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Everything posted by LadyDot

  1. Alas, the PCPD has decades of ineptitude so now should not be any different. Bored beyond reckoning with the current storylines. The Kevin/Ryan story is more than enough to make me grab the remote to fast forward through all segments involving this story. Now we have Franco drawn in as a scapegoat suspect because the police department is totally out of its league AGAIN. I think I am going to go on hiatus from the show for a while until the current stories are over. It is just not worth my time to watch any more. Alas, the PCPD has decades of ineptitude so now should not be any different. Bored beyond reckoning with the current storylines. The Kevin/Ryan story is more than enough to make me grab the remote to fast forward through all segments involving this story. Now we have Franco drawn in as a scapegoat suspect because the police department is totally out of its league AGAIN. I think I am going to go on hiatus from the show for a while until the current stories are over. It is just not worth my time to watch any more.
  2. We have too many stories going on right now and NONE of them seem to be moving forward toward any kind of resolution. This is one of the major reasons I record the show to fast forward thru segments that are excruciatingly boring and do nothing to advance the story.
  3. Note to Joss detractors: Joss is 15 years old. What do you expect? Look at all the melodrama she was raised with. Of course she is a twit.
  4. Is anyone else getting really sick of the repetitious actions allowed to Victor? Got to believe there is another one coming up since Nick actually thinks he is going to be allowed to grow a pair and succeed. Victor Newman has been given too much latitude in every aspect of his life in GC. I find the VN character vomitous. I really do not want him in the show any longer. Absolutely everything he does is predictable, from his constant meddling in his son's affairs to his war with Jack to his inconsistent attitude toward his daughters' ability to run Newman Enterprises. He is a real game master as he uses his children as pieces as his toys. It is really time for the show to pass the torch and let Victor fade into the background as all patriarchs must.
  5. I am wondering if Nelle is lying about the father of the baby she is carrying. After all, Brad ran the DNA test and he is her bestest buddy according to her. Wonder how much Nelle will be asking for in order to give Michael the baby and get out of their lives? Millions, I would bet.
  6. Try some Jack McDevitt. He is a very accomplished author and he doesn't rely on gimmicks and tropes.
  7. I need a break from General Hospital and the drivel they have been airing for several months now. Fortunately, my vacation is rapidly approaching. I won't be recording the show to watch later as I usually do. It has been putting me to sleep so why fill up my Hopper with such a snoozefest. Right now I can't think of even one character whose story interests me at all. Maybe after my vacation enough of these utterly boring storylines will have wrapped up and something of interest will be happening.
  8. I haven't watched Monday's episode yet but from the sound of things I haven't missed anything. GH is back in snoozefest territory. What in the hell are the writers doing? Playing with themselves?
  9. I haven't seen today's episode but I would be willing to bet it will be filled with the watering pot blubbering to Drew about her feelings for everything she can think of. I am beyond tired of Sam crying instead of adding to the plot with actions. She is really a useless character just like the other Davis girls . . . but more so.
  10. I am not a Sam fan. In fact, I probably classify as the opposite of a Sam fan. It is not just the character I have trouble with. I also find the actress lacking in chemistry with ANYONE on the show. She just does not do anything for me.
  11. Just wondering, does Charles Street butt up against the water front? Could Jim Harvey be trying to create a new waterfront, a bigger harbor? I hope he doesn't die in the earthquake. I want him to suffer the loss of everything. I also want Drew to find out about him and crucify him. I also want Sam and Franco GONE and a sparkling unicorn to call my own.
  12. Nothing against RoHo, he's a good actor, but no one could make Franco palatable. The character is so far out of the range of acceptable behavior that I cannot relate to him in many way whatsoever. Creating the character in the first place just so James Franco the actor could have the experience of daytime television for his educational curriculum vitae was probably the stupidest thing the writers have ever committed against the viewers.
  13. Poor Nick,,,,,,without the latest love of his life, Chelsea, and now his precious son going off to who knows where, Nick won't have anyone to bolster his ego. Guess that makes his ripe for the picking, in other words, Sharon to the rescue.
  14. I know GH is stupid enough to do it, but I don't want to be part of the audience to see it. I already feel like I am being bludgeoned with this bullsh*t about true love shared by Sam and Jason. I am not a Sam fan and never have been; she talks everything to death. That being said I would absolutely HATE her if she chose to endanger her children in the name of her own happiness and (yuck) truuuuuue looooooove. Damn, just how selfish and stupid can a woman get? Even Lisl had the smarts to keep Nathan hidden from Faison. I certainly cannot see Drew allowing his daughter to live with a mob enforcer and remember, that is what darling Jason of the shell-shaped ears is. I have flashbacks of the horrific scene of Laura in the shower while her house was being torn apart/riddled with bullets because of Luke's association with Sonny. Maybe the show needs to remind viewers of just what dear Godfather Sonny actually is and what association with him can mean.
  15. GH is suffering from a massive case of terminal boredom! Sam, who is either blubbering like a an emotional crippled watering pot or sucking face in every damn scene she is in, needs to grow up and get a purpose in life. Jason is as he always has been stuck, up Sonny and Carly's collective ass. There is nothing new to come from this trio of story failures. Alexis had better find a way to keep her constantly weeping daughter out of Jason's web of loaded memories or daughter and grandchildren will get sucked back into Somny's web of violence. Lulu and company are such a snoozefest..... Franco and Liz? Shoot me now. This twosome just doesn't get it. Finn and Anna and Cassandra. Possibilities here if the gathering of evidence against Cassandra is developed and not just allowed to pop up like a jack-in-the-box, ie. Faison. I am going to have to take a break from this show for a while and find something that gets my brain functioning again.
  16. 1. No matter how many tumors he has/had and how much Liz loves him, Franco is irredeemable in the current situation. Franco needs a total reboot and kicked out of the corner he has been written into. 2. For supposedly intelligent people, the denizens of Port Charles trust their eyes too much, especially Robin and Carly. The eyes see what they want to see and the mind creates a suitable story to support their reality. There really needs to be more discussion about the brain mapping. We know Helena Cassadine was somehow involved. She referred to MJason as her 'soldier boy'. I do not remember if Helena had any meaningful contact with Jason before Faison shot him and kicked him into the water. We do now that Faison and Helena were old compadres. They might not always have worked together and may at some time worked against one another, yet they sort of gravitate toward one another as partners in crime. 3. I would have been more intrigued if Burton/Jason was actually Nicholas Cassadine. 4. When is Cassandra,our new drug lord/lady, going to come face to face with Sonny whose moral guideposts rule Port Charles? 5. Who told Ava she looked good as a ginger? Not me. She looks like an aging bar whore now. 6. Just who is Dr. Bensch? He has to be more than what he seems. Maybe he is the real brains behind the brain mapping of the 2 Jasons. 7. Are we really going to have to endure another go around with Britt? Who is she going to screw over this time? Actually, she is to be pitied. With Obrecht as her mother and Faison has her father she is doomed to a life of high expectations and little reward. I am not happy to see Obrecht back on the show. She is more caricature than character. 8. Michael, Nelle, Ned and Olivia are a major snoozefest.
  17. I will really, really, really be disappointed if Burton's Jason is the 'real Jason'. All of the propping Burton's Jason has been given by just about everyone makes me convinced that the writers are both devoid of imagination and have a low opinion of the intelligence of the viewers. Carly, Sonny, Robin et al are so visually oriented they can't entertain any possibility that their eyes are wrong. Yep, very disappointed.
  18. Let's face it, even more than always being right Carly wants to be the creamy center of a Sonny-Jason cookie. She wants to crawl in bed with both men, have both of them adore and worship her as the epitome of womanhood. YUCK!!!!! Sam should have escorted Carly out of her home the second the overbearing bitch opened her mouth. I am not by any means a Sam fan, but I am even less of a Carly fan. Never have been.
  19. Why has Franco been turned into this gullible, self-deluding fool? /Apparently relieving him of a brain tumor did not give him any more brain power than the average goose. Glad we have a new villain in Cassandra Pierce. Unlike the poster upline, I do want to see her mix it up with Sonny who never has a worthy opponent. Apparently Sonny and the 5 Families are uninformed about the drug epidemic in PC. Sonny especially has been adamant about keeping drugs out of the town. Seems logical that Sonny would find out about the drugs and eventually about Cassandra. Of course logic has never been a strong story point for the show.
  20. I thought the face masque was part of that gift Victor gave to Victoria several months back when he was trying to worm his back into her good graces.
  21. NOT A REPLY TO THE PREVIOUS POST. QUESTION; Where were Jason and Drew during their first 3 years of life? We have learned that Drew was moved out of the Frank household when he was 3 years old. Jason didn't come to live as the Quartermaine golden boy until he was three. Where was he before? He could be Drew. He could be Jason who Alan took from his ex-lover. Were there really twins? Maybe there was only 1 child who spent his first 3 years with the Franks then was moved to his biological mother and finally to the Quartermaines.
  22. I have the feeling I won't be sticking with ST:Discovery very much longer. I am already sick of Klingons. They remind me of orcs: all angry emotions and ugly.
  23. Didn't get to watch today's episode and I cannot get it to play on that ridiculous ABC.go app or site. For some reason known only to the machine world my daytime shows did not tape. I would love to see Brenda come back and take ORJason/Burton as her own. Burton has/had more chemistry with her than with any other woman he has/had scenes with. Burton had more chemistry with Marcel than he ever had with the current Pocket Venus. Putting Brenda with ORJason would really put a burr up Carly's butt.
  24. Is it my imagination or was Sam holding on to Jason like he was her Plus One at the annual Saturday Nite Streetwalkers Ball in their scene with Liz and Franco? I have never been a Sam fan, even less since they glued her Jason and the Corinthos pack. I have always found Sam to be more a caricature than a real character. Sam fills the Sami Brady role on GH.
  25. OK, let's see how this works: Billy Martin's Jason will heretofore be known as Drew and was held for who knows how long by Helena Cassadine who just happens to have extensive Russian family connection. Steve Burton's Jason will heretofore be known as JasonQ is currently being held in the Russian clinic by Valentin Cassadine or by the Russian Mafia in a soon to be realized action against Sonny, Drew and JasonQ are previously unknown identical twins. Drew looks like Billy Martin because he was hit by a car driven by Ava Jerome after Robin got him out of the clinic run by Helena Cassadine and had dropped him off at Sonny's doorstep where he was recaptured by the bad guys (Sonny none the wiser). Chrissy Corinthos-Davis looks and acts like a high school student -- totally sophomoric. She has that 'I know what is best for me and it is whatever I want at any given time attitude' so dangerous in the teen years because it warps the ability to use actually logic in making decisions. I am so hoping that when Burton leaves again he takes Sam with him. Enough of the tears and snot and whispers. Here is an idea: Huxley has a Russian connection or a Cassadine connection (either works for me). The watch he manipulated Jason into taking after the poker game has a tracking device or some other non-watch function to keep tabs on Jason. I think Huxley works for Valentine. Remember, he conveniently kept Nicholas away from Cassadine Island until Valentin was in a position to act. Coincidence? Maybe. Maybe not.
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