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Everything posted by LadyDot

  1. Happy endings do not last long for Robin. She will be off crusading for "truth, justice, and her idea of the American way" leaving her family once again. The show can always recast Patrick Drake if need be. I would love to see Sam have a nervous breakdown once she truly realizes that she is the blame for Patrick's departure. Let her choke on "Jason deserves to know the truth." I just cannot stand the character. Are there any "good, law abiding" characters on the show any more? I can't think of any. Maybe they should rename the show to reflect the attitude of bad guys/villains/liars, etc. deserve happiness, especially at the expense of others.
  2. Here's a thought. Bring back Brenda and throw her in Jason's face. Let him remember their high school years. Burton had more chemistry with Vanessa Marcel than he had with anyone else. Let's see if that is true with Marcell and Miller. I am sure not seeing any chemistry with Miller and the little pocket venus who plays Sam. In fact, the actress is one of the major reasons I hate this resurrected Jason storyline. When is Helena's curse on Sam going to kick in? Guess we will have to be prepared for more crying and weeping and blubbering from Sam. Damn, just what I do not want. Thankfully I record the show to watch at night. I can FF through those scenes I find deplorably boring -- like Sam Morgan scenes. Might as well add Franco and Nina to that list of FF characters. I tend to do that to all of Sonny's scenes. I am down to being able to watch an entire episode in 20 minutes or less.
  3. I hate Sam, and Jason StoneCold Morgan wasn't far behind since he was boring. I am hoping Sam isn't allowed to get her filthy hooks into nuJason. I don't see a happy ending for Liz and Jason simply because there are too many viewers out there who prefer hot couples to characters with an ethical core (said couples are few and far between on GH). I hope there is no happy ending in any way for Sam. How soon can we expect Helena's curse to kick in?
  4. Valerie now joins the TRASH GANG which is co-chaired by Carly and Sam.
  5. Any actor playing a character who goes up against EB's Victor Newman has to know at the get-go that he is going to be a loser. Y&R supports, cushions, holds up, and cherishes Victor at the expense of all other characters. I am not looking forward to seeing Jason Thompson's Billy Abbott play against AH"s Victoria Newman. Victoria is such a black hole sucking up and obliterating any joy anyone around her has. When will JT make his first appearance?
  6. I think the writers would be missing out on a good story possibility if they ignore Helena's curse on Sam. Off course, if that curse means we have to endure more of Sam's weeping and clinging desperation then I hope the curse just kills her outright. As far as I can tell, Kelly Monaco remains on the show for 2 reasons: her bosom and her ability to cry on demand. Why in the hell do I continue to watch this show? Habit, probably. I find most of the characters intolerable, and let's face it, the plots of late have been utter dreck.
  7. I am not now, or ever have been a Sam fan. I want the character off the show. She can run off in search of Patrick who leaves her high and dry. Who are they going to throw Johnny Z at? Will he land up in Ava's bed or will he head straight to Lulu? If Dillon is heading back to California, will his Daddy Dearest be far behind? So Carlos faked his own death. Who helped him with that? Sloane? Neither one of them have the smarts to pull off something complicated. I like the new psychiatrist at GH. What will the writers do to screw him up? Pair him with Kiki? That would do it.
  8. I wouldn't be miserably upset if Jake/Jason walked away from Liz, as long as he turns his back on whiny, weepy, sniveling Sam at the same time. As for Carly, she needs to stand on her own two feet again, if she remembers how. Has anyone heard any rumors as to how the show will usher out Jason Thompson? Will Patrick leave for good or will the role be taken by another actor? Are the rumors true that Burgess Jennings who played Billy Abbott on Y&R will take over the role?
  9. Friday's episode adds another adjective to describe Sam -- sniveling. So now she is whiny, weepy, sniveling Sam, the yakker. The only female character Burton's Jason Morgan every sparkled with was Vanessa Marcel's Brenda. These two actors were like rubbing diamonds together. So of course they put her with Bernard's Sonny and Burton's Jason got mired in the quicksand of verbiage that is Sam.
  10. At some point the DiMera's role in Aiden's journey to death has to come out. Perhaps Aiden left a long explanatory letter in a safe deposit box. I too felt that the writers muddied the waters with AIden's money problems and gambling issues. Having Aiden kill Hope to free Chad was just too easy a fix.
  11. Once again Carly stuck like a leech and Sam turned on the waterworks.
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