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Mr. R0b0t

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Everything posted by Mr. R0b0t

  1. It's totally going to be Guilder right? I mean it has to be a total A-hole to want to be a part of the 12.
  2. The Dems will be labeled socialists by the right regardless of the policies they present, so why shouldn't they champion liberal policies? Doing this while pointing out the things Dems have fought for that actually benefit middle America should be the way forward, but clearly McCaskill doesn't think her constituency can handle the truth. Right now, the electoral college feels like a casino where everything is rigged for one side to win, but occasionally if things break the right way you can get a jackpot.
  3. I like this Never-Trump version of Rick Wilson. Not sure how I'm supposed to take Brazille seriously after her egregious feeding-Hillary-the-debate-questions shenanigans. McCaskill is a tough read after losing her seat and is essentially a conservative in liberals clothing so I find myself mostly side-eying her. The mid-show guest was a train wreck. Anytime you veer off into territory where you need to have Bill step in and articulate homosexual =/= pedofile, your'e in sticky territory. Underwhelming episode right in the middle of a spectacularly interesting new cycle.
  4. Kasich would be wise to pick a Dem running mate and run as an Independent ticket. I think it's his best shot and I dont even like the guy. He only seems normal compared to the batsh!t insanity we deal with every day now.
  5. I think Jennifer isn't a very good coach at all. She had arguably the most talented contestant and took her to fourth place? I think we must accept that the voting/viewing audience for this show is predominantly country music fans (due to Blake being ever-present) and the only way to keep the audience fresh is to keep the judges fresh (i.e. Alicia won with Chris Blue, but would he would have won without folks tuning in that season to see Alicia Keys???). Also, the show only embraces the concept of "The Voice" during the blinds...from there on out it's about appearance as much as any other show on TV. Five things I feel like need to happen to make this show better: 1. Rotate all of the judges. 2. Pick the rules of the game and stick with it for a while. 3. Knock it off with the time zone voting wonkery. Let everyone have a say. 4. More time between seasons (especially if you aren't rotating all the judges) 5. Raise the age limit to 18
  6. Steve was throwing 100mph fastballs the entire night. I thought I'd never forgive him for lifting morons like Palin into the national conscious, but he's won me over in the past few years. "Hitler did not come to power because fascism was strong, but because democracy was weak." I've heard him utter this phrase before and in these times it's evergreen.
  7. I don't think Bill has delusions that the Dems were going to take the Senate, but I believe he has a very good point when he says there is measured joy in the Dems taking the House because we could truly be sliding into a post-institutions world. Minorities, women, flipping state houses would be the lead story if these were normal times, but they aren't are they? Whether we want to admit it or not TRE45ON is testing our institutions daily, even hourly. Undermining the legitimate press, lying constantly, brainwashing and building his cult. I feel like I've had countless conversations with sane people who all lament over the loss of friends or family members to the cult of MAGA. It's alarming and people should be cognizant of how pernicious it all is. I am already wondering if Mueller were to finally show all the cards and we have video, audio, flight logs, phone records, and confessions about money laundering, election fraud, obstruction, et all whether it would ever get the MAGAts to wake up and stop drinking the orange kool-aid or lead us from a luke-warm to hot civil war in this country between the urban and rural Americans. Tuesday night was important. Taking the House remains important, but the most crucial thing we need to do as a country is break the spell of Cult 45.
  8. I disliked all of the Donkey Doug stuff. For me this show is starting to veer from zany characters to zany caricatures. On the other hand, I thoroughly enjoyed everything about the simulations.
  9. Why does a vampire have a dorsal fin? Even better, why is it complemented by judges who were once so strident about reasonable anatomy??? (because, Matt?)
  10. I figured it would be Brynn or Britton when you consider the viewing demo of the show. Brynn has plenty of time and room to get even better and congrats to Kelly as a first-time coach who clearly was invested. The show tonight was a bit of a mess between Chloe's "performance" and the one quartet with an the strange dance-y song. Idol was a mess last night as well... something just isn't clicking with me like it once did with either of the shows. I suspect its that both shows now seem to be more about the judges than the contestants. something something get off my lawn something
  11. Good choice America. Couldn't have gone wrong with either of the top 2 really. Does Maddie get a brand new pair of roller skates?
  12. Welp...that happened. I guess I want either Brynn or Britton to win based on body of work. Some terrible song choices tonight.
  13. Bari has naked pictures of someone, right?? Overall I felt it was a good show and good points were made by all. I liked that there was spirited discussion that didnt devolve into a shout fest.
  14. I had high hopes for this season as we worked through the auditions and Hollywood week. It could have been a helluva season.
  15. Let's give credit where credit is due... Nina RIP.
  16. That was something....a wholly original episode of television that was simultaneously disarming, frightening, and enthralling. Atlanta as a show is taking risks and I am enjoying the ride.
  17. Mr. R0b0t

    S02.E04: Helen

    100%. This should be taught to all young ladies.
  18. As the school year winds down, the undercover adults delve deeper to uncover the barriers that stand in the way of Highland Park’s success, and find students they’ve made connections with to be caught in cycles of poverty, crime, and troubled home lives. ------------------------------------- Welp...Undercover is indeed in trouble. I wonder how and why Jorge managed to get caught. As for this episode it really did feel like the undercovers were exerting a bit of pressure onto some of the kids (regardless of it coming from a good place).
  19. The ending was devastating. Her sister and ex must be absolutely destroyed and I can only hope mom got her mind right so she could deal with it in a non-destructive way. The multi-episode experiment paid off because I was much more invested in Taylor's journey than I normally would have been. I was hoping more people would "make it". It seemed like one successful recovery, a handful of people couldn't or wouldn't go back to Atlanta because they knew they weren't going to make it there. Admittedly I am a bit of a pessimist, but I don't think any of the ones they checked in with and said they were doing ok were really doing ok besides Kiersten and the brother who ran the 6k race (who's name escapes me right now).
  20. Simply put, I found last night to be filled with obnoxious judges and lacked in talented singers.
  21. I need to know how/why Claire got to do her sleepover with Baldwin while maintaining her dedicated(?) wife status? I was afraid that Harry Loyd'd double was going to whack him in the study just as he discovered the paper stains. When that barista gal Baldwin was making out with said I'll be back and got out of bed for her gratuitous nudity strut what did she go do? Lock the door? Use the bathroom? (My fiancee said she thought she was going to get a strap-on, which turned out to not be the case). This show intrigues me and I adore JKS, but its dense. I'm having some of the same challenges with Netflix's Dark in so much as there are so many characters and I feel like I'm a half step behind on the plot at all times because I'm trying to figure out who exactly I am watching and how they fit the other characters and plot.
  22. Whoever gave final approval on a talent show for children with a Showtime at the Apollo vibe is a moron. As we've seen, some of the kids are living on the razors edge for various reasons and to give them an opportunity to be boo'd mercifully on stage in front of everyone was a sad sight. It did turn out better than it could have, but I do think being on camera may have helped that outcome come to pass. I feel like there has been some wasted potential on this concept, yet I'm hanging on through the season.
  23. Students and participants stand in the spotlight when Highland Park High School hosts a student-led talent show, but the Showtime at the Apollo theme has everyone scared of getting booed off the stage.
  24. I hope that both Kiersten and David can get off the dope. I also think they both have a nasty, rude streak in them and behave immaturely. HIs mother certainly seems to enable him and it does feel like both their parents blame the other kid.
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