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Everything posted by Lokiberry

  1. I've been watching this for past couple of weeks. It's not up to the standards of the old JL series, but it's not bad. Besides, they not only have Kevin Conroy as Batman, but Mark Hamil as Swamp Thing AND the Joker. It was pretty awesome. Each episode is about 10 minutes long, so it not too time consuming for those who are wary about trying to fit yet another series into their lives.
  2. I thought this was the best episode yet. They did a great job with Hector and Julian's relationship. It was just so sad. What was Julian supposed to have done that landed him in the black site? Was he a terrorist? Everyone in a position of authority seems to be screwed: Steven, Robert and Valerie (although she might be in the least amount of trouble, since the only thing she did was have her own stash of weapons).I wonder who'll end up in charge since we know there's going to be another season?
  3. It's fun, and it's always a treat to hear Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamil again. The short length will limit the kind of stories they can tell, but it's enjoyable for what it is.
  4. This is the problem for me, because while Amaya is a huge improvement over Kendra, Nate doesn't come close to equaling Snart. I know this is unfair and WM brought something special to the role, but they should have tried harder with his replacement than generic white DoucheBro. That being said, I did enjoy this episode: Sara's long awaited beat down of Malcolm, Sara in the flapper dress, Mick convincing Amaya to be Bonnie to his Clyde, his hallucination of Snart; in fact, everything Mick was fantastic. This has really been his season to shine. I'm interested in seeing where they're going with Mick and Amaya, romance or friendship: they both work for me. I just hope they haven't abandoned his partnership with Ray, that was compelling. Using Ray to prop up Nate? Not so much.
  5. Wasn't Stein there at the end of Flash S01 when Barry fought Reverse Flash? Shouldn't he know who he is?
  6. My memory might be faulty, but wasn't Prof. Stein involved at the end of Flash S01, when Barry was fighting Reverse Flash? He must have been because Ronnie Raymond died in the black hole that opened up over Central City. He should know who RF is.
  7. But that's how it started; Oliver and Sara made a mistake, spent years suffering and in darkness because of it, and then came back and became heroes. By having her say, "it started with us", they are acknowledging Sara's earned role in the Flarrowverse. I appreciate that because it wasn't that long ago that they ripped the costume, name, and legacy off her back and gave it to her useless sister because comics. As for scrubbing the triangle because Sara's a lesbian, they didn't do that. They said "prefer" not exclusive to.
  8. For me, I quit watching (again) a few episodes ago, ostensibly out of disgust over Baby Sara, but really because the straws kept piling on until the camel said, "Fuck you". I first stopped watching when they fridged Sara, and didn't come back until the following season. My eyeballs might have returned, but my goodwill didn't. The bad writing, unnecessary relationship wangst, the newbies, and finally "upgrading" Baby Sara for a Precious Boy Child have all upset me so much and for so long that I don't care enough about the show to deal with it anymore. I'll watch the crossover because it's connected to the other shows that I am watching; after that I'm done. It's not because I'm angry. I was angry, I rage quit when Sara died. Now I'm just tired.
  9. He better be Mick's, or I'm going to pitch a fit. Nate doesn't deserve Ray. If Sara hadn't been such a good shot, Hex would have died waiting for Nate to finish catching bullets in his teeth and save him. The best part of this episode, besides everything Mick related, was Sara getting so much of the Jonah Hex A-story. Last season, she got stuck as wingman in Kendra's endless relationship woes through most of the episode. I'm sorry Rip wasn't in this one, as I ship Time Hex pretty hard.
  10. Is Turncoat the American Revolution episode? If so, it probably refers to Benedict Arnold. It might also have a double meaning and refer to one of the crew. Unfortunately, that would point to Rip, although it would make me gleefully happy if it was Nate.
  11. Wow, that was really horrible; except for the Alex part, which while being badly written, was at least well acted. Also, this show has basically become Buffy the Vampire Slayer since moving to the CW. First off, the DEO just letting the only survivor of an X-Files type arctic disaster/plague wander off into the general populace because CLIMATE CHANGE NEEDS TO BE ADDRESSED NOW BY SOME PROFESSOR is ridiculous. Since when do government agencies care about climate change? Then, there's Idiot Boyfriends #1 and #2. Idiot Boyfriend #1, let's just call him Spike, is now making a living beating up demons who don't pay their gambling debts. Did I say demons? Silly me, I meant aliens! There's now an entire not-at-all-demon sub culture in National City that the super secret not-demon fighting agency totally failed to notice last year. Anyway, Kara is super pissed that skeevy Spike-El is doing skeevy things instead of being a hero. This leads to Spike-El trying his hand at heroics, and of course, he gets kidnapped by Cadmus. They're gonna put a chip in his head. Next up is Idiot Boyfriend #2: Jimmy? James? Ah, it's Riley! His lust for capes (and those who wear them) has reached a fever pitch, and he convinces Wannabe Boyfriend #3 (Xander) to build him a super suit so he can be a hero just like the cool (hot) kids. Xander agrees out of hero worship, and barely contained homoerotic longing. It all works out surprisingly well, as in nobody actually dies. "Guardian" ends the episode eagerly anticipating his future as a costumed crime fighter and how turned on Kara/Clark will be the when they learn the truth, while Xander stares at him with big, loving heart eyes. Stay tuned to future episodes for Alex's magic addiction, and Kara's season long depression because she's alive and not deeeeaaaaaad! Grr Argh
  12. That's not what's happening. I'm watching MSNBC and they're playing as just a fight. There's a lot of commentary about how his rallies always have an air of violence about them.
  13. Okay, why didn't Zombie!Mick bite Ray when he was unconcious? I mean, he knocked him out and left him there un-chewed on, and then was pretty eager to make a meal out of Stein. Did his "bromantic" feelings counter the zombie urges? Yeah, I know I'm reading too much into typical flarrowverse bad writing, but I'm trying to find something enjoyable in this episode and Mick and Ray are it. I didn't like the zombies, or super scared Stein. They tried too hard with the slavery story, and the writing was cringe worthy. Also, I truly, deeply hate Nate.
  14. Butch was with Fish when she fixed up that girl to look like Falcone's mother and sent her after him; so he's probably the one behind Isabella. Of course, Penguin knows about that, so if he can get hold of his emotions and use his brain, he should remember. I wonder if this plot is intended to knock Ed down a peg. He's had an awful lot of victories lately where he's been the smartest guy in the room. Maybe it's Penguin's turn to step up, figure things out and be the "hero".
  15. Rip disappeared, and no one knows where he is. It's been implied that he will at least come back in some capacity, but the actor hasn't been on set for months and is in London right now.
  16. I'm with you. I've always loved Gotham because I'm a big Batman nerd, but this last episode, wow! The Nygmobblepot hit me like a runaway bus, I did not see it coming. Perhaps I'm just slow. My poor shipper heart had been broken so many time, that I had just given up, and then there it was! Anyway, I'm worn out with the Flarrowverse. Arrow has had all the life sucked out of it: new characters that I don't care about, and all the old relationships gone or changed beyond recognition. The Flash, for the second season in a row, is all about Barry's stupidity; only this year he gets to take down other shows too. LOT has lost both Cold and Rip, and replaced them with a boring, vanilla goody two-shoes. We have Ray for that, we don't need anyone else! Only Supergirl is still holding my attention, and who knows what it's going to be like now that Cat Grant is gone
  17. Preach it. Aging up Ivy is downright skeevy. Hey, maybe Babs and Tabs will turn on each other over a lover's quarrel. Would that damage the show? If not, then why should Ed and Oswald having a messy and blood soaked breakup be a problem? Gordon and Barbara got crazy and bloody and it was awesome. This show is at it's best when it remembers that it's about batshit crazy people doing batshit crazy things.
  18. Great review. I agree, this was one of the best episodes of the series. It didn't get bogged down with Jim Gordon's wangst, but made use of the entire cast and their convoluted relationships. The stand out was Ed. Every scene, every character he interacted with, was gold. I spent the episode wondering whether it was Butch or Oswald he was double and triple crossing, and was delighted by the resolution. This show can be so good when it doesn't over focus on Gordon. The supporting characters are just so compelling. I'd gladly watch a show about Penguin/Nygma/Babs/Tabitha/Butch. Throw in some Zsasz and the Zsaszettes and I'd be in heaven.
  19. Joe's entire attitude today can be summed up by one word: fear. He knows the Orange Nightmare is losing, and is worried that it might turn into a landslide that takes the house and the senate as well. That's what's behind the whining about the terribly unfair media coverage, and his insistence that there are troves of hidden trump supporters hiding in the bushes, waiting to jump out and grab us by the ballot.
  20. First, Joe, so what if the Clinton campaign had anything to do with this? If Jeb! and Teddy had done their oppo homework, we could have been spared this national septic tank explosion. Second, I' m sorry to be the one to tell you, but there's not going to be a Trump tv network. Networks require advertisers, and Trump is toxic and only likely to get more so before it's over. And finally, on Nov. 9, the cable news networks are going to want to scrub all traces of this filth off them. I wouldn't be surprised if Fox even ditched Hannity. For MSNBC, the stench coagulates around your show. You should have been happy with that $8 mil. because you might not have it much longer.
  21. Good for her. Nicole irritates me sometimes, but at least she has intelligent things to say, unlike Mika's endless concern trolling about Hillary Clinton. Joe's Clinton Hate Boner has addled his thinking. How is Trump turning his guns on the Republican party going to get his numbers up in the polls? And about that potential Trump/Bannon/Ailes/Alt-right/So far to the right it makes Fox look like Bernie Sanders; who's going to advertise on it? Skittles? Tic Tacs? Cheetos? Also his sneering at Al Gore was disgusting. Gore has spent his post-political career fighting to save the planet. What's Joe ever done besides take millions of dollars to babble stupidity to America's early risers?
  22. Fuck you, Barry for Baby Sara and Dante. At least Jay slapped some sense into him (unfortunately without any actual slapping).
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