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Everything posted by LadyDot

  1. OK, let's see how this works: Billy Martin's Jason will heretofore be known as Drew and was held for who knows how long by Helena Cassadine who just happens to have extensive Russian family connection. Steve Burton's Jason will heretofore be known as JasonQ is currently being held in the Russian clinic by Valentin Cassadine or by the Russian Mafia in a soon to be realized action against Sonny, Drew and JasonQ are previously unknown identical twins. Drew looks like Billy Martin because he was hit by a car driven by Ava Jerome after Robin got him out of the clinic run by Helena Cassadine and had dropped him off at Sonny's doorstep where he was recaptured by the bad guys (Sonny none the wiser). Chrissy Corinthos-Davis looks and acts like a high school student -- totally sophomoric. She has that 'I know what is best for me and it is whatever I want at any given time attitude' so dangerous in the teen years because it warps the ability to use actually logic in making decisions. I am so hoping that when Burton leaves again he takes Sam with him. Enough of the tears and snot and whispers.
  2. Remember that the clinic where Ava and Patient 6 currently are is known to have achieved miraculous results in "plastic surgery". They can whatever they want with a face. It would not be difficult for this Dr. Boransky to turn Nic's face into Jason's face, complete with blond eye lashes and set off with those shell-like ears Burton has. Goodness, look what the surgeon at GH did with the wrecked body of Jason when they made him look like Billy Miller, <VBG>.
  3. How much more of the weeping, watering pot, blubbering Sam are we going to have to endure? I have never been a fan of the character but now I have moved to the point that I cannot stand to see or hear her AT ALL. When the character first came on the show she was an independent young woman of dubious character and ethics, then she fell in bed with Sonny and she turned into this groveling, whispering, self-righteous little piece of garbage. I can't even begin to imagine how many snot filled tears she is going to shed when she Jason's face on someone else.
  4. I am all in favor of Burton taking on the role of Nicholas Cassadine Who has been colluding with Valentin since the beginning.
  5. Silly of me, I know, but I think the last two books in the series have already been written and are being held through contractual agreements with the publishers and HBO. We won't get the end of the series in book form until the HBO show ends its run.
  6. I really hope both Minnick and Leah are gone, gone, gone soon. I wouldn't want Leah in my hospital room or on my case, and I sure as hell wouldn't want Minnick coming in to any surgery suite I happened to be in. From the very first appearance Minnick felt like a failed surgeon.
  7. I have been told that if you wish to register your protest on Friday then you can easily do so by turning on your tv set to a channel that is in no way connected to the inauguration. With so many of us using the recording process so we don't miss our programs said machines recording a program at that time register as being tuned in to that channel when the tv set is not on. So, turn on your tv and give one of the lesser watched channels a hit.
  8. Will there ever come a time when Sonny opens his mouth and BOREDOM doesn't come gushing out? I don't remember an instance in the last 20 years when anything interesting came forth. I am not seeing even 1 story thread that so much as attracts my interest in the show these days. Jason and Sam do not have even an ounce of drama between them. Liz and Franco are in a constant re-do pattern. Maxie and Nathan are too. Kiki and whomever, who cares? Michael the teenager, at least in looks, who runs a big time corporation even though he has no training and gets a headache from crunching numbers, is everyone's white knight who talks a good game but doesn't play needs some action in his little life. He ALWAYS has really bad luck with the girls in his circle. Carly is gifted with excessive dialog but it goes nowhere. Alexis has a decent story but once again she is a victim, and Julian is nothing more than a mob-constipated tool. Why can't the writers do something creative and well thought out? Something that doesn't take so long to develop that by the time the resolution is actually approached absolutely everyone has lost interest? Is anyone else wishing for a sparkly unicorn?
  9. I really want a scene with Victor's family telling him that expecting one's family to commit perjury to save him from paying for his despicable actions against Jack and Phyllis is NOT the definition of a loving father. He refuses to see his family because they refused to lie for him? What an ass! Glad I'm not related to him.
  10. GH has gotten tedious and vexingly boring of late what with Anna's constant whining over justice for Duke; Lulu and Dante's couple's therapy; Sam's whispering explanations of every damn thing she thinks she knows; and Sonny's daily self-righteous posturing. When is something actually going to happen on this show?
  11. I live in hope for writers who can write dialog we haven't heard a jillion times before. So numbed by conversations between Somny and Carly, Lulu and Dante, and Alexis and Julian. Blah, blah, blah........
  12. I HATE SAM!!! Like it or not, we are going to have to accept the new and improved "Franco sans Tumor" as the new saint of the show. He is preferable to whatever to what is happening to Jason who is no longer Jason The Borg and Sonny Hired Gun nor is Jason Quartermaine, Golden Boy of the Q's and Monica's favored child, nor is he a new personality/character. Right now Jason is NOTHING, a big void, a warm body for Tits and Tears Sam to run her mouth at. I spare myself the total waste of time this couple is by Fast Forwarding any time Sam is given screen time. It is really time for Nina to exit. She is useless in terms of story. Why were we never given a scene showing a confrontation between Helena and Sonny? I am thinking that Sonny was so far beneath Helena's notice that unless he deliberately got between her and whatever plan she was instituting he just didn't matter. Even though her beloved grandson Nikolas married Sonny's sister, and Sonny bedded and impregnanted Alexis, he just didn't matter. Sonny was a best friend to Luke Spenser and should have been fair game for Helena's machinations, but that never happened. I would love to have seen a story pitting Helena against Ava. That might have happened if Ava had climbed into Nik's bed instead of Morgan's. I HATE SAM.
  13. Is it ever going to come out that Stefano and Andre were behind Aiden's murder attempt on Hope? Will Aiden's son Chase learn that he was under a death sentence unless his father killed Hope? Now that Stefano is dead and Andre has been falsely jailed for his father's murder (divine retribution) can the canvas be scrubbed and all the despicable things attributed to the DiMera family finally come to light and be accounted for? How much longer can we expect to have the Andre character soiling the poor people of Salem, Indiana? We need a clean and thorough break from the DiMera family once and for all. Yesterday went a long way but the Aiden business still needs to come to light ------ PLEASE.
  14. Missed the first half of today's episode due to the violent storms passing over Florida today. I recognize the need for the local weather people to warn everyone in the path of storms, but I really wish the local channels would start the programs over or where they left off when such interruptions are needed.
  15. I lost all respect for Michael when he allowed Sabrina to talk him into reconciling with Sonny and returning Avery to Sonny's care.
  16. If ME is to be the newest rumoured Casssadine, he can channel his inner vampire. Bring it on. It's about time Nik had someone challenge him to the Cassadine coffers. The new Cassadine need not be a direct descendant of the dastardly Mikkos so as not to besmirch the newly sainted sweet Sam with thoughts of incest. Regarding Sam: are the writers banking on the viewers forgetting Sam's past actions as a con artist who swindled men out of their money by sleeping with them, and in at least one case, marrying the mark? Apparently the redemption of this tits and tears character who is always played with anemic results is more important to the show than a legacy character. I don't know why I am even wasting my time thinking about this. On a show that idolizes a mobster, a character like Sam McCall Morgan will be supported and propped at all costs. If they are so set on redeeming this character then send the bitch to a convent. If ME is to be the newest rumoured Casssadine, he can channel his inner vampire. Bring it on. It's about time Nik had someone challenge him to the Cassadine coffers. The new Cassadine need not be a direct descendant of the dastardly Mikkos so as not to besmirch the newly sainted sweet Sam with thoughts of incest. Regarding Sam: are the writers banking on the viewers forgetting Sam's past actions as a con artist who swindled men out of their money by sleeping with them, and in at least one case, marrying the mark? Apparently the redemption of this tits and tears character who is always played with anemic results is more important to the show than a legacy character. I don't know why I am even wasting my time thinking about this. On a show that idolizes a mobster, a character like Sam McCall Morgan will be supported and propped at all costs. If they are so set on redeeming this character then send the bitch to a convent.
  17. I thought Julian had been out of the mob for years and in witness protection. Weird Luke found him and maneuvered Julian back into the role of head of the Jerome family crime syndicate. Regardless, I prefer Julian as an Alexis love interest to another asinine mob boss. Regarding the shafting of Elizabeth to prop up the utterly boring JaSam couple: After RH leaves (and she should after the destruction of her character in favor or "Tits and Tears" Sam) new stories aren't going to make the loss of talent any more palatable. Liz Webber deserves some happiness after all the trauma she has been through, starting with her family's desertion in favor of practicing medicine in Africa. If the show has to have a 'whipping girl' let them find someone else. May I suggest Sam since they have a built in excuse with Helena's curse to put the little bedhopping con artist through the ringer. (Guess you can tel,l I am not a Sam fan.)
  18. A new week coming up. Five more episodes of GH. Five more days of meaningless chatter and stories that go nowhere fast. Wonder how many tears "Sweet Sam" is going to get to shed on our screens this week? Too bad Helena's curse wasn't stronger. Funny that curse hasn't been mentioned of late. Why hasn't anyone questioned Jake about his time on the island with the teacher and the old lady in the big house? I really think we need to know more about what Jake endured and why he was allowed to be reunited with his parents. Helena must have had a plan for the little guy.
  19. I do so hope when Easton comes back to GH they push Sam at him. I want that weepy, sniveling, nosey, little yakker away from Jason (no matter who is playing him). I also hope that Easton does play a mob boss who draws Sam in so she can remember how she fell into Sonny's bed and then into Jason's bed. I really, really, really do not like this character. In fact, there are few characters left on GH who I do like. Maybe Laura, as long as she stays away from that doofus Scot Baldwin.
  20. I record GH as well as Days and Y&R to watch after the 10:00 news and to be able to FF through those characters whose scenes, whose very existence, are too damned boring to watch. That includes Sam, Sonny, Kayla and Patch, Sharon and Dylan and especially Faith, Adam and Chelsea spending most of their on-air scenes kissing.
  21. I am waiting for Helena's curse on Sam to kick in bigtime. Of course, then we will be back to her weeping and talking everything to death -- perfect FF material.
  22. Correct me if I am 100% wrong, but aren't Nina and Franco rather superfluous to the show now? Even as comic relief they fall flat. I don't get why, other than author contracts they are still on the show. They're pathetic storylines go nowhere and accomplish nothing. Why hasn't Nina just bought Crimson from Julian? Why is Franco still in town at all?
  23. So Sam wants her killer Jason back so she can love him. Hate her with the fire and heat of all the stars in the galaxy. If they have to have Jason with a petite brunette then bring back Steve Burton and Vanessa Marcell. They actually had chemistry together which is something extraordinary since they didn't have chemistry with anyone else. I find the actress who plays Sam to be so bland that she would fade into the woodwork even as a candy striper walking down the hall at GH.
  24. In yesterday's episode (Tues. Dec. 22) Sam hammered in the last nail of her coffin for me. The stupid bitch prefers the old Jason, the mob murdered/assassin/hitman to the man he is now. Jason and Liz agreed that his life was too dangerous to have his child acknowledged and in his life. Then along came weepy, sourpuss Sam again and drops a kid on him. But because it is Sam it's all right for her brat to be in his life. Isn't it about time for Sam's child to be in danger because of Jason? What this show needs is a injection of new characters who are not mob related in any way. Move the hold hitman and his bitches off screen along with the entire Corinthos tribe, including all of Sonny's children and their associated mothers.
  25. As far as I can tell AH has no chemistry with anyone she has been paired with. In scenes she is invisible even when speaking with other characters.
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