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Mr. R0b0t

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Everything posted by Mr. R0b0t

  1. Glad to have the gals back and not in cartoon form. The little recap at the beginning of this last batch of episodes did a lot to capture what made this series (that will not go on any further per yesterday's announcement) so unique. Hidden in the absurdities and mundanities of awkward middle school kids just trying to survive puberty are serious topics like divorce, love, loss, and what it means to be a real friend to someone.
  2. I believe he was head of cruises when some of the assaults occurred and when some of the documents were destroyed.
  3. It was a much more entertaining ep than I thought it would be. I'm still not on board with the Christie rehab tour, but it is nice to hear a Republican full-throatedly say some of the things he finally is saying. Of course he couldn't see the irony in him saying things in politics take time and people will grow away from Trump slowly, but they eventually will in contrast to why hasn't Biden flipped the world over on its axis in a mere 10 months?
  4. After tonight it appears Roman would LOVE to be part of a German nickname.
  5. Shiv could pivot out of this situation with Tom and Kendall, but this isn't that sort of show. Top 5 episode of the show IMO. Very disappointed, if not disturbing to see Roman embrace and flirt with fascism and a fascist all at once. I do wonder if Tom is so toxic and pending jail time why he would be in a photo with the family and the possible presidential nominee. Low-key such a great Tom episode and while everyone on the show is a terrible person I find myself rooting for him for some reason. I think the Coke thing is a subtle hat tip to a certain former Presidents Coca-Cola obsession.
  6. This whole episode felt a little off to me for some reason. Maybe I need to revisit it.
  7. I actually enjoyed the conversation with O'Leary and was hoping Bill would point out how much Tesla has gotten in government subsidies (approx $4.9 billion give or take) to fund some of his ventures. I enjoyed both panelists and the discussions this week, but would have liked to hear even more, especially from Smiley. As a former prosecutor I would have liked to hear Schiff's perspective on the goings on in the courtroom for the Rittenhouse case.
  8. I will say this about S3, the actor is legit good at playing a bad guy and will be a monumental step up from all iterations of Dodge.
  9. I'm not sure I loved this episode all that much. The long death march felt like a strange conceit and then it felt like Kendall seized on it and tried to accelerate his fathers demise...until he didn't. The tattoo subplot felt off-kilter to me also. I do love Tom slowly becoming unmoored.
  10. -Well I am glad we have the vaccines and for their role in getting the country back to normal even if Bill isn't. -This was the most I've liked Dyson in any appearance I can remember (and probably the most subdued and un-preachy he's ever come across) -Bill actually didn't interrupt much and it was smart to let black folks with lived experiences do the talking on race issues -I wish someone would have pointed out all of the police misconduct coming to light out of places like Oklahoma and Louisiana recently. Or pointed out the "Constitutional Sheriff" movement which is predominantly white police officers deciding they will only enforce the laws they want to and in the ways they see fit. Dangerous times and so many bad apples.
  11. I think it's hard to humanize the Sacklers because they barely qualify as human. As for individual Sacklers, these aren't the kind of people that have huge social circles so getting a good idea of their personalities in 3D must be difficult. I highly recommend the John Oliver breakdowns of this topic:
  12. Fair warning if you do watch Unbelievable, which she is outstanding in...it's not really light-hearted material much like this show.
  13. Um...off the top of my head, an emotional/physical affair with someone outside of your relationship. Is there some other definition I should be aware of? After finishing S3 last night I recognized Ola and Aimes are both in faithful relationships with their partners.
  14. Dang, does everyone cheat on their partner in this show? Not saying that cheating doesn't happen, but we're batting a thousand here. Given the cast if Eric-Adam are off, then Rahim will be paired with one of them again. Well-played on that small moment of terror that Eric had been set up in Nigeria for something nefarious to happen to him. I felt a sincere moment of dread there. Getting real sick of Jakab's sh!t. Was the show strongly hinting that Hope was going to pay for Maeve to do the G&T program (at least until Hope got the bad news from the fertility clinic and realized she may need money for another round) or am I crazy?
  15. -Um, keeping a pet in your locker overnight? Ruby is dead to me, full-stop. -I really enjoyed the fellas "going all the way" dance up the stairs. -Peaches meets a cappella was certainly something I didn't know I needed in my life. -Interesting how they finally addressed the dirty deleted text message from the end of S2. Probably the only way to attempt a redemption of Isaac
  16. Especially considering the only pages missing from the journal info dump were the ones about him.
  17. She looked like someone tried to draw Laura Kightlinger from memory.
  18. The "I can change" song during the plate smashing scene was doing a lot of the heavy lifting that the plot should have been doing to redeem Groff the Younger. After the absolute bully he was for 99.9% of S1, I didn't really think the character could be redeemed ever, much less within a handful of episodes. It also strikes me as very out of character for Eric to be into his bully. Pretty much the only wrong note in the show for me so far.
  19. I'm glad we finally did get to hear what the letter said, but to be fair Shiv said no lies. Kendall was comparing himself to Alexander the Great (pretty sure that was it) just last week.
  20. Yes, it's frustrating, but if they really believe they threw Dodge into the blue light of doom or whatever, then why would they suspect Dodge to still be around?
  21. Completely agree, but I don't find myself sucked into this show for its plot complexity.
  22. If I could like this comment 1000X I would. There is enough in the Mueller report and through verifiable reporting to see what happened between the Russians and 45's campaign. The administration also threw enough obfuscation into the mix (along with certain infotainment tv channels) to distract those who didn't want to bother with knowing the whole story. Tiabbi has been a bit of a zamboni trying to whitewash over these things and I cannot figure out why.
  23. The closing rant was a microcosm of Bill's slide into old-man-yelling-at-cloud-ism. Mike Richards was an absolute snake of a guy and the podcasts were the tip of the iceberg. Won't someone on his staff point this out to him??? I actually enjoyed the panel (although if I ever hear the word tribalism again it will be too soon). Dan Savage up there giving lessons to Bill was both awesome and terrible in that if Dan hadn't been there to give it would Bill still be confused or flat out bitching and complaining about AOC with no damn idea what he's talking about? Likely. Does Bill know how to use google? Despite it all I still love the show, but more and more it's due to the guests and the format. I hope when Bill hangs it up that someone else can do a show like this one and it's on HBO so that it can remain unfiltered.
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