Forsyte, JiC - I was not aware of the Masterpiece forum. After viewing Indian Summers and Home Fires, I searched again and finally found it. (I was searching under each series' individual title, and my PC has some Internet security programs that inhibit things like search functions.) Anyway, I'm enjoying the production aspects - the divine textiles, the lush scenery, the house porn, the fashions. But it is hard to watch the thoughtless cruel superiority of the British colonists. Julie Waters is a fantastic actress, but I find her performance off here. A bit too Broadway or vaudeville, or something. Agree that the Ralph actor is a young Ralph Fiennes. Is it correct that the "terrorist" - the older gentleman whom they imprisoned - put Adam on the train tracks, knowing who was on that particular train, and anticipating the kid would get rescued? But who poisoned Adam? I've got the Merle Oberon story in my head - she was an English actress who hid the fact that she was of Indian ancestry. Is it possible that Ralph is somehow not 100% English? I know that sounds implausible, but his scene with the terrorist, who twisted Ralph's hair and then beat an unresistant Ralph - doesn't bring to mind a reaction to something like rape or an "improper" sexual relationship history. Or, maybe he did have a relationship with Adam's mother, and she died as the result of childbirth, with him failing to help her because she was not white.
  5. The actor who plays Tom is doing a great job. I'm distracted by Botox when Amy B. cries. Her face looks a bit weird.
  6. What a great episode. Carol kicking ass in her little flowery twinset. Merit Weaver - one of my favorite "not-well-known" actors; hope she sticks around. I want to know more of Morgan's story. When Carol first put the W on her forehead, my heart did a little lurch because I thought she was somehow a secret wolf spy. Especially when she and Morgan had the terse little exchange that made me think they were in on it together. So glad I was wrong. I think the truck holds walkers. There is a preview shot of a big group of walkers that are all blue/gray in color - maybe they get kept in the truck too long and are uniformly overripe.
  7. Me too. She's worked herself into a frenzy about the entire situation, always talking about it, always reacting angrily, so overwrought in many conversations. That's not editing - that's her personality. The industry may like her for her penny-pinching ways, but if they think she's too combative with her colleagues, then she's going to lose work. I think she puts a lot of spin on in her talking heads and in work conversations, trying to assert that Jason is the only one at fault, when she has also been part of the problem. Things that caught my attention: I also spotted non-white actors in the crowds. Also, as they are racing to get every shot in very little time, she halts production to lecture people and force them to switch actors. And my impression from her conversation with Jason in the hallway was that the full stunt scene was still in. I understand his confusion.
  8. The Oct. 15 Style section of The Washington Post has an interview with Effie. Don't know how long the link will be good, as at some point the Post archives articles that can only be accessed with a Post account. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/style-blog/wp/2015/10/14/effie-brown-challenged-matt-damon-now-shes-ready-to-challenge-an-entire-industry/
  9. Nina is like a woman with multiple personalities. One minute she's snarling in her Anna Wintour wannabe voice, the next she's cooing over a monstrosity. Last night we saw this with her feedback to Candice and Ashley. I'm embarrassed for the show that the judges admired Ashley's outfit. It was one of the worst designs ever. Frederick's of Hollywood meets church choir robe. She shoulda been aufed. But I'm liking the lack of scripted drama and "outrageous" personalities. And the two-day challenge. I miss Swatch's Resting Swatch Face.
  10. Yeah, Kate is loving Leon's self-destruction. Her most recent effort to "make peace" (the attempt to talk to him in the galley) was just another poke at the beast. She's gotten much smoother at her manipulative ways.
  11. The thing about Eddie is that he does all this stuff -- fighting with the girlfriend, having sex in the laundry room -- knowing that he's mic'ed and often on camera.
  12. I love seeing the old Deco hotel. The details are astounding and beautiful - wonder what it would cost to build it today? Paulson and Winningham are knockin' it out of the park. But, yeah, this episode was a jumbled mess and too long. Something's wrong when I'm bored while torture and murder are on my screen. Ugh - hope we don't see more of Naomi Campbell.
  13. The opening theme song is one of the most tuneless, insipid things I've ever heard. I hate it. Marissa is very competitive against other women. Under Marissa's polished, smiley exterior there beats the heart of a catty competitor. Perhaps there's a mutual dislike between her and Caroline F., kind of an undercurrent. Maybe Caroline F.'s ditzy hippie-sunshine act requires absolute adoration from everyone around her or she gets grumpy, and Marissa knows how to push her buttons. Caroline has had great wealth, beauty, social success, security...sometimes people like that are incredibly spoiled and don't react well to being treated like regular folks. I've bumped into a fair number of aristocratic Brits over the years, such as at embassy gigs. The wives are not raving beauties. I'm not sure where the idea came from - that British aristocracy marries only beautiful women. Julie certainly looks harried all the time, but she looks like a typical working mother to me.
  14. It's possible that Leon is a clueless yacht chef, but I suspect he's acting out because he's angry at how things have turned out for him on the show. Could be that the Boost, the repetitive meals, and the outrageous way he talks to Kate are just part of a big ol' FU to all of them. Maybe he wants them to pay for a plane ticket home. Maybe he doesn't get his Bravo paycheck if he quits and walks away. While it's true he's a jerk, I see the heavy hand of scripting all over this. As I posted earlier, why is Lee hanging back instead of replacing Leon? I actually think this show is luxury yachting in a parallel reality TV universe. The guests are all in on it - I even question the tip coming from the guests. It's not the true luxury yachting experience - it's a bunch of TV characters going through the motions for the cameras. It's starting to bug me how transparent it all is. The number of cannon fodder is a clue. On this season alone we've had three seemingly inexperienced crew get recruited to be on the show, get manipulated by scripting (with production pushing personality buttons), and then dramatically pushed off the yacht. (I'm assuming Leon will be the third to go.) How is that a normal luxury yachting experience?
  15. The only bad thing about this show: I watched it at 11pm, had many fits of laughter, and was wide awake at bedtime. Julie was hilarious, and I just love the Zeno kid. Too many great moments to mention. But...the little yappie dogs at Julie's house are a hoot. They have their own separate little show going on, constantly climbing, snarling, begging for food, and sleepily blinking at the camera lights. I was also surprised at the emotion over that crook Teresa. Goes to show that Bravo's calculated decision to promote her prison time, complete with sobbing children, paid off.
  16. What was going on with the cranky crew? It intrigues me that they were so direct, on camera, and that one of them really attacked the DP (or whatever he is) personally. I know they referenced safety, but did we see it?
  17. Amy looked really pretty on the island, with her hair up in a messy bun. I would have thought that someone of Eddie's rank should not be having sex with a crew member. I think his motive was to flaunt it in his ex-girlfriend's face (via TV). Dane was reality TV cannon fodder. They hired him solely to play the clueless new deck hand whom production could manipulate. Unfortunately he reacted with drunken rages. Leon makes me more uncomfortable than Dane did, with his quiet seething at Kate. Now there's a guy with rage issues.
  18. The trip to the other country estate was purely for eye candy and advertising. I think Julie's husband already said in an earlier episode they were preparing to expand commercial operations at Mapperton. I'm sure they've put a lot of time into it, and that Julie's husband and others are heavily involved. Maybe I read this on the Mapperton website. Julie's just following a script that helps her advertise their future plans. I wonder what the real story is behind Caroline S.'s business failure. Her CFO was very distraught; maybe she had invested. And when Caroline left the investor meeting she was very subdued and grim. Maybe there was difficulty in accounting for the investors' funds. Even if Caroline was just the face of the business and did very little actual work, others could have tried to manage the business successfully. Caroline actually seemed ashamed. Maybe Caroline F. can only tolerate wisecracks when she's making them about herself.
  19. Season one didn't hold my interest but perhaps season two will. I liked the first episode. With paternal roots in southwestern MN I spent lots of time in Sioux Falls and have been to Luverne. It tickles me to see it again (although I guess they shot in Calgary). When I got my first IBM Selectric it was like getting electricity; it was so much better than a regular typewriter. Then there was another technical jump to typewriters with mag(netic) cards. And fax machines!! The 70s fashions are so clear in my memory. We all wore stretchy stripes. Is there a way to find out where that VFW/bingo hall is? It has WWII planes on the wall and I'd love a closer look. Another Calgary location perhaps? The Coen brothers had the "sleepy baby" lullaby in O Brother.
  20. Disappointed. A lot of shouting and running and herding and car-driving makes for boring TV. Plus, there was the hilarity of Rick and Morgan uttering Cryptic Meaningful Dialogue to each other. "I know you." "You are you." No, I know YOU." "I am you." Rick's face or head looks different. Did they change his hair line, especially in front? Or maybe he gained a little weight in his face? His affect in so many of the scenes is different than his co-actors. It's like he and Morgan are in two different shows.
  21. I've wondered if Tim simply needs/enjoys the income, because he is for sure singing for his supper. I think he's become a complete production pawn. His TV "character" has been re-scripted. I've posted in the past that I noticed his hands were trembling very badly a couple seasons back, almost like a palsy. It was only in one scene where he was handling some fabric, but it made me wonder about his health.
  22. In the eyes of the prison system, Teresa is just one more prisoner. Nobody's doing anything to accommodate her, the TV show, her family, and so on. The prison folks don't give a rats ass about any of that, other than dealing with the hoopla when she went in. As far as her "televised" phone call home, it looked to me as if production simply captured audio and video of the family, and audio of Teresa's voice. (I'm referring to what I saw on the promos.) Anybody could have done it with permission from the prisoner. (Whether you can record someone without their permission varies across states.)
  23. Looks like Petty Fool had her face redesigned.
  24. Maybe we'll have a Tim Gunn Save twist: in next week's episode Tim feels bad that he humiliated Swapnil and they bring him back. I still think Swapnil was originally scripted to be the winner, or at least show at Fashion Week, and he went off-script (got lazy, distracted, etc.) and they're all mad at him. Thanks for the Where Are They Now link. Interesting that I don't remember the last six winners at all. Anyone else see that odd little show that Austin and Santino did? They drove into small towns and made an outfit for a local. They slept in bizarre BnBs and made do with local fabric stories.
  25. One really appreciates professional models after having to sit through some of these real-life models. The non-professionals bring all their body hangups to the process (as would I probably). Swapnil's flameout was bizarre. He had dark circles under his eyes and after his runway critique he apparently FELL ASLEEP in a room full of people, with cameras. Tim's angry rant seemed very personal, and insulting (I cringed), as did Swapnil's silent departure from the lounge. I didn't care for any of the looks and realize I've felt this way for most of the episodes this season. However, Kelly looked very pretty during the runway show. Please get rid of crybaby Ashley. Her taste level is questionable.
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