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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. The best thing for Kathryn is to get out of the entertainment business. As the mother of two children, and an addict/alcoholic, she needs to learn how to deal with and flourish in the real world.
  2. Is it normal for there to be only one person cooking for guests and staff? Wouldn't real luxury yachts have sous chefs and prep cooks?
  3. I've said before that I think Kathryn's long game is to wait Thomas out. All she wants is the money. Once he leaves this mortal coil she'll still be relatively young (unless she continues to drink and drug.)
  4. I agree with the assessment that the female officer was trying to maneuver the nasty drunk forward, and at the exact same time the nasty drunk jerked her body while resisting arrest, and the combined motions slammed her into the car.
  5. Pretty horrible acting all around with the exception of Angel and Pray Tell. Music and costumes were fun, but production values seem low. Doubt I'll watch the entire thing.
  6. I'm losing interest in this show. After so much ugliness the past couple of years, two innocent children are still at risk because these assholes won't grow up. Ashley, Thomas, Kathryn, the Mean Girls, and Shep getting their camera time...all of them jostling for position via these disgusting arguments. Once Ashley started her manic, nasty diatribe, I switched the channel.
  7. Why did Carole specify her low weight on camera? (Rhetorical; we all know why.) Bethenny was manic as her party unfolded. Even she could not keep up with her own motor mouth. I guess she sensed what was coming and felt trapped. Theoretically, one cannot run away from one's own party. Random: Tinsley's fervent love for Coupon King is bizarre to me, given her southern debutante heritage. It's as if she's put herself on the Marked Down shelf.
  8. He was the very definition of smarmy and unctuous. Delicious!
  9. The older actors leave the younger ones in the dust, and I watch for them. Each episode is crammed full of melodrama and hammy acting and writing - the angry mother wins the trophy in this episode - which is only relieved when Agutter, Bassett, Profitt and a few others show up. David Bamber will always be my favorite Mr. Collins! We had too much of the new midwife at the expense of the others. I enjoyed this episode more than all the season's others combined, as it touched back to the series' earlier, better times. Love the inclusion of Reggie. Here's hoping PBS eliminates the stupid extras and gives us the full episodes. And cuts Trixie's awful ratty fall. And returns to the Crayon box for something other than teal clothing.
  10. The series went downhill after an awesome beginning. The story lurched all over the place and I began to lose interest. But I'm still in for Season 2. Maybe it will recapture the early magic.
  11. I've noticed that this color turns up a lot in certain British (BBC? Channel 4?) television productions. I first noticed it in Broadchurch. In this episode of CTM I think I spotted it on three dresses in one scene. I think the production and costume designers like how it pops on screen, and it's flattering on most people. I'm still catching up on watching this season, but I agree that the dropped scenes and editing are taking me out of the story. I don't care about the commentary. I've always felt that much of the acting is quite hammy, like soap operas. As others have said, could no one take a wash cloth to those poor children? We get it - the parents struggled to care for them - but surely the nurses would have dealt with that immediately.
  12. Lezlers, I recommend you watch the first season - it's worth the price of admission.
  13. Thomas has already been paying child support, based on the state's guidelines.
  14. Ashley's frustration and embarrassment at her situation are apparent, and then when the mean girls ganged up on her - on camera - she blew. I have a bit of sympathy for a part of her situation. I've been a fulltime stepmom with hubbie's psycho ex-wife, who made everyone's lives miserable (she's a Kathryn). I raised the kid, and psycho resented it but didn't really want the job either. It's where I learned grace under fire. Ashley is expecting respect from Thomas, money, a beautiful home, and a wedding in exchange for her prop role, and she's not getting it. Plus, she's probably furious at production for the scripted mean girls stuff. For what it's worth, I know some nurses who are wonderful in their jobs but jerks elsewhere. Thomas was hilarious in his "uh-huh, un-huh" to Ashley's obsessive rantings, never engaging. He's not completely ignorant about relationships. Danni annoys the heck out of me. She's a useless hanger-on, inserting herself into the situation. We've seen Craig use chew in earlier seasons. It surprises me because he's fastidious about his appearance, and surely he knows the health risks. My friend is a dentist in Appalachia and he deals with chew-mouth constantly. Grannie was the one who urged Kathryn multiple times to pursue Thomas. During the first season posters speculated the family needed him to "save the plantation."
  15. The investigation will take months. If they aren't already producing the next season, then the current season that we are watching now could be Thomas' last appearance on the show. I wonder if Ashley is part of Thomas' PR campaign - as in, he knew the allegations were coming quite a while ago, so he went and got a girlfriend. It's probably an arrangement that provides benefits to both of them.
  16. The end of Thomas? http://tamaratattles.com/2018/05/24/blind-item-oh-he-is-so-fired/
  17. The collection of blinds seems to be hinting that the relationship suffered from a lack of physical intimacy, and that one or both of them are gay. Here is one of the blind items: http://tamaratattles.com/2018/04/30/blind-item-she-definitely-has-a-type/
  18. There is a blind item out there hinting that Sonja is spending money like crazy in advance of filing for bankruptcy.
  19. As long as we're gossiping, I've begun to see blind items hinting that that all was not what it seemed with Craig's and Naomie's relationship.
  20. Areca the Ascerbic was funny. Except when she was being an asshole.
  21. Agreed. And many on-air newscasters simply "rip and read." (Taken from the old days of ripping the story off of the AP/UPI news tickers, walking on set, and reading the story out loud.) Producers, reporters and writers do a lot of the work behind the scenes.
  22. I wonder if the character is meant to be suffering from some kind of delusions of grandeur or megalomania, perhaps exacerbated by the stress and the lead poisoning. He's definitely a crafty sociopath on the best of days, but the aloof gazing-into-the-distance thing for long hours hints at more. ("What's he doing up on that hill all this time?" "Thinking his thoughts.")
  23. Completely agree. He's horrible when he tries to emote. He's better at moving swiftly and barking out commands. This episode was horrible because of his extended "acting." I also find Pare and the actor who plays Ray to be terrible actors.
  24. Eve was apparently bored and frustrated with her job before she became a spy, so maybe she "settled" with Niko. Now she's a globe-trotting spy with a dangerous case and she's not interested in the demands of her marriage. The Russian locations and story haven't interested me as much as I thought they might. Maybe there's too much going on for the series to hold my attention. Still, I keep watching for Sandra, Fiona and Jodie - Jodie is awesome in this role.
  25. I've always thought the Chelsea/Shep/Austen triangle was pure scripting; I even question whether Chelsea and Austen were ever intimate. Anyway, agree this storyline is stupid and played out. Production should have come up with something better.
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