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Everything posted by Lakewood27

  1. My own theory? When Katie left in 2006. It was all downhill from there. Her journalist cred kept the show from turning into Access Hollywood A.M. I like Matt Lauer, but he's a lightweight. I can't see him doing hard news because he doesn't have the chops. There was a time when Bryant and Katie would interview world leaders and Gene Shalit was the one talking to Demi Moore about her latest movie. The show has just devolved over the past 2 decades. When a Kim Kardashian interview is airing in the first hour of the show, it shouldn't be allowed to call itself a news program.
  2. Benthenny going rogue ('off-script') will actually make things way more entertaining for me. Whooo, LuAnn's got a real bee in her bonnet. Seeming less like an offended aunt/employer and more like a bitter rival.
  3. Hah! I saw that, too! Heather and driftwood Kristin were probably hoping Ramona and Beth would keep Brunchgate going all season, thus keeping the target off their backs. I must say, I'm really enjoying the apparent fluidity between factions. It will keep things interesting to see team-switching, mini-alliances, betrayals and make-ups all season. The producers were very smart in crafting their storylines this year. Instead of watching a season-long war that never gets resolved and just ends up pissing off viewers, we will get a variety of small battles. Heather was a little taken aback to hear that! Meanwhile, Carol looks off to the side (the universal sign for "I'm not getting involved") and just keeps right on eating.
  4. I agree that Beth was being intentionally nasty. This is the third or fourth time Heather has tried to stir up unnecessary conflict between B and another Ho-wife. I think being super aggro and dismissive with Heather was her way of saying, "you're barking up the wrong tree. I shoot messengers". Going forward, Heather may think twice about acting like a self-appointed ambassador for (faux) disgruntled Housewives.
  5. Hahahahaha! I gotta lot of problems with you people! Now, you're gonna hear about it!
  6. It was funny to hear Sonja admit that the dress was just a sample. When WWHL viewers tried to order the dress on her website, they were unsuccessful.
  7. I kind of like Sonja's WWHL gown. The simple, clean lines and square neckline are giving me 90s Calvin Klein-- Sonja's favorite decade! The only thing I don't like is the high slit.
  8. I still use an iPhone 4S. And no, it's not from 1937. Dorinda's bf is a tubby douche. And Dorinda's daughter is a bushy-browed douche. What does she do, exactly? Is she a student? Working? I feel like Heather is trying to start trouble where there isn't any. And I still remember Heather not inviting Ramona to London on purpose. Bethenny's delivery was super harsh, but at least the ridiculous non-invite stupidity got shut down. Kristin's cook had exactly the right attitude. Who cares?!
  9. Gah! Jessica's face is getting bigger with each passing season. Not fatter, but wider, somehow. Her eyes seem like they're miles apart. When she was applying blusher in the beginning of the episode, it was like this enormous swath of the cheek area she had to cover. I actually jumped back like, whoa.
  10. The tone of the Today show has changed for the worse since the departures of Bryant/Jane and then Katie.
  11. For the love of all that is holy, they need to put a STOP to this prank war between Matt and Ellen. It is soooooo stupid!
  12. I can't do basic math on the spot, either. It's embarrassing. But I'd cover that up by just saying something like "a lot" or "a little less than Fredrik", instead of letting the Jeopardy theme music play while I tried to do percentage splits in my head, on national TV.
  13. I never noticed Porsha's lantern jaw until last night. I think the hairstyle she chose was unflattering. And how is a dress a child's size 4 on top and a plus size 16 on the bottom? That was one odd looking gown. But I thought all the women looked fantastic in white.
  14. I'm here all day for Mica singing the details of Geneva's ridiculous fact sheet into an unplugged mic, while lounging.
  15. All of Geneva's posturing about the arrest just loses alllll of its cred in light of her cracking bottles over people's heads. I just can't take her plight seriously.
  16. I laughed out loud when Luther said that Bradley Cooper didn't come to DC to mingle with the likes of Chuck Tood. He was escaping LA because he needed a glass of water! Oh, climate change jokes.... They're funny, because they're true.
  17. Gah! No one is interested in your lopsided tits, Kelly.
  18. Carole getting accidentally high at the club, then barfing all over her 29 year old bf in a pedicab? I swear that happened on SATC. I am reeeeeally enjoying this season so far! I would rather see Sonja in all her cougar glory than pathetically chasing after that loser Harry. The surly UES infants at Beth's party were super young, though. I guess I now live in a world where Jordache jeans are no longer part of pop culture. Interesting that Kristin was left off the guest list. It's probably that her presence would likely pull focus from the birthday girl. And because she's such a huge bore. Dorinda's daughter's eyebrows.... I don't know if I can stare at those giant caterpillars all season. Without Peter Gallagher's face under them, it's just disconcerting.
  19. Hahahahaha! So true. Tyler is like that Cowboy who just emerged out of nowhere that one time on Survivor: South Pacific. And when Tyler finally did get screen time, he bored me to tears. He is completely devoid of any type of personality. I find it difficult to root for/against someone who was MIA for half the game. He's a non-entity. Other than horrible Rodney, terrible Mike, and sourface Carolyn, I'm dying to know what the final tribal speeches will be like. It's just a bunch of barnacles. Unless the editors are hiding hours of Yalta Conference-style strategizing between Dan, Sierra, Tyler and Will.
  20. I hate everyone. This is the first time I can honestly say I don't care who wins. Every one of these castaways suck and blow.
  21. Hahahahahahaha! I just sporfled my chamomile tea reading this! I'm giggling just re-reading it. I agree that Geneva's default setting is not "courteous", and there's probably more to this story. For a cab ride to escalate to police involvement, not once, but twice, is curious. I remember a previous episode where she also got into it with the moving company. I have the distinct feeling that Geneva is a difficult customer. Nothing is ever done to her satisfaction. She probably sends her food back and micro-manages her manicurist.
  22. Demetria needs to sell her new book. But first, Demetria needs to finish it. I'm sure her salary from BSH is subsidizing her until the book is finished and on shelves/Kindles.
  23. I just laugh when the Brits try to come across all evolved and post-racial. Elect a black PM or one of East Indian descent, then get back to me. You will see what crawls out of the woodwork. Until then, shut up. Arzo is one rrrrrrrrrrough looking 36 year old. I honestly think she was laughing at Geneva's arrest, only to get a rise out of Chantelle, whose panties were in a definite twist from their previous encounter with the matchmaker. I noticed it, too. The reason people leave the UK for America is because it's so hard to "rise above your station" over there.
  24. The proper way to deal with asshole, sheisty cab drivers is to file an official complaint with the TLC. Like they say on The People's Court, don't take the law into your own hands.
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